HomeMy WebLinkAboutDoor specs1-0720 S I M K I N S H A L L I N Cash Quotation 326 N.Broadway-PO Box 938-Bozomnn,Montane 59771-0938 Phono 406-586-5495-Fax 406-586.2653- 1.800.823-8733 Quote No 297275 Quote Date 07/08/2020 Invoice Address Delivery Address Customer "-CASH SALE " "'CASH CUSTOMER"' "'CASH CUSTOMER'" Job Rol 01 Cash Customer David King new home Contact Your Rol 111-11-1111 Takon By William(Bubba)Lolondro Dolivory By 07/08/2020-WEDNESDAY Page 1 of 1 Special Instructions - Notes --- - w_- "'Itumrt rulunus'd If Inillrtlly paid by check will bo rofundod within 7-10 business days by chock"' Line Product Code Description Clty/Footage Prlco Per Total 1 zz-SP-DOOR_121399 2468 1 3/8"6 Illu w/latlln ulched glass 4 9116 hemlock 1 oa 933.33 ea 933,33 2 zz_SP-DOOR_121400 2668 1 3/8"f-44 4 pnnul fir 4 9116 hemlock 2 oa 291,34 v.1 582.68 3 u_SP-DOOR_121401 2068 1 3/8"f-44 4 pnnul fir 4 0/16 hemlock 1 oa 279,33 mi 279,33 4 zz SP-DOOR_121402 3068 hollow care smooth blfold to be cut down ny ownwo 2 oa 156,67 vo 313.34 Total Welght 0001 Total Amount $2.108 6H Solos Tax $0.00 Quotation Total $2,108 68 By ynur rliunntttrn holow,you pro ouroebtu to thu Turmn 8 Condlllonn of nnin nail forth on Iltu hack of Oda docwnunl. Buyer Dnio It not bald wilhm bans,I underoland Met I nntllabla la pay Inr nil Itnnnra char0as(116%APH),ytd VMtly cuilocliun cowl cuetalten,all ranannnhin rnun cnots and attomey bee tucwted uy smikuu Hailut.Inc 5 inkhta Hullin.Inc.chnt0n accounts are duo the 101h at the IniioWn0 munlh(Net 101h) Tetnu 6 Cundlllune of onto ma on thn hnrk or this docurnoid almkina Hnlltn delivem onto private properly at cualomor'o direction Cuslitimi neaunme risk end reapnnalhinty Inr resulionO piopony daninUo utiless Slntkhte Hollln lira acted na0ltpantly 7/812020 12;14;OOPM Pago 1 of 1