HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppendix D.2 404 Permit 05-05-2020 __________________________________ 1 May 4, 2020 Sage Joyce, US Army Corps of Engineers Helena Regulatory Office 10 West 15th Street, Suite 2200 Helena, MT 59626 RE: Arrowleaf Park and Perennial Park Section 404 Application Dear Sage, Enclosed is a Section 404 application for the proposed Arrowleaf Park and Perennial Park PUD located in Bozeman, MT. The site is located between Baxter Lane, Sacco Drive, and Tschache Lane. The land is owned by Christian Center First Assembly of God of Bozeman, Inc (Section 1, Township 2South, Range 5 East). Aquatic resource impact has been avoided and minimized to 0.013 acre. The intent of the Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park is envisioned as a multi-household, workforce, and active senior housing community. The Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park Planned Unit Development (PUD) is an infill neighborhood that lies within the underlying Lowe’s & Saccoccia PUD. Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park project represents a diverse mixed-use neighborhood offering options for multigenerational housing in a variety of building types, as well as family housing services, early childhood education, and onsite health services. The overall design intent seeks to create a mix of affordable rental options within a quality walkable neighborhood that fosters a sense of community around shared recreation spaces in close proximity to jobs and services. Please contact me to schedule a site visit and with any questions regarding this application (406) 580- 6993. Thank you, Lynn Bacon, PWS TerraQuatic, LLC 614 West Lamme Street Bozeman, MT 59715 _______________________________________________ 2 Figure 1. Lot 3A of Minor Subdivision 407A project site location (red polygon), Bozeman, Montana. N Arrowleaf Park and Perennial Park Section 404 Application May 4, 2020 _________________________________________________________________________________ 1 JOINT APPLICATION FOR PROPOSED WORK IN MONTANA’S STREAMS, WETLANDS, FLOODPLAINS, AND OTHER WATER BODIES Use this form to apply for one or all local, state, or federal permits listed below. The applicant is the responsible party for the project and the point of contact unless otherwise designated. “Information for Applicant”includes agency contacts and instructions for completing this application. To avoid delays, submit all required information, including a project site map and drawings. Incomplete applications will result in the delay of the application process.Other laws may apply. The applicant is responsible for obtaining all necessary permits and landowner permission before beginning work. ü PERMIT AGENCY FEE 310 Permit Local Conservation District No fee SPA 124 Permit Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks No fee Floodplain Permit Local Floodplain Administrator Varies by city/county ($25 - $500+) X Section 404 Permit, Section 10 Permit U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Varies ($0 - $100) X 318 Authorization 401 Certification Department of Environmental Quality $250 (318); $400 - $20,000 (401) Navigable Rivers Land Use License, Lease,or Easement Department of Natural Resources and Conservation, Trust Lands Management Division $50, plus additional fee A. APPLICANT INFORMATION NAME OF APPLICANT (person responsible for project): Steve Dymoke, GMD Development LLC Has the landowner consented to this project?X Yes □ No Mailing Address:520 Pike St. Seattle, WA 98101 Physical Address:same Day Phone: 206-745-6464 (H), 206-227-3536 (C) E-Mail:steve@gmddevelopment.com NAME OF LANDOWNER (if different from applicant): Christian Center First Assembly of God of Bozeman, Inc. Mailing Address:921 W. Mendenhall St., Bozeman, MT 59715 Physical Address:same Day Phone: 406-587-9283 E-Mail:administrator@summitchurchmt.com NAME OF CONTRACTOR/AGENT (if one is used):Harley Huestis, PE l Project Manager Mailing Address:234 E. Babcock, Suite 3 l Bozeman, MT 59715 Physical Address: Same as above Day Phone:406-586-0277 (o)E-Mail: Harley.Huestis@tdhengineering.com B. PROJECT SITE INFORMATION NAME OF STREAM or WATER BODY at project location: Walton Ditch ; Nearest Town: Bozeman ; Address/Location:; Geocode (if available): ; Section 1 , Township 2S , Range 5E ; County:Gallatin Longitude: -111.057794 , Latitude:45.698375 See Figure 1. AGENCY USE ONLY: Application # ___________Date Received ____________ Date Accepted ____________/ Initials _____ Date Forwarded to DFWP ____________ Revised: 6/5/15 (310 form 270). Form may be downloaded from: www.dnrc.mt.gov/ licenses-and-permits/stream-permitting This space is for all Department of Transportation and SPA 124 permits (government projects). Project Name _________________________________________________ Control Number ________________________________ Contract letting date ________________________________________________ MEPA/NEPA Compliance o Yes o No If yes, #14 of this application does not apply. Arrowleaf Park and Perennial Park Section 404 Application May 4, 2020 _________________________________________________________________________________ 2 ATTACH A PROJECT SITE MAP OR A SKETCH that includes: 1) the water body where the project will take place, roads, tributaries, landmarks; 2) a circled “X” representing the exact project location. IF NOT CLEARLY STATED ON THE MAP OR SKETCH,PROVIDE WRITTEN DIRECTIONS TO THE SITE. C. PROJECT INFORMATION 1.TYPE OF PROJECT (check all that apply) o Bridge/Culvert/Ford Construction o Fish Habitat o Mining o Bridge/Culvert/Ford Removal o Recreation (docks, marinas, etc.)o Dredging o Road Construction/Maintenance o New Residential Structure o Core Drill o Bank Stabilization/Alteration o Manufactured Home X Placement of Fill o Flood Protection o Improvement to Existing Structure o Diversion Dam o Channel Alteration o Commercial Structure o Utilities o Irrigation Structure X Wetland Alteration o Pond o Water Well/Cistern o Temporary Construction Access o Debris Removal o Excavation/Pit Other ______ 2.PLAN OR DRAWING of the proposed project MUST be attached.This plan or drawing must include: a plan view (looking at the project from above) a cross section or profile view dimensions of the project (height, width, depth in feet) an elevation view location of storage or stockpile materials dimensions and location of fill or excavation sites drainage facilities location of existing or proposed structures, such as an arrow indicating north buildings, utilities, roads, or bridges 3.IS THIS APPLICATION FOR an annual maintenance permit?o Yes X No (If yes, an annual plan of operation must be attached to this application – see “Information for Applicant”) 4.PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION DATE. Include a project timeline. Start date 8/2020. Finish date 9/2021 Is any portion of the work already completed?o Yes X No 5.WHAT IS THE PURPOSE of the proposed project? The intent of the Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park is envisioned as a multi-household, workforce, and active senior housing community. 6.PROVIDE A BRIEF DESCRIPTION of the proposed project. The Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park Planned Unit Development (PUD) is an infill neighborhood that lies within the underlying Lowe’s & Saccoccia PUD. Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park project represents a diverse mixed-use neighborhood offering options for multigenerational housing in a variety of building types, as well as family housing services, early childhood education, and onsite health services. The overall design intent seeks to create a mix of affordable rental options within a quality walkable neighborhood that fosters a sense of community around shared recreation spaces in close proximity to jobs and services. The state owns the beds of certain state navigable waterways. Is this a state navigable waterway? NO. If yes, send copy of this application to appropriate DNRC land office –see Information for Applicant. Arrowleaf Park and Perennial Park Section 404 Application May 4, 2020 _________________________________________________________________________________ 3 7.WHAT IS THE CURRENT CONDITION of the proposed project site? Describe the existing bank condition, bank slope, height, nearby structures, and wetlands. No Walton Ditch impacts are proposed. 8.PROJECT DIMENSIONS. How many linear feet of bank will be impacted? How far will the proposed project encroach into and extend away from the water body? None. 9.VEGETATION. Describe the vegetation present on site. How much vegetation will be disturbed or covered with fill material during project installation? (Agencies require that only vegetation necessary to do the work be removed.) Describe the revegetation plan for all disturbed areas of the project site in detail. Proposed wetland impact totals 0.013 acre. The area will be revegetated with upland seed (see enclosed seed mix). 10.MATERIALS. Describe the materials proposed to be used. Note: This may be modified during the permitting process. It is recommended you do not purchase material until all permits are issued. Site Bedding Size/CUYD Topsoil (CUYD)Pipe Material /Size/Type Impact 1 (SE Corner)11 CY of Clean Fill 11 CY of Topsoil N/A from on-site excess from on-site excess materials materials TOTAL 11 CY 11 CY 11.EQUIPMENT. List all equipment that will be used for construction of the project. How will the equipment be used on the bank and/or in the water? No work will be done in the water; the nearest disturbance will be 20’ from the stream. Fill material will be placed with a tracked skidsteer for minimum impact. Equipment will be clean and free of weeds and excess grease before working in this area. Placement will be done by moving forward and back with the bucket towards the stream so as to keep the machine and tracks the maximum distance from the water. 12.DESCRIBE PLANNED EFFORTS TO MINIMIZE PROJECT IMPACTS. Consider the impacts of the proposed project, even if temporary. What efforts will be taken to: ·Minimize erosion, sedimentation, or turbidity? Silt fence or sediment log will be installed along the existing toe of the streambank and/or along wetland boundary prior to construction to prevent sediment from entering wetlands or the channel. Project has been designed to minimize the impact to wetlands and maintain separation between disturbance area and stream. ·Minimize stream channel alterations? No stream channels will be impacted. ·Minimize effects to stream flow or water quality caused by materials used or removal of ground cover? Silt fence or sediment log will be installed along the existing toe of the streambank and/or along wetland boundary prior to construction. Project has been designed to minimize the impact to wetlands and maintain separation between disturbance area and stream. ·Minimize effects on fish and aquatic habitat? No fish habitat would be affected by the proposed project. Arrowleaf Park and Perennial Park Section 404 Application May 4, 2020 _________________________________________________________________________________ 4 ·Minimize risks of flooding or erosion problems upstream and downstream? No risk of flooding or erosion. ·Minimize vegetation disturbance, protect existing vegetation, and control weeds? Permitted wetland disturbance and any disturbance to upland within 50 feet of any site wetlands will be revegetated with a parkland upland seed mix (drought tolerate, see enclosed species table). 13.WHAT ARE THE NATURAL RESOURCE BENEFITS of the proposed project? Hydrophytic trees and shrubs will be planted within the 50-foot buffer zone along Walton ditch (the 0.013 acre impact is on the southwest end of Walton Ditch). 14. LIST ALTERNATIVES to the proposed project. Why was the proposed alternative selected? The impact was minimized from 0.4-0.5 acre to 0.013 acre to purposefully select the least damaging alternative. D. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR SECTION 404, SECTION 10, AND FLOODPLAIN PERMITS ONLY. If applying for a Section 404 or Section 10 permit, fill out questions 1-3. If applying for a floodplain permit, fill out questions 3-6. (Additional information is required for floodplain permits – See “Information for Applicant.”) 1.Description of avoidance, mitigation, and compensation (see Information for Applicant). Attach additional sheets if necessary. Early project designs included 0.4 to 0.5 acre impact to wetlands and a stormwater ditch. The engineers and architects worked with the wetland scientist to decrease wetland impacts to 0.013 acre. Mitigation will not be required for fill less than 0.1 acre. 2.List the names and address of landowners adjacent to the project site. This includes properties adjacent to and across from the project site. (Some floodplain communities require certified adjoining landowner lists). See table at the end of this application. 3.List all applicable local, state, and federal permits and indicate whether they were issued, waived, denied, or pending. Note: All required local, state, and federal permits, or proof of waiver must be issued prior to the issuance of a floodplain permit. 4. Floodplain Map Number No floodplain in project site. 6. Does this project comply with local planning or zoning regulations?x Yes o No Arrowleaf Park and Perennial Park Section 404 Application May 4, 2020 _________________________________________________________________________________ 6 Figure 1.Lot 3A of Minor Subdivision 407A project site location (red polygon), Bozeman, Montana. Name Mailing Address City State Zip Legal Address Contiguous or Not MONTANA KEYSTONE VENTURES LLC 17 LOCKWOOD DR CHARLESTON SC 29401 PT LANO PH 2 SUB, S01, T02 S, R05 E, Lot 6A, ACRES 32.51, PLAT J-498 CONTIGUOUS SACCOCCIA LANDS LLC 1234 SPRINGHILL SCHOOL RD BELGRADE MT 59714 BRIDGER PEAKS VILLAGE SUB, S01, T02 S, R05 E, Lot 5, ACRES 11.85, PLAT J-368 PLUS INTEREST IN COMMON AREA CONTIGUOUS C/O REEF REAL ESTATE SERVICES LLC 1620 5TH AVE STE 770 SAN DIEGO CA 92101 BRIDGER PEAKS TOWN CTR SUB PH 1, S01, T02 S, R05 E, Lot 11, ACRES 4.01, IN NW4, PLAT J-275 CONTIGUOUS ATTN: TIMOTHY L. COOKSEY 1000 LOWES BLVD MOORESVILLE NC 28117 S01, T02 S, R05 E, TRACT 2B1 NW4 15.93AC COS 1215H CONTIGUOUS %BOZEMAN LAND INVESTORS LLC 1735 S 19TH AVE STE B BOZEMAN MT 59718 LEWIS & CLARK COMM SUB, S36, T01 S, R05 E, BLOCK 2, Lot 5, ACRES 3.641, PLAT J- 376 PLUS OPEN SPACE BENEFICIAL USE ONLY NOT CONTIGUOUS SACCOCCIA LANDS LLC 1234 SPRINGHILL SCHOOL RD BELGRADE MT 59714 MINOR SUB 407C, S01, T02 S, R05 E, Lot 2A, ACRES 5.53 CONTIGUOUS ADJOINERS PROPERTY OWNERS Arrowleaf & Perennial Park PUD MINOR SUB 407A, S01, T02 S, R05 E, Lot 3A, Bozeman, MT N Arrowleaf Park and Perennial Park Section 404 Application May 4, 2020 _________________________________________________________________________________ 7 LEGENDEXISTINGDESCRIPTION REVISION S H E E T D E S I G N E D B Y : Q U A L I T Y C H E C K : J O B N O . F I E L D B O O K D R A W N B Y : D A T E : 1 9 0 0 6 W E T L A N D T 1 - 3 REV DATE ARROWLEAF PARK & PERENNIAL PARK - AQUATIC RESOURCES DELINEATION MAP BOZEMAN, MONTANA LOT 3A OF MINOR SUB 407A & SACCOCIA COMMON OPEN SPACE OF MINOR SUB 407 IN THE NW 1/4 OF SEC 1, T2S, R5E, P.M.M., GALLATIN COUNTY B 1 9 - 0 0 6 1 2 / 1 2 / 1 9 1 9 4 / 2 0 , 2 7 . D W G 1 O F 1 B S T 406.586.0277 • tdhengineering.com Engineering 234 E. BABCOCK ST., SUITE 3 • BOZEMAN, MONTANA 59715 LEGENDEXISTINGDESCRIPTION REVISION S H E E T D E S I G N E D B Y : Q U A L I T Y C H E C K : J O B N O . F I E L D B O O K D R A W N B Y : D A T E : B 1 9 - 0 0 6 W E T L A N D REV DATE ARROWLEAF PARK AND PERENNIAL PARK BOZEMAN, MONTANA WETLAND IMPACT EXHIBIT B 1 9 - 0 0 6 0 5 / 0 4 / 2 0 1 9 4 / 2 0 , 2 7 . D W G 1 O F 1 S E J H M H 406.586.0277 • tdhengineering.com Engineering 234 E. BABCOCK ST., SUITE 3 • BOZEMAN, MONTANA 59715