HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-01-20 .-.-....--. .-... -.----...-....-.. - -..---..... ----.."....-... THE CITY OF B 0 Z E MAN, MONTANA COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA Tuesday, January 20,2004 1. Call to Order - 7:00 p.m. 2. Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence 3. Minutes - January 12, 2004 4. Consent Items - a. Authorize Acting City Manager to sign - Annexation Agreement with Chuck Hinesley, representing the Hinesley Family Limited Partnership, and Sidney and Ethel M. Dykstra - 159.7130 acres described as Lots 1, 2 and 3, Minor Subdivision No. 201 (north side of Durston Road, north of Valley West Subdivision) b. Commission Resolution No. 3649 - annexing 159.7130 acres described as Lots 1, 2 and 3, Minor Subdivision No. 201 (north side of Durston Road, north of Valley West Subdivision) c. Ordinance No. 1610 - zone map amendment - establishing initial municipal zoning designations of R-2, R-3A, R-3, R-4, B-1 and PLI on 159.7130 acres described as Lots 1, 2 and 3, Minor Subdivision No. 201 (north side of Durston Road, north of Valley West Subdivision); provisionally adopt and bring back in two weeks for final adoption d. Approval of final plat for Laurel Glen Subdivision, Phase I - subdivide 61.2199 acres in southwest quadrant of Laurel Glen Subdivision into 121 lots and parkland (portion of Lots 1, 2 and 3, Minor Subdivision No. 201, located along north side of Durston Road, north of Valley West Subdivision) e. Authorize Acting City Manager to sign easements for Laurel Glen Subdivision, Phase I, as follows: Acceptance of (1) Public Street and Utility Easement and Agreement for 90-foot-wide easement across Lots 1 and 2, Minor Subdivision No. 201 ; (2) Public Park Easement containing 84,822 square feet on Lot 2, Minor Subdivision No. 201; (3) Sewer Pipeline Access Easement and Agreement for 30-foot-wide easement across Lots 1 and 2, Minor Subdivision No. 201; (4) Public Street and Utility Easement and Agreement for 60-foot-wide easement across Lots 1, 2 and 3, Minor Subdivision No. 201, along north side of Durston Road; and (5) Public Stormwater Drainage and Retention Easement on a portion of Lot 1, Minor Subdivision No. 201 f. Approval of final plat for Alder Creek Subdivision, Phase I - subdivide 19.9994 acres into 62 lots (northeast quadrant of Alder Creek Subdivision, along west side of South Third Avenue, south of Allison Subdivision, Phase II) g. Acknowledge receipt of staff report - annexation of 40 acres described as Tract B, COS No. 2389 as requested by C&H Engineering for John Rosa (3833 Durston Road) (A-03008) (DM) h. Commission Resolution No. 3650 - intent to annex 40 acres described as Tract B, COS No. 2389 (3833 Durston Road); set public hearing for February 23, 2004 City Commission meetings are open to all members of the public. If you have a disability that requires assistance, please contact our ADA Coordinator, Ron Brey, at 582-2306 (TOO 582-2301). Page 1 of 2 --- --------------------- ...-----...---".-- i. Ordinance No. 1609 - setting Acting City Manager's salary, effective January 13, 2004; provisionally adopt and bring back in two weeks for final adoption j. Appointment of Commissioner Krauss and Commissioner Youngman to sub- committee to review Pledged Securities as of December 31,2003 k. Claims Motion and vote to approve, and authorize and direct the appropriate persons to complete the necessary actions 5. Public comment Limited to any public matter within the jurisdiction of the City Commission not on this agenda; 3-minute time limit per speaker 6. Public hearing - Certificate of Appropriateness to allow change in use of existing garage/art studio to garagelstudio apartment on Lot 3, Block 8, Beall's Third Addition, with deviations from Section 18.16.040, to allow accessory dwelling unit on lot with less than 6,000 square feet and 60-foot width, and from Section 18.46.040, to allow one on-site parking space rather than the required two spaces - Glade R. Young, 318 North 3rd Avenue (Z-03299) (AS) Conduct public hearing; motion and vote (to or not to approve) 7. Public hearing - Zone Map Amendment - Morrison-Maierle, Inc., for Dennis Balian and Gary Metcalf - amend initially approved municipal zoning designation from R-2 to R-O on 11 acres and from R-2 to R-3 on 29 acres described as Tract A, CDS No. 2389 (northwest corner of intersection of Durston Road and Cottonwood Road extended) (Z-03277) (JM) Conduct public hearing; motion and vote (to or not to approve) 8. Discussion re change in Commission meeting time Discussion; possible motion and vote to direct staff to bring back resolution enacting change 9. Continued discussion re selection process for new City Manager (Previously Item 10 on January 12 agenda) Discussion; possible direction to staff 10. Discussion - FYI Items - Updates from Commissioners - Updates from City Manager and other staff members 11. Adjournment Motion and vote to adjourn Page 2 of 2 -------- -----