HomeMy WebLinkAbout20- Task Order DTN20-002 - Sanderson Stewart - Downtown Transportation Study Downtown Bozeman Urban Renewal District Term Contract Task Order Number#DTN20-002 PROJECT: Downtown Transportation Study Issued under the authority of Urban Renewal District Term Contract Professional Services Agreement with Sanderson Stewart for Architectural and Engineering Services. This Task Order is dated June 19, 2020 between the City of Bozeman Downtown Urban Renewal District (URD) and Sanderson Stewart (Contractor). The following representatives have been designated for this Task Order: Downtown URD: Chris Naumann, Director Contractor: Danielle Scharf, Sanderson Stewart SCOPE OF WORK: The scope for this task order shall include a transportation study that will provide analysis and recommendations associated with the transportation-related improvements in the 2019 Downtown Bozeman Improvement Plan (DBIP). This scope aligns with the FY2021 Downtown URD Work Plan: Downtown Plan Transportation Projects $ 122,300 budgeted This funding is intended for the study of the transportation concepts in 2019 Downtown Improvement Plan encompassing a wide variety of potential projects including:3-lane Main Street configuration with diagonal parking options;bicycle facility improvements on Mendenhall and Babcock;possible new traffic signals on Mendenhall and Babcock; and pedestrian crosswalk improvements. The URD board approved Part 1 of a scope of work prepared by Sanderson Stewart which will include concept designs to verify the feasibility of each component. Part 1 has a not-to-exceed cost of$31,710. Part 2 will include traffic data collection and analysis of the affected intersections and corridors for the extent of the improvements. The scope of work for Part 2 may need to be reconsidered based on the findings from Part 1 prior to the separate authorization to proceed. Part 2, as currently scoped, has a not-to-exceed cost of$90,590. This task order is limited to Part 1—Concept Design of the Scope of Work. Proceeding to Part 2—Data Collection, Analysis and Reporting will require separate Downtown URD board approval and a separate task order. COMPENSATION: Sanderson Stewart will bill for its services on a time-and-materials basis not to exceed $31,710.00. Sanderson Stewart shall submit invoices to the Downtown URD for work accomplished during each calendar month. The amount of each monthly invoice shall be determined on the "time-and-materials basis" according to the attached standard rate sheets for Sanderson Stewart and it's subconsultants. Monthly invoices shall include, separately listed, any charges for services for which time charges and/or unit costs shall apply. The provisions of the Professional Services Agreement shall govern the Work. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties authorized to commit resources of the parties have executed this Task Order: City of Bozeman Anderson Stewart ��6� eff ihelich, City Manager anielle Scharf, Principal Downtown URD C44L Chris Naumann, Director i • i i — � � — _ — _ f I_ .0 - ii II '� 1' n ii — li. �l7 � - � � a _ r. .. � - I 1 1 ^ - � � ti �, .ti- 6.. � • - ' — ' � . .,r - . t - ,. - - � _ _ i - � .. .� � I — . i - - - 1 � - _ - � �a'f - s r { � — — �� j I I r 7 I SANDERSON ; STEWART Z Downtown Urban Renewal District Scope of Work- Downtown Transportation Study Task Order No. DTN20-002 6/12/20 Sanderson Stewart is pleased to provide this scope of work for a transportation study that will provide analysis and recommendations associated with the transportation-related improvements in the 2019 Downtown Bozeman Improvement Plan (DBIP). This work is to be done as a part of the Downtown Urban Renewal District term contract for architectural and engineering services. This project generally consists of background research,data collection,and analysis associated with the following recommended improvements from the DBIP: • Main Street—convert to three lanes with back-in angled parking from 7th Avenue to Cypress Street as recommended on page 92 of the DBIP. As noted on page 92,if wider areas are needed for parking,an asymmetric street section may also be considered with parallel parking to remain on one side and angled parking on the other. Other variations that fit within the existing street width may also be considered. • Mendenhall Street— modify existing sharrow striping to improve visibility from 11th Avenue to Rouse Avenue as recommended on page 96 of the DBIP. • Babcock Street—eliminate on-street parking on north side and replace with two-way cycle track from 8th Avenue to Wallace Avenue as recommended on page 96 of the DBIP. • Install traffic signals at Babcock/Black and Mendenhall/Black intersections as recommended on pages 66 and 91 of the DBIP. • Improve Black Avenue as a Bicycle Corridor as recommended on page 66 of the DBIP. • Install pedestrian crossing enhancements at Babcock/Wallace,Babcock/Grand,and Mendenhall/Grand intersections as recommended on pages 62 and 68 of the DBIP. • Parking is an integral component of the transportation system in Downtown Bozeman and the recommendations in the DBIP. Parking spaces gained or lost with each of the proposed improvements above will be considered as part of the evaluation criteria. The analysis will be conducted in two parts. Part 1 will consist of concept designs in plan view for the full length of the three corridor projects (bullets 1-3 above). This effort will be completed first to verify feasibility of the recommendations from the DBIP. Design concepts will be reviewed by the Downtown Bozeman Partnership, City of Bozeman and MDT prior to proceeding with Part 2 of the project,which will require a separate authorization to proceed. Part 2 will include traffic data collection and analysis of the affected intersections and corridors for the extent of the improvements. The scope of work for Part 2 may need to be reconsidered based on the findings from Part 1 prior to the separate authorization to proceed. A detailed list of assumptions and scope of services for the project are outlined below. Scope of Work: Part 1—Concept Design 9 �!' - ,. � a= � � . � � � � ,+ i .i, � - � . �; � ., � P i ii y r. � � i i� i �. - � � � � � i - � � . � �� u� �_ i ,e; - I Phase 1—Project Management and Coordination This phase of the project will include project initiation and planning tasks,including scoping,contract preparation,and kick-off meetings with the Downtown Bozeman Partnership,City of Bozeman and MDT. Other project management tasks include the following: • Coordination with Client and project team • Coordination with City of Bozeman and MDT • Research and review of previous related studies (including the DBIP and the Bomvan Tianspoi-tation Master Plan) and available traffic data • Correspondence,phone calls and meetings throughout the duration of the project • Weekly project update emails • Monthly invoicing of project fees/expenses • Internal(project team) coordination and quality control reviews of analysis and deliverables Phase 2—Concept Design This phase of the project will consist of the development of plan-view design concepts for each of the projects described on page 1 of this scope of work. The concepts will be based on base maps previously prepared for the 2003 Downtown Bozeman Streetscape Project and street width dimensions provided by MDT and the City of Bozeman. A topographic survey(if needed) will be completed under Part 2 of the project. The concept design exhibits will be drawn to scale to verify feasibility of the DRIP recommendations,but they will be highly graphic in nature for presentation to project stakeholders. Concept designs will address the anticipated intersection treatments and transitions at the east and west ends of the projects and will also identify other related projects from the DBIP that overlap these project corridors, such as the Black Avenue Bike Corridor, recommended signals at Black/Babcock and Black/Mendenhall, and pedestrian crossing improvements along Babcock and Mendenhall. Each of the design concepts will present a summary of parking spaces gained or lost for each project area. Design concepts for State Highway System routes (including National Highway System and Urban Route facilities)will be designed in accordance with MDT design standards. All non-MDT facilities will be designed in accordance with City of Bozeman design standards. Phase 3—Concept Design Summary Memo Part 1 of this project will culminate with submittal of a memo summarizing the concept design effort and identifying potential challenges associated with the improvements. This memo will be submitted,along with the design concepts,to the Downtown Partnership,Bozeman Parking Commission,City of Bozeman and MDT for review. A review meeting will be held at this stage of the project with representatives from each jurisdiction to discuss the concepts and identify any concerns prior to proceeding with the remainder of the analysis (Part 2). Comments from the reviewing agencies will be addressed prior to making the design concept exhibits or concept design summary memo available for public review. If any design concepts are determined to be infeasible by any of the reviewing agencies, those concepts may be removed from consideration prior to Sanderson Stewart being authorized to proceed with Part 2 of the project. Part2—Data Collection.Analysis and Reporting Phase 4—Data Collection After a separate notice to proceed has been issued for Part 2 of the project,Sanderson Stewart will begin with traffic volume data collection using Miovision video data collectors. This effort will consist of PM peak hour turning movement counts at the following 34 intersections: .. � ,;, ., - � I . � - - . . ._ . << �. � _ . . � „ . , . , � � � i :,, � � � � ' . ,. � - i I i �� �: � Main Street Mendenhall Street Babcock Street • Th Avenue • 11th Avenue • 8th Avenue • 5th Avenue • 7th Avenue • 5th Avenue • 3ra Avenue • 5th Avenue • 3ra Avenue • Grand Avenue • 3ra Avenue • Grand Avenue • Willson Avenue • Grand Avenue • Willson Avenue • Tracy Avenue • Willson Avenue • Tracy Avenue • Black Avenue • Tracy Avenue • Black Avenue • Bozeman Avenue • Black Avenue • Bozeman Avenue • Rouse Avenue • Bozeman Avenue • Rouse Avenue • Church Avenue • Rouse Avenue • Church Avenue • Wallace Avenue • Wallace Avenue • Broadway Avenue • Cypress Street Existing annual average daily traffic (AADT)volume data from MDT will also be reviewed and summarized for this analysis. Other tasks include: • Set up,relocation and retrieval of Miovision Scout video data collectors at the locations identified above • Data processing through Miovision,including bicycle and pedestrian counts and vehicle classification for approximate PM peak hour period (processing of 2 hours/intersection),as well as up to 16 hours of data at up to six intersections where traffic signal warrants will be evaluated • Format count data and develop study area maps to illustrate existing traffic control and existing volumes Phase 5—Evaluation of Existing Conditions The traffic analysis tasks will begin with an evaluation of existing conditions. Sanderson Stewart will prepare corridor models for Main,Babcock and Mendenhall. The models will initially be created for existing conditions so that a direct comparison of analysis results can be provided for existing conditions and recommended improvements. The following tasks will be completed in this phase: • Set up corridor models in Synchro or Vissim to conduct capacity analysis for existing conditions(traffic volumes,traffic control and lane configurations) • Analysis of bike and pedestrian performance measures for existing conditions • Prepare summary tables fox review of analysis results • Request crash data from MDT for study area • Review and summarize crash data,calculate metrics and prepare summary figures • Perform turn lane warrant analysis and traffic signal warrant analysis Phase 6—Evaluation of Recommended Improvements The recommended improvements from the DBIP will be evaluated using the same methodology used for existing conditions. The recommended improvements-,viU be added to the models and they will be analyzed for existing and future traffic volumes. The following tasks will be included: • Set up corridor models to conduct capacity analysis with recommended improvements and existing traffic volumes • Develop future traffic volume projections for 20-year planning horizons using historic background growth rates • Use corridor models to conduct capacity analysis for recommended improvements and future traffic volumes • Analysis of bike and pedestrian performance measures for recommended improvements with existing and future volumes • Prepare summary tables for review of analysis results I i _ � ... i C i i i� i 'P _ � � �. ' � i . n � ' i � i. •. 1 fi S - � a ' 3� i '� � i �i ' ' ., � ice. i / � ' �� ' � ' I r � 1= � I I ' I I • Prepare summary of parking spaces gained or lost for each of the recommended improvements • Turn lane warrant analysis and traffic signal warrant analysis • Develop study area maps that show future traffic volume scenarios Note that it has been assumed that a redistribution of existing traffic volumes will not be included in this analysis. It is our understanding that the future improvements on each corridor are generally intended to accommodate the same level of traffic that exists on the roadways today. Future volumes will be projected,but volumes will not be redistributed from one corridor to the next. Phase 7—Limited Topographic Survey and Base Mapping This phase of the project will utilize base maps previously prepared for the 2003 Downtown Bozeman Streetscape Project on Main Street from Grand Avenue to Rouse Avenue. A limited topographic survey will be completed to verify curb lines and back of sidewalk locations within this area and to extend the base map area to the full extent of the recommended corridor projects listed on page 1 (first 3 bullets). The following tasks will be included in this phase of the project: • Survey back of curb and back of walk for the full length of the Main, Mendenhall, and Babcock corridor projects described on page 1 using GPS survey equipment. • Develop base drawings using the streetscape project drawings supplemented with the new topographic survey information. Phase 8—Update Concept Designs The design concepts developed under Part 1 of this study will be revisited to assess if any revisions to the original improvement recommendations may be necessary based on the results of the analysis effort. The concept designs and graphics will be revised and developed to a higher level for presentation at stakeholder/public meetings. Other improvements may be identified during the analysis phase and will be added to the design concepts as needed. Up to one alternative concept design will be considered for each corridor to address any areas where the analysis results do not support the improvements recommended in the DBIP. Phase 9—Engineer's Opinion of Probable Cost Opinions of probable construction cost will be developed for each of the design recommendations and alternatives developed. They will be broken down by individual project/improvement. Phase 10—Stakeholder Involvement It is anticipated that a thorough stakeholder and public involvement process will be needed for this project. Individual tasks and meetings/presentations include the following: • Prepare presentation materials • One (1) open house-style stakeholder/public meeting will be held after the analysis is complete and design concepts have been updated to show the full extent of recommended improvements. • One(1)meeting each is anticipated with the following stakeholder groups: o Transportation Coordinating Committee o Pedestrian and Traffic Safety Committee o Bozeman Area Bicycle Advisory Board o Urban Renewal District Board o Business Improvement District Board • Comments received through these meetings and presentations will be summarized and presented for Client and agency review. Comments will be addressed as needed in the analysis and design concepts prior to preparing the summary report. i� �. .� � i. - �. �� • r _ � ii � � . J ,. ��� � .. Syr rt � I .� i a ., , � I F, - P Phase 11—Summaryy Report The preceding analysis and design concepts will be presented in a final summary report. This report will present the following project elements: • Background information and research • Summary of all analysis completed for existing and future traffic volumes and with recommended improvements • Summary of recommended improvements • Recommendations for any amendments to the Botieman Tiansportatiou Master Plan or the DBIP(as required) • Concept design illustrations for recommended improvements • Planning-level opinions of probable construction cost for recommended improvements and alternatives • Summary of public participation process,including comments matrix(appendices) • Next steps and potential funding opportunities A draft report will be submitted for review to the Downtown Partnership,City of Bozeman and MDT. A final report will be prepared after all review comments are received and addressed. Other Potential Scope Items: The following items are additional potential scope items that were included as transportation-related recommendations in the DBIP. They are not currently included in this scope of work but could be added by a contract amendment if needed. • Parking related modifications • Transit-related improvements (Streamline circulator with park-and-ride service would utilize Mendenhall and Babcock) • Alternative Transportation Facilities (EV charging stations,ride share,car share,and micro mobility improvements) Other Exclusions: The following items are not expected to be needed for this project and are therefore specifically excluded from this scope of work: • Full topographic and boundary survey of the proposed projects • Analysis of additional major improvements not included in this scope, such as conversion of Babcock or Mendenhall to two-way operation • Regional travel demand modeling(using lVIDT model) • Design of any roadway or intersection improvements beyond concept-level as described above • Presentation of findings beyond the review meetings and stakeholder/public meeting listed in this scope If needed,these items will be added as a separate task order or contract amendment. Fees and Billing Arrangements: Phase Fee i Patt 1—ConceptDesign 1. Project Management and Coordination $10,720 2. Concept Design $16,410 3. Concept Design Summary Memo $4,580 Sub-Total for Part 1 $31,710 i i � � � � �a i, � . F__ . - _ .. � _ — �� ,_ �. .� t � i �!- - _ • - r - 4-f � � _- - - - - } ;. .r - - ,., � � �� I i � i ., �� .. �� - 7 � I l Pa&2—Data Collection,Analysis and Reporting 4. Data Collection $12,820 i 5. Evaluation of Existing Conditions $6,610 6. Evaluation of Recommended Improvements $14,900 7. Limited Topographic Survey and Base Mapping $16,060 8. Update Concept Designs $11,400 I 9. Engineer's Opinion of Probable Cost $8,220 10. Stakeholder Involvement $7,600 11. Summary Report $12,980 Sub-Total for Part 2 $90,590 Total Project $122,300 Sanderson Stewart will bill for its services on a time and materials basis with a not-to-exceed amount of$31,710 for Part 1 and 90 590 for Part 2 with a total project fee of 12$ 2,300. We will not proceed with Part 2 of the project until a separate authorization to proceed is given by the Client.. Sanderson Stewart shall submit invoices to the Client for work accomplished during each calendar month. The amount of each monthly invoice shall be determined on the "percentage of completion method"whereby Sanderson Stewart will estimate the percentage of the total work(provided on a lump sum basis)accomplished during the invoicing period. Project Schedule: The anticipated schedule for this project consists of the Part 1 deliverables within 3 months of notice to proceed. The Part 2 deliverables are anticipated to take 5 additional months to complete after a separate authorization to proceed with Part 2 is given by the Client. Reasonable time shall be allowed for review and coordination with the various agencies and stakeholders. _� i a ' "I � i ii r �. — i �T � i i � — SANDERSONt� STEWART +P Billings Bozeman Denver Fort Collins CHARGE OUT RATES EFFECTIVE AUGUST 2019 At Sanderson Stewart,we strive to provide great customer service and value. While we can offer the traditional method of billing by hourly charge rates, we strongly encourage our current and prospective clients to consider a lump sum arrangement in determining your overall project compensation. Fixed-fee projects can result in substantial savings over our posted hourly billing rates and provide a level of certainty at the outset of your project. STAFF PERSONNEL SERVICES Expert Witness/Special Consultant $ 265.00 / hour Principal $ 185.00 / hour Senior Engineer I $ 145.00 /hour Senior Engineer II $ 170.00 /hour Project Engineer I $ 110.00 /hour Project Engineer II $ 120.00 / hour Staff Engineer I $ 95.00 /hour Staff Engineer II $ 105.00 /hour Engineer Intern $ 65.00 /hour Senior Land Planner $ 135.00 / hour Land Planner $ 130.00 / hour Right-of-Way Agent $ 135.00 / hour Landscape Architect $ 115.00 / hour Senior Landscape Architect I $ 125.00 /hour Senior Landscape Architect II $ 140.00 / hour Landscape Designer I $ 80.00 / hour Landscape Designer II $ 100.00 / hour Senior Professional Land Surveyor $ 135.00 / hour Professional Land Surveyor $ 115.00 / hour Staff Surveyor I $ 85.00 / hour Staff Surveyor II $ 100.00 /hour ENDURING • 1 .i - I l 1 , 1 .a • � 7l' 1L y� S l�_L_ _ 0 Sanderson Stewart Charge Out Rates Effective August 1,2019 Page 2 Field Survey Technician I $ 75.00 /hour Field Survey Technician II $ 80.00 /hour Marketing Director $ 125.00 / hour Graphic Artist $ 95.00 / hour Photographer $ 180.00 /hour Web Developer $ 90.00 /hour Senior Designer I $ 95.00 /hour Senior Designer II $ 105.00 /hour Designer $ 90.00 / hour CADD Technician $ 80.00 / hour Senior Construction Engineering Technician $ 115.00 / hour Construction Engineering Technician $ 85.00 / hour Construction Inspector $ 80.00 / hour Project Administrator $ 75.00 / hour Administrative/Clerical $ 70.00 / hour SURVEY CREW SERVICES 1-man Crew/2-man Crew $ Per Job OUTSIDE CONSULTANTS 1) At cost if independently billed direct to client. 2) Cost plus 5%if billed through us. INDEPENDENT LABORATORIES 1) At cost if independently billed direct to client. 2) Cost plus 5%if billed through us. ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES Administrative expenses (including copies,prints,phone, 3.5% postage,materials,and travel) based on professional services only * unless modified by contract