HomeMy WebLinkAboutVII.a - Site Plan Review Criteria 05-05-2020 (2)Meets Code? Yes Meets Code? Yes Meets Code? NA NA Meets Code? Yes Meets Code? Yes Yes Yes SITE PLAN REVIEW APPROVAL CRITERIA BMC 38.230.100 Comments: The designated street frontage is Mixed. This proposal complies with all setback requirements. Relationship to adjacent properties standards 38.520.030 (light and air access and privacy)and angled setback plane 38.360.030 Comments: The PUDP application is accompanied by a Mater Site Plan. This application intends to follow all procedures outlined in 38.230. 5. Conformance with zoning provisions of article 3 38.320.100 Permitted uses 38.310 Commercial/Office/Apartments/Townhouses Form and intensity standards 38.320 Zoning B-2 Setbacks (feet) Structures Parking / Loading Yes (Mixed) Sacco - 10'NA Rear 10'10' Condominium ownership NA Comments: condominiumization of this site will happen at a later date in the future after the PUDP has been approved. 4. Conformance with Plan Review for applicable permit types as specified in article 2 Section 38.230 Site Plan & PUDP Front (Mixed) Tschache - 10' Alley 5'NA 1. Conformance to and consistency with the City’s adopted growth policy 38.100.040 B Growth Policy Land Use Regional Commercial and Services Zoning B-2, Community Business District Comments: B-2 is an allowed zone in the Regional Commercial and Services Growth Policy Land Use Category. Furthermore, this application meets several goals and policy outlined in the Growth Policy. Please refer to narrative section VII: statement about planning objectives. 2. Conformance to this chapter, including the cessation of any current violations 38.200.160 Current Violations None Side 5'8' Comments: Currently are no violations on site 3. Conformance with all other applicable laws, ordinances, and regulations 38.100.080 Conflicts None NA Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NA Yes Yes Yes NA NA Yes Meets Code? Yes 38.360.090 - Condos - A Condo Associatiation will be created in a later application. Condominiumization is not proposed with this application. 38.360.240 - Townhouse/Rowhouse Dwellings - Rowhouses dwellings meet all additional review criteria. Community Health Partners Building - 31' Family Promise Building - 29' Community Building - 24' Allowed if Roof Pitch is over 3:12 - see 38.320.050. note 7 for additional height 44’ 24 Unit Buildings - 40' Row House Buildings - 36' Height Comments: The proposed building meets B-2 height standards and lot coverage standards. Comments: This Project does not lie in the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District (NCOD) or the Entryway Corridor Overlay District. General land use standards and requirements 38.350 Comments: This proposal complies with 38.350. Fences are going to be a maximum of 6' tall. Applicable supplemental use criteria 38.360 Supplemental uses/type Mechanical equipment Comments: All exterior equipment will be screened with landscaping or an architectural feature. Overlay District Standards (NCOD) 38.340 Traffic Impact Study /Yes Transportation grid NA Comments: TIS was required and is located in Appendix C. Street dedication NA Yes Wireless facilities 38.370 Affordable Housing 38.380.010 NA Affordable housing plan Comments: Affordable housing plan is located in Appendix E. 6a(1). Conformance with the community design provisions of article 4: Transportation facilities and access 38.400 Street vision Yes Yes Secondary access Yes Building Height Requirements 38.320.010-.060 Yes Lot coverage 51%Allowed 100% Senior Building - 40 ’ 12 Unit Buildings - 41' Applicable zone specific or overlay standards 38.330-340 Yes Meets Code? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Meets Code? NA NA 6a(3) Loading and Unloading areas Loading and unloading area requirements 38.540.080 Loading and unloading NA Crosswalks (must be contrasting material) Curb ramps Pedestrian lighting Comments: A 7' wide pathway provides internal pedestrian circulation. Additionally, that pathway connects to the sidewalk pathway system that is proposed along Sacco Dr. and Tschache Ln. Access easements Yes Dedication of right-of-way or easements necessary for pedestrian, shared use pathway and similar transportation facilities 6a(2). Conformance with the community design provisions of article 4: Pedestrian and vehicular ingress and egress 38.400 Design of the pedestrian and vehicular circulation systems to assure that pedestrians and vehicles can move safely and easily both within the site and between properties and activities within the neighborhood area Vehicle accesses to site 2 Pedestrian access location(s) Site vision triangles Fire lanes, curbs, signage and striping Non-automotive transportation and circulation systems, design features to enhance convenience and safety across parking lots and streets, including, but not limited to Special Improvement Districts Yes Comments: There are 2 accesses for this project one off Sacco Dr (Private) and one off Tschache Ln. Both access meet the min distance separations and width requirements. Please see Appendix G for draft SID waiver. Parking requirements of 38.540 Required parking nonresidential 89 Yes Required parking residential 349 Reductions - Landscaping in Lieu 5 spaces Reductions — transit availability 10% Provided parking off street 351 On street parking 21 Yes Drive access locations and widths Yes Number of drive accesses 2 Parking Lot Accesses Yes Street easements NA Comments: we are providing 2 pathways to break up the maximum block length. We are proposing a relaxation to reduce the minimum width from 25' to the 7' width of the trail. Comments: Please refer to Section VI: Relaxations for additional information on parking relaxations. NA NA Meets Code? Yes Yes Yes NA Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Meets Code? Yes YesWildlife habitat or feeding area preservation Parkland Cash-in-lieu for maximum known density not to exceed 12 units/acre/ac.). Yes 7.21 ac. X 12 units/ac. X 0.03 ac.= 2.59 ac. Comments: this site contains a delineated wetland. This project proposes to redevelop an existing trail in minor portions of Zone 1 of the Watercourse set back. The trail currently exists within Zone 1 and 2. Comments: all open space will be maintained by the developer Comments: CIL of water rights will be paid in the amount of $79,462. These numbers are based on Preliminary Calculations from Brian Heaston Site Surface Drainage and stormwater control 38.410.080 Location, design and capacity Landscaping per 38.410.080.H Comments: NA Grading 38.410.080 Maximum 1:4 slope requirements met 6c. Park and recreation requirements 38.420 Enhancement of natural environment Lot and bock standards 38.410.040 Rights of way for pedestrians alternative block delineation Comments: we are requesting a relaxation to minimize the width of the ROW from 10' to 7' Provisions for utilities including efficient public services and utilities 38.410.050-060 Municipal infrastructure requirements Easements (City and public utility rights-of-way etc.) Water, sewer, and stormwater Other utilities (electric, natural gas, communications) CIL of water First Berth (min. 70 feet length, 12 feet in width and 14 feet in height) NA Additional Berths (min. 45 feet length) NA 6b Community design and element provisions 38.410 Comments: NA Comments: NA. No off-street loading berths are required for this use. Yes Yes Meets Code? Yes Yes NA Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesBuilding Design 38.530 Comments: Please see Section VI: for all relaxation that pertaining to building design. Comments: Site Planning and Design Elements 38.520 Design and arrangement of the elements of the plan (e.g., buildings, circulation, open space and landscaping, etc.) so that activities are integrated with the organizational scheme of the community, neighborhood, and other approved development and produce an efficient, functionally organized and cohesive developmentRelationship to adjacent properties 38.520.030 Non-motorized circulation and design 38.520.040 Vehicular circulation and parking 38.520.050 Comments: The property conforms to light and air access standards along the side property line. There is appropriate pedestrian and vehicular circulation to the property. Design and arrangement of elements of the plan (e.g., buildings circulation, open space and landscaping, etc.) in harmony with the existing natural topography, natural water bodies and water courses, existing vegetation, and to contribute to the overall aesthetic quality of the site configuration Comments: Pedestrian entrances for the commercial buildings is along an internal parking area. Subsequently, both commercial buildings have pedestrian entrances along Tschache as well. Cash donation in-Iieu CIL)$180513 Improvements in-lieu Yes Comments: IIL with CIL proposed for remainder after IIL 7a-c. Conformance with the project design provisions of Article 5, Compatibility, Design and Arrangement Compatibility with, and sensitivity to, the immediate environment of the site and the adjacent neighborhoods and other approved development relative to architectural design, building mass, neighborhood identity, landscaping, historical character, orientation of buildings on the site and visual integration Block Frontage Standards 38.510 Structured parking facility development standards 38.510.030.M Comments: Block frontage standards for this project is Mixed along Sacco and Tschache. Meets Code? Yes NA Additional NA NA Yes Irrigation: plan, water source, system type Yes Trees for residential adjacency Yes Performance points NA City rights-of-way and parks NA Fencing and walls NA Comments: Project appears to meets requirements. Yes Tree plantings for boulevard ROW, drought-resistant seed Yes Public ROW boulevard strips NA Irrigation and maintenance provisions for ROW Yes State ROW landscaping NA 7d. Conformance with the project design provisions of Article 5, Landscaping including the enhancement of buildings, appearance of vehicular use, open space and pedestrian area and the preservation of replacement of natural vegetation Submittal requirements for landscape plans 38.220.100 Mandatory landscaping 38.550.050 Yes Yard Yes Additional screening NA Parking lot screening NA Interior parking lot landscape Yes Off-street Ioading spaces screening NA Street frontage Yes Street median island NA Acceptable landscape materials Yes Protection of landscape areas Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Meets Code? Yes Yes Yes Meets Code? Yes Yes Yes Meets Code? MAX 400SF Monument sign max 32 SF 0 Meets Code? Yes Yes Yes Residential Rowhouses Commercial 25,150 SF 2,400 SF 1,934 SF Service area and mechanical equipment landscaping and screening 38.520.070 Open space Comments: Project appears to meets requirements. 7e. Conformance with the project design provisions of Article 5, Open Space OpenSpaceSecton38.520.060 Total required 29,483 SF Comments: No signs are being applied for with this application. Any future signage will comply with the Bozeman Municipal Code that is in effect at the time of submittal. 8a-c. Conformance with environmental and open space objectives in articles 4- 6Enhancement of natural environment: Integrated stormwater, LID, removal of inappropriate fill Grading On-site retention/detention Comments: On site retention/detention meets Engineering standards. Comments: Residential open space is provided in the form of common open space along the east side of the site adjacent to the class 2 trail and private balconies. The Rowhouse private open space has been provided with 12' x 12' fenced in backyards. Commercial open space is shown on in the shape of plazas adjacent to the Commercial Buildings. 7f. Conformance with the project design provisions of Article 5, Lighting 38.570 Building-mounted lighting (cutoff and temperature) Site lighting (supports, cutoff and temperature) Minimum light trespass at property line Comments: The proposed building mounted lighting and site lighting meets standards. 7g. Conformance with the project design provisions of Article 5, Signage 38.560 Allowed (sq. ft)/building Yes Proposed (sq. ft) Total provided 31,720 SF Site planning and design required 38.520 Pedestrian area landscaping, including pathways and internal circulation 38.520.040 Internal roadway landscaping 38.520.050 Open space landscaping 38.520.060 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Meets Code? Yes Yes NA Yes Meets Code? Yes Meets Code? NA NA NA NA Meets Code? Reciprocal access and NA Mutual access easement and NA Comments: NA 10. Other related matters, including relevant comment from affected parties 38.220 Public Comment Comments: Public notice has been conducted. No public comment was received 11. If the development includes multiple lots that are interdependent for circulation or other means of addressing requirement of this title, whether the lots are either: Configured so that the sale of individual lots will not alter the approved configuration or use of the property or cause the development to become nonconforming OR Are the subject of reciprocal and perpetual easements or other agreements to which the City is a party so that the sale of individual lots will not cause one or more elements of the development to become nonconforming. 38.410.060 Subdivision exemption 12. Phasing of development 38.230.020.B including buildings and infrastructure NA Required Easements NA Watercourse and wetland protections and associated wildlife habitats If the development is adjacent to an existing or approved public park or public open space area, have provisions been made in the plan to avoid interfering with public access to and use of that area Comments: This project is located adjacent to the Walton ditch. A PROST designated trail also run on the east side of the site. 9. Conformance with the natural resource protection provisions of articles 4•6 Watercourse setback 38.410.100 Watercourse setback planting plan Floodplain regulations 38.600 Wetland regulations 38.610 Drainage design Stormwater maintenance plan 38.410.030.A Stormwater feature: landscaping amenity, native species, curvilinear, 75% live vegetationComments: Meets Engineering standards Yes Meets Code? NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Certificate of appropriateness standards Secretary of the Interiors Standards for new construction Introduction Chapter 2: Guidelines for all properties Chapter 4b: Guidelines for commercial areas outside of Main Street Historic District Comments: Appendices Architectural appearance Proportion of doors and windows Relationship of building masses and spaces Roof shape Scale Directional expression, with regard to the dominant horizontal or vertical expression Architectural details Concealment of non-period appurtenances, such as mechanical equipment Materials and color schemes Phasing No # of phases 1 Comments: One phase is proposed. 13. Standards for certificate of appropriateness and Conformance with the NCOD Guidelines 38.340.050 Comments: Comments: