HomeMy WebLinkAboutII -Project Summary & Schedule 05-05-2020May 2020 PRELIMINARY PUD: Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park Section II: Project Summary & Schedule - Pg. 1 Section II: Project Summary & Schedule Project Summary The Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park Planned Unit Development (PUD) is an infill neighborhood that lies within the underlying Lowe ’s & Saccoccia PUD. Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park represents a diverse mixed -use neighborhood offering options for multigenerational housing in a variety of building types, as well as family housing services, early childhood education, and onsite health services. The overall design intent seeks to create a mix of affordable rental options within a quality walkable neighborhood that fosters a sense of community around shared recreation spaces in close proximity to jobs and services. The proposed project includes twelve (12) buildings situated on the 12.776 acre site, which lies within the B-2 Zoning District. This project site has numerous constraints due to its unique shape and proximity to existing roadways and adjacent wetlands. The proposed PUD will capitalize on these challenges and use the site’s attributes to create a vibrant, diverse, and affordable neighborhood. The intent of the Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park is envisioned as a multi - household, workforce, and active senior housing community. The Human Resource Development Council (HRDC) is a partner in this project and will serve as the implementing agency for the Affordable Housing Plan (Appendix E) for this project, ensuring that the 232-units of onsite residential housing remain affordable for a minimum of twenty (20) years. Project development cost will be funded in part by federal housing tax credits. These apartments meet area housing needs and priorities, and addresses area market concerns. A Community Health Partners clinic is to be placed in the southeast corner of the site, adjacent to Tschache Lane. Community Health Partners (CHP) is a local, non- profit organization that provides primary medical, dental, and behavioral healthcare for 11,500 individuals across Gallatin and Park Counties, regardless of ability to pay. The CHP clinic will have a medical clinic, behavioral health clinic, and a dental clinic. Full-time physicians and dentists will serve this site, providing essential care for the community and the Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park neighborhood. Also located along and facing Tschache Lane, the Family Promise building is to be placed on the southeast portion of the site. It serves as the headquarters for Family Promise (second-floor), a non-profit that serves homeless families, as well as serving to house the Early Childhood Center (first-floor). Located on the upper level, May 2020 PRELIMINARY PUD: Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park Section II: Project Summary & Schedule - Pg. 2 the Day Center contains the Family Promise administrative offices as well as spaces for families to spend time during daytime hours while working toward stable housing. Spaces for job and housing counseling, case management, and computer use are coupled with comfortable waiting and dining areas. Families may prepare lunches in the small kitchenette while doing laundry, working on school work, or working with Family Promise staff. An upper level deck is available for children to spend time outdoors while families are at the center. The Early Childhood Center is located on the ground level and will serve up to 96 children from families both on this site and in the larger community. Children from infants through 5 year-olds will be cared for in seven classrooms. Administrative, activity, and other related support spaces are also provided. A large playground is located on the east side of the building adjacent to the north/south trail allowing opportunities for teachers and children to utilize this outdoor amenity. The playground area contains a smaller play area for toddlers and a shade pavilion. This Early Childhood Center will also provide opportunities for college students learning about early childhood education to observe classrooms as part of the MSU Early Childhood degree program. In addition to advancing the affordable housing goals of the City of Bozeman, this project is proposing significant improvements to the underutilized onsite public recreation pathway in alignment with the City’s adopted Code and PROST Plan. By re-establishing the multi-use trail and enhancing its design, this project therefore creates an ADA-accessible amenity that can be utilized by anyone. Application & Site History The following City of Bozeman entitlement steps have been completed to date: • In early 2019, City of Bozeman Staff and the Development Review Committee conducted a Conceptual Review and provided comments (File No. 19025). • In mid-2019, City of Bozeman Staff and the Development Review Committee conducted a review of the Concept Planned Unit Development (PUD) and provided comments (File No. 19200). The project team has reviewed the comments that have been provided and incorporated the suggestions and standards into the project design. A narrative response to these previously issued comments can be found in Section V. As noted, the Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park Project lies within an existing PUD. May 2020 PRELIMINARY PUD: Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park Section II: Project Summary & Schedule - Pg. 3 The entire PUD site is 39.99 acres, with the Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park site comprising 12.776 acres on the eastern portion of the PUD. The current plat includes multiple lots within the PUD. The Saccoccia PUD was initiated in 2001- 2002 in conjunction with a minor subdivision. The Saccoccia PUD received approval in 2004 (P-02009) and included five relaxations as outlined in Table II.a and in Appendix I.11. Shortly after the Saccoccia PUD was approved, the Lowe’s PUD, consisting of a modification to the Saccoccia PUD, was submitted and received approval in August of 2005 (File No. Z-05128, Appendix I.3). It included one additional relaxation, see Table II.b. NO. UDC REFERENCE* DESCRIPTION APPLICABLE RELAXATION 1 38.020.050 Building Size Limit To allow Lowe’s HIW store to exceed 75,000 sf maximum floor area Table II.b: Approved Relaxation for Lowe’s MOD to Saccoccia PUD (Appendix I.12) NO. UDC REFERENCE* DESCRIPTION APPLICABLE RELAXATION 1 38.020.050 Building Height To allow the buildings heights to exceed the maximums allowed in the M-1 and B-2 zoning districts, but not to exceed 48 feet. 2 38.310.030 Permitted uses To allow uses identified as permitted uses in the B-2 and M-1 3 38.350.030.D Water & Sanitary Sewer System Requirements To allow concurrent installation of infrastructure improvements and construction of a specific project 4 38.560 Sign Code To allow one pole sign to exceed allowable height by 12 feet and 50 sf in area, one pole sign to exceed the allowable height by 4 feet and 16 sf in area, and one monument sign to exceed allowable height by 6 feet and 32 sf in area 5 38.570.060.A Glare and Lighting To allow the proposed lantern style lighting that does not conform to the requirement that prohibits luminaries and lenses to protrude below the edge of the light fixture. Table II.a: Approved Relaxations for Saccoccia CUP/PUD (Appendix I.11) May 2020 PRELIMINARY PUD: Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park Section II: Project Summary & Schedule - Pg. 4 In 2007 the Plat was updated to include a dedicated PUD Common Open Space lot of approximately 3.39 gross acres as a separate lot (Appendix I.6). This lot includes a common stormwater drainage area and basin. The Plat was updated again in 2008 to remove the lot lines between Lots 3, 4 and 5; creating a singular Lot 3A, where the Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park Project is proposed (Appendix I.7). In addition to the relaxations for the Lowe’s-Saccoccia PUDs, there are applicable Design Guidelines and Easements, Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions’ (ECCRs). These documents have undergone updates as the PUD was modified. The current Guidelines were submitted in 2005 and the current ECCRs were amended and filed with the Clerk & Recorder in November 2005 (Doc. No.’s 2207231 & 2207846). All of these documents are included with this application as Appendices I.1, I.2, I.4, and I.5. As has been established, the Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park Neighborhood Planned Unit Development lies within the underlying Lowe’s & Saccoccia PUD. This current Preliminary PUD application therefore is technically classified as a major change to the underlying PUD. The justification for the major change to the PUD per 38.430.040.3.d.(2) are as follows: 1. A change in the character of the development; The original PUDs were geared towards and focused on commercial development. The Lowe’s PUD Modification did contemplate residential development and added language in the design guidelines reflecting this (see page 1 of Appendix I.2). Residential uses are allowed per the ECCRs (Appendix I.5). 2. Increase of greater than 5% of the approved number of residential buildings; & While residential uses are allowed, currently the site contains no residential buildings and none were approved under previous PUD applications. 3. Reduction in the approved open space. The original PUD achieved its performance points through a the designation of 30% of the development as Open Space. This Open Space was used to satisfy the requirements of the Entry Way Corridor standards as well as to satisfy the performance points necessary to establish the PUD. The originally approved PUD Open Space is distributed throughout the parcels of the entire May 2020 PRELIMINARY PUD: Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park Section II: Project Summary & Schedule - Pg. 5 PUD with approximately 3.43 acres occurring on the Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park parcel (Appendix I.8). The applicant proposes to remove this onsite Open Space and to replace the lost open space performance points with Affordable Housing points, resulting in significantly more PUD points than required (further detailed below on Page 7 and in Section VIII). Relevant Historical Approval Considerations As there are multitude of previous approvals associated with this project site, it is important to ensure that the proposed project is in accordance with conditions associated with these previous approvals. The relevant approval is specified below and the associated documents have been included in the Appendix as noted herein. It is possible there are additional approvals relevant to this current application, and, if that is the case, the applicant requests that satisfaction of any outstanding requirements be addressed with the Final PUD application. The Saccoccia Conditional Use Permit to establish the Planned Unit Development was approved by the City of Bozeman in 2004 (Appendix I.10). This approval authorized five (5) relaxations, described on Page 2 of this Section, and included a variety of conditions of approval. Conditions of approval that remain relevant to this application include: • Condition of Approval #1 – The boulevard trees along Baxter Lane, Tschache Lane and the private through street shall be planted with the appropriate phase of the development. • Applicant Response: This project will maintain or enhance all previously required landscaping along Tschache Lane and the private through street. • Condition of Approval #2 – The Final Site Plan for the Planned Unit Development shall depict less parking along the east and west sides of the private street and increase the landscaping the create a sense of entry into the development. • Applicant Response: This project will maintain or enhance all previously required landscaping the private through street adjacent to the project site to allow for a sense of entry to the site. On street parking is proposed along the center portion of the project site, which lies on the east side of the private street. Whereas parking is not proposed adjacent to Baxter Lane or Tschache Lane and the sense of entry to the site will be improved through project landscaping, compliance with this condition of approval will be assured. • Condition of Approval #6 – Boulevard trees shall be planted every 50 feet of street frontage along Baxter Lane and Tschache (the plan indicates Tam Juniper being planted in the boulevard, which is unacceptable). May 2020 PRELIMINARY PUD: Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park Section II: Project Summary & Schedule - Pg. 6 • Applicant Response: This project will only impact Tschache Lane, where the boulevard trees will be relocated but will remain every 50 feet within the required adjacent right-of-way (Sheet L305). Tam Juniper will not be planted to remain in compliance with this condition of approval. In 2005 a CUP and PUD modification was approved for Lowe’s (Appendix I.11). This approval authorized one (1) additional relaxation, described on Page 3 of this Section, and included several additional conditions of approval. Conditions of approval that remain relevant to this application include: • Condition of Approval #1 – The entire length of trail along Walton Stream/Ditch shall be constructed with Phase 1 of the PUD. • Condition of Approval #2 – The trail along the west property line, from Baxter Lane to Tschache Lane, shall be improved with Phase 1 of the PUD. • Applicant Response: The trail was constructed at this site, however it has been ill-maintained and public access was not required. Moreover, it is unclear if the trail was constructed to the effective PROST Class II trail standards as is currently required. As stated above, this application is proposing to re-establish the onsite Class II trail corridor in a slightly modified configuration onsite, create additional trail amenities to improve this resource, and to ensure long-term maintenance is provided. Final Plat 407 (Appendices I.6 & I.12) was approved by the City of Bozeman Commission in 2007. Conditions of approval that remain relevant to this application include: • Condition of Approval #4 - A sewer main shall be extended as part of the required subdivision infrastructure to provide service to Lots 4 and 5. A 30 feet wide easement shall be granted for the sewer main extension, and all weather access shall be provided to all manholes. Subject to executed Improvements Agreement and Financial Guarantee. . • Applicant Response: The concrete shared use path was constructed on the Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park Site as shown on Page 2 of Final Plat 407 (Appendix I.6). It has been constructed on the project site and not within the right-of-way. This application is proposing to re-establish the 10-wide shared use path within the Tschache Lane ROW as described in the Sheet L305. The applicant is therefore further requesting to eliminate the 25-wide trail easement that runs along the southern portion of the site, as the easement will no longer be required as specified in this Condition of Approval, and the May 2020 PRELIMINARY PUD: Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park Section II: Project Summary & Schedule - Pg. 7 Amended Plat reflects this expectation (Appendix K). Final Plat 407A (Appendix I.7) is to be amended through the Subdivision Exemption (SE) application, and all notes and other requirements established under that approval as indicated in the Final Plat are addressed in the Amended Plat. Analysis of the full list of conditions of approval was not possible for this application and, therefore, if there are any additional relevant conditions of the previous approval, the applicant request to address those concurrently with the PUD Final application. Onsite Open Space Considerations The applicant is proposing to reorganize previously approved open space designations for the project site. The Amended Plat (Appendix K) displays visually the reallocations as discussed below. The Lowe’s-Sacco PUD met the PUD Performance Point requirements by providing additional onsite open space throughout the development, achieving the necessary PUD Performance Points through the provision of Open Space. 11.44 acres of Open Space was required for the underlying PUD, although the developer proposed 13 acres on the Final Site Plan (Please Note: The 13 acres of Open Space established in the Lowe’s Final Site Plan were slightly reduced to 12.90 acres within the Open Space table for Final Plat 407). This Open Space was differentiated between Perpetual (Ex. greenways, stream setbacks) and Flexible Open Space as broken out within the Final Site Plan (Appendix I.8).The Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park site was at that time a part of Lot 3, as shown in the Final Site Plan for Lowe’s. When Final Plat 407 was approved to further divide the subdivision into additional lots, the proposed Open Space for the northern and eastern portions of the PUD were revised in the Plat to create 7.87 acres of Open Space (as compared the 7.97 acres shown on the Lowe’s Site Plan). Table II.c shows the breakdown of Open Space allocation from Plat 407 and the changes proposed for this PUD. No changes for the Open Space allocation for the Saccoccia Open Space lot, or Lots 1 and 2 for Final Plat 407 are proposed with this application. For the Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park project site, Lot 3A of the Saccoccia Minor Subdivisions 407A (Appendix I.6), the previous PUD approval established 1.79 acres Perpetual Common Open space and 1.64 acres of Obligated Common Open, (as has been described in the Saccoccia Minor Subdivision Plat 407 and 407A, Appendices I.6 & I.7). See Table II.d for this breakdown and the changes proposed for this PUD. The 11.44 acres of required Open Space equates to 30% of the total net PUD site area, which was established to meet the requirements for the 30 PUD Performance May 2020 PRELIMINARY PUD: Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park Section II: Project Summary & Schedule - Pg. 8 Points (Please Note: In this case, 12.90 acres of Open Space were proposed for the PUD, equating to a surplus of PUD Performance Points ). Therefore, in the event that Open Space reductions are proposed, the resulting Performance Point deficiency that would be created may need to be offset using another method of point attainment. PUD Performance Point Changes Performance Point Type Current PUD Points Proposed PUD Points Change Open Space 30 21 -9 Affordable Housing Unknown 300 +300 TOTAL 30 321 +291 Table II.e: Open Space Within Plat 407 & Proposed Changes PUD OPEN SPACE TYPE Current Proposed Change Perpetual 5.63 3.84 -1.79 Flexible (Other) 2.24 0.60 -1.64 TOTAL ACROSS THE PUD 7.87 acres 4.44 acres -3.43 acres Table II.c: Open Space Within Lot 3A & Proposed Changes PUD OPEN SPACE TYPE Current Proposed Change Perpetual 1.79 0.00 -1.79 Flexible (Other) 1.64 0.00 -1.64 TOTAL ON-SITE (PARCEL 3A) 3.43 acres - -3.43 acres Table II.d: May 2020 PRELIMINARY PUD: Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park Section II: Project Summary & Schedule - Pg. 9 The applicant for this project is proposing exactly that, to modify previously approved PUD Open Space by releasing all Open Space on Lot 3A. The PUD would thus see a reduction of PUD Open Space of 3.43 acres. It has been shown that PUD Open Space was used to satisfy no more than the minimum required 30 PUD Performance points. Using that assumption, a loss of 3.43 acres of the for the initial PUD results in the loss of approximately nine (9) PUD Performance Points (See Table II.e). The applicant is proposing to replace these lost points by applying a portion of the excess Affordable Housing PUD Performance Points proposed for Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park PUD. See Section VIII for more information on the PUD Performance Points achieved for the Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park PUD, and why this change in Performance Point allocation for the site supports a further variety of City of Bozeman long-term goals. As has been demonstrated in this Section, all previous review requirements have been maintained through the current application. Document Organization In addition to the information contained in this Section, the application Narrative includes the PUD-P Plan Checklist responses (Section III); details on the project team, applications, and required application fees (Section IV); narrative responses to the City’s previous comments related to this project (Section V); a list of all relaxations and there associated justifications (Section VI); a statement of planning objectives (Section VII); and the PUD point calculations (Section VIII). All Drawings, including Civil, Landscaping, Electrical, and Architecture, are included in the associated attachment to this Narrative. Items such as the Design Guidelines, Traffic Impact Study, Affordable Housing Plan, and Improvements-in-Lieu calculations have been included as Appendices. Additional required applications have also been filed with this PUD-P application (See Section IV), and each related application is accompanied by the necessary submittal information. These files have also been attached as Appendices and labeled accordingly. Please see the Table of Contents for more information on the location of these files. Project Schedule The anticipated timeline is to finalize entitlements in summer of 2020 to allow for site infrastructure construction to begin in the fall of 2020. The anticipated project May 2020 PRELIMINARY PUD: Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park Section II: Project Summary & Schedule - Pg. 10 schedule is included as Appendix J.