HomeMy WebLinkAboutNarrative Response to City DRC Comments 08-05-2020 August 2020 Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park REVISION & CORRECTION #1 City of Bozeman File No. 20-153 August 2020 REVISION & CORRECTION: Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park (20-153) Response to City Comments - Pg. 1 Section V: Narrative Response to City Comments Following City of Bozeman Design Review, the applicant was supplied comments from the City Planning and Engineering Divisions. The following sections provide detailed responses to both sets of comments, primarily submitted to supplement our previous application and provide further project clarity in advance of the City Commission review of the PUD-P. If additional applications edits are necessary following review of this Revision and Correction submittal (RC), and/or subsequent to the Conditions of Approval authorized by the City Commission, the applicant team is requesting to provide those amendments concurrent with the PUD -F submittal. All plans include clouded revisions and only files amended from the original PUD-P submittal have been included in this RC. Response to City Comments (City File No. 20-153) Planning Division Questions/Comments 1. The application notes that only Lot 3A of minor Subdivision 407A is included with the application. However, we have learned that the owner also holds title to the Saccoccia Common Open Space as shown on Minor Subdivision 407. Please explain how the following note from Minor Subdivision 407 will be addressed with this application, park dedication requirement associated with application 20153, and construction of any approved project. RESPONSE: The Open Space lot, as shown on Minor Subdivision 407, will be maintained according to the pro-rata share in accordance with the recorded ECCRs, their amendments, and subsequent Minor Subdivision Plat 407A. This application will not impact the previously established cost share expectations specified in those documents. Neither the note nor the additional acreage of the Open Space lot would impact the parkland dedication requirement for application 20-153, as the note contains no specific requirements for parkland and the Open Space lot would not be counted in the net acreage calculation due to its sole use for stormwater retention. August 2020 REVISION & CORRECTION: Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park (20-153) Response to City Comments - Pg. 2 Finally, the note does not appear to impact construction of this project, as the other property owners described therein have provided sign off on the PUD-P application in the form of limited agent authorizations (included in the application submitted May 5, 2020). 2. It appears there is considerable spacing between the community center and Building 12-plex B. Please explain why the Community Center is not moved some to the south to create a larger playground? It appears the gas line and bike racks could be readily moved to accommodate. RESPONSE: The applicant has considered this request, however the current layout allows for preferred site circulation and building separation for this location of the site. 3. Administrative Design Review staff does not support waiver of cover over trash enclosure due to multi-story buildings overlooking the enclosures and residents needing snow protection to open the dumpster lid. As this is a requested relaxation the City Commission will determine whether or not to grant the request. RESPONSE: Roofs have been added to the trash enclosures, negating the need for this relaxation and condition of approval. See Architectural Site Plan Sheets SP003-SP004 for trash enclosure details. The relaxations and associated exhibits from the Preliminary PUD application have been updated and included with this submittal (see Section VI - Relaxations & Justifications document and Appendix B.7). See also Response to Solid Waste Comment #2. Planning Division Conditions of Approval (Proposed) 1. The applicant is advised that unmet code provisions, or code provisions that are not specifically listed as conditions of approval, does not, in any way, create a waiver or other relaxation of the lawful requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code or state law. RESPONSE: Noted. 2. In association with the reduced on-site parking, Applicant must provide covered bicycle parking equal in number to the Applicant ’s request for reduction in August 2020 REVISION & CORRECTION: Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park (20-153) Response to City Comments - Pg. 3 vehicle parking spaces; and these covered bike racks should be placed close to building entrances. The bike racks near the Senior housing must be covered. RESPONSE: As described in Section VI - Relaxations & Justifications of the Preliminary PUD submittal, the project is proposing to reduce onsite parking by 74 spaces using the relaxations available through the application of a PUD. In response to the acknowledgement of Planning Staff of the appropriateness of the proposed parking relaxation, the applicant is proposing to address this request through this RC Submittal. The applicant is proposed to construct 138 onsite bike parking spaces as shown in the Architectural Site Plan sheets, almost double the requested reduction. Therefore, this condition of approval is no longer necessary. 3. For the middle buildings, the waiver from 510.030.J. 1-2 waiver from the 10- ft setback from the sidewalk, (per Special Residential Block Frontage setback), is conditioned on the Applicant planting mid-size vertical (3-4-ft in height) shrubs or grasses as landscape between the sidewalk and any windows on the ground floor of those buildings. Applicant may reconfigure existing proposed landscaping or may add landscaping to accomplish this condition. RESPONSE: The applicant is proposing to plant mid-size vertical (3-4-ft in height) shrubs or grasses as landscape between the sidewalk and any windows on the ground floor of the middle buildings. See Landscape Plan Sheets L311- L313 for additional details. Planning Division Required Code Corrections and Process Advisories 1. Site Preparation Authorized and Limited – BMC 38.200.100.A Until a building permit is issued site disturbance is limited according to this section. RESPONSE: Noted. 2. Concurrent Construction – BMC 38.270.030.D The documents required in this section must be drafted and executed by both the landowner and the City before any building permit is issued. RESPONSE: If necessary offsite improvements be identified during the City’s review of this project, the request for concurrent construction submitted with the PUD-P application can be amended and executed prior to the receipt of building permits. August 2020 REVISION & CORRECTION: Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park (20-153) Response to City Comments - Pg. 4 Please advise if this this document needs amendment prior to PUD-P approval See also Response to Engineering Comment #15. 3. Building Permits – BMC 38.230.180 No building permit will be issued until the final PUD documents are fully approved. RESPONSE: Noted. 4. Block Frontage Standards – BMC 38.510.030 Two-way (primary) entrances to buildings need weather protection covering (egress only doors do not need this). Verify that each primary entrance is provided with weather protection. RESPONSE: Protective coverings for all two-way (primary) entrances have been included and the relevant updated plan sheets demonstrate this expectation has been met. See Architectural Plans for additional details. 5. On-site Open Space – BMC 38.520.060.C Provide a more detailed design/ description for the usable commercial open space shown adjacent to the Family Promise building and how it meets required standards. RESPONSE: As shown on Landscape Plan Sheet L307, the commercial open space shown adjacent to the west of the Family Promise buildings has been designed according to UDC Sec. 38.520.060.C-D. This commercial open space area more than satisfies the area requirements of the UDC, as shown on the Site & Building Data found on amended Architectural Site Plan Sheet SP000. The sidewalk for the commercial open space has been designed to be wider than 12 feet and satisfies the requirements specified for pedestrian- oriented open space Visual and pedestrian access into the site from a street (Tschache Lane) has been provided, and the walking surface is proposed to be constructed using concrete. All future area lighting will be designed to conform with UDC Sec. 38.570. . The commercial space is adjacent to areas with significant pedestrian traffic. Thirty-two (32) linear feet of seating has been provided using 8’ benches (site furniture), providing more than the required seating are per square feet of plaza area or open space. Appropriate landscaping components, that do not act as barriers, have also been integrated in the area design to add visual interest. August 2020 REVISION & CORRECTION: Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park (20-153) Response to City Comments - Pg. 5 6. Building Massing and Articulation – BMC 38.530.040.E Please clarify the means used to address this standard for the Family Promise building. RESPONSE: The Family Promise building has implemented multiple strategies to break up the overall massing and add visual interest to the building. In an attempt to provide both architectural interest and define the differing programmatic aspects of the building, the massing is broken up into two distinct forms, and additionally the two forms are employing separate strategies in regards to the exterior material palette. The square portion of the building on the west end of the site has a flat roof and fenestration that speaks to its primary use as office space for the Family Promise organization. The building is a full two stories with a parapet, and while it is only two levels, it appears larger visually when compared to the adjacent form of the Early Learning Center. The Early Learning Center portion of the building has an asymmetrical pitched roof that is a stylized interpretation of early regional school houses and traditional single family homes. The gabled roof is a familiar form and is meant to feel warm and inviting. While the ridge of the gabled roof is nearly as tall at the adjacent parapet, the lower wall height of the classrooms reduces the scale of the Early Learning Center in relation to the Family Promise portion of the building to the west. The Early Learning Center has four large and unique window bump outs at each classroom. These bump outs add both visual interest on the exterior and functional classroom space on the interior of the space. The material palette of the Family Promise office space is predominantly metal panel with wood accents that react to the articulation of the façade through changes of color and texture. The Early Learning Center portion of the building to the east, has adopted a more playful material palette of random width metal siding as well as random width and multi-toned fiber cement panels. The main entry to the Early Learning Center, and the wall bump outs at the classrooms, will be clad in fiber cement panels and the interiors of the shapes will be painted bright colors to add a sense of youthful energy and provide a sense that this is a place welcome to children. This description demonstrates that features two and three of UDC Sec. 38.530.040.E have been applied in order to provide visual interest and break up the massing of the building façade. 7. Service Area and Mechanical Equipment – BMC 38.520.070.B.3 For power, etc. service panels on building walls, we an architectural physical screen and a August 2020 REVISION & CORRECTION: Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park (20-153) Response to City Comments - Pg. 6 vegetative screen is needed to screen when viewed from the street. Architectural screen with opacity and character to match adjacent building. Verify location and design of proposed screening. RESPONSE: The Landscape Plans have been corrected to show the location of the proposed screening, with the species of tree being planted in those locations reaching 12'+ at maturity. The applicant is also willing to furnish additional imagery or add notes to the landscape plan which specifies a larger caliper tree be planted at installation to help expedite the screening process as well. Engineering Division: 1. BMC 38.270.030.C Completion time for site development - A Concurrent construction request needs to be submitted along with associated phasing plans if the applicant intends to submit building permits prior to completion and acceptance of onsite infrastructure. RESPONSE: A concurrent construction request has been submitted with the Preliminary PUD application, as called for in UDC Sec. 38.270.030.D, and this request will be amended as needed to address concurrent construction of any necessary infrastructure. 2. BMC 38.410.130 - CILWR will need to be paid prior to the issuance of building permits. RESPONSE: Noted, the applicant will satisfy this requirement prior to issuance of building permits. 3. DSSP I.A.6. Separate plans shall be submitted for water and sewer facilities. The water main infrastructure was not reviewed with this submittal. RESPONSE: Separate plans for water and sewer facilities have been submitted directly to the Engineering Division for their review. 4. Advisory comment: When the infrastructure plans are submitted, the Engineer will need to verify the water service diameters and that the mechanical rooms are large enough to fit the required lay lengths. RESPONSE: Per the City of Bozeman’s standard drawing for a 2” domestic water service size, an approximate 4’ 8” of length is required for the 2” water August 2020 REVISION & CORRECTION: Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park (20-153) Response to City Comments - Pg. 7 service, meter and valves. The mechanical rooms, as drawn, for both the 24 unit and 12 unit building have at least 5’ of length for the meter and valves with an additional 2’ of room for the minimum requirement from an exterior wall. The 7’ of length for the service, meter, and valves is adequate to meet the City’s minimum requirements. 5. Buildings equipped with a standpipe shall have a fire hydrant within 100 feet of the fire department connections, see 24-Plex C & D. RESPONSE: None of the proposed buildings are to be equipped with a standpipe, therefore this comment is not applicable to this project. 6. Include a legend with existing and proposed topo line types. RESPONSE: The legend has been updated. See Civil Plan Sheet C4.0. 7. The monitoring wells measured seasonally high groundwater. Engineering recommends that the applicant confirm that groundwater will not impact the function or maintenance of the proposed facilities. Industry guidance recommends a three-foot minimum separation from the bottom of the proposed facility to the underlying groundwater table which is not provided with the proposed design. RESPONSE: The applicant team acknowledges that we did not provide three- foot separation between the bottom of the pre-treatment ponds and underlying groundwater table. After examining numerous ways to achieve three feet of separation, but doing so would have caused larger problems throughout the site. Our opinion is the separation between the ponds and groundwater table as designed will not affect the function or maintenance of the ponds. It will not deter from the ponds’ ability to treat the first 0.5” of rainfall on the site, nor do we anticipate groundwater entering the pond from below. The ponds were very deliberately sized and placed where they were to maximize their effectiveness and maintainability, while meeting City of Bozeman and DEQ design requirements, allowing for maximum density and useable open space on the site, and maintaining the affordability aspect of the project. 8. Show how the proposed grading ties into the northern property boundary. The topo lines don’t appear to transition to the existing undisturbed area. If any construction is required outside of the property boundary, a temporary construction easement needs to be secured or alternatively respond with a reference in the covenants allowing construction/access to adjacent properties August 2020 REVISION & CORRECTION: Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park (20-153) Response to City Comments - Pg. 8 RESPONSE: There was a small error in the CAD surface, which has been fixed. See Civil Plan Sheets C4.0 and C4.1. No construction is proposed outside the property boundary. 9. Label linetype. RESPONSE: Watercourse setbacks have been labeled. See Civil Plan Sheet C4.0 & C4.1. 10. Check Rowhouse A front slopes. It appears that the sidewalk and garages slope down toward the building. RESPONSE: Rowhouse elevations were incorrectly labeled, and have been corrected. See Civil Plan Sheet C4.1. 11. Fade back all existing topo to make the plans more readable. RESPONSE: Plans have been updated to reflect this expectation. See Civil Plan Sheet C4.0-C4.2.. 12. Show the storm drain system on the Overall Grading Plan. RESPONSE: Plans have been updated to reflect this expectation. See Civil Plan Sheet C4.0-C4.2. 13. Add the pipe material to the profile sheets. RESPONSE: Plans have been updated to reflect this expectation. See Civil Plan Sheet C4.3 - C4.5. Pipe material was incorrectly noted as CMP in the construction notes on the original plans. This has been revised to say RCP. 14. DSSP I.A.6. Separate plans shall be submitted for water and sewer facilities. The sewer main infrastructure was not reviewed with this submittal. RESPONSE: Separate water & sewer plans have been included in the updated Civil Plans. 15. A grease interceptor must be provided if any of the facilities will be preparing food or cleaning food items. August 2020 REVISION & CORRECTION: Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park (20-153) Response to City Comments - Pg. 9 RESPONSE: None of the buildings will have grease interceptors outside the building. 16. BMC 38.270.030.C Completion time for site development – N 15th Avenue from Tschache Lane to Patrick Street must be completed prior to the issuance of building permits. RESPONSE: This condition has been discussed with the City, and it appears, following those conversations, that this requirement is no longer applicable. 17. Include a detail of the proposed bus stop. Show the plan view as well as elevation view with measurements and materials. RESPONSE: The applicant was previously advised by City of Bozeman Staff Taylor Lonsdale and Griffin Nielson not to provide bus stop details until route and onsite bus stop location have been finalized with Streamline. See Appendix N - HRDC Streamline Letter 05-05-2020 from the May 5, 2020 PUD -P application submittal. The applicant will be willing to provide surety for the bus stops construction according to the City’s design and maintenance requirements. The applicant requests the City clarify what is expected to address this comment as a condition of approval to be addressed with the PUD- F application. See also Response to Engineering Comment #18. 18. Provide documentation from streamline approving the location of the proposed bus stop on Sacco, prior to PUD approval. RESPONSE: A letter from Sunshine Ross on behalf of Streamline and HRDC was submitted with the PUD-P that noted the Redesign Streamline 2020 project is currently underway. While the proposed bus stop on Sacco represents a very likely location solution appropriate for Streamline service, the ongoing route study project likely does not allow for Streamline’s final authorization of the proposed bus stop location on Sacco. Moreover, the applicant was advised by City Staff Taylor Lonsdale and Griffin Nielson that the previously submitted letter from Sunshine Ross should suffice for the City’s review of the PUD-P. If additional sign-off is necessary from Streamline prior to PUD-P approval, the applicant requests the City clarify what is expected as a condition of approval to be addressed with the PUD-F application. See also Response to Engineering Comment #17. August 2020 REVISION & CORRECTION: Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park (20-153) Response to City Comments - Pg. 10 19. The 2022 No Build Traffic Volumes must not include any future adjacent projects (the hotels or Bozeman East Mixed-Use). They must only include the existing traffic volumes with a growth rate applied. Future projects that don ’t have Site Plan approval should not be included in existing traffic volume data. Modify the LOS tables and any other areas where the No Build scenario is used to not include these unapproved projects. a. Provide the average daily traffic for the 2022 traffic volumes without this project included. Only peak hour trips were provided in Figure 7. RESPONSE: A memo from the project’s traffic engineer, Mark Bancale, has been included in this submittal to address Engineering Comments #19 - #22. See TIS Response Letter - 07-31-2020 for further details. 20. Provide the average daily traffic generated from the Site in 2022 and compare it to the average daily traffic volumes in 2022 in the analysis. 21. Justify why only 8% of traffic is directed to the east on Baxter Lane in Figure 8 considering that downtown Bozeman is to the southeast and there will likely be commuters travelling in that direction. 22. Do not include the future improvements required in the TIS for unapproved projects for the intersections of N 19th and Baxter and N 19th and Tschache in the report. Only funded CIP projects may be considered as future planned improvements. 23. Provide a public access easement on the east side of Sacco to include the north/south sidewalk and from the existing easement to one foot east of the sidewalk, prior to PUD approval. RESPONSE: This submittal includes an Amended Plat, and all pertinent drawings have been updated to reflect the provision of the required public access easement. 24. Last line of page 1 should say “feet” instead of “inches. RESPONSE: Plans have been updated to reflect this expectation. 25. The original 2007 Saccoccia minor subdivision design report included in Appendix C states that “the pond depth is designed at a 2.5 foot depth with the bottom one foot of depth functioning as a permanent wetland ”. Page 1 of the August 2020 REVISION & CORRECTION: Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park (20-153) Response to City Comments - Pg. 11 design report states that there is 1.18 feet of operating depth. Clarify the total pond depth in the report; include the average surveyed pond elevation and the overall pond depth in Table 1.1 to confirm the depth of the pond. RESPONSE: The 1.18 feet of operating depth refers to storage capacity above the constant groundwater elevation in the pond. See pages 1-2 of the Revised Stormwater Design Report . 26. Appendix A - Basin Map - The average pond depth of the northern pond is labeled as 0.8’ while page 1 of the report states that the operating depth of the pond is 1.18 feet. Also, the pond volume doesn’t match the volume provided in the text of the report. Clarify these discrepancies. RESPONSE: The basin map included in the Stormwater Report was inadvertently labeled incorrectly. The map has been amended in the Revised Stormwater Design Report to show the correct depth and volume as measured and calculated in Appendix D. The labels have also been revised to clarify pond capacity for stormwater detention, (vs. total pond volume, which would include the constant groundwater level). 27. DSSP II.A.3.b. Provide calculations verifying the sewers are sloped to maintain a minimum velocity of 3-fps at the design storm depth of flow, or when flowing full, to prevent sediment deposits. RESPONSE: The stormwater pipes were designed using the 10-States Standard for minimum slopes for the different sizes of pipes. These slopes resulted in velocities calculated to be between 2.14-3.57 fps. (Velocity calculations have been added in Appendix D of the Revised Stormwater Design Report for reference.) This project was constrained from using steeper slopes by two factors: 1) Shallow groundwater prevented us from going deeper, and 2) Raising the pipe at the uphill end would have caused the need for considerably more fill to the site (to maintain minimum cover requirements), causing a ripple effect to the grading plan and adding considerable cost to this affordable housing project. We are confident the pipes will work as intended at the slopes they are at. Additionally, the system will be privately maintained per the approved maintenance plan, which includes flushing sediment from piping and outlet structures as necessary. 28. The approved stormwater maintenance plan must be incorporated into the Owners Association Documents and a copy submitted prior to Site Plan approval. August 2020 REVISION & CORRECTION: Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park (20-153) Response to City Comments - Pg. 12 RESPONSE: The stormwater maintenance plan will be incorporated into the Owners Association Documents and a copy submitted prior to Site Plan approval. NorthWestern Energy Comments: 1. Have been working with developer to lay out Electric and gas utilities for the area and create 10ft utility easements where primary is extended throughout the property in order to run 3PH and gas main to serve apartment buildings and to create a loop feed. RESPONSE: The applicant’s electrical engineer has contacted NorthWestern Energy and has provided NWE with electrical load information to inform easement and utility service locations. Any additional requirements from NWE will be addressed in the PUD-Final. 2. Loading information has not been communicated so far, and we may need to check capacity on the system to ensure it will handle roughly estimated 2MW load. RESPONSE: As stated above, the applicant’s electrical engineer has contacted NorthWestern Energy and has provided NWE with electrical load information for further review. Any additional requirements from NWE will be addressed in the PUD-Final. Solid Waste Comments: 1. Need a minimum of 50 feet of straight approach to front of refuse container. RESPONSE: Following discussions with City Solid Waste Division staff member Kevin Handelin, the applicant has updated the site plan to show placement of the refuse containers in locations that resolve this comment. Therefore, this comment is no longer applicable. 2. Refuse container will need to be covered. (Comment 2 is affected by whether or not the City Commission grants a requested relaxation from the standard for trash enclosure overhead cover.) RESPONSE: Roofs have been added to the trash enclosures, making this comment no longer applicable. See Architectural Site Plan Sheets SP003- August 2020 REVISION & CORRECTION: Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park (20-153) Response to City Comments - Pg. 13 SP004 for trash enclosure details. Parks and Recreation Comments: Conditions of Approval 1. Payment of cash-in-lieu of parkland must be provided prior to final PUD approval. RESPONSE: Noted. 2. Any revisions to the parkland proposal deemed significant by Parks or Planning Division staff must be reviewed by the Recreation and Parks Advisory Board prior to final PUD approval. RESPONSE: Noted. 3. For Staff and Applicant to review the impact of the trail on wetlands and provide a report to the Commission. RESPONSE: Noted. The applicant team will review these impacts and report to the City Commission at the PUD-P Public Hearing schedule for August 25, 2020. Code Corrections 1. Section 38.420.030.D. Where a cash donation has been accepted in-lieu of land dedication, the amount of cash donation must be stated on the final plat or plan as appropriate. The current preliminary proposal is considered an estimate because CILP appraisal values may change prior to final plan approval. Please correct rounding error in the application calculations to show a total requirement of 2.60 acres and equivalent dollar value estimate of $181,209.60. RESPONSE: The applicant will make the required corrections and include the cash-in-lieu amount on the final plan to be submitted with the Final PUD. 2. Per definition of a lot in 38.700.100, parcels under the same ownership will be treated as one parcel. The trail must extend through the property to the north. Please adjust the IILP accordingly and ensure that 25-foot-wide public easement is provided the entire length prior to Final PUD submittal. August 2020 REVISION & CORRECTION: Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park (20-153) Response to City Comments - Pg. 14 RSPONSE: The IILP will be adjusted in the Final PUD application. The Amended Plat included with this RC shows a 25-foot easement extending between Tschache and Baxter Lanes. 3. 38.420.110.C. “related facilities” includes trailhead signage at each end of the trail and ADA curb ramps and crosswalks striping at the intersection with Tschache Lane. Please discuss proper location and specs with Engineering and show these corrections with Final PUD submittal. RESPONSE: Noted. 4. 38.420.110.F. Pathway easements are required 25-feet in width extending between Tschache and Baxter Lane with Final PUD submittal. RESPONSE: The Amended Plat included with this RC shows a 25-foot easement extending between Tschache and Baxter Lanes. Advisory Comments 1. Appendix B.5. Does not include all parks within ½-mile of the property. RESPONSE: Appendix B.5 has been updated to show all parks and open space within one-half mile of the property.