HomeMy WebLinkAboutHistorical-04-09-19MONTANA HISTORICAL AND ARCH ITECTU RAL I NVENTORY Slte,f Ligal De$ctiptiEn:- {:uy ? je ?ni n T-nrs N. Sf t r/R1 lr I - a..trlr.ss. 418 South Bozeman Ownprehin:Montana Get Ar*av. Inc. O privalofl oubllc address:Gallatin Block. #5 Roll# 73 rramen 2A q) r-. J,trA r-' "*t* l- + -p.,\ i\ tIJ 3..}a.{t STOFf/ ri __"-._r_--s-ivt\ Locrilon m.p or lulldlne plJl rylth lttDrv noni, Historic f,fryne,,-- - NOne - common lrtams Nong - E ectlmatad Dateof Constructio@ & documanrad A.crrt*r , " *UnknOwn Builds& Original Or.rn Origlnal Uso: , Racid**nna - presentUEo,, Rgsidence"",.* "" ._ R€ssarch Sources: B rb*lr*torttttr D citydtr.crori.n 8l d.lrlcordlrmrgr tfact 0 r.y.rrw.tdptrmit! E trrcardr E outuarto E a*ulrg panr*t E bbgil$t . !0 srnlon nrr -a-" I QO/l Bibliographr sewer Permit, 1912, J. G. I{tlllans Department of Sanitation PHYSICAL DESCfiIPTION; Descrlba present appearanc€ ot slructurersite, then contrest antl compare thal wlth it's original appeararlce, noting addllkma, alteratlonE, and changos ln matcrialg. Oltcuss slgnllicsnt archltBcturel lealures. This detached one-and-one-half story single-family residence has a rectangu'lar plan with an enclosed front porch with a hipped roof. The two-bay facadeis asynrmetrical and consists of an offset front entrance with three-peled fixed-windoi^rs"and l/l double-hung windows. The frame construglfign.,i#','. finished in'masonite siding over novelty siding. T Jl P,o'i6red eaves.with grey asphalt shingles and features dormers There is a central brick chimney. Alterations rear t i th a shed roof . Outbui'ldi ngs i ncl ude a ano ov include garage. addition of the ':. i,hit'Y '' fit L