HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppendix D.1 - Weed Management Plan 05-05-2020 _________________________________ 1 Gallatin County Weed District 903 North Black Bozeman, MT 59715 May 4, 20202 RE: Arrowleaf Park and Perennial Park Weed Management Plan Dear Gallatin County Weed District, Enclosed is a Weed Management Plan for the proposed Arrowleaf Park and Perennial Park PUD (Lot 3A). The site is located between Baxter Lane, Sacco Drive, and Tschache lane. The property is owned by Christian Center First Assembly of God of Bozeman, Inc (Section 1, Township 2South, Range 5 East). The intent of the Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park is envisioned as a multi-household, workforce, and active senior housing community. The Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park Planned Unit Development (PUD) is an infill neighborhood that lies within the underlying Lowe’s & Saccoccia PUD. Arrowleaf Park & Perennial Park project represents a diverse mixed-use neighborhood offering options for multigenerational housing in a variety of building types, as well as family housing services, early childhood education, and onsite health services. The overall design intent seeks to create a mix of affordable rental options within a quality walkable neighborhood that fosters a sense of community around shared recreation spaces in close proximity to jobs and services. Please contact me to schedule a site visit and with any questions regarding this application (406) 580- 6993. Thank you, Lynn Bacon, PWS TerraQuatic, LLC 614 West Lamme Street Bozeman, MT 59715 ________________________________________ 2 1 of 6 Date Received Gallatin County Weed District 903 North Black Bozeman, MT 59715 406.582.3265 www.gallatin.mt.gov weeddistrict@gallatin.mt.gov NOXIOUS WEED MANAGEMENT AND REVEGETATION PLAN LANDOWNER Name: _________________________________________________________________ __ Mail Address: ____________________________________________________________ _ City: _________________________________________________________________ ___ State: _________________________________________________ ZIP:_________________________ Phone(s):_______________________________ Email:___________________________________ ENGINEERING FIRM (If Applicable) Firm Name: ___________________________________ Engineer:________________________________ Email: ____________________________________ Phone: _________________________________ Requirements for Subdivision Weed Management Plan approval include: Brief cover letter stating current and future uses of the property Plat map detailing distribution and species of noxious weeds present Completion of this Plan Written contract with commercial applicator (if contracting weed control) Review fee: $150 for Minor (1-5 lots) or $300 for Major (≥ 6 lots) 2 of 6 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project name: _____________________________ Physical address: ______ Legal description: T_____ N/S R_____E/W Sec_____ 1/4 _____ 1/4 _____ Number of lots: Total acres in project: Total road miles in project: PROJECT OVERVIEW Describe what the intentions are for developing this property: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ NOXIOUS WEED MANAGEMENT NOXIOUS WEED SPECIES ON PROPERTY (identify on plat map with weed inventory): ____________________________________ METHOD OF WEED CONTROL YOU INTEND TO USE (mark all that apply): CHEMICAL MECHANICAL CULTURAL BIOLOGICAL Describe specific control measures and timing of control for 3 years. If using herbicides, include type of herbicide and rates. Attach additional pages if necessary (all such pages are hereby incorporated by reference). ___________________________________ 3 of 6 ESTIMATED COSTS OF WEED CONTROL FOR 3 YEARS (specify cost for each year): Who will complete work: Self Contracted Contractor name (if applicable) ___________________________________ If hiring a contractor, a written contract with that contractor is required. Please provide a copy of this contract. Year Herbicide/Applicator Cost Cultural/Mechanical Cost Biological Cost 1 2 3 Total *See page 6 for a list of the information that will be required to be submitted when applying for a Memorandum of Understanding in the future. REVEGETATION Are any disturbances planned? Yes No If yes, complete the following revegetation section. MANDATORY REVEGETATION REQUIREMENTS: Areas disturbed during subdivision development (road construction, pond construction, service/utility/gas/electric/telephone line installation) shall have a layer of topsoil redistributed onto disturbed areas. Disturbed areas must be seeded to an appropriate grass seed mix for the site. During the first and second years of grass establishment, areas seeded to grass shall be mowed as appropriate to prevent weed seed development and dispersal. PLANNED DISTURBANCES (mark all that apply): Utility/Service line Pond Road Park Trail Central septic Other (list type) Describe in detail the revegetation to mitigate all disturbances that will occur on this property. List type and amount of seed/sod, seeding methods and timing, and fertilization. Attach additional pages if necessary (all such pages are hereby incorporated by reference). _________________ _______________________ 4 of 6 ESTIMATED COSTS OF REVEGETATION FOR 3 YEARS (specify cost for each year): Who will complete work: Self Contracted Contractor name (if applicable) _________________________________ Year Revegetation Cost 1 2 3 Total GRAVEL SOURCE (Complete this section if using an outside supply of gravel) List source of gravel/pit run/road mix/topsoil/etc. brought on-site for disturbance mitigation and/or construction. Name of gravel pit: Location: Contact person: *Be aware that gravel sources and topsoil may contain noxious weed seeds; therefore, we recommend using a source that is actively controlling noxious weeds on their property, consistent with an approved Weed Management Plan. 6 of 6 Required Documentation for Memorandum of Understanding: Year 1  Name of person or business that treated the land (applicator)  Contact information for the applicator  Date(s) and type of treatment Chemical: Trade name and rates of herbicide used Mowing: Dates mowed Bio Control: Provide details  Noxious weed species treated  Total acres treated and a map of area treated  Seed mix and seeding rates used  If contracted, a copy of the invoice  If self-treated, a copy of receipts for herbicides purchased Year 2  Name of person or business that treated the land (applicator)  Contact information for the applicator  Date(s) and type of treatment Chemical: Trade name and rates of herbicide used Mowing: Dates mowed Bio Control: Provide details  Noxious weed species treated  Total acres treated and a map of area treated  Seed mix and seeding rates used  If contracted, a copy of the invoice  If self-treated, a copy of receipts for herbicides purchased Year 3  Name of person or business that treated the land (applicator)  Contact information for the applicator  Date(s) and type of treatment Chemical: Trade name and rates of herbicide used Mowing: Dates mowed Bio Control: Provide details  Noxious weed species treated  Total acres treated and a map of area treated  Seed mix and seeding rates used  If contracted, a copy of the invoice  If self-treated, a copy of receipts for herbicides purchased The Memorandum of Understanding required for final plat approval will be denied if all of the documentation is not received with the MOU application.