HomeMy WebLinkAboutI.1 - Saccoccia PUD Design Guidelines 05-05-2020 Saccoccia PUD Development Guidelines Development Guidelines for Saccoccia PUD, Bozeman, Montana Introduction The intent of these guidelines is to ensure that a high quality design is maintained throughout the development. Attention shall be paid to the overall planning of the site, in order to optimize the visual aesthetics of the buildings and site work from the various view corridors around the site. Sensitive and responsible architectural, landscape and signage design will enhance the appearance of the multi-tenant complex. The proposed Saccoccia PUD is set up as a Master PUD using a final site plan without a first phase. These Development Guidelines demonstrate planned unit development requirements. Future development of the phases shall require Site Plan Review and approval. Each phase and respective Site Plan must adhere to the framework of the Master PUD and Development Guidelines for the planned unit development. Additionally, lots may be subdivided thereby increasing the number of lots from the three that existed as of the date of these Development Guidelines. Every lot shall be used only for retail and wholesale sales and service businesses and other uses including but not limited to retail and wholesale uses, service shops, financial institutions, offices, restaurants, convenience uses, hotels/motels, entertainment and recreational uses, health and exercise uses, wholesale storage and warehousing, technology/research uses, light manufacturing, and auto, boat, and recreational vehicle sales and service. Sections of this document that refer to specific uses that comply with the above statement are for illustration purposes only and not for the purpose of further restricting the use of a particular phase or lot. The following restrictions shall apply to the Saccoccia PUD: During the term of the filed ECCR's (Easements, Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions) no portion of the Properties may be used for any of the following purposes without the written consent of Philip Saccoccia, Jr. (a) A tavern, bar, nightclub, cocktail lounge, discotheque, dance hall, or any other establishment selling alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption; provided, however, the foregoing shall not prohibit the operation of a restaurant with the sale of alcoholic beverages therein. 1 Saccoccia PUD Development Guidelines (b) A bowling alley, billiard parlor, bingo parlor, arcade or game room unless such arcade or game room is incidental to a permitted use herein. (c) A flea market or pawnshop. No portion of the Properties may ever be used for any of the following uses whatsoever: (a) An adult type bookstore or other establishment selling, renting, displaying or exhibiting pornographic or obscene materials (including without limitation: magazines, books, movies, videos, photographs or so called "sexual toys") or providing adult type entertainment or activities (including, without limitation, any displays of a variety involving, exhibiting or depicting sexual themes, nudity or lewd acts), except where this material is part of a video leasing retailer, substantially similar to, but not limited to, Blockbuster or Hollywood Video or a bookseller, substantially similar, but not limited to, Barnes and Noble or Borders. (b) A massage parlor. (c) A skating rink. (d) A mortuary, crematorium or funeral home. (e) A mobile home or trailer court, labor camp,junkyard or stockyard. (f) A land fill, garbage dump or for the dumping, disposing, incineration or reduction of garbage. On March 25, 2002, the Bozeman City Commission conditionally approved the Lowe's PUD and tabled any further action on the Lowe's Major Site Plan. The Saccoccia PUD is a Master PUD without a. first phase; hence the conditions of approval must be viewed from a different perspective. For the Master PUD to work, the City of Bozeman Staff and Commission must independently judge each subsequent Site Plan against the framework of the Master PUD and Development Guidelines. For example, landscape phasing and open space allocation is dependent upon the development sequence, which is not known at this time; however, the City will have the opportunity to review and establish requirements for each phase during Site Plan Review. Due to the fact that no improvements or building permits are proposed for the Master PUD and that there is no first phase proposed at this time, concurrent construction of improvements in accordance with City of Bozeman Ordinance 1532 is not required. Subsequent phases of this project may propose concurrent construction during the Site Plan Review, in which a narrative addressing Ordinance 1532 shall be submitted to the City. 2 Saccoccia PUD Development Guidelines Site Planning and Phasing Phase 1, in the northwestern area of the site could accommodate one or two large buildings facing south or east or west, as defined by an end user's site plan to gain optimal commercial exposure to North 19"' Avenue. An alternative might include several smaller buildings facing north and fronting Baxter Lane with the larger buildings on the interior of the parcel. Parking and open space green areas will be distributed according to the buildings defined by an end user, with larger open space areas likely to front on Baxter Lane and along the existing public street and utility access on the west boundary and proposed internal roads. Improvements associated with Phase 1 include the installation of the north-south access road with boulevard trees and construction of the reflection area. Landscaping in Phase 1 shall be installed concomitant with site plan development within Phase 1. Detention areas shall be developed with each phase as required by site plan design. Phase 2, lying south of Phase 1, will provide for the location of three smaller building pads fronting Tschache Lane. The west side of Parcel 2 will provide for one building that is approximately 8,000 square feet in size with necessary parking for approximately 100 cars. A restaurant is the likely use for this building site. This building will be located close to the Tschache Lane setback line and there will be a landscaped area near the corner of North 19t' Avenue and Tschache Lane. The east side of Parcel 2 will contain 2 buildings that are approximately 22,000 square feet in aggregate with necessary parking. One building may be a restaurant. The other building may be retail or financial. The buildings will be located close to Tschache Lane setback line. Alternatively, buildings may be constructed in alignment with Bridger Peaks Town Center and oriented in a north-south direction. Parcel 2 may have a north- south driveway in the middle of the parcel. Parcel 2 will have a private road on east side of parcel and an east-west driveway on north side of parcel. Landscaping fronting Tschache Lane shall be included with this phase and installed concomitant with site plan development. Phase 3, lying east of Phase 1, may contain in-line or separate small to mid-size buildings ranging in size from 2,500 SF to 40,000 SF. These in-line or separate buildings are likely to be staggered to mimic the building pad concept of Bridger Peaks Town Center. A large sidewalk in front of the in-line or separate buildings will provide for a 3 Saccoccia PUD Development Guidelines common area in which landscaping, pedestrian trails and other amenities are included. The green area trail-park on the east side of the Parcel will include Walton Stream-Ditch. Phase 3 improvements require the installation of the trail system and landscaping within the proximity of the stream setback. Also included with this phase is landscaping along Baxter Lane and Tschache Lane that front Phase 3. Per the guidelines set forth in the 1-90 Corridor section of the Design Objective Plan, the buildings and landscaping shall be organized into major groupings to soften the appearance of the development. Refer to the landscape design guidelines towards the end of this document. Open Space Allocation The Master PUD acts as an overall open space plan and schematically depicts a minimum of 30% open space for the entire PUD. There is an opportunity for each phase to rearrange the open space during each Site Plan Review as long as the overall open space plan adheres to the Master PUD with respect to percent open space and these Development Guidelines. Due to its location in the North 19t' Avenue/Oak Street corridor, this project must be developed as a planned unit development and meet the respective open space requirements. Specifically, the Saccoccia PUD must obtain 30% open space over the entire development. The Final Site Plan of the Saccoccia PUD demonstrates the ability to obtain 30% open space via greenway, stream setback and other open space areas. The open space allocation may vary from the Final Site Plan as the project is developed. Without tenants for this PUD, it is not possible to allocate open space with a high degree of certainty. The fine-tuning of the open space allocation will occur during the development of each phase and its respective Site Plan Review. The purpose of showing open space allocation on the Final Site Plan for the Saccoccia PUD is to demonstrate intent and that the allocation is obtainable. Portions of the open space allocation will not vary significantly from the Final Site Plan of the Saccoccia PUD. The greenway open space, shown in green on the Site Plan, will remain at the 4 Saccoccia PUD Development Guidelines perimeter of the development at a required distance from the boundary as determined by City Regulations. Further, the stream setback open space, shown in blue, is fixed and will not vary. The open space corridor along Walton Stream-Ditch will provide a visual separation between the property to the east and the proposed in-line or separate structures on site. The remaining open space, shown in yellow, shall be allocated with the intent identified in this document. A portion of the open space shall be placed in the northeast corner of the development. Open space shall be allocated to the backside of large buildings, should they abut Baxter Lane. This would in effect follow the open space as shown on the Final Site Plan leading to a larger landscaped area between the street and the back of the buildings. In the event that several smaller buildings are developed on the site, the open space could be rearranged to best reflect the goals of these guidelines. A centralized island of open space shall be established as a "reflection area" for pedestrians. This island will be landscaped and shall include pedestrian benches and trail/sidewalk connections to the development. Lastly, each phase of the PUD is responsible for providing a minimum of 30% open space through a combination of open space situated physically within each phase or by arrangement with the adjoiners within the PUD such that the open space requirement of 30% is met. Each phase must go through Site Plan Review and must demonstrate how they will comply with these design guidelines and meet the open space requirement. Pedestrian/Bicycle Trail Pedestrian/bike trails are integrated into the development. The exact location of the trail system will be determined during Site Plan Review for each phase. One segment of the trail system, located near the stream setback, is identified at this time. As shown on the Site Plan, this pedestrian/bicycle trail is located near the east boundary. Upon development of Phase 3, the trail along the stream will be installed as shown on the Site Plan. Access The Saccoccia PUD is accessed via two public roads and one private road. The public roads include Baxter Lane to the north and Tschache Lane to the south. Baxter Lane and one of the Tschache Lane accesses are located between Phases 1 and 3. The other Tschache Lane 5 Saccoccia PUD Development Guidelines access is within Phase 2. A private road along the western boundary of the PUD also provides access to the site at points not yet determined. This private road was installed with the development of the PUD on the property to the west and is located on a mutual access easement. Building character To ensure continuity within the development, it is important that all buildings be compatible with a consistent architectural character. To achieve this, these guidelines call for building forms, details, materials and colors that are intended to reflect the character of Montana and Bozeman. Inspiration is drawn from Bozeman's distinctive historic architecture. Often eclectic, the buildings in old Bozeman incorporate architectural styles and features from many sources and eras. The city's downtown serves as a vast resource of building styles, materials and color palettes. Many of these buildings incorporate pitch-roofs, and are where commercial "false fronts" are often found. In addition, Montana's natural landscape has also become a source in determining the appropriate colors for the buildings of this development. The building height restrictions were relaxed to allow for a maximum height of 48 feet in the Saccoccia PUD. This relaxation was supported by the desire to use building elements to provide contrast against horizontal portions of the buildings and to emphasize entry points. Building massing One of the main concerns of the city is to discourage standardized franchise style and "big box" architecture, which does not reflect the character of the local environment. Serious consideration has been given to the proposed building facades to avoid the appearance of a "big box" on the entryway corridor. 6 Saccoccia PUD Development Guidelines Per the guidelines in North 19t" Corridor section of the Design Objective Plan, we call for a building design that does not appear to be "standardized," or "franchise" in style. Articulation of building forms, both horizontally and vertically, have reduced the overall bulk of the buildings and have added visual interest to the architectural composition. Large, unbroken building massings that are not consistent with the pedestrian friendly character of the development have been avoided. Long, flat facades are visually broken down into masses of not more than 100' in length, by means of recesses, offsets, angular forms, and/or other features to provide visually interesting shapes. Furthermore, the following building elements help reduce the bulkiness of the structure: Roof Harsh boxy forms should be softened by rooflines that reflect the mountains surrounding Bozeman and respond to the regional climatic conditions. Buildings in this development shall incorporate pitched roof forms in their appearances. Pitches between 3:12 and 12:12 are considered appropriate. Entire buildings do not need to be covered with pitched roofs, but the entrance areas shall be emphasized in such a manner, as if a "false front" is applied. Distinctively shaped roof forms, detailed parapets, and exaggerated cornice lines can also be used. 7 Saccoccia PUD Development Guidelines 4 jC�N u}'NN�cIAL Eaves, soffits and fascias Sloped roof elements should have a horizontal eave , projection. Sloped roofs may have either eaves with exposed rafter tails or enclosed soffits. On major roof forms, enclosed soffits are preferred. Where exposed �� rafter tails are used, they shall be set back from the N,F roof edge and should be cut square to the roof slope. All roof edges with enclosed soffits shall have a V �Ts fascia. Fascias are not necessary for roof edges with4T exposed rafters. Gutters, downspouts, snow stops Gutters on roof edges are permitted, but they need to match the roof color at the enclosed soffit conditions, or the wood rafter color when exposed rafters are used. Exposed downspouts are permitted, but care is to be exercised when composing the 8 Saccoccia PUD Development Guidelines building elevations so that they become a part of an integral design. Snow stops shall be used on all sloped metal roof forms where roof edges are above pedestrian walkways. They need to be unobtrusive in appearance and match the color of the sloped roof. l 12:1 6it^P*As I?E WTf-` l•(coN4g 6't r rF Y I Roof mounted equipment Rooftop mechanical equipment, including but not limited to HVAC units, vents and other major penetrations, shall be screened. Preferably, the screening elements shall be incorporated into the roof form design. Penetrations and all other exposed elements in sloped roofs are to be painted to match the roof color. Canopies Canopies shall be used where feasible, to shelter entry doors and give definition to building walls. Sloped canopies, and canopies supported by diagonal rods with wall mounted connector plates are both acceptable. 9 Saccoccia PUD Development Guidelines } �---Moc�trt� pt.ktE J Exterior walls To reduce the overall scale of the building forms and to add visual interest, building walls should not be longer than 100' without an offset in plane, change in material, or some other treatment to vary the wall surface. Backside of buildings The city and these developmental guidelines discourage building designs that present a featureless backside. Consideration shall be given to utilizing various materials to break up the backside of the buildings. Storefront windows and doors The sizes, shapes and materials of storefront windows and doors have a significant visual effect on the building elevation design. To complement the development's overall aesthetics, the storefronts shall be made of anodized aluminum with clear insulated- glazing suitable to the local climate. Openings may have square or shallow arched tops. Generally arched top openings should be used judiciously to highlight areas of particular importance or to complement the design composition. Glass above the typical 7' door height is desirable to increase 10 Saccoccia PUD Development Guidelines the amount of interior daylight and to reduce the amount of unglazed exterior wall surface. Screening Trash enclosure, as well as ground level equipment such as transformers, satellite dishes, and mechanical equipment, are to be �I screened from public p i view through landscaping, fencing or finished walls that complement the buildings nearby. Materials and colors Wall materials are critical to the unified appearance within the development. Much like the historic buildings of Bozeman, the sensitive use of multiple materials is a desirable approach to creating richness in architectural character. Acceptable materials within the development are EIFS, brick and thin-set veneer brick, metal siding and roofing, precast concrete, colored CMU blocks, stone and simulated stone veneer. It is preferable that these materials be complimentary to the materials and colors as specified below. The color palette for the development derives from the colors used in downtown Bozeman as well as the surrounding Montana landscape. Use of this palette shall include shades of brown, yellow, green and red, and must be judicious and sensitive to the development's urban yet natural context. The color and material schedules submitted with the Site Plans shall provide inspiration in the design of the buildings for the development. The material and color palettes for individual projects will be judged in terms of their compatibility with the overall theme of the development. 11 Saccoccia PUD Development Guidelines Exterior lighting Lighting fixtures used on this development must comply with Section 18.42.150 "Lighting" of the City Uniform Development Code and conform to the stylistic theme of the development. The light fixtures shall be shielded to prevent direct illumination from falling on adjacent properties. The level and color of lighting are chosen to enhance the appearance of the buildings, while promoting security of the users. The lantern style light fixture, as depicted, shall only be used along the interior portions of the development. If placed along the exterior portions of the development, the lighting element must be completely shielded. Pedestrian oriented architecture The PUD's concept plan demonstrates coordination between vehicular and pedestrian circulation. Pedestrian corridors shall be provided between the phases and lots. The corridors provided for pedestrian circulation within the subdivision shall be buffered with landscaping and constructed with crosswalks designated with pavers or stamped concrete across vehicular lanes. Outdoor recreational areas such as landscaped areas, open spaces, trails and picnic areas should be provided for the use and enjoyment of workers and customers. Refer to attached lighting, tree grate, bench and bike rack cut sheets. 12 Architectural Arm-Mounted Cutoff Area Lighting Intended Use with (3) quarter-turn closing screws. Can KSE be hinged from any of the four sides. For car lots,street lighting or parking areas. Lens — .125%thick, impact-resistant tem- pered glass. Features Mounting—Extruded 4" aluminum arm for Housing — Rugged, heavy-gauge, extrud- square pole mounting,shipped in fixture ed aluminum housing.Square shape,seam- carton as standard. Optional mountings welded and internally sealed for weather- available. tightintegrity.Standardfinishisdarkbronze Electrical — High reactance, high power corrosion-resistant polyester powder factor for 150W and below.Constantwatt- (DDB). Architectural Class 1 anodize finish age autotransformer for 175W and above. and other architectural colors available. Copper wound and 100% factory tested. Optics —Anodized, segmented reflectors Removable power tray and positive-lock- for uniformity and control. Reflectors are ing disconnect plug. tool-less, rotatable and interchangeable. Socket— Medium-base socket for 100W r Five cutoff distributions available:R2(Road r MH and below.Mogul-base porcelain sock- way), R3 (Asymmetric), R4SC (Forward et with copper alloy, nickel-plated screw Throw,Sharp Cutoff),R4W(Wide,Forward shell and center contact.UL listed 1500W- Throw)and R5S(Symmetric). 600V.4KV pulse rated. Door Frame—Naturally anodized,extruded Listings—UL Listed(standard). CSA Certi- aluminum door frame sealed to housing by fied or NOM Certified(see Options).UL list- silicone closed-cell gasket and secured ed for wet locations. Ordering Information Example: KSE1 150S R2120 SP09 PER f Designation Distribution Voltage Mounting Options/Accessories High Pressure R2 Type II roadway 120 Included Installed Sodium R3 Type III asymmetric 2081 SP04 4" square pole arm5(std.) SF Single fuse,120V,277V,347V KSE1 70S R4SC Type IV forward 240' SP09 9" square pole arm (n/a TB) KSE1 100S throw, sharp cutoff 277 RP04 4" round pole arm5 DF Double fuse,208V,240V,480V KSE1 150S R4W Type IV wide, 347 RP09 9" round pole arm Wa TB) KSE2 250S forward throw (size 480' WW04 4"wood pole or wall5 PER NEMA twist-lock receptacle only KSE2 400S 2 only) TB^ WW09 9"wood pole or wall (no photocontrol) Metal Halift R5S Type V square (size WB04 4"wall bracket ORS Quartz restrike system 1100W max. KSE1 100M 2 only) WB09 9" wall bracket in KSE1,150 W max in KSE2,120V KSE1 150M mooned separately lamp not included). KSE1 175M KMA Mast arm adapter CR Enhanced corrosion resistance KSE1 200MI KTMB Twin mounting bar EC Emergency circuit KSE2 250M DA12P Degree arm (pole) GSL Glass sag lens SCWA Super CWA pulse start ballast KSE2 320M1,2 DA12WB Degree arm (wall) KSE2 350M1�2 (n/a with HIPS or 100,175M) KSE2 400M2 CSA CSA Certified NOM NOM Certified (consult factory) For optional architectural colors,see page 405. Shipped separately PE1 NEMA twist-lock PE(120V-24OV)7 NOTES: Dimensions are shown in inches Icentimeters)unless PE3 NEMA twist-lock PE(347V)7 1 Must be ordered with SCWA. otherwise noted. 2 Must use ED28lamp. KSEf KSE2 PE4 NEMA twist-lock PE(480V►7 3 ConsultfactoryforavailabilityinCanada, EPA7 1.3ft'(.12mz) 1.9ft1(.18m2) PE7 NEMA twist-lock PE(277V)7 4 Optional multi-tap ballast(120V,208V,240V,277V),InCanada Square 151Vts(39.8) 19(48.3) $C Shorting cap for PER option 120V,27rmwhen mountinghips as wol V. /1e(27.8) KSEIHS House-side shield (R2, R3 only) 5 Use9"arm when mountingtwoluminairesat90° Height 8a/a1222) 10ts 6 Available on KSE2 only. Max.weight 26.6 lbs(12.1 kg) 39.9Ibs(18.1kg) KSE2HS House-side shield (R2, R3 only) 7 PER must be ordered with fixture. KSEIVG Vandal guard KSE2VG Vandal guard For tenon slipfitters,see page 486. H LEI Square IAL/TNO/f1ALIVOWY7NC' www.lithonia.com Outdoor IPSG8 429 keyword: &U PROMENADE TM PRMS (V_H) - Post Top DATE TYPE PRMS FIXTURE FIXTURE BALLAST ARM SEE POLE BASE-POLE 1 2 3 ARM SECTION 4 PAGE 1 OF 2 COLOR OPTIONS 5 6 1 FIXTURE 2 BALLAST ❑ PRMS V3 vertical lamp,type 3 reflector ❑ 70MH uses medium base ED-17lamps. ❑ PRMS V5 vertical lamp,type 5 reflector 70 watt metal halide multitap ballast 120/208/240/277 volt ❑ PRMS H2 horizontal lamp,type 2 reflector ❑ 70MHT6 bi-pin socket for T6 lamp ❑ PRMS H3 horizontal lamp,type 3 reflector 70 watt metal halide dual voltage 120/277 volt ❑ PRMS H4 horizontal lamp,type 4 reflector ❑ 10OMH uses medium base ED-171amps. 100 watt metal halide multitap ballast 120/208/240/277 volt ❑ PRMS H5 horizontal lamp,type 5 reflector ❑ 150MH uses medium base ED-17lamps. DIMENSIONS: EPA=2.75 150 watt metal halide multitap ballast 120/208/240/277 volt 36"x 19"dia WT.=38 LaS. 915MM x 480 MM IP RATING=54 150M HT6 bi-pin socket for T6 lamp 5 COLOR 150 watt metal halide multitap ballast 120/208/240/277 volt ❑ WHT White ] DBZ Dark Bronze ❑ 175MH uses medium base ED-17lamps. ❑ BILK Black ] DGN Dark Green 175 watt metal halide multitap ballast 120/208/240/277 volt ] MAL Matte Aluminum ] VGR Verde Green ❑ 250MH uses mogul base ED-28lamps. ❑ ATG Antique Green ] CRT Corten 250 watt metal halide multitap ballast 120/208/240/277 volt. Horizontal lamp;use a POMB ED-26 lamp.Vertical ❑ LGY Light Warm Gray ] CUSTOM- _. lamp; use ED-28 lamps. ] RAIL # ❑ 70HPS uses medium base ED-17lamps. ❑ OTHER 70 watt high pressure sodium multitap ballast s OPTIONS 120/208/240/277 volt 100HPS uses medium base ED-17lamps. ❑ CHM Glass chimney,with brass holder. 100 watt high pressure sodium multitap ballast ❑ LDL Lightly diffused lens to conceal the fixture interior and reduce 120/208/240/277 volt lamp brightness. ❑ [� TA27 Adapter to slip a post top mounted head over 2 7/8"tenon 150HPS uses medium base ED-17la 150 watt high pressure sodium multitap ballast (specify tenon dimensions). 120/208/240/277 volt ❑ RST Instant restart ballast for 150 watt or less HIPS lamp(S55). ❑ QRS Quartz restrike controller and socket for a T-4 mini-cand ❑ 200HPS uses mogul base ED-18 lamps. halogen lamp. 200 watt high pressure sodium multitap ballast 120/208/240/277 volt ❑ QL Socket for a T-4 mini-cand halogen lamp.Field wired to a separate circuit. ❑ 250HPS uses mogul base E-18lamps. ❑ HSS House side shield,factory installed. 250 watt high pressure sodium multtap ballast ❑ PSB Pulse start ballast for 250 MH,V3 or V5 only. 120/208/240/277 volt. ❑ 347 120/277/347 volt ballast except for 70MHT6. Lamps not included. ❑ VSR Visor ❑ FTG flat glass lens instead of standard sag glass on reflector models ❑ FLD LDL-lightly,diffused finish on flas glass lens for reflector models. Approvals SOLD TO PO# JOB NAME / / ARCHITECTURAL AREA LIGHTING 14249 Artesia Blvd / La Mirada, CA 90638 714 994.2700 / fax 714 994.0522 / www.aal.net RefTRMS_Kpdf copyright 2003,design patented PROMENADE TM PRMS (H) - Post Top • HOUSING The entire fixture shall be cast aluminum,certified as pure A356 alloy, free of any porosity,foreign materials or cosmetic fillers. Castings shall be of uniform wall thickness, minimum .188"with no warping or mold shifting. The top shall hinge open by flipping up two integral latches.The con- cealed latch mechanism shall be all stainless steel. The top shall seal the lamp compartment with a full surround, molded silicone gasket. The lens shall be one piece clear, injection molded optical grade, DR acrylic, gasketed top and bottom with silicone gaskets, and held in place with six clips for easy lens replacement. The ballast assembly shall be accessible by loosening three captive stainless steel screws, and then twist off the ballast module. The ballast module shall be sealed from the lamp chamber with a silicone gasket. Quick discon- nects shall be used for all electrical connections. All internal and external hardware shall be stainless steel. REFLECTOR ,MODULE The optical assembly shall be completely sealed with a silicone gas- ket to prevent dust, insect or moisture contamination. The reflector module shall consist of segmented, specular and semi specular Alzak®panels precisely formed and positioned within the housing.The reflector module shall be mounted to a carrier plate,rotatable on nine- ty degree increments for proper field positioning. Reflectors shall meet the ANSI-IES standard for full cutoff reflectors. ELECTRICAL All electrical components shall be U.L. recognized. Ballasts shall be high power factor rated for-30'starting.The ballast shall be mounted to a cast holder for maximum heat dissipation. Medium base, (mogul base for 200 and 250 watt lamps) porcelain sockets shall be pulse rated.The electrical assembly shall be installed and prewired in the fix- ture. Sockets for T-6 lamps are G12 type. CERTIFICATION Fixtures shall be listed with ETL for outdoor, wet location use, UL 1570&1572 and Canadian CSA C22.2 no.9. IP=54 MOUNTING Post top mounting:the fixture shall slip into a four inch O.D. pole and be secured to the pole with three stainless steel set screws. Arm or wall mounting PRMS&PRMN:The fixture shall be welded to the cast arm. FINISH Fixture finish shall consist of a five stage pretreatment regimen with a polymer primer sealer, oven dry off and top Coated with a thermoset super TGIC polyester powder coat finish. The finish shall meet the AAMA 605.2 performance specification which includes passing a 3000 hour salt spray test for corrosion resistance. RELAMPING The top of the fixture shall hinge open for relamping. Two integral latches shall be flipped up to open the fixture for relamping. WARRANTY Fixtures shall carry a limited warranty of three years. Ballast compo- nents shall carry the ballast manufacturer's limited warranty.AAL prod- ucts are proudly made in the U.S.A.of 100%U.S.A,content materials. ARCHITECTURAL AREA LIGHTING 14249 Artesia Blvd / La Mirada, CA 90638 714 994.2700 / fax 714 994.0522 / www,aal.net Ref:PRMS_H.pdf copyright 2001,design patented METROPOLITAN COLLECTION Our most popular concept, the METROPOLITAN collection provides narrow slot openings, an eye-appealing pattern, and is available in a wide variety of sizes and shapes. Don't see exactly what you wont?Give us a call! �r 36"diameter with 12'diameter expandable tree opening. 1/4"slot openigp. 130 pounds per set. 1N11�}�tl�r•,. �R-8706-IAJ 48'square with 18"diameter expandable free opening. 1/4'slot.(Aveilot3le with fM upeaiags,order as R-17064) 330 pounds pm set. r n: R-8709-A 12'square vrith 24'diameter expandable free opening. 1/4"slot openings. w.. 755 pounds per set. y R-8869 A 60'd'wmeter vAh 18'diameter free opemng. 3/8'slot openings.Four 1'diameter holes for staking tree. —— _ 348 pounds per set. 800 558-5075 • www.nfco.com 02945 NEE Bwylne 3224 IN- /lii!1�\�\� R-8830-A1 R-8870 - W diameter with 1fl"diameter ex ndable tree 60"diameter with Ie"diameter ex oble tree Pa �n8• � nit• :�— 1/4'slot openings.WAble�W opeatelp,order as R4 0-I.) I/4'slot openings. 255 pounds per set. 375 pounds per set. , yy. i�IrrrrM. - trn R-8880-A R-8707 72'diameter with 24'diameter expandable tree opening. 60'spare with Ig"diameter expandable tree opening. 1/4'slot openings. 1/4'slat openings. — 600 pounds per set. 525 pounds per set. AdMW R-8965 -, 11 36"x72'rectangular with 1 r&rne r expendable tree opening. 60'hexagons with 16"hexagon tree opening. 3/0"stet openings. 1/4"slot openings. 320 pounds per set. 360 pounds per set. �no ,"" �/N R-8714 A R-8933 A 60"square with 10'diameter tree opening. 60'combination rourni quare with I r diameter tree opening. 3/r slot openings.Four 1'diameter holes for staking tree. 3/r slot openings.Four 1'diameter holes for staking tree. 465 pounds per set. 410 pounds per set. 800 558-5075 •www.nfco.com 27 9/16' 50 1/4'( 16-40PL) 47'( 16-40PL) 2'X4'( NOM. )SLATS ( SEE SLAT OPTIONS) 5/16-X 1 1/2' S.STL BTN SKr HD CAP W/WASHER&LOCK NLIT 1 31 11/16' DUMOR INC. 1/4'X CASE LEG 1/4'X 3' 3/4'SO. X 11 STL BAR 1/2'X 2 1/2' 17 1/16' STL B4R GA. STL TUBE S.STL FLT.SKr. CAP SCR. J 5/16'X 1 1/2'S.STL BTN.SKr. HD,LAG 3/4'SCH.40 \ SCR.W/WASHER S2 PIPE 7 M9//16'0 I 49'( 16-40PL) LES ❑ CUSTOM LETTERING ( 37 SPACES ) NOTES: SLAT OPTIONS 1.) ALL STL. MEMBERS COATED W/ ZINC RICH EPDXY THEN FINISHED ❑ "GREEN" RECYCLED PLASTIC W/ POLYESTER POWDER COATING. ❑ "GREY" RECYCLED PLASTIC 2.) 1/2" X 3 3/4" PLTD. EXPANSION ANCHOR BOLTS PROVIDED. ❑ "REDWOOD" RECYCLED PLASTIC 3.) CUSTOM LETTERING AVAILABLE FOR RECESSED SIDE PANELS. ❑ "CEDAR" RECYCLED PLASTIC ( TOTAL OF 37 SPACES ) ❑ OTHER • • Scku : NONE TTU : CAST BENCH —— DATE DRAWN : 10/1/99 D u M o r inc. DRAWN BY JS8 REV. DRAWING NUMBER SHEET DATE REV. : 3/29/02 B 16-40 P L 1 of 2 P.O. Bog 142 Mifflintown, PA 17059-0142 REV. BY : JSB �[ [ ORIGINAL RIBBON., R -E CC IDSA NATIONAL DESIGN AWARD WINNER (n Mn rn --9vol.---- 327A" 361W 1 SURFACE "NGE MOUNT GROUND LEVELMaKit!Number M'd9 smydtLm ii:Sew:L i. l[ no 45 5 3B.375- 97.5 cam 10 RB07 7 62.375' 158.4cm 1NGROUND RR 09 � 86.376' 219.4 cm ,ANCHOR'MOUNT 3„ A.�} �r RS 11 t1 110.375" 280.4 am 2W' 6,p I TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Sq a .i.Fy nq 1 Eatimat'i ng/Ordering All standard units made from: ASTM A53 SCHEDULE 40 steel pipe Please use the bilomring natation, 2.375"OD 154 wall), hydraulically bent OuanRy ( x . wa ) y RIBBONL' with a mandril, hot dipped galvanized 05 after fabrication. 07 Model Number 09 (#of bicycles) Installation Methods: 11 F—Fr+eost3ndin_g Mount inground anchor mount (standard) .I - Inground Ar'Ich m Maunt freestanding mount(optional & extra) S—Surface Flange MountG—Gzalvanized surface flange mount (optional & S —Stainless S'teG1 extra) The RIBBON RACK is available in ASTM 1:1 ED � ❑ Li SCHEDULE 40 TP 304 stainless steel, satin #4 finish (optional & extra). HOME About the Ribbon Rack Placement & Clearances Saccoccia PUD Development Guidelines Landscape Guidelines The landscape design creates an entry statement for the Baxter Lane and North Ile Avenue corridors. Wide landscape buffers are designed to tie this development to others in the area. Plant selections submitted with each Site Plan shall provide the development with a sense of unity with the surrounding developments and the natural environment. The design shall provide for seasonal interest, a variety of experiences for center users and for community members by providing pedestrian pathways along the streetscape and along the waterway to the east. The plantings are encouraged to combine with berms and swales to create topographical interest and to screen and buffer commercial development from surrounding uses. The cohesive nature of the design shall provide for unification of the project while allowing for a variety of tenants. With the proposed PUD configured as a Master PUD without a first phase, the landscape guidelines act as a framework with the landscape phasing requirements to be determined during the Site Plan Review process for each phase. For example, phasing of the boulevard trees along Baxter Lane, Tschache Lane and the private through street shall be determined during each Site Plan Review for each phase. The landscape plan for the Master PUD shall provide for a minimum of 15 points with 5 points earned for each of the yards as defined by the Tschache Lane, West Property Line and Baxter Lane frontages. The specific design guidelines as defined below may be altered within the framework of this PUD with the requirement being that the theme must be maintained throughout the development and the landscape points for each yard must be attained. Landscaping design on each lot must exceed the minimum requirements outlined in the zoning ordinance in order to achieve the higher quality of design expected with a PUD. These requirements are outlined in the North 19m Avenue/Oak Street Entryway Corridor Plan, which reflects design intentions for planned unit developments. Due to the project location, this planned unit development must adhere to the Greenway Corridor Landscape Standards. The City will have the opportunity to review each landscape plan during the Site Plan Review to assure that the PUD is built out in a cohesive manner consistent with these development guidelines. 20 Saccoccia PUD Development Guidelines General Landscape Guidelines On-site wells may be installed for irrigation purposes. If the applicant is unable to receive a permit for an on-site well within a reasonable timeframe, then the applicant shall provide a letter of explanation from the appropriate agency. Storm water detention areas and constructed ditches shall be landscaped to reflect an organic form. Water feature landscaping such as 6" river rock and wet root tolerant plants shall be integrated into the design. The detention/retention shall not exceed more than 1/3 of the front yards, shall have a maximum slope of 4:1 and shall not exceed 1-Y2 feet in depth. Each drive approach and public street intersection sight triangles shall be free of plantings that at mature growth will obscure vision within the sight triangle. Additional requirements such as additional landscaping and specie variations are to be addressed during the Site Plan Review process for each phase. It is at that time that the City will review a landscape plan unique to each phase. Tschache Lane Frontage Important considerations for this area include the requirement of the formal streetscape. This will be provided by the formal arrangement of Black Ash (Fraxinus nigra 'Fall Gold'), or other suitable species, at 50 foot. intervals along Tschache Lane. To the inside of this line of trees additional buffering of parking lots will be created by natural, rolling berms planted with groups of Austrian Pine (Pinus nigra), Colorado Spruce (Picea pungens), Thunderchild Flowering Crab (Malus 'Thunderchild'), and Spring Snow Crab (Malus 'Spring Snow) or other suitable species. The yard landscaping points shall be met with a minimum of two large evergreen trees or two small ornamental trees for each 50 lineal in addition to the large canopy trees at 50-foot intervals. Mown turf grass would flow over and around these plantings. The pedestrian pathway would wind through this greenway with the plantings and berms creating a variety of visual experiences for pathway users. All plantings shall be placed with consideration as to path use and safety, visibility into the parking lot for security personnel, visibility of businesses to prospective shoppers, and maximum screening for the adjacent development. Plant selection ties to the Bridger Peaks development by repeating the use of the Black Ash as street trees but creates variety and a unique identity by using Flowering Crabs. Creativity shall be encouraged 21 Saccoccia PUD Development Guidelines by large clusters of trees and shrubs planted along the yard at focal points including entrances to the PUD and at the intersection of Tschache Lane and North 19th Avenue. In these cases clusters of six evergreen shrubs or six deciduous shrubs or three evergreen shrubs and three deciduous shrubs may be substituted for each pair of either large evergreen trees or small ornamental trees to assist in creating focal point clusters. West Property Line Buffer This buffer strip will utilize berming, small ornamental trees and shrubs to screen and separate parking and structures. Planting space is limited due to extensive utilities running along this corridor. Plantings are designed to accommodate these concerns while still providing screening and separation. This buffer will enhance the visual perception of the development from North 19th Avenue. Part of the plant palette will be used to carry the planting around the corner to the north and visually tie this buffer to the Baxter Lane plantings. The typical planting will encourage the use of two small ornamental trees and groupings of three evergreen and three deciduous shrubs for each 50 lineal feet of yard. It is expected that some of the landscape species shall be grouped to tie to the Tschache Lane and Baxter Lane yards, to provide accent at the drive connections to the adjoining project and to avoid underground and overhead utilities. Baxter Lane Landscaping This landscape buffer will be used to mitigate visual impacts of the development from Interstate 90. Baxter Lane will be lined with a formal street tree arrangement of Prairie Spire Ash (Fraxinus pennsyivanica 'Rugby') or other suitable species. The large expanse of greenspace will utilize evergreen and deciduous trees and may use rolling berms to create a park-like setting. The plant palette may include Austrian Pine (Pinus nigra), Colorado Spruce (Picea pungens), Quaking Aspen (Populus tremuloides), and Canada Red Cherry (Prunus virginiana `Canada Red'). The detention area will be left natural and revegetated as described in the General Landscape Guidelines above. The yard landscaping points shall be met with the use of one large canopy tree and two large evergreen trees per each 50 lineal feet of frontage. The substitution of small shrubs or small ornamental trees for evergreen trees in clusters may be appropriate to provide corridor accents at the entry into the PUD. The rate of substitution shall 22 Saccoccia PUD Development Guidelines be two small ornamentals or three evergreen and three deciduous shrubs for each pair of large evergreen trees. Stream Corridor The steam corridor along the eastern property line has a wide setback and may be further separated from the development by a building access drive. A pathway is planned for this area to allow pedestrian access. Plantings should be limited to native species of trees and shrubs to enhance the riparian nature of the corridor. The planting of native grasses are also encouraged in this area. It is desirable to leave the native grasses unmown thereby enhancing the feel of a natural stream bank community. Interior Parkinq Lot The parking lot layout shall provide for traffic control, shading and pedestrian access. Japanese Tree Lilac (S ry inga reticulata), Clump Birch (Betula papyrifera), and Prairie Spire Ash are trees that may be utilized in the parking lot islands. Pedestrian Use Areas Pedestrian access shall be provided throughout the development. Concrete walks are to be provided along Baxter Lane and Tschache Lane with lateral extensions into the site. A minimum 6-foot wide pedestrian path shall be provided along the stream to the east. This path shall consist of a minimum of 6 inches of% inch crushed gravel meeting the requirements for a road base course. The gravel shall be compacted on a subgrade that has been compacted, sterilized and prepared with a weed preventative fabric. A primary pedestrian access shall be provided through the site and shall consist of concrete sidewalks and at-grade marked pedestrian crossings connecting pedestrian destinations with the reflection area. Building Envelopes Individual outlying buildings will be required to do foundation plantings to soften and enhance the architecture, sufficiently screen service and utilities from other tenants and from the street. General locations for these plantings shall be determined through Site Plan Review and shown 23 Saccoccia PUD Development Guidelines on a landscape plan. Materials shall include some of the species used in the overall development, but some variety will be allowed for individual expression and identity. A landscape plan will be required for these pad sites. The landscape design provides a strong unifying element to the overall design of the development. By providing landscaping across the project, a diversity of tenants and uses can be accommodated. *All plant varieties suggested are to act as a guideline. As new, improved cultivars are developed variation from the listed varieties will be allowed. Submitted by Shelly Engler, Landscape Architect, Cashman Nursery, February 7, 2002. Modified by Morrison Maierle, Inc., October 9, 2003 Signage guidelines City Staff and Commission shall review the signage for each lot during the Site Plan Review process. All signage within the Saccoccia PUD must adhere to the framework of the following signage guidelines; however, each individual signage proposal shall be reviewed independently. The Vision and Intention for this Signage Proposal Proposed signage is designed to be aesthetically superior in form, efficient in function, limited in quantity and non-interruptive. It is the goal to provide signage which is not only completely compatible with the materials used on the complex buildings (e.g. brick, dryvitt, 40 year metal for roofing), but to actually enhance the overall beautification of the project. We propose to accomplish this through compatible and complimentary designs, materials, lettering, colors and lighting. Lighting is to be limited, diffused and used only where direction is required or aesthetics persuade. All cabinets housing signs will be compatible and conform to the motif of the overall complex. 24 Saccoccia PUD Development Guidelines Proposed Signage will be of Three Categories: Pylons, Wall Signage, and Pad Signage Pylons: A single sign with primary tenantloccupant panels will be the main I.D. for the whole complex. There will be a second, lesser pylon sign with secondary tenant panels and a separate monument sign approximately half the size of the main pylon with secondary tenant panels. The main I.D. sign is shown in attached drawing. The primary pylon and monument will utilize internally illuminated fluorescents to light logo graphics. The pylon and monument will have similar materials, which will match building construction. The upper title cabinets and lower tenant cabinets will be constructed of metal and steel materials, will be painted and provided with lexan faces with 3M vinyl graphics. Internal fluorescents will illuminate the secondary tenant I.D. signs. The support columns will be of brick construction, designed to match the buildings in the whole complex. There may be a limited number of smaller non-illuminated entrance directionals placed appropriately for pedestrian and traffic control. A monument type directional may be considered should more than one tenant occupy a pad site. These signs will be addressed as needed during site plan review. Locations of exterior and entryway pylon signs are shown on enclosed map. Wall and Pad Signage: There are two types of wall signs permitted in this PUD: 1) Primary wall signage will be wall mount, tenant I.D. signage mounted to the individual building walls of the complex. The signs would be custom fabricated using pan channel individual letters with aluminum returns, back lit with neon, acrylic faces with trim cap and non exposed mounting hardware. Additional options would be custom shaped cabinets fabricated of aluminum painted to match building colors, with acrylic faces and applied 3M translucent vinyl graphics with various colors compatible to the building facade. Lighting would be fluorescent lamps. 25 Saccoccia PUD Development Guidelines All tenant copy will be of a contemporary letter style, with the exception that a nationally registered trade mark or regional chain letter style, logo and colors may be used. 2) Secondary wall signage will be provided to efficiently direct the public. These are to be limited and appropriately placed as projecting wall blade signs. These will be custom fabricated with painted aluminum frames and panels and 3M vinyl graphics to match building colors. 3) All pad signage shall be restricted to wall signage with the exception of the approved pylon signs. All site plans shall submit a wall signage package that must comply with these guidelines and the City of Bozeman signage design regulations. Signage Summary: Tenants are to be encouraged to be creative in their use of colors, shapes and graphic applications within the project guidelines and boundaries. Each tenant shall be required to submit scale drawings with specifications and color artwork for written landlord approval. H:\29271006\Docs\covenants\saccoccia PUD DevGuidex 07.28.04.doc N 0 M 0 EI)i I F I C AT I ON' of these plans and/or elevations without prior written approval from the Planning Office P L A REVIEWED a APPROVED ER . 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