HomeMy WebLinkAboutEx 4 81320 PPM Report1DEXHIBfT 4: Bozeman Parking Commission, 8lL3|2O2OBOZEMAN PARKI NG COM M ISSIONParking Proager's ReportDate: August 5,2020To: Bozeman Parking CommissionFrom: Ed Meece, Parking Program ManagerAn update of major developments, in July, includes:o Ordinance #2033: Ordinance 2033 (Parking Benefit Zones) was considered by the Bozeman City Commission onMarch 2,2O2O, and approved on 1't reading by a 3-2 vote. Second reading is scheduled forJuly 27,2O2O.o Surface Lot Counting Svstems: The occupancy signage project in the Bridger Downtown Parking Garage will beimplemented by T2 Systems in July 2020. Likewise, a pilot project of surface lot counting tech will take place inthe Rouse Lot during July 2020 as well.o MT Parkins Summit 2020: The Parking Services Division is taking the lead to organize the Montono Parking Summit2020 - October 6, 2020, 8:30 am - 77:30 am; to be conducted on our WebEx platform. Please mark your calendarsand plan to attend...more informat¡on to come soon.o Data Mapping: The Parking Services Division continues our data mapping project to gather block level parkinginventories, signage, and curb markings AND input this data into the GIS system so that occupancy data collectedby the LPR system can be analyzed at the block face level. Expected completion by mid/end October.o Performance Evaluations: The PPM completed annual performance evaluations on the enforcement staff.o Mailed Citation "Pilot": During the month of July, the Parking Services Division did a pilot project for the purposeof developing and testing the conversion of Overtime and Permit (RPPD)citations to a mailonly system. ln brief,the PEO issues a citation at the time of violation, however, the citation is mailed to the vehicle owner rather thanplaced on the windshield. Two important reasons for exploring the potential of this process - 1) Limit citizeninteractions for the purpose of COVID community transmission; 2) Limit hostile/threatening citizen interactionswhich have increased significantly, with multiple threats, abusive language, etc., directed at the ParkingEnforcement Officers. A summary memorandum will be prepared, so that D¡rector Fontenot can evaluate whetherthis program should continue, and if so what modifications are necessary to its procedures.o Children's Memorial Garden: July 10th, the Parking Services Division (and entire Economic DevelopmentDepartment) spent % day assisting with landscaping, weed removal, trimming, and other basic labor tasks at theChildren's Memorial Garden. The CMG depends entirely on volunteer labor/supplies to maintain a peaceful settingthat memorializes the death of children in our community from the early 90's to present time.o Librarv Parking Enforcement: The Parking Services Division assisted the Facilities Management Department inproviding new curb markings, signage, and parking regulation to the Bozeman Library Parking Lot. Additionalmeasures are under discussion for future implementation as well.o Trainins: Learning Management Software training for individual and departmental training needs; Webinar -"Parking and Pandemic Recove¡y'' (Southwest Parking & Transportation Assoc); Successful Employee Retention(Bozeman Chamber of Commerce).7l2o2o2 Revenues YTD: S 547,307.90 l4%l Expenditures YTD | 57t,19t.74 16%l PARKING SERVICE FUND - OPERATINGASOF Blsl20REVENUEPARKING LOT PERMITSGARAGE PERMITSGARAGE - TRANSIENT REVENUEGARAGE VALIDATION COUPONSRESIDENTIAL NGHBD. PERMITSEMPLOYEE NGBHD. PERMITSVISITOR NGBHD. PERMITSADMIN/I-ATE FEESBOOT FEESCITATION REVENUEINTEREST INCOMEMISC REVENUETRANSFERS / FROM OTHER FUNDSTOTATEXPENDITUREADMIN - PERSONNELADMIN - OPERATINGADMIN - CAPITALENFORCEMENT - PERSONN ELENFORCEMENT - OPERATINGENFORCEMENT - CAPITALGARAGE - PERSONNELGARAGE - OPERATINGGARAGE - CAPITALTOTATFY21 BUDGETs 5o,ooo.ooS 3so,ooo.oos 75,5oo.oos 6,000.00s 34,000.00s 2,ooo.oo5 15,000.00s 3o,ooo,oos 8,000.00s 400,000.00s 5,ooo.oos 2,340.00S 17o,ooo.ooFY21 ACTUATs 28o.ooS 9,734.00S s,ztt.oos 1,049.00s 612.s0s 7.soS 16s.oos 3,355.00s 33o.oos 22,O32.9O% EARNED % EXPECTEDYTD YTDL% 8%3% 8%7% 8%L7% 8%2% 8%0% 8%L% 8%LL% 8%4% 8%6% 8%0% 8%tgt% 8%o% 8%FY21 BUDGETS ¿,¿os.ooFY21 ACTUATs 11,382.00s 9,887.89ss 21,358.07s 1,987.37s5 4,L62.48S 11,673,93s 10,740.00s 1,147,840.00 s 47,307.904%8%% EXPECTED%SPENTYTD YTD8% 8%5% 8%o% 8%8% 8%3% 8%o% 8%8% 8%6% 8%o% 8%sssssssss139,994.00194,973.003s,000.00259,274.OO59,612.00280,000.0050,114.00209,497.OOs 1,228,464.00 s 71,t9t.74 6% 8% Strategic Parking Managenrent PlanJuly 2020STRATEGY DESCRIPTIONPRO¡ECTED ACTUATCOMPTETION COMPTETIONOn-GoingJul-16PENDINGCOMMENTSAdopted by the BPC in8/2Ot6.Adopted bythe BPC in812076.PPM attending DRCmeetings, and offeringdata/comment as staffreview.Adopted by the BPC into/2ot6.BPC approved Resolution2ot7-o3 (6/2017l; CitVCommission approvedResolution #4837 onth4h7.BPC adopted Resolution2018-03 recommending CILincrease to S2500016 / 2Û1.el ; City Co m missio nAPPROVAL of Resolution4292 (increasing CILP to525000) on t2/t7 h8;PPM is completing researchfor facility mgt. bestpract¡ces, starting to draftFac. Mgt. plan,8/17;April/19 - PPM acquired FacMgt plan for MSU garageand met with localengineering firm to discuss;12Formalize the guiding principlesas policies within the parking andtransporation system plan.Adopt the 85% rule as thestandard for measuringperformance of the parkingsupply and triggering specificmanagement strategies.Strengthen the role of theParking Manager and the ParkingServices Division - to betterintegrate with the CommunityDevelopment and EconomicDevelopment planning.Establish a policy for adjustingrates (on and off-street)Establish a Capital MaintenanceReserve FundRe-evaluate and restructurecurrent cash-in-lieu program.Re-evaluate code basedminimum parking requirementsRe-evaluate and clarify thepurpose and intent ofthecurrent code section regardingSpecial lmprovement Distr¡ct #565.lmplement a FacilitiesMaintenance Plan.3456789L2l3Ol2Otg On-go¡ng 10Develop a reasonable scheduleof data collection to assessperformance, including anaccurate on and off streetinventory (public and private)and an occupancy/utilizationanalysis.ldentify off-street shared useopportun¡ties based on datafrom strategy 9. Establish goalsfor transitioning employees,begin outreach to opportunitysites, negot¡ate agreements, andassign employees to facilities.Complete the 2008 ParkingDistrict ldentificationSignage/Branding PlanClarify current on-street parkingsignage, particularly in areaswhere unlimited parking isallowed. Consider incorporatingthe current City parking logo intoon-street signage.slL/17 &7hlt7Data collection ocurred,following the StrategicParking Management Plan,Spring and Summer 2017;WTI report (draft) submitted9/2017 , under staff reviewat th¡s t¡me; Final commentssubmitted to WTI formodification, LOl23l fl ; fhefinal WTI Parking OccupancyReport was released ontUI412017, analysis isunderway - includingreview/memorandum fromRlck Williams Consulting.1st shared uåe agreement .-negotlated and approvedwith Big Sky Western Bank(June 2017); Completion ofthe WTI Parking OccupancyStudy on ÍlLalfl isexpected to demonstrateareas where new sharedspace agreements will bemost effective; Shared UseAgreement and GIS Layercomplete 6lt/18;PPMisidentifying several privateparking sites as potentialareas for shared use parking' agreements.11t2PSD, in cooperat¡on w¡th the' GlS Department, has. completed an inventory ofwithin the B-3. TheJias a map layer to the COB'sGIS viewer, and is availableto the public atQn-goin$ Jänuafy bozeman.net . Next step ¡s2019 a Completê to rev¡ew current situationParklhg lnv€ntqry against desired changes forloaded to GIS modifiying field conditions. system, as deemed appropriate.13 t41516Rename all publicly owned lotsand garages by address.Upgrade the access/revenuecontrol system at the BridgerGarage.lnstall a vehicle counter systemat Bridger Garage and at theSurface lots.Establish best practice protocolsand performance metr¡cs forexisting enforcement personneland support enforcement withappropriate technology.slu20t83lL|2O2OResolution 2018-06 wa'spresented and approved atthe 8/t2/I8 meeting of theBPC.As of 8-16-19, the COB w¡llconsider implementation ofthe new access/revenuecontrol system COMPLETE;8l].6lß is final debriefsession with vendors andinternal team, on-site; PPMis finalizing a contract w¡thPASSPORT labs for mobileapp that will expand abilityto provide timed parkingopportunities, expectedpresentat¡on at (March)July 2020 BPC mtg.I nstallation of vehiclecounting system moved to"Phase ll" ofthe 2018Pa rking Technology Project;Phase 2 will includeoccupancy signage on theparking garage &implementation of a MobileParking App as well;Purchase Order for garageoccupancy signage signedL2l26l2O2O. PPM hasreceived final approval onparking occupancy signsfrom CommunityDevelopment Departmentfor Bridger garage and thesurface lots, project isrestarting forimplementatio n 13 / 5/ 2Ol;Garage Occupancy signs toinstall July 2020 - f¡eld testof surface lot counting techJuly 2020 as well.Court/Appeals Packet(4/17); Uniform Policy(8/17); Enhanced SafetyProcedures; Secur¡tyCamera Policy; LPR Policy;PEO Assigned Routes Policy;Dept. Operations Manualcompleted 4/28/ L9i V olceReco rde r P olicV lt2 | 2}t9l;Mail Citation Policy(L2l20tsl;t'IT7 18Expand bike parking network tocreate connections betweenparking and the downtown toencourage employee bikecommute trips and drawcustomers to downtownbusinesses.Explore changes to existingresidential on street permitprograms and evaluatepotentially implement newresidential parking permitdistricts in the neighborhoodnorth and south of thedowntown commercial distr¡ct.Evaluate on street pricing in highoccupancy areas,Explore expanding accesscapac¡ty with new parking supplyand/or transitDevelop cost forecasts forpreferred parking supply andshuttle options.Explore and develop fundingopt¡ons.Explore the implementation ofon street pr¡cing.Consider consolidating currentusers of the Carnegie Lot into theBridger Garage. Sell the CarnegieLot to fund acquisition of lbetterlocated parking parcels and/orconstruction of a parking garage.On-goingPPM met with City's'bike/pedestrian' consultantto open the door forpotential new partnerships;follow up planned for Spring2019Public Engagement Sessionsheld April and May 2019 togather input on the BPC'sdraft proposal for thecreat¡on of new PPDS, PPMreported summary to BPC at6 13 2019 mtg; RevisedDPBD concept outlineapproved by BPCSeptember/2019; Feb 3presentat¡on to CityCommission of Ordinance2033, 3 hours discussion,public comment, CityCommission to continueconsideration on March 2,2O2O;O¡d 2033 passed onlst reading (312/20l,,headed to CC for secondreading 7/27/2020;8/3/2020 the C¡tyCommission gave finalapproval to OrdinanceNo act¡vity at this time.No activity at this time.No activity at this time.No activity at this time.No act¡v¡ty at th¡s t¡me.19202t2223244ltl2O2O25No activity at this time. 26 lnit¡ate new capacity expansion.On-goingTwo separate feasibilitystudies are underway at thistime 1) feasibility ofadditional decks to theexisting garage, 2) feasibilityof several new structuredparking sites in thedowntown; Results fromboth studies were releasedin June/July 2019, furtherstudy is underway on thetwo best options for newparking capacity facilities inthe B-3; Parking Permit Calculator Au¡ustææ Rdld General Permit Calculator Total Bridger Stalls Gated Basement Stalls - Reserved for Etha hmn ùHnr hñblú,all'lM Explanatlons Th. Total numbcr ofslàlls ln 8dd8.r P.rk Gàr4. 1æ &3.n.ntslållr. fcolncldcñt.llL 1æ¡påcltå7. r.3êruêd for Ethå Ptrkln3l lotål slk - E.rcñ.nt sÞll¡ Av.6g.of P..kæuprncl.¡WEEKOAYnæn.Th.chæn P..kl..ællqcholæ av.ll.blê Empty slalß {M.ln) Th.9t6 Rul. ñê¡nr wr.lwåÞ try to r$êd. Stú clAnllåblê EmptySþllt lor Holrly,1råß1.ñ1, P.rkln3. Rddbl. Moñthly P.rmltt av.llåblc. fhl, numb.r on bê ñêg.tlrc Rlcl.lm P.rmlt3 Il thê numbêr l. nq¡tlv¿. 50% Rule Appl¡ed to Empty Stalls Utilization Percentate at Designated Peak lwcekday Noon] Totel stalls Available Percent Utilization at Des¡gnated Peak 85% Rule UtilizatiOn by Type - Peak occupançy [weekday Noonl April 2019 - Apr¡l 2o2o lease/ Permit Summary Monthly/ Annual Revocable Perm¡ts 435 100-lTotal Stalls Available 33s Ava¡lable Empty Stalls L24 12 62.0 335 63% av8.xofÂvlllåbl!sll3c.upl.dbyàllvlhlclê3 '85%' Whcn ! Érltmf.ctltty lr àtstlGuprnq,lt l¡ tlm.to hârc. ællq@nwßåtlon.bout lncclrd pilcln¡ lo lmp¡ddêm.ñd all nuñbcE.rê¿vlrag*.ndwlllNfr ådd upÞthêdcrlSn.lcdFåk Thêavg,P..kccuFnqfor.llp.rk dwhldsth.tdonothtv.ãpåûln8pêrmltorl!å3ê fhc AE. PGôt æup.nqtur Ho!êl l..rc utllÞåtlon durlng thê W..td+Næn ærlod; !91Þ!Lugll!!!!et Jutt HotêlUDc l.¡3ê!. Th. Avg.thêrê m.y h UOC ll¡1.5 Wstl orlu.t r!8ul.r moñthly p.rmlts 353 Fr Flnlncc D.pt;224120æ 5 West Mixed Use Office (UDc) Element Hotel (UDC) Lark Hotel 1 (uDc) Lark Hotel 2 (UDC) Etha Hotel (uDc) Etha Hotel (UDC) - Pending sub-Total UDC Leases (Non Revocableì Total Permits and Leases lssued Totel Permits and Leases Author¡zed Bridger park Downtown Garage, wh¡le maintaining reasonable confidence that adequate capacity ex¡sts for both leased and short term parking. The rationale is that the BPc Gn strategy, the aeC, upon advice of Rtck W¡lliams Consulting, has chosen to use a faclor equal to 50% of unused parking spaces during the Peak Hour' ln September 2019, the parking program Manager began using the most current 'Average Peak Occupancy (Weekday - Noon)' as the Peek Occupancy number for this calculator. vonihly, the earking Manager pultipeak occupincy Jata for weekday-Noon, Friday Evening, and saturday Evening for the previous month. This data ¡s comb¡ned with other monthly peak ociupancy to cieate a ;'peak occupancy Average". Because the weekday-Noon peak occupancy data historically hes the highest volume of parked vehicles, it is used for the purpose ofthe Park¡ng Permit calculator. 50 60 19 27g 46 256 609 67t