HomeMy WebLinkAboutVII - Statement of Planning Objectives 05-05-2020May 2020 PRELIMINARY PUD: Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park Section VII: Statement of Planning Objectives - Pg. 1 Section F: Statement of Planning Objectives (a) Statement of applicable City land use policies and objectives achieved by the proposed plan and how it furthers the implementation of the Bozeman Community Plan; City land use policies and objectives are detailed in several documents, including the Strategic Plan and the 2009 Bozeman Community Plan. Furthermore, the current update to the Community Plan contains additional themes that are important to consider. The following narrative speaks to each of the aforementioned documents and the nature of how this project supports the requirements of those documents. Strategic Plan: • An Engaged Community - This project is an integral component of the community’s ongoing housing affordability conversation, providing much needed quality multifamily housing and senior living options. Throughout the design and development of this project the applicant has invited input from city representatives, city staff, neighbors, and community development experts. The involvement of this myriad of voices has encouraged more representative site design that is attuned the future residents and employees of the site. The project is LIHTC funded and proposed in partnership the Human Resource Development Council. • Innovative Economy - The infill neighborhood represents a unique development for Bozeman. Onsite housing offers the opportunity for aging in place in proximity to two unique commercial developments. Onsite medical, detail, early childhood learning, and family housing service facilities are to be provided onsite. Infrastructure investments along Tschache Lane and the onsite publicly accessibly pedestrian pathways also support this component of the Strategic Plan. This project also broadly supports education and workforce development. • Safe, Welcoming Community - The intention of this development is to create a safe and welcoming neighborhood. From the eyes on the streets to onsite health services, the site program has been reviewed to ensure it enhances the community service network. A litany of active recreation options are provided onsite, included playgrounds, activity sites for seniors, and the reestablishment of the onsite trail system. • Well-Planned City - This project proposes a high quality infill development that offers a vibrant neighborhood design. Affordable housing choices offering life-long living opportunities within proximity to existing service demonstrates this project May 2020 PRELIMINARY PUD: Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park Section VII: Statement of Planning Objectives - Pg. 2 holistically addresses the concept of a well-planned city. Moreover, the connectivity options are additional in accordance with the City’s adopted PROST plan, a further connection to this strategic goal. • Creative, Learning Culture - The life-long living options provided by the array of housing options offered onsite add to the community culture of Bozeman. It is also anticipated that public engagement with natural amenities adjacent to site will enhance the experience of site residents, employees, and visitors. • Sustainable Environment - The protection of adjacent wetland areas will reduce risk of pollutants and increase water quality. The site includes interconnected parks, trails, and open space, as well as adjacent areas that offer the same. This neighborhood represents an infill development that will support climate change campaigns, reduce sprawl, and allow for residents and employees to utilize a variety of transportation methods. • High Performance Organization - The applicant has experience creating affordable housing and realizing complex projects to provide feedback that support the city’s goal of utilizing best practices to deliver high quality, equitable city services. 2009 Bozeman Community Plan: The Arrowleaf & Perennial Park Planned Unit Development bolsters the following Land Use principles: • Neighborhoods - Creating smaller, distinct but connected neighborhoods throughout Bozeman is imperative to preventing anonymous, isolated subdivisions. This project is an infill development within a larger subdivision project, a reality that enables the Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park to simultaneously realize a unique identity and sense of familiarity while contributing to a larger, mixed-use neighborhood dynamic. • Sense of Place - The sense of place in Bozeman will be strengthened through development which fills in an existing gap, which this project is proposing to do. Moreover the design of the project shows cohesive architectural palette and pattern, establishing itself as a distinct district of compact development. • Natural Amenities - This project site and its proposed trail corridor is adjacent to a wetland areas that offer sweeping views of the Bridger Mountains. While located in a developed portion of the city, the natural areas adjacent and within this viewshed May 2020 PRELIMINARY PUD: Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park Section VII: Statement of Planning Objectives - Pg. 3 offer a unique setting for this development • Centers - access recreational and commercial destinations, as well as civic amenities. — nearby Rose Park. Onsite center - Commercial • Integration of Action - The applicant has met with and continues to collaborate with City Staff on the design and development of the project site. They are committed to being collaborative and taking an integrated approach to ensure that both the applicant and the City are working towards the same purpose and goals for the project site, parks, affordable housing measures and the community as a whole. • Urban Density - The overall net density at will be 32.68 dwelling units per acre, achieving a more urban level density as desired in the Community Plan. Further, the density of this development is equally balanced by the surrounding character, access to open space and parks, proximity to civic amenities and a commercial node. The quality and design of the architecture will balance affordability with a unique neighborhood character. • Sustainability - The project seeks to provide for the needs of today’s residents through a variety of measures, including its compact design. Most of these are entailed in the design regulations that encourage energy star rated appliances, materials and best use practices for construction. Landscaping will consist of drought tolerant species that rely less on water. Goals and Objectives: The Arrowleaf & Perennial Park Planned Unit Development supports the following land use goals, objectives, and policies: • Goal H-2: “Promote the creation of housing which advances the seven guiding land use principles of Chapter 3.” • Objective 2.3: “Support infill development and the preservation of existing affordable housing and encourage the inclusion of additional affordable housing in new infill developments.” • Goal H-3: “Encourage an adequate supply of affordable housing and land for affordable housing.“ • Objective 3.1: “Encourage the provision of affordable housing.” • Goal R-1: “Provide for accessible, desirable, and adequately maintained public parks, open spaces, trail systems, and recreational facilities for residents of the community.“ • Objective R-1.5: “Connect the community using trails.” May 2020 PRELIMINARY PUD: Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park Section VII: Statement of Planning Objectives - Pg. 4 • Objective R-1.12: “Use parks and open space to protect critical and sensitive lands.” • Objective R-1.13: “Use parks and recreation facilities as community design features such as a neighborhood focal point.” • Implementation Policy 28: “Recognize that the meaning of community is broad and neighborhoods are also diverse in character, size, and other characteristics.” • Implementation Policy 30: “Encourage development of housing which provides service through its resident’s full life cycle and has access to diverse services for many ages of resident.” • Implementation Policy 42: “Recognize the diverse character of community and support a broad application of the definitions of neighborhood.” 2020 Update to the Bozeman Community Plan: While the update to the 2009 Bozeman Community Plan remains ongoing, there are several themes and goals of the draft Plan for which this project displays alignment. This proposed development advances several of the Plan’s proposed themes and goals, including: • A City of Neighborhoods • Goal N-2: “Pursue simultaneous emergence of commercial nodes and residential development through diverse mechanisms in appropriate locations.” • Goal N-3: “Promote a diverse supply of quality housing units.” • A City Influenced by Our Natural Environment, Parks and Open Space • Goal EPO-1: “ Work to ensure that development is responsive to natural features.” • A City That Prioritizes Accessibility and Mobility Choices • Goal M-1: “Ensure multimodal accessibility.” • A City Powered by its Creative, Innovative, and Entrepreneurial Economy • Goal EE-1: “Promote the continued development of Bozeman as an innovative and thriving economic center” (b) Statement of proposed ownership of public and private open space areas and applicant’s intentions with regard to future ownership of all or portions of the PUD; The onsite public open space is the be owned and maintained by the Ownership Association or individual owner as described in the Design Guidelines and relevant Governing Documents (Appendix F). The private open space areas within each building will be the responsibilities of the building owner. Easements for public access and utilities have been provided as shown in the Amended Plat (Appendix K). May 2020 PRELIMINARY PUD: Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park Section VII: Statement of Planning Objectives - Pg. 5 (c) Estimate of number of employees for business, commercial, and industrial uses; Leasing offices are provided within the Senior Building to serve one (1) employee, and additional two (2) additional staff are envisioned to serve the daily needs of the senior residents. The Community Building includes leasing office space for approximately two (2) employees serving the residential needs of the site. The early childhood learning center anticipates fourteen (14) teachers, two (2) administrative staff, and two (2) additional support staff. The site expects 96 children to be served at this location. The Family Promise offices are to employ seven (7) office staff in a variety of roles. The Community Health Partners building will house three (3) physicians, three (3) dentists, and 33 additional full-time support staff in a variety of roles. (d) Description of rational behind the assumptions and choices made by the applicant; The applicant’s rational for Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park has been a commitment to one primary goal since the project’s inceptions - the provision of multigenerational affordable housing. This goal, coupled with the development challenges presented by the site, have driven the choices made in this application. From relaxations proposed to the site layout, the applicant has approached this submittal with a rational perspective on what choices are necessary to bring this project to reality. (e) The applicant shall submit as evidence of successful completion of the applicable Community Design objectives and Criteria of Section 38.430.090.E, documentation pursuant to these regulations for each proposed use; the applicant shall submit written explanation for each of the applicable objectives or criteria as to how the plan does or does not address the objective or criterion; the Director may require, or the applicant may choose to submit, evidence that is beyond what is required in that section; any variance from the criterion shall be described. This information is included below. May 2020 PRELIMINARY PUD: Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park Section VII: Statement of Planning Objectives - Pg. 6 UDC Section 38.430.090.E - All Development Review Criteria: 1. Does the development comply with all city design standards, requirements and specifications for the following services: water supply, trails/walks/bike ways, sanitary supply, irrigation companies, fire protection, electricity, flood hazard areas, natural gas, telephone, storm drainage, cable television and streets? Yes, the project complies with all design standards outlined in the Bozeman UDC with the exception of those relaxations requested in Section V. 2. Does the project preserve or replace existing natural vegetation? Yes, the project will preserve and enhance a majority of the vegetation, both within and outside of the watercourse setback, along the eastern edge of the site. Only a small portion of wetland area is to be filled, as shown in the attached wetlands permits (Appendix D). Grading and drainage improvements will impact site vegetation, however lost vegetation will be replaced with a landscaping that provides residential scale plantings as well as neighborhood wide installations. See Landscape Plans, Sheets L300 - L601. 3. Are the elements of the site plan (e.g. buildings, circulation, open space and landscaping, etc.) designed and arranged to produce an efficient, functionally organized and cohesive planned unit development? Yes, the project has overcome significant site development challenges with respect to the dimensions of the site, block length, access points, onsite wetlands, and existing PUD standards. However, through innovative design and a proposed mix of commercial uses and multiple housing types (townhouse and multihousehold), the site was able to be arranged to create an organized affordable housing project located within the existing Saccoccia PUD. This site takes take advantage of natural amenities on site and in the adjacent area, as well as connect to local streets and the trail system. The ability of the applicant to create a cohesive site design that fits within the existing adjacent city-scape is a testament to the deliberate approach displayed in this this submittal and through the proposed site development. See Section II for more information on the underlying PUD. 4. Does the design and arrangement of elements of the site plan (e.g. building construction, orientation, and placement; transportation networks; selection and placement of landscape materials; and/or use of renewable energy sources; etc.) contribute to the overall reduction of energy use by the project? May 2020 PRELIMINARY PUD: Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park Section VII: Statement of Planning Objectives - Pg. 7 Yes, the Arrowleaf & Perennial Park neighborhood’s layout is contributing to overall reduction of project energy use. The project is to be constructed on an infill site, readily adjacent to existing transportation networks and existing City services. Thoughtful building placement and orientation, the presence of pedestrian thoroughfares and pathways, and the conservation of natural areas are all additional components of the site design that decrease reliance on public resources. The applicant is also proposing to use high-efficiency amenities (toilets, showerheads, etc.), as well as possibly installing E/V charging stations and solar panels. These details will be addressed in the building permit submittal. 5. Are the elements of the site plan (e.g. buildings, circulation, open space and landscaping, etc.) designed and arranged to maximize the privacy of residents of the project? Yes, all residential units have been designed to meet the needs of their future occupants. Patios and porches are proposed for all unit types, and suitable landscaping has been provided to ensure privacy. Buildings have been designed and oriented to create private spaces adjacent to residences where possible. Trails and walkways are either deliberately set back from residential buildings or appropriately screened. The onsite open space needs for each resident are more than met through this proposal, with shared open space provided at onsite playgrounds, exercise areas, and within the Community Building. See Landscape Plans, Sheets L300 - L501, and Section III for additional details on landscaping and onsite open space. 6. Parkland. Does the design and arrangements of buildings and open space areas contribute to the overall aesthetic quality of the site configuration, and has the area of parkland or open space been provided for each proposed dwelling as required by section 38.420.020? Yes, the applicant has provided extensive onsite personal and shared amenities to meet the needs of the residents and satisfying the UDC requirements. Section III provides additional details on the provision of onsite open space that exceeds that required by Code. The applicant is proposing Improvements- and Cash-In-Lieu of parkland dedication that is in accordance with the requirements for residential open space and has been supported by City of Bozeman Parks and Recreation Staff. Section III includes the specifics of this proposal. 7. Performance Points. All PUDs must earn at least 20 performance points. Points may be earned in any combination of the following. The applicant must select the combination of methods but the city may require documentation of performance, May 2020 PRELIMINARY PUD: Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park Section VII: Statement of Planning Objectives - Pg. 8 modifications to the configuration of open space, or other assurances that the options selected will perform adequately. Yes, the applicant is intending to PUD proposes to earn the required PUD Performance Points through the provision of 100% affordable long-term rental housing and an onsite bus stop. As this application presents a major change to the underlying PUD due the reduction of PUD onsite open space, a portion of Performance Points shown in this application will be substituted in e points are to be used in exchange for a reduction of this onsite Open Space. See Section II and Section VIII for additional details on the replacement of PUD Open Space and the Performance Points earned for this project. 8. Is the development being properly integrated into development and circulation patterns of adjacent and nearby neighborhoods so that this development will not become an isolated "pad" to adjoining development? Yes, the site represents an infill site adjacent to existing transit networks, infrastructure, and developed neighborhoods. See Appendix B.2 for additional details on the development and roadway network within one-half mile of this site. UDC Section 38.430.090.E - Commercial Development Review Criteria 1. If the project contains any use intended to provide adult amusement or entertainment, does it meet the requirements for adult businesses? The project does not contain any adult amusement or entertainment uses, therefore this criteria has been met. 2. Is the project contiguous to an arterial street, and has adequate but controlled access been provided? The project is bounded to the north by Baxter Lane, designated a Collector in this location; to the south by Tschache Lane, a Local Street; and to the east by Sacco Drive, a private drive. Adequate control has been assured and is expected to be maintained as described in Traffic Impact Study (Appendix C). One access is proposed for the site off of Sacco Drive, at the north end of the site. One access point will be added off of Tschache Lane to maintain required separation and allow for commercial uses to front Tschache. See Appendix B.2 for additional details on access and the roadway network within one-half mile of this site. May 2020 PRELIMINARY PUD: Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park Section VII: Statement of Planning Objectives - Pg. 9 3. Is the project on at least two acres of land? Yes, the project site is 12.776 acres (Sheet C1.1). 4. If the project contains two or more significant uses (for instance, retail, office, residential, hotel/motel and recreation), do the uses relate to each other in terms of location within the PUD, pedestrian and vehicular circulation, architectural design, utilization of common open space and facilities, etc.? The project contains several individual uses, including multifamily and senior residential facilities, an early childhood education center and associated family services, and onsite medical and dental services. As described in the Project Summary (Section II), the overall design intent seeks to create a mix of affordable rental options within a quality walkable neighborhood that fosters a sense of community around shared recreation spaces in close proximity to jobs and services. This approach has ensured a cohesive and thoughtful design throughout the proposed neighborhood. From the location of the onsite open space to the access to the individual uses, each has been placed onsite to respect the onsite and adjacent users. Pedestrian public access ways and improvements to the onsite Class II trail ensure connections through and across the site. A bus stop is also proposed in the southeast portion of the site to provide additional transit opportunities while For more information on the circulation see Exhibit B.9. 5. Is it compatible with and does it reflect the unique character of the surrounding area? Yes, Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park is designed to create a vibrant and diverse neighborhood project while creating a distinct identity and connecting to both adjacent commercial uses and natural areas. The layout and pedestrian network are designed to maximize pedestrian access and encourage multi-modal transit through and around the site. Moreover, the project will promote a unique, urban character reinforced through architecture, site design, and site layout. It will provide much needed workforce housing located adjacent to a regional services and shopping corridor. Visual and physical connections to adjacent shopping and planned neighborhoods, as well as shared open space transitions will promote its individuality as well as allow it to blend with the pattern of the larger neighborhood. See Appendix B.2 for additional details on the development and roadway network within one-half mile of this site. 6. Is there direct vehicular and pedestrian access between on-site parking areas and May 2020 PRELIMINARY PUD: Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park Section VII: Statement of Planning Objectives - Pg. 10 adjacent existing or future off-site parking areas which contain more than ten spaces? The proposed adjacent on-street parking, to be located to the east of the project site is to be served by pedestrian and vehicular access as shown on the Site Plan (Exhibit B.9). 7. Does the project encourage infill, or does the project otherwise demonstrate compliance with the land use guidelines of the city growth policy? Yes the project is an infill project on a previously developed PUD and the project is in significant compliance with the land use guidelines of the effective Growth Policy as described on Page 2 of this Section. 8. Does the project provide for outdoor recreational areas (such as additional landscaped areas, open spaces, trails or picnic areas) for the use and enjoyment of those living in, working in or visiting the development? A variety of onsite recreational areas have been provided for this site. From onsite playgrounds and exercise facilities, to the Community Building and the Class II recreation pathways, the recreation needs for the site have been satisfied. Moreover, the open space amenities shown for the site provide both public and private space for site users to utilize and enjoy. See Landscape Plans, Sheets L300 - L501, Sheet SP002, and Section III for descriptions on the proposed recreational areas, onsite open space, and landscaping that will more than meet the use and enjoyment needs of those living, working, and visiting the development. (f) Detailed description of how conflicts between land uses are being avoided or mitigated; Arrowleaf Park &Perennial Park is surrounded by commercial uses, public lands, transportation corridors and residential uses of varying densities. The site also contains wetlands that have been delineated and will be protected accordingly. There is a public trail along the east boundary of the development that will provided a secondary, recreational access path to the project site. Through thoughtful site design that reflects the surrounding character of this proposed infill neighborhood, land use conflicts are unlikely and have therefore been properly mitigated through this application. (g) Statements of design methods to reduce energy consumption, (e.g. - home/ business, utilities, transportation fuel, waste recycling). May 2020 PRELIMINARY PUD: Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park Section VII: Statement of Planning Objectives - Pg. 11 Onsite recycling stations are proposed, and the applicant is intending to install high-efficiency appliances and fixtures. The applicant is exploring a variety methods to reduce onsite energy consumption, including the installation of solar panels and electric vehicle charging stations. Additional details on these proposed site efficiency components will be addressed in the Building Permit submittal. Conditional Use Permit Review Criteria (UDC Section 38.230.110) 1. That the site for the proposed use is adequate in size and topography to accommodate such use, and all setbacks, spaces, walls and fences, parking, loading and landscaping are adequate to properly relate such use with the land and uses in the vicinity? The project does not contain any adult amusement or entertainment uses, therefore this criteria has been met. 2. That the proposed use will have no material adverse effect upon the abutting property. Persons objecting to the recommendations of review bodies carry the burden of proof. The project does not contain any adult amusement or entertainment uses, therefore this criteria has been met. 3. That any additional conditions stated in the approval are deemed necessary to protect the public health, safety and general welfare. SEE LIST IN SECTION 38.230.110.E The project does not contain any adult amusement or entertainment uses, therefore this criteria has been met. Plan Review Criteria (UDC Section 38.230.100) The Plan Review Criteria can be found in Section VII.a, included as an attachment below.