HomeMy WebLinkAboutIII PUD-P Plan SP-1 Checklist 05-05-2020May 2020 PRELIMINARY PUD: Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park Section III: PUD-P Plan Checklist - Pg. 1 Section III: PUD Preliminary Plan Checklist The table included below specifies the location within this application of the required PUD Preliminary Plan Checklist items. The SP-1 Checklist items have been included and attached to this Section. Note, some required items have been included in other application sections as specified within the table. CHECKLIST ITEM # DESCRIPTION & FILE LOCATION 1. Overall project narrative providing a thorough and extensive descrip- tion of the overall project including design intent, project goals, project timeframe, proposed uses, site improvements and buildings. File Location: Section II: Project Summary & Schedule 2. A complete list of proposed relaxations to the BMC listed by individual section and reason for the relaxation. File Location: Section VI: List of Relaxations & Justifications 3. Name, mailing address and full contact information for project team including: owner, developer, architect, civil engineer, landscape architect/designer and electrical engineer. File Location: Section IV: Project Team, Applications, & Fees 4. A title report for subdivision or proposed subdivision guarantee with all current property ownership. File Location: Appendix A 5. Data regarding site conditions, land characteristics, available community facili- ties and utilities and other related general information about proposed uses, ad- jacent land uses and the uses of land within one-half mile of the subject parcel of land both existing and proposed. This shall be in narrative and/or table for- mats. Provide the following supporting maps: existing land use map, community plan land use designation map, city zoning map, neighborhood and entryway overlay map for property showing conditions within 200 feet of the project boundaries. File Location: Section III PUD-P & SP-1 Plan Checklist, below 6. Overall land use ratios for: a. existing footprints of existing buildings and structures b. proposed buildings and structures c. driveways and parking areas d. streets, roads and alleys with areas of rights of way identified separately e. private open spaces for residential uses f. land- scape areas g. city parkland File Location: Section III PUD-P & SP-1 Plan Checklist, below May 2020 PRELIMINARY PUD: Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park Section III: PUD-P Plan Checklist - Pg. 2 CHECKLIST ITEM # DESCRIPTION & FILE LOCATION 7. Overall project floor area ratio (FAR) and net residential density. File Location: Section III PUD-P & SP-1 Plan Checklist, below 8. Development Schedule. If phasing is proposed, provide narrative clearly de- scribing project phasing with the proposed phasing of all infrastructure, build- ings, driveways and parking and landscaping. File Location: Appendix J 9. Phasing Plan exhibit clearly showing all site and infrastructure improvement with phase boundaries including detailed limits of construction and approaches to mitigate any conflicts with phase boundaries and site safety and function. File Location: Phasing not proposed, therefore this item is N/A. 10. Phasing table that shows phase area and data for each phase including: area in acres and square feet, lot area in acres and square feet, building foot print square feet, building floor area, FAR, street right of way, common opens space, landscaped area, PUD open space square feet and percentage of total, PUD performance points by type and parking space requirements. File Location: Phasing not proposed, therefore this item is N/A. 11. Table of proposed buildings include phase information, footprint, gross square footage, stories, whether building is existing or proposed, and building use des- ignations by building floor. File Location: Section III PUD-P & SP-1 Plan Checklist, below 12. Colored aerial vicinity map within one-half mile of the site with project site and other significant community facilities, streets, trails, watercourses, railways, highways and other applicable features identified by name. File Location: See Exhibits B.1, B.2, and B.5 13. Overall site illustration in color showing all building foot prints, landscaped are- as, site circulation including vehicular, bike, and pedestrian facilities. File Location: A project illustration containing the required mate- rial can be found on (L000), however a color illustration has not been provided in this submittal. The applicant will prepare one up- on request. May 2020 PRELIMINARY PUD: Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park Section III: PUD-P Plan Checklist - Pg. 3 CHECKLIST ITEM # DESCRIPTION & FILE LOCATION 14. Statements of objectives and conformance to city policy and plans. File Location: Section VII: Statement of Planning Objectives 15. If not provided by subdivision application materials, physiographic data and summaries for: landforms and geology and soils; hydrology; vegetation; noxious weeds; wildlife and viewsheds. If the project is a brown field site, provide site history, data and copies of any environmental site assessments that have been completed. An approved noxious weed management plan must be submitted. File Location: Vegetation & Noxious Weeds - Appendix D; Geotechnical Information & Hydrology - Appendix L; & Section III PUD-P & SP-1 Plan Checklist, below 16. Narrative descriptions of site access and overall utilities including an overview, parking, existing and proposed condition of the streets providing access to the site, proposed accesses to the site and utilities including water, sewer, storm drainage, solid waste, gas, electric and shallow franchise facilities. File Location: Section III PUD-P & SP-1 Plan Checklist, below 17. Development and Design Guidelines per Section 38.430.070.D.2 BMC. File Location: Section III PUD-P & SP-1 Plan Checklist, below 18. Comprehensive Signage Plan File Location: No signage proposed at this time N/A Additional PUD-P Submittal Requirements File Location: Section III PUD-P & SP-1 Plan Checklist, below N/A SP-1 Checklist File Location: Section III PUD-P & SP-1 Plan Checklist, below May 2020 PRELIMINARY PUD: Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park Section III: PUD-P Plan Checklist - Pg. 4 Checklist Item #5: Site Data Site condition data for the project site are included below. The required supporting maps have been included in Appendix B, with each required map identified in the relevant narrative entry. Land Use The Arrowleaf & Perennial Park Neighborhood Planned Unit Development is an infill develop- ment located in the north section of Bozeman, located south of Baxter Lane, north of Tschache Lane, and east of Sacco Drive (Appendix B.1). This site is currently vacant and lies within the underlying Lowe's Saccoccia PUD, with the Lowe’s Home Improvement retail store bordering the site across Sacco Drive to the west. The surrounding land use pattern is a mix between large retail stores, restaurants, grocers, and a variety of residential development types, all with- in a half-mile radius (Appendix B.2). Zoning This project lies within the B-2 Zoning District and is surround by B-2 on all sides (Appendix B.3). Many significant PUD’s overlay existing zoning. To the north and west of the project site are pockets of M-1 zoning. Within a half mile radius there also exists several residential zoning districts that range from R-3 to R-O. This project site and the surrounding areas are designated as Regional Commercial Services on the Community Plan Future Land Use Map (Appendix B.4). The community plan does de- lineate the storm water feature directly north of the subject parcel as Parks, Open Space and Recreation. In the general vicinity there are several future land use designations, ranging from industrial all the way to residential. Neighborhood The Arrowleaf & Perennial Park Neighborhood PUD is situated in close proximity to several regional sized retailers such as Smith's, Lowe's, Kenyon Noble, and REI as well as many smaller varied businesses. To the east of this property currently sites large undeveloped par- cels, one where a hotel is planned. To the south, a mixed-use project has submitted for Site Plan and Condition Use approval (Planning File No. 19-231). Appendix B.2 shows additional neighborhood detail within one-half mile of the Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park site. Checklist Item #6: Overall Land Use Ratios There are no existing buildings on-site. Included in this section are narratives and tables de- May 2020 PRELIMINARY PUD: Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park Section III: PUD-P Plan Checklist - Pg. 5 scribing the land use ratios for: proposed buildings and structures; driveways and parking are- as; streets, roads and alleys with areas of rights of way identified separately; private open spaces for residential uses; landscape areas; and city parkland. See Table III.a for the overall site land use ratios. Additional narrative details are provided below for each entry in Table III.a . The buildings proposed for the site are identified in Tables III.c and III.d., and Checklist Item #11 (below). The overall land use ratios are further described in Appendix B.8, which corresponds to the Architectural, Landscaping, and Civil plan sets (See Drawings). Cash- & Improvements-in-Lieu of Parkland The total park area is required for this project as specified in UDC Sec. 38.420.020 and is shown in Table III.b. The total parkland dedication expected for this project is approximately 2.59 acres, with 1.73 acres to be dedicated and .85 acres to be met with cash-in-lieu of land dedication. For this project, the applicant is proposing rec- reation pathway improvements-in-lieu (IIL) and cash-in-lieu (CIL) of dedication as described below. This section also includes responses to the required justifications for in-lieu contri- butions as specified in the relevant City Codes, plans, and other documents. The applicant is proposing to construct the trail and associated amenities as described in Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park Proposed Land Use Ratios TYPE AREA (sf) AREA (acres) % of SITE Existing Structures: None - - - Proposed Buildings and Structures 111,193 2.55 19.98% Driveways and Parking Areas 134,438 3.09 24.16% Streets, Roads, Alleys 7,999 0.85 6.63% ROW 28,909 0.66 5.19% Private Open Space 8,969 0.21 1.61% Landscaped Areas 265,015 6.08 47.62% Parkland - - - TOTAL 556,523 12.776 100% Table III.a May 2020 PRELIMINARY PUD: Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park Section III: PUD-P Plan Checklist - Pg. 6 Sheets L001 and L301, with the total cost of $39,902 estimated for the qualifying as IIL beyond the minimum required. Nearby parks and trails have been identified in Appendix B.5, which demonstrates the available park and recreation amenities within one -half mile of this site. The presence of nearby recreation amenities adds further justification for the CIL and CIL, while ensuring this request does not undermine the intent of the PUD. Relevant Background & City of Bozeman Requirements The trail was constructed at this site following the subdivision approval, however it has been ill-maintained and public access was not significant. Moreover, it is un- clear if the trail was constructed to the effective PROST Class II trail standards as is currently required. As stated above, this application is proposing to re-establish the onsite Class II trail corridor in a slightly modified configuration onsite, create addi- tional trail amenities to improve this resource, and to ensure long-term maintenance is provided. The PROST Plan identifies the onsite trail as a Class IIA trail running along the east side of the site, with the Plan currently showing the location of the trail largely within required watercourse setbacks (Appendix B.6). Therefore, due to the trail’s classifi- cation and designated location, it is the intent of the applicant to construct improve- ments to the Class IIA trail and add additional trail amenities in lieu of the required parkland dedication. Requests for cash donations in-lieu of land dedication are re- viewed according to UDC Sec. 38.420.030, PROST Plan Chapter 8, and Resolution 4784. This application includes responses to the required review factors (below). The Class IIA trail improvements are to be constructed consistent with the PROST Plan, with a large portion of the trail proposed within Zones 1 and 2 of the required watercourse setbacks adjacent to this portion of the project site (as is allowed in UDC Section 38.410.100.A.2.e.2). This trail is to be a recreation pathway (UDC Sec. 420.110), serving to implement the requirements of the City’s adopted PROST plan and supporting the growth policy as previously detailed in this application. In most instances the City would require the creation of a linear park to provide the corridor for the recreation pathway. However, recreation pathways within required water- course setbacks must not be dedicated to the city as linear parks (UDC Sec. 38.420.070.A.1). Instead, CIL of land dedication credit must be granted for the cost of con- structing the Class II recreational trail if public access is provided and the ap- plicant is further proposing additional improvements to meet a portion of the May 2020 PRELIMINARY PUD: Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park Section III: PUD-P Plan Checklist - Pg. 7 CIL. A public access easement twenty-five (25) feet in width running the length of the property is to be maintained for the recreation pathway (Appendix K). Sheets L001 and L301 show improvements valued $39,902, and the applicant intends to submit documentation upon construction confirming this valuation. The applicant has begun discussions with the Gallatin Watershed Council about the possibility in- stalling educational signage at this site, with the final design and location to be agreed upon prior to the Final PUD submittal. A letter further detailing this partner- ship is included in Appendix P. PROST Plan Chapter 8 As this project is proposing 100% long-term affordable housing and this site is sig- nificantly constrained by existing wetlands and watercourse setbacks, the following policy statements found in PROST Chapter 8 support this request for improvements- and cash-in-lieu of land dedication: • PROST Policy Statement 8.3.2 – Allows a cash donation in-lieu of land dedica- tion credit for the cost of constructing recreational trails if public access is pro- vided. • Applicant Response: A 25’ wide public access easement is to be provided for the length of the recreation pathways. • PROST Cash-in-Lieu Criteria 8.4.3 – Establishes CIL Criteria, including those for Trail Connections, as this is a key trail corridor improvement; Housing Density, as the project is a high-density project but is meeting the recreational needs of the residents onsite without the need for additional parkland; and Suitability Fac- tors, such as the presence of onsite wetlands. Moreover, this project is in prox- imity to several existing parks (as shown in the appendices). • Applicant Response: The project supports multiple CIL Criteria to allow for the City of Bozeman to accept CIL of land dedication. • PROST Policy Statement 8.4.4 – The city encourages CIL for high-density resi- dential projects and/or for development of lands where CIL is the only option. • Applicant Response: This is a high-density affordable housing project (net residential density is >35 persons / acre) that also has extensive onsite wet- lands that limit the land available for parkland dedication if the affordable housing components of the site are to be realized. The recreation pathway is to be constructed as is allowed within the required watercourse setbacks, therefore making CIL the most viable option for this project. May 2020 PRELIMINARY PUD: Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park Section III: PUD-P Plan Checklist - Pg. 8 Resolution 4784 The following policies found in Resolution 4784 further support this request for im- provements- and cash-in-lieu of land dedication: • Section 1 – Review Factors: The trail is to be constructed within the required wa- tercourse setbacks (as is allowed by Code), which corresponds to City’s adopted city-wide park master plan. Therefore, the land proposed to meet the dedication requirements is undesirable and unsuitable for the creation of City parkland. The Owner’s Association is proposing to maintain the proposed trail as needed. This project is in proximity to several parks and other recreation facilities as shown in the exhibits included in the appendices. Finally, it is the expressed preference of the developer to utilize improvements- and cash-in-lieu of land dedication. • Section 3 - Favorable circumstances for acceptance of CIL or IIL: The develop- ment is proposing to maintain the trails for as is required. The development is infill and mixed use, and it is located within a commercial zoning area. Onsite recreation is provided to meet the needs of all onsite residents and provides for active recreation opportunities (i.e. playgrounds, open space amenities, etc.). The site does have are some environmental constraints (i.e. wetlands), limiting the suitability of the site as has been previously described. The request accom- plishes other City priorities, including the provision of long-term affordable hous- ing (consistent with Community Housing Action Plan) and the enhancement of the City’s existing trail networks (consistent with the PROST Plan). Finally, this request is the preference of the developer. • Section 4 - Improvements in lieu: The project is consistent with the City’s adopt- ed park master plan (PROST Plan) for the location proposed. Further, the im- provements are consistent with the construction requirements for Class II trails and exceed the minimum UDC requirements for recreation pathways. The im- provements will serve residents of the development, and all trail construction will conform to the City’s procedures for installation of improvements as well as all adopted standards and specifications. Applicant Response: The preponderance of the evidence included herein demon- strates this project supports a multitude of factors that support allowance of CIL and IIL. Checklist Item #7: Project FAR and Net Residential Density The project Floor Area Ratio (FAR) is calculated by dividing the total building area by May 2020 PRELIMINARY PUD: Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park Section III: PUD-P Plan Checklist - Pg. 9 the gross lot area. The total building area for this site is 275,895 square feet (See Ta- bles III.a, III.c, and III.d, Checklist Item #11, and SP 000 for additional details). The gross lot area is 12.776 acres as shown in the survey (Sheet C1.1). Therefore, the project FAR equals .49. Gross residential density at Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park is 18.15 dwelling units (du) per acre (232 du/ 12.776 acres). The net residential den- sity is 32.18 du per acre. PUBLIC PARKLAND DEDICATION TRACKING TABLE CURRENT PREVIOUS PHAS- ES: SUBDIVISION NAME: N/A PROJECT NAME: Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park TOTAL FOR SUBDIV: THIS PROPOSAL: PHASE/LOT: N/A No previous phas- es NUMBER OF RES. UNITS PER PHASE/LOT / SITE PLAN N/A 232 N/A ACREAGE PARK LAND AND/OR CIL REQUIRED: 2.59 acres (1.73 land dedication & 0.86 FIL) or CIL equivalent of $180,512.64 N/A $180,512.64 N/A VALUE OF IMPROVEMENTS IN LIEU PROPOSED: $39,902.00 VS. VALUE OF CODE REQD. BASIC PARK IMPROVEMENTS: $ 60,170.88 N/A $39,902 N/A ACREAGE PARK LAND PREVIOUSLY DEEDED TO COB: 0 acres (Dedicated Open Space created through PUD) N/A None N/A ACREAGE PARK LAND YET TO BE CONVEYED: None N/A None N/A PARK MASTER PLAN APPROVAL DATE: N/A N/A N/A N/A Table III.b May 2020 PRELIMINARY PUD: Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park Section III: PUD-P Plan Checklist - Pg. 10 Checklist Item #11: Proposed Buildings A total of 12 buildings are proposed to be constructed for the project: a senior living facility (Senior Building), six multihousehold buildings (12- and 24-unit buildings), tow rowhouse clusters (of 8 units), two commercial buildings, and a Community Building. This amounts to 275,895 gross square feet of buildings proposed at this site (Table III.c and III.d). As has been described in Section II, the onsite commer- cial buildings will provide new facilities for a Community Health Partners dental and medical clinic, as well as an early learning center and family services provided by Family Promise. The early learning center will occupy the first floor of the Family Promise building, with offices intended to serve the student’s families proposed on the second floor (1,365 square feet, Sheet ). The Senior Building contains two leasing office spaces for expected onsite staff (299 square feet, Sheet ). The Community Building pro- vides internal open space for residents and leasing office space (350 square feet) within the one-story structure. All other residential buildings will contain exclusively residential uses and structures as described herein. The arrangement of the buildings on the site is shown on Sheet SP002, while each building is fully detailed in the associated Architectural Drawings (SP101 - SP139). Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park Residential Buildings Building Type Qty Dwelling Units Bldg. Footprint (SF) Gross Bldg. Footprint (SF) Total Bldg. (SF) Floors Senior Building 1 96 31,980 81,336 81,336 3 24-Unit Multihousehold 4 96 8,645 25,669 102,676 3 12-Unit Multihousehold 2 24 4,076 12,076 24,152 3 Rowhouse 2 16 5,111 15,511 30,422 3 Comm. Building 1 - 1,785 1,785 1,785 1 T OTAL 10 232 51,597 136,077 240,371 Table III.c May 2020 PRELIMINARY PUD: Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park Section III: PUD-P Plan Checklist - Pg. 11 Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park Commercial Buildings Building Type Qty Bldg. Footprint (SF) Gross Bldg. Footprint (SF) Total Bldg. (SF) Floors Commercial Bldg. 1 - Community Health Partners 1 10,327 16,932 16,932 2 Commercial Bldg. 2 - Family Promise 1 12,242 18,592 18,592 2 T OTAL 2 22,569 35,524 35,524 Table III.d May 2020 PRELIMINARY PUD: Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park Section III: PUD-P Plan Checklist - Pg. 12 Checklist Item #16: Site Access and Utilities Narrative Access Site access is shown on sheets C1.0 and is further described in the Traffic Impact Study (Appendix D). It is also important to highlight that the City of Bozeman has included the Pat- rick Street to Tschache Lane connection in the City’s approved Capital Improvements plan for construction in FY2021 (Project ID SIF 150). Parking The project site design and layout includes a total of 389 parking spaces. Based on current B-2 zoning and parking minimums, an estimated 520 spaces would be re- quired before any reductions. The applicant is proposing the following standard parking deductions for this site: • A ten percent (10%) reduction for all uses due the availability of transit in proximity to this site, with regular bus service to the Bridger Peaks Town Center PUD (Exhibit B.2); • A reduction of five (5) required spaces for providing landscaping-in-lieu of parking (Sheet L000); & • The applicant is proposing to construct 21 on street parking spaces along Sacco to reduce the onsite residential parking required by the same figure (Sheets SP000 - SP004). Additional parking reductions are described in the project proposed relaxations (Section VI). Details on the proposing parking design can be found on Sheet C6.0. Bike parking and ADA parking provided meets or exceeds the minimum standards (SP000). Traffic In response to City comments a Traffic Impact Study was prepared for the project site. The updated TIS included an evaluation accounting for the new High School. This updated study is attached in Appendix C. Utilities & Sewer The Water and Sewer Report is located in Appendix M. Additional site utility and sewer details can be found in the fully designed Civil Plan Set (Sheets C0.0 - C6.0). May 2020 PRELIMINARY PUD: Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park Section III: PUD-P Plan Checklist - Pg. 13 Wetlands The Wetland and Weed Report is included as Appendix D, which includes the Weed Manage- ment Plan and the 404 permit. Site Lighting Site lighting details can be found in Sheets ES1.1 - ES1.6. Landscaping and Exempt Wells A fully designed landscape plan is included with this application (Sheets L000 - L601). Exempt wells are not allowed at this site and none are proposed as a part on this project. Water and Water Rights The applicant has contacted City of Bozeman staff member Brian Heaston, who esti- mated the cash-in-lieu of water rights required for this project to be approximately $79,462. Payment will be submitted upon confirmation of the required fee. The project’s Stormwater Report can be found in Appendix L. Additional PUD-P Submittal Requirements The following narrative addresses requirements from Section - Supplemental Plan Requirements. (1) Viewsheds. (a) Looking onto and across the site from areas around the site, describe and map the views and vistas from adjacent properties that may be blocked or impaired by development of the site; (b) Describe and map areas of high visibility on the site as seen from adjacent off-site locations; The project is an infill project in proximity to existing neighborhoods of similar heights, therefore no adverse effects on viewsheds are anticipated with this project. May 2020 PRELIMINARY PUD: Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park Section III: PUD-P Plan Checklist - Pg. 14 (2) Street cross sections if different from city standards. Street cross section schemat- ics must be submitted for each general category of street, including: (a) The proposed width; (b) Treatment of curbs and gutters, or other stormwater control system if other than curb and gutter is proposed; (c) Sidewalk systems; and (d) Bikeway systems, where alternatives to the design criteria and standards of the city are propose; Tschache Lane and Sacco Drive are already constructed to City standards, therefore this items does not apply to this application. (3) Physiographic data, including the following: (a) A description of the hydrologic conditions of the site with analysis of water table fluctuation and a statement of site suitability for intended construction and proposed landscaping. The description of the hydrologic conditions must include depth to groundwater measurements taken May 15 through September 15; (i) An alternative to the actual measurement of water table depth may be offered provided that such alternative includes a detailed soil profile, including a detailed description of the soil which follows The National Cooperative Soil Survey Field Book for describing soils and which provides good and sufficient evidence to establish the presence and depth of a seasonal water table, a land form position or location, or other physiographic data which are sufficient to establish the minimum depth to groundwater. Some soils are not easily profiled to establish an off-season highwater table, such as those underlain by sand or gravel, those high in organic matter and those with a high lime content. Physical monitoring of these types of soils may be necessary; (b) Locate and identify the ownership of existing wells or well sites within 400 feet of the site; This data is included in the Stormwater Report can be found in Appendix L. (4) Preliminary subdivision plat. If the project involves or requires platting, a preliminary subdivision plat, subject to the requirements of this chapter relative to subdivisions, must be submitted; A Preliminary Subdivision Plat is not part of this submittal, therefore the item in N/A. (5) Traffic impact analysis. Notwithstanding the waiver provisions of section 38.220.080.A.2.i, the city may require that a traffic impact analysis be prepared based upon the proposed development. The analysis must include provisions of the approved development guidelines and must address impacts upon surrounding land uses. The city may require the traffic impact analysis to include the information in section 38.220.060.A.12. If a traffic impact analysis has been submitted as part of a concurrent subdivision review, that analysis must meet this requirement; May 2020 PRELIMINARY PUD: Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park Section III: PUD-P Plan Checklist - Pg. 15 The Traffic Impact Study has been in Appendix C. (6) Additional studies and plans. If the development's compliance with the community design objectives and criteria is under question, the review authority may require additional impact studies or other plans as deemed necessary for providing thorough consideration of the proposed planned unit development; No additional studies or plans have been requested beyond which has been included in this application. (7) A proposed draft of a legal instrument containing the creation of a property owner's association sufficient to meet the requirements of section 38.220.310 must be submitted with the preliminary plan application. The proposed owner’s association documents are included in Appendix F. May 2020 PRELIMINARY PUD: Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park Section III: PUD-P Plan Checklist - Pg. 16 Section III: PUD Preliminary Plan Checklist This table outlines where to find SP1 Checklist items in this application. CHECKLIST ITEM DESCRIPTION & FILE LOCATION 1-6, 8 General Project Information File Location: Narrative Sections II - VIII 7 A construction route map showing how materials and heavy equipment will trav- el to and from the site File Location: Plan Set Sheet: C0.0 - Vicinity, Zoning and Con- struction Route Map 9-13 General Site Plan Information File Location: Plan Set Sheets: SP000 - SP002 14-15 Estimated total floor area ratio, number of bedrooms, types, and density File Location: Narrative Sections III: PUDP Checklist 16-39 Site Plan Details File Location: Where applicable, please refer to appropriate Archi- tectural or Civil Plan set sheets 40-42 Unique or significant wildlife areas, historic, cultural or archeological resources. File Location: There are no significant wildlife areas, historic, cul- tural or archeological resources. Existing vegetation of signifi- cance is noted on the landscape plan. Wetlands are noted on site plans and the delineation is in Appendix D 43-46 Parkland Dedication File Location: Parkland dedication is detailed in Section III and the parkland calculation is found in Table III.e 47-48 Affordable Housing File Location: Narrative Sections VII & PUDP Checklist May 2020 PRELIMINARY PUD: Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park Section III: PUD-P Plan Checklist - Pg. 17 CHECKLIST ITEM DESCRIPTION & FILE LOCATION 49-51 Lighting Details File Location: Plan Set Sheet SP005 52-56 Building Design and Architecture File Location: Plan Set Sheets SP000 - SP140 57-76 Landscape Plan File Location: Plan Set Sheets L000 - L601 77 Traffic Study File Location: The Traffic Study can be found in Appendix C 78-79 Water Rights Information File Location: Narrative Section XVI & PUDP Checklist 80-83 Deviations or Departures File Location: No deviations or departures were requested. How- ever the relaxations approved through the PUD are listed in Sec- tion VI