HomeMy WebLinkAbout20- Amendment 1 to PSA - Allied Engineering Services, Inc. - Manley Road Project May 18, 2020 Kellen Gamradt CoB Engineering Dept. 20 E. Olive Street Bozeman, MT 59715 e-mail: kgamradt@bozeman.net (Sent via e-mail only) Re: AESI Scope and Fee Manley Road Construction – Bozeman, MT Dear Mr. Gamradt: This letter/attachments are provided as our Scope and Fee for the construction services portion of the Manley Road Improvements project on the northeast side of Bozeman, MT. The construction services will be provided by a combination of AESI and RPA, which is the same team that undertook and provided the design. Our third team member will be Morrison-Maierle, who is the City’s designated consultant for materials testing services. Similar to the way that we handled the Contract for the design phase, we are proposing to perform the construction services on a time & materials (not to exceed) basis for an estimated cost of $242,922.73. This value matches the cost we included in the 2018 Manley Road SID Cost Estimate for “construction staking, testing, and inspection”. Our goal is to complete the construction tasks within this budget. In the event we start bumping up toward the top of the budget (as a result of more time and expenses on the project than what we assumed), we may need to have a discussion on the possibility of obtaining a contract adjustment. As you know, we bill monthly so you will always know how we are doing on the budget. Our cover letter attached to the invoices will detail out the work that is being billed for. Even though M-M will be providing the materials testing under their existing Contract (with the City) and billing the City directly, I am assuming that they will be paid out of the SID funding (meaning they will be paid out of our $242,922.73 construction services budget). For this reason, I have assumed a cost for their work and included this amount in our estimated budget. In preparation of this proposal, I received a very detailed scope and fee from RPA. This is attached. Their scope summarizes the work items that RPA, AESI, and M-M will be doing. Given the detail on this exhibit, I have elected to keep this proposal short and not regurgitate this same information herein. In summary, RPA will be the “point” during construction and will handle the bulk of the Construction Oversight, Management, and Administration with Knife River. AESI’s primary role will be to provide the on-site inspector for daily Construction Inspection, along with general Project Management and some AESI Scope and Fee Manley Road Construction – Bozeman, MT Project: 18-024.03 – 18-024.05 May 18, 2020 Page 2 Construction Management of the inspection and testing work. AESI will coordinate with M-M, who will be responsible for the Materials Testing in accordance with the City’s Design Standards, the Montana Public Work Standard Specifications, and the City’s Modifications to the MPWSS. Two items that are outside of our scope of work include Construction Staking and Compaction Testing of asphalt. Both of these items are included under a project bid item and are the responsibility of the Contractor. RPA’s proposal is laid out very well and separates the construction services work into three tasks. In order to follow suit, we too have followed this format for the rest of this scope and fee document. The three tasks include: • Task 1 – Bid to Award Phase • Task 2 – Construction Phase • Task 3 – Post-Construction Phase Scope Work – Allied Engineering • Task 1 – Bid to Award Phase o Project management. o Assist RPA with contractor questions. o Attend pre-bid meeting. o Review bidding addendums. o Attend bid opening. o Review award recommendation. • Task 2 – Construction Phase o Project management and construction management. o Construction staking of dry utility re-locations in advance of construction. o Construction staking of survey control (for use by Contractor). o Attend pre-construction meeting. o Review of material submittals. o Coordination with RPA, Contractor, and M-M (for materials testing). o Daily on-site inspection by Resident Project Representative (RPR) for 150-day contract. o Prepare and maintain inspection reports and project documentation. o Assist and review pay requests, work directives, and change orders (prepared by RPA). o Assist and review of punchlist items (prepared by RPA). o Attend final project inspection. • Task 3 – Post-Construction Phase o Project management and construction management. o Assist RPA as necessary with project close-out items. o Attend 2 yr. warranty inspection. AESI Scope and Fee Manley Road Construction – Bozeman, MT Project: 18-024.03 – 18-024.05 May 18, 2020 Page 3 Scope Work – Robert Peccia & Associates For a more detailed scope of work and cost breakdown for RPA’s portion of the project, see refer to the attachments to this letter. Provided below is a simple summary of their tasks: • Task 1 – Bid to Award Phase o Management. o Print and assemble contract documents. o Answer contractor questions. o Pre-bid meeting. o Plan holder’s list. o Issuing addenda. o Bid opening review. o Bid tabulations. o Award recommendation. o Notice of award and executed contract documents. • Task 2 – Construction Phase o Management. o Pre-construction meeting. o Submittal review. o Construction administration (150 calendar days). o Partial pay requests. o Work directives and change orders. o Project punchlist and certificate of completion. o Final project inspection. • Task 3 – Post-Construction Phase o Management. o Final punchlist review. o Contractor’s final pay request. o Close out. o Record drawings. o Certification letters. o Warranty inspection. Scope Work – Morrison Maierle Morrison Maierle is the City’s designated sub-consultant for materials testing. AESI will coordinate with them during the construction phase for the Owner’s testing needs. Their work will generally include compaction testing of trench backfill, subgrade, sub-base gravel, and crushed base gravel; asphalt mix testing; and concrete testing of curb/gutter, valley gutters, sidewalks, and pedestrian ramps. AESI Scope and Fee Manley Road Construction – Bozeman, MT Project: 18-024.03 – 18-024.05 May 18, 2020 Page 4 Time and Materials (Not to Exceed) As stated at the on-set of the proposal, we are prepared to undertake the proposed scope of work for construction administration (RPA), construction inspection (AESI), and construction testing (M-M) on a time and materials (not to exceed) basis for an estimated maximum cost of $242,922.73. This fee matches what was included in the 2018 SID Cost Estimate for construction-related services. A copy of this 2018 cost estimate is attached and included as part of this proposal. We have divided the $242,922.73 fee amongst RPA, AESI, and M-M. RPA’s estimated costs are detailed in their Scope and Fee proposal (which is attached). AESI’s costs are largely the result of providing full time field inspection during the 150-calendar day construction contract, along with associated project management and construction managements tasks. We have provided a rough estimate for what we believe M-M will spend on the project for materials testing (based on our experience with providing materials testing services on similar type road projects). Our hope and intent are to perform the necessary and required construction-related tasks within the estimated $242,922.73 budget that was provided in the SID documents. If we foresee that additional costs will be incurred (as the project moves along), we may need to request an adjustment in our fee. We will have a good idea how we are doing on budget when we get to about the 75% point of the construction schedule. Also, we will be billing monthly so you too will have a good handle on our costs. We will bill for actual time and expenses incurred on the project. Our company rates are included on the attached Agreement for Professional Services. Provided below are the staff categories we envision using on the project, along with our rates for mileage and nuclear gauge rental. These are 2019 billing rates. These will increase in the spring/summer of 2020 to account for employee raises: • Project Manager: $130/hour (Lee Evans rate) • Design Engineer: $110/hour (PE field inspector rare) • Engineer Intern: $85/hour (Non-PE field inspector rate) • Mileage: $0.70/mile; and Nuclear Gauge: $10/hour, $30/half day, $40/full day. The terms and conditions under which our services are offered will be in accordance with the enclosed agreement for professional services. Those services not anticipated in our scope of work will be provided at the Client’s request on a time and materials basis, or under separate agreement or authorization, as the services are identified and requested by the Owner. As we did during the design portion of the project, we will pass RPA’s costs through to the City with no additional mark-up by AESI. We are doing this to try and maintain the overall project costs within the estimated budget in the SID documents. All of RPA’s costs will be billed and included on AESI’s invoices. A copy of RPA’s invoices will be provided as an attachment. AESI Scope and Fee Manley Road Construction – Bozeman, MT Project: 18-024.03 – 18-024.05 May 18, 2020 Page 5 We expect that M-M will be operating under their current materials testing contract with the City and will be billing the City directly. I will coordinate with you on their incurred costs so that I can account for them in my project cost and billing summary tabulations on my invoicing cover letters. Provided in the table below is our estimated cost breakdown for the proposed scope of work for AESI, RPA, and M-M. SCOPE OF WORK ITEMS ESTIMATED SUB-TOTAL COST ESTIMATED TOTAL COST A) Task 1 – Bid to Award Phase • AESI • RPA • M-M $2,600 $14,100 $0 $16,700 $16,700 B) Task 2 – Construction Phase • AESI • RPA • M-M $132,500 $50,400 $24,682.73 $207,582.73 $207,582.73 C) Task 3 – Post-Construction Phase • AESI • RPA • M-M $2,600 $16,040 $0 $18,640 $18,640 ESTIMATED TOTAL COST: (Matches 2018 SID Cost Estimate) $242,922.73 Notes: 1) AESI’s fee for Task 1 is estimated as follows: 20 hours @ $130/hr = $2,600. 2) AESI’s fee for Task 2 is estimated as follows: 1,100 hours @ $85/hour and 300 hours @ $130/hr = $132,500. 3) AESI’s fee for Task 2 assumes 22 weeks of construction, 50 hrs/wk for inspector, 13-14 hrs/wk for manager. 4) AESI’s fee for Task 3 is estimated as follows: 20 hours @ $130/hr = $2,600. AESI Billing AESI will be bill on a monthly basis. Each of our invoices will be accompanied by a detailed cover letter and the current RPA invoice. From a project accounting standpoint, the Task 1, Task 2, and Task 3 work will be billed under the AESI project numbers 18-024.03, 18024.04, and 18-024.05, respectively. May 18, 2020 Construction Services Manley Road – Bozeman, MT Page 1 of 3 AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (for time and materials contracts) The Agreement This agreement is made by and between Allied Engineering Services, Inc. of 32 Discovery Drive, Bozeman, Montana, 59718, hereinafter referred to as AESI, and City of Bozeman, hereinafter referred to as CLIENT. This agreement between the parties consists of these terms and the attached proposal and any exhibits or attachments noted in the proposal. Together, these elements will constitute the entire agreement, superseding any and all prior negotiations, correspondence, or agreements either written or oral. Any changes to this agreement must be mutually agreed to in writing. If this proposal is not accepted within one month of the proposal date, AESI reserves the right to amend or withdraw the proposal as appropriate. Standard of Care Services provided by AESI under this agreement will be conducted in a manner consistent with the level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the engineering profession practicing contemporaneously under similar conditions in the locality of the project. CLIENT shall examine and respond to AESI's submissions; and give prompt written notice to AESI whenever CLIENT observes or otherwise becomes aware of any defect in the work. Site Access and Site Conditions CLIENT shall grant or obtain free access to the site for all equipment and personnel necessary for AESI to perform the work set forth in this agreement. AESI will take reasonable precautions to minimize damage to the site, but it is recognized by CLIENT that, in the normal course of work some damage may occur (such as may result from gaining access with vehicles, or by subsurface explorations) and the correction of such damage is not part of this agreement unless so specified in the proposal. CLIENT shall furnish all available records (as-built drawings, construction records, etc.) indicating the existing site conditions including locations of all underground structures and utilities. AESI will take reasonable precautions to avoid known underground structures or utilities, but CLIENT agrees to hold AESI harmless from any damages that may result due to underground structures or utilities that were not identified or accurately located. Basis of Fees for Professional Services CLIENT agrees to pay AESI for all labor and reimbursable expenses directed to this project in accordance with the attached proposal. Labor rates are listed below for all services rendered by principals and employees engaged directly on the Project except for specific tasks or work items with agreed unit costs (i.e. materials testing, etc). For reimbursable expenses and services provided by independent May 18, 2020 Construction Services Manley Road – Bozeman, MT Page 2 of 3 professional associates, consultants or subcontractors employed by AESI, CLIENT agrees to pay the amount billed to the AESI times a factor of 1.10. Billable hourly rates for the various categories of employees are summarized as follows. Note: These are 2019 billing rates. They will increase in the spring of 2020 and again in the spring of 2021 to account for annual employee pay raises. Employee Category 2019 Billable Hourly Rate President/Principal $190/hour Principal Engineer $150/hour Project Manager $130/hour (Lee Evans Rate) Project Surveyor $120/hour Land Surveyor $100/hour Senior Engineer $120/hour Project Engineer $110/hour Design Engineer $100/hour (PE Field Inspector Rate) Engineer Intern $85/hour (Non-PE Field Inspector Rate) Survey Intern $70/hour Sr. CAD Designer $90/hour CAD Drafter $70/hour Environmental Specialist $95/hour Project Representative $75/hour Intern $60/hour Administration $60/hour GPS Use $25/hour Total Station Use $15/hour ATV Use $25/hour Mileage/Truck Rental $0.70/mile or minimum $35/day Reimbursable Expenses Reimbursable Expenses mean the actual expenses incurred by AESI in connection with the Project, such as expenses for: transportation; subsistence; toll telephone calls; reproduction of reports, Drawings, Specifications, Bidding Documents and similar Project-related items; computer time; equipment rental; and if authorized in advance by CLIENT, overtime work requiring higher than regular rates. Billing and Payment AESI shall submit invoices monthly and/or at project milestones for services rendered and for reimbursable expenses incurred. AESI also reserves the right to require full payment of any outstanding invoices and/or full payment of said contract prior to submittal of deliverables to the CLIENT. If CLIENT disputes the amount of a billing, CLIENT will notify AESI in writing within ten (10) calendar days of the receipt of bill of the dispute. Payment is due thirty (30) calendar days from the date of bill. CLIENT agrees that interest at the maximum rate allowed by law will accrue on all amounts past due, and that failure to pay AESI within sixty (60) days may be considered a breach of this agreement. CLIENT also agrees to pay all collection fees if collection services become necessary. May 18, 2020 Construction Services Manley Road – Bozeman, MT Page 3 of 3 Termination CLIENT shall have the right to terminate this agreement at any time by giving written notice to AESI. This agreement may be terminated by AESI in the event of substantial failure of performance by CLIENT, or if CLIENT suspends the work for more than three (3) months. In the event of termination, AESI will be paid for services performed prior to the date of termination. If the agreement is terminated by CLIENT, AESI shall also be entitled to reasonable termination expenses, including, but not limited to the cost of completing records, and reports necessary to document job status at the time of termination. Legal Relations AESI shall comply with all Federal, State, and Local laws and ordinances applicable to the work to be done. AESI hereby agrees to indemnify and hold CLIENT harmless from all claims and liability due to the activities of AESI, their agents, employees, or both in performing the work required. Any and all employees of AESI engaged in the performance of work or services required by this agreement shall be considered employees of AESI only and not of the CLIENT. The CLIENT hereby agrees to indemnify and hold the AESI harmless from all claims and liability due to the activities of CLIENT, their agents, employees, or both, in performing the work required. AESI is and shall perform this agreement as an independent contractor, and as such, is responsible to the CLIENT only as to the results to be obtained in the work herein specified, and to the extent that the work shall be done in accordance with the terms of this agreement. AESI shall have and maintain complete control over all of its employees, subcontractors, agents and operations, being responsible for any required payroll deductions and providing required benefits, such as, but not limited to, worker's compensation with statutory limits, and unemployment insurance. This Agreement applies to and shall be binding on the heirs, personal representatives, successors and assignees of the respective parties. The CLIENT hereby guarantees the performance of the terms and conditions contained and set forth in this contract to be kept and performed on the part of the Owner, including but not limited to, the promise to pay for services and materials rendered. In this regard should the owner company not pay its invoices when due, Allied may proceed directly against the undersigned personally and individually, jointly or severally without exhausting its remedies as to the owner company. This provision shall be construed according to the laws of the State of Montana. Limitations AESI takes no responsibility for hazardous materials or similar unknown site/building conditions that may exist at the project. While AESI is responsible for its own employees, AESI takes no responsibility for jobsite and worker safety and for construction means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures of other companies. Lastly, CLIENT agrees to limit AESI’s liability for all causes, including errors, omissions, and negligence, to an amount not to exceed two times the sum total of AESI invoices to the CLIENT for the project in question. EXHIBIT C 10/16/2018 ENGINEER'S PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION COST MANLEY ROAD SPECIAL IMPROVEMENTS DISTRICT BOZEMAN, GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA ENGINEER'S ENGINEER'S ENGINEER'S ENGINEER'S UNIT TOTAL ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE PRICE 0001 Mobilization/Demobilization, Bonding, & Submittals (May not exceed 5%) 1 LS $175,000.00 $175,000 0002 Preparation, Implementation, & Administration of SWPPP 1 LS $25,000.00 $25,000 0003 Traffic Control 1 LS $200,000.00 $200,000 0004 Exploratory Excavation 1 LS $10,000.00 $10,000 0005 Miscellaneous Work 50,000 EA $1.00 $50,000 SUBTOTAL $460,000.00 1101 Existing Road Sign Salvage 19 EA $200.00 $3,800.00 1102 Existing Tree Relocation 10 EA $450.00 $4,500.00 1103 Existing Tree Removal 10 EA $600.00 $6,000.00 1104 Fence Removal 1100 LF $5.00 $5,500.00 1105 Topsoil Salvage & Re-Use (6" Assumed Thickness) 3,903 CY $22.33 $87,177.61 1106 Pavement Sawcut 506.3 LF $4.00 $2,025.04 1107 Asphalt Pulverization & In-Place Mixing w/Base Course 13,252.4 SY $5.00 $66,261.96 1108 Existing Curb & Gutter Removal & Disposal 392 LF $5.50 $2,156.00 1109 Existing Sidewalk Removal & Disposal 144 SY $18.00 $2,588.01 1110 Existing Asphalt Trail Removal & Disposal 575 SY $18.00 $10,352.03 1111 Excavation Above Subgrade - Native Soils 2,619 CY $15.00 $39,288.30 1112 Excavation Above Subgrade - Asphalt & Gravel 2,497 CY $15.00 $37,447.85 1113 Subexcavation/Replacement Below Subgrade 500 CY $53.00 $26,500.00 SUBTOTAL $293,596.80 1201 Asphalt (4" thick) 13,383 SY $18.00 $240,886.82 1202 Asphalt (3" thick)1,333 SY $20.00 $26,664.46 1203 Base Course Gravel (1-1/2" Minus, 6" Thick) 2,966 CY $25.00 $74,151.40 1204.a Sub-Base (Salvaged Asphalt Millings & Gravel Mix) 2,470 CY $17.00 $41,990.00 1204.b Sub-Base Gravel (6" Minus) - Import 3,826 CY $20.00 $76,512.49 1205.a Embankment Placed from Onsite Material 6,523 CY $7.85 $51,203.16 1205.b Imported Non-structural Embankment 4,926 CY $7.85 $38,671.49 1206 Geosynthetic Fabric 17,796 SY $6.00 $106,778.02 1207 Curb & Gutter 7,276 LF $18.00 $130,974.58 1208 Median Concrete Curb Pin-Down 876 LF $20.00 $17,514.99 1209 Raised Median Concrete Cap (4" Thick) & Base 94 SY $47.00 $4,428.66 1210.a Mixed-Use Trail Asphalt (3" thick, 11' wide) 7,302 SY $15.00 $109,527.09 1210.b Mixed-Use Trail Base Course Gravel (1-1/2" Minus, 12" thick, 13' wide) 2,918 CY $25.00 $72,948.56 1211.a Pedestrian Ramp-COB Standard One Way 32 EA $800.00 $25,600.00 1211.b Pedestrian Ramp-COB Standard Two Way 2 EA $3,000.00 $6,000.00 1212 Valley Gutter 5,115 SF $13.00 $66,495.86 1213 Concrete Sidewalk Relacement 200 SF $6.00 $1,200.00 1214 Reinforced Concrete Drive Apron 5,261 SF $10.00 $52,609.62 1215 Topsoil Import 0 CY $25.00 $0.00 1216.a Road Sign - R1-1 7 EA $200.00 $1,400.00 1216.b Road Sign - R2-1 6 EA $200.00 $1,200.00 1216.c Road Sign - R3-8b 1 EA $200.00 $200.00 1216.d Road Sign - R3-17 10 EA $200.00 $2,000.00 1216.e Road Sign - R4-7 2 EA $200.00 $400.00 1216.f5 Road Sign - R6-1 2 EA $200.00 $400.00 1216.g Road Sign - R7-1 6 EA $200.00 $1,200.00 1216.h Road Sign - D3-1 14 EA $200.00 $2,800.00 1217 Road Sign Post & Base 48 EA $200.00 $9,600.00 1218 Yellow Flex Delineator 9 EA $100.00 $900.00 1219.a Pavement Marking-Lane Symbol (White Thermoplastic) 20 EA $500.00 $10,000.00 1219.b Pavement Marking-Lane Word (White Thermoplastic) 4 EA $600.00 $2,400.00 1219.c Pavement Marking-Bicycle Symbol (White Thermoplastic) 30 EA $600.00 $18,000.00 1219.a Road Striping - 4" Wide Solid Yellow Epoxy Paint 3,825 LF $1.50 $5,737.50 1219.b Road Striping - 4" Wide Striped Yellow Epoxy Paint (9' Stripe/15' Space) 4,425 LF $1.50 $6,637.50 1219.c Road Striping - 4" Wide Solid White Epoxy Paint 500 LF $1.50 $750.00 1219.d Road Striping - 4" Wide Solid White Epoxy Paint (9' Stripe/15' Space) 1,985 LF $1.50 $2,977.50 1219.e Road Striping - 8" Wide Solid White Inlaid Thermoplastic 582 LF $12.00 $6,984.00 1219.f Road Striping - 24" Wide Solid White Inlaid Thermoplastic 80 LF $36.00 $2,880.00 1219.g Median Bullnose Curb Paint - 24" Wide Solid Yellow Epoxy Paint 18 LF $10.00 $180.00 SUBTOTAL $1,220,803.70 SCHEDULE II - ROAD IMPROVEMENTS SCHEDULE 0 - MISCELLANEOUS SCHEDULE I - ROAD DEMOLITION & EXCAVATION TO SUBGRADE EXHIBIT C 10/16/2018 ENGINEER'S PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION COST MANLEY ROAD SPECIAL IMPROVEMENTS DISTRICT BOZEMAN, GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA ENGINEER'S ENGINEER'S ENGINEER'S ENGINEER'S UNIT TOTAL ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE PRICE 1301 Valve Box Adjustment 10 EA $400.00 $4,000.00 1302 Fire Hydrant Adjustment - Horizontal 7 EA $2,800.00 $19,600.00 1303 Fire Hydrant Adjustment - Vertical 7 VF $1,100.00 $7,700.00 1308 Rigid Board Insulation, 4" Thick 400 LF $22.00 $8,800.00 SUBTOTAL $40,100.00 1401 SS Manhole Rim & Cover Adjustment 4 EA $500.00 $2,000.00 1402 Main - 36" dia. SDR35 PVC Pipe 950 LF $310.00 $294,500.00 1403 Manhole - 60" (Standard 5' Barrel Section) 4 EA $8,000.00 $32,000.00 1404 Manhole - Extra Vertical Feet 28 VF $600.00 $16,800.00 SUBTOTAL $345,300.00 1501 Storm Sewer Pipe - 12" PVC A-2000 250 LF $61.25 $15,312.50 1502 Storm Sewer Pipe - 15" PVC A-2000 200 LF $64.50 $12,900.00 1503 Storm Sewer Pipe - 18" PVC A-2000 1000 LF $68.00 $68,000.00 1504 Storm Sewer Pipe - 24" PVC A-2000 100 LF $70.00 $7,000.00 1505 Pipe Existing Ditch ~48" Class 5 RCP 950 LF $250.00 $237,500.00 1506 48" Storm Drain Manhole w/ Solid Storm Drain Manhole Cover 4 EA $4,333.33 $17,333.33 1507 48" Storm Drain Manhole and Combination Inlet 12 EA $4,500.00 $54,000.00 1508 Detention Pond Outlet Structure 1 EA $7,000.00 $7,000.00 1509 Detention Pond 1 LS $35,000.00 $35,000.00 SUBTOTAL $454,045.83 1601 Utility Culvert Crossing 12 EA $7,000.00 $84,000.00 1602 Reserved SUBTOTAL $84,000.00 1701 4" SCH40 Irrigation Sleeve 32 EA $400.00 $12,800.00 1702 Mulching/Composting & Hydroseeding 12,181 SY $5.00 $60,907.32 1703 Reserved SUBTOTAL $73,707.32 1801 Wetland Mitigation 1 LS $150,000.00 $150,000.00 1802 Reserved SUBTOTAL $150,000.00 1901 Structural Pole Foundations 19.7 CY $1,200.00 $23,640.00 1902 Conduit, 2.0" PVC Trench 4,630.0 LF $12.00 $55,560.00 1903 Conduit, 4.0" PVC, Sleeve 50.0 LF $15.00 $750.00 1904 Conduit, 2.0" PVC, Push 600.0 LF $25.00 $15,000.00 1905 Pull Box, Composite Type 1 15.0 EA $515.00 $7,725.00 1906 Conductor, Copper, #8 AWG 11,120.0 LF $1.00 $11,120.00 1907 Conductor, Copper, #10 AWG, Lighting & Ground 8,700.0 LF $0.75 $6,525.00 1908 Light Std. 30' Mount (Type 10-A) 28.0 EA $2,800.00 $78,400.00 1909 Luminaire, (type 3S 72w LED) 28.0 EA $1,400.00 $39,200.00 1910 Single Type C - Power Supply 1.0 EA $3,500.00 $3,500.00 SUBTOTAL $241,420.00 Estimated Construction Total (Schedule 0 - III & V - IX ) $3,017,673.65 15% Contingency (Schedule 0 - III & V - IX ) $452,651.05 Construction Total + 15% Contingency (Schedule 0 - III & V - IX ) $3,470,324.70 2101 Engineering Design (7% of Construction + Contingency) 1 LS $242,922.73 $242,922.73 2102 Construction Staking, Testing, & Inspection (7% of Construction + Contingency) 1 LS $242,922.73 $242,922.73 2103 Bond Council & Administrative Fees (1% of Construction + Contingency) 1 LS $34,703.25 $34,703.25 2104 Contribution to State Revolving Fund (5% of SID Total) 1 LS $210,045.97 $210,045.97 SUBTOTAL $730,594.67 SID TOTAL = $4,200,919.37 SCHEDULE VII - LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS SCHEDULE VIII - ENVIRONMENTAL MITIGATION * Schedule IV - Sanitary Sewer Improvements have not been included in the total construction costs as part of this SID. Funding for Schedule IV will come from source other than SID. SCHEDULE IX - LIGHTING IMPROVEMENTS SCHEDULE X - ENGINEERING & ADMINISTRATIVE FEES SCHEDULE III - WATER IMPROVEMENTS SCHEDULE IV - SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS* SCHEDULE V - STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS SCHEDULE VI - DRY UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS Manley Road Improvement Project Scope of Services Robert Peccia and Associates Page 1 of 5 Exhibit C EXHIBIT A Manley Road from Griffin Road to Gallatin Park Drive Scope of Services - Amendment #1 • TASK 1 – BID TO AWARD PHASE (TIME & MATERIALS) • TASK 2 – CONSTRUCTION PHASE (TIME & MATERIALS) • TASK 3 – POST-CONSTRUCTION PHASE (TIME & MATERIALS) This contract amendment includes additional services to complete the remaining phases of the Manley Road Improvement Project. The scope of work for Amendment #1 includes the bid to award phase, construction administration, and post-construction services. The tasks in this amendment are divided between the two consultants on the project team of Robert Peccia and Associates (RPA) and Allied Engineering Services Inc. (AESI). TASK 1 – BID TO AWARD PHASE This task is for RPA to conduct the bid to award phase for the project. Work includes printing the Contract Documents, bidding and awarding the project, and preparing the Executed Contract Documents. Management RPA will prepare one invoice with a project status update. This task also includes preparation of this amendment and the sub-contract amendment. Print and Assemble Contract Documents RPA will print and bind sixteen paper sets and produce an electronic PDF of the Drawings and Contract Documents. The PDF will be posted on RPA’s website for viewing by potential bidders. The City will receive two paper sets. RPA and AESI will retain three paper sets. The paper sets will also be available for potential bidders to purchase, if they do not wish to print their own sets from RPA’s website. The remaining paper sets will be given to the successful low bidder. Answer Contractor Questions RPA will coordinate with the potential bidders, answer questions about the project, and supply electronic files if requested. Pre-Bid Meeting RPA will conduct a Pre-Bid Meeting for the project, prepare meeting minutes, and answer technical questions. RPA will send the City a copy of the Pre-Bid Meeting Sign-In Sheet, the Pre-Bid Meeting Agenda, and the final meeting minutes. Plan Holder's List RPA will distribute the Contract Documents to those Contractors who request them and ensure the Contractors supplied the proper deposit. RPA will maintain a Plan Holder's List which identifies all Contractors that have received the Contract Documents. This record shall include the Contractor's name and address, bid proposal number, and deposit received. Manley Road Improvement Project Scope of Services Robert Peccia and Associates Page 2 of 5 Exhibit C Issuing Addenda If necessary, RPA will issue addenda to make clarifications or changes in the Contract Documents prior to the bid opening. All addenda issued will become part of the Contract Documents and a copy of the addenda shall be sent to everyone on the Plan Holder's List. Bid Opening Review The City Clerk will run the Bid Opening and RPA will attend. RPA will review all bids received for bid irregularities. Items to be reviewed include the Bid Bond, math errors in the bid, acknowledgment of receipt of all addenda, Contractor's registration number, and proper completion of all bid document forms. If irregularities are discovered in the low bidder's package, the Consultant shall bring it to the attention of the City and encourage them to consult the City attorney. RPA will prepare a Bid Summary and distribute to the City. Bid Tabulations RPA will return from the Bid Opening with the Contractor's Official Bid Proposals and prepare the bid tabulations. RPA is responsible for transferring the unit bid prices and total bid prices shown in the Contractor's bid onto a Bid Tabulation. Any math errors in the Contractor's bid will be noted on the bid tabulations and the correct figure shown. Award Recommendation After the Bid Tabulations have been prepared and approved, RPA will write a Recommendation of Award letter to the City. The Recommendation of Award shall be based on the lowest responsive bid, the absence of any bid irregularities (or in accordance with the City Attorney's opinion), and the ability of the Contractor to perform the work. If the Contractor's qualifications are not known, a Pre-Award Conference may be required prior to the Recommendation of Award. The intent of a Pre-Award Conference is to determine if the Contractor is qualified to complete the work within the specified Contract Time. If after the Pre-Award Conference it appears the Contractor is qualified to complete the project, then RPA shall recommend Award to the Contractor. If the Contractor does not appear to be qualified, then RPA shall defer the recommendation to the City and the City Attorney. Notice of Award and Executed Contract Documents Once a Contractor has been approved by the City, RPA will complete and transmit three copies of the Notice of Award to the City for their signature. The City shall be asked to sign the Notices and return to RPA to transmit to the Contractor for their signature. After the Contractor signs the Notice of Award, RPA shall transmit three copies of the Agreement Between City and Contractor to the Contractor. The Contractor will sign and return all copies, along with the required Performance and Payment Bonds, Certificates of Insurance, and Power of Attorney. This set of documents is the Contract Documents. Upon receipt of the Contract Documents from the Contractor, RPA shall review the Agreement, Performance Bond, Payment Bond, Power of Attorney, and insurance certificates for conformance with the project requirements. RPA will print and bind three new sets of the Contract Documents including specifications and addenda, copies of the Bid Proposal, Bid Bond and Bid Tabulations, Power of Attorney, and insurance certificates and send to the City for review and signatures. Once executed, this bound set of construction specifications and contract documents book will be the Executed Contract Documents. RPA will provide the City three copies of bound Executed Contract Documents for final signatures. The City will retain one copy, the Contractor will be sent one copy, and RPA will keep one copy. Manley Road Improvement Project Scope of Services Robert Peccia and Associates Page 3 of 5 Exhibit C TASK 2 – CONSTRUCTION PHASE This task is for RPA to provide construction administration services for the project. See the AESI scope of services for the Resident Project Representative. Management RPA will prepare one invoice with a project status update per month, for a six-month duration. Preconstruction Meeting RPA will schedule a Preconstruction Meeting with the City, Contractor, subcontractors, and any other applicable representatives. RPA will also conduct the meeting and prepare meeting minutes. Submittal Review RPA will review the submittals received from the Contractor and provide comments. Each individual submittal received from the Contractor shall be reviewed and documented on a Submittal Review Form. This form will be returned to the Contractor for acceptance, re-submittal, or request for additional information if necessary. RPA will send copies to the Contractor, the City, and the City’s Testing Firm. Construction Administration (150 Calendar Days) The construction phase is estimated as 150 calendar days (approximately 120 working days). If the scope of work changes significantly enough to warrant an extension of time for the Contractor, RPA may submit an amendment for additional time and expenses. RPA will provide construction administration services to include Contractor and City coordination, submittal reviews (except those listed under the AESI scope of services), pay applications, change orders and work directives, stop and start work orders, attend meetings, review certified payrolls, coordination of utility relocates and conflicts, tracking of calendar days, winter shutdown activities, and on-site assistance. RPA will also prepare and send the Contractor all staking files and other files as necessary for creating their 3D machine model. These files may include ASCII point files (ADA ramps, sign locations, striping locations, luminaire locations, etc.), XML alignments and profiles, and design drawings. AESI will provide a Resident Project Representative (RPR) to act as the construction observer for the project. Duties include field checks of materials and equipment, overseeing testing, reporting deficient work, maintaining files and log book, and conducting inspections. The RPR will be on-site full time during construction activities and will observe the Contractor's performance in comparison to the plans and specifications. The RPR will be budgeted to be on-site 40 hours/week and an additional five hours/week of office time for approximately 120 working days. See the AESI scope of services. AESI will also provide submittal reviews (for gravels, asphalt, fabrics, and storm water treatment device), assist on-site for geotechnical and storm drainage issues, and attend meetings as necessary. Quality control testing is not included in this agreement. Testing and laboratory work will be through the City’s Testing Firm, with their test results being submitted to the Contractor, City, and RPA. Partial Pay Requests Partial Pay Requests are typically processed every 30-days throughout the construction phase. RPA shall prepare and certify each pay request. Eight pay applications are estimated and include pay applications for materials in storage during winter shutdown. Manley Road Improvement Project Scope of Services Robert Peccia and Associates Page 4 of 5 Exhibit C For each pay request RPA will also prepare the Gross Receipts withholding tax form, provide a summary of completed work, provide specific area measurements for quantities, and include receipts for materials in storage. Work Directives and Change Orders Any changes in the original Contract Documents shall be handled through the issuance of either a Work Directive or Change Order. RPA shall notify the City of the potential change prior to negotiating the change with the Contractor to obtain the City's approval. A detailed cost breakdown must be provided by the Contractor so RPA may review it for reasonableness. RPA is responsible for preparing, negotiating, and executing Work Directives and Change Orders with the Contractor and the City. For Work Directives, RPA shall transmit an electronic signed copy to the City for their approval. For Change Orders, RPA shall transmit three original signed documents to the City for approval by the City Commission. The signed copy of the Work Directive or Change Order by the City will serve as the Contractor’s notice to proceed with the changes. Project Punchlist and Certificate of Completion After the Contractor has submitted the Certificate of Completion, RPA will review the project site and issue the Contractor a Project Punchlist. The Punchlist shall detail the remaining work items and site cleanup the Contractor must complete prior to the Final Project Inspection. RPA will sign the Punchlist and send a copy to the Contractor and City. The Contractor's satisfactory completion of the Punchlist items does not constitute final acceptance of the project, it merely means that the Contractor is ready for Final Inspection with the City. Final Project Inspection The City, Contractor, and RPA shall visit the project site for a Final Project Inspection. A walk-through inspection shall be conducted for the City to comment on the quality of the finished project, to point out work items or cleanup which require additional work, or to accept the project as complete. If the City requires the Contractor to perform additional work, RPA shall document the work items in a Final Project Punchlist. RPA will send a copy of the Final Project Punchlist to the Contractor and the City. If the City determines that the project is substantially complete, then RPA shall prepare the Certificate of Substantial Completion. The date of Substantial Completion is the end of Contract Time and the start of the two-year Warranty period. TASK 3 – POST-CONSTRUCTION P HASE This task is for RPA to provide construction management after the Contractor has completed the construction of the project. Work includes preparing close out forms, as-built drawings, and the final project inspection. Management This activity includes preparing two invoices with project status updates. Final Punchlist Review RPA will make a final inspection after the Contractor has completed all items on the Final Punchlist and document the Final Punchlist Review in a memo to the City. Manley Road Improvement Project Scope of Services Robert Peccia and Associates Page 5 of 5 Exhibit C Contractor's Final Pay Request RPA shall prepare the Affidavit on Behalf of Contractor form and Consent of Surety Company to Final Payment form for the Contractor to process. These forms are the Contractor's guarantee that all bills for materials, supplies & labor have been paid in full and that no additional claims will be made against the City as a result of the Contractor's actions and that the final payment shall not relieve the Surety Company of its obligations. Once these forms are notarized and received, RPA shall prepare and submit the final pay application to the City that includes the Contractor’s retainage release. Close Out RPA will prepare all close out documentation. These documents include a memo summarizing Contract Time containing all necessary documentation, a letter summarizing the final punch list walk-through and actions taken by the Contractor, and a memo summarizing any outstanding issues on the project. Record Drawings RPA is responsible for producing the as-built Record Drawings at the conclusion of the project, noting all design changes and underground utilities. RPA shall carefully review the changes noted by the Contractor and the RPR for accuracy and completeness. RPA shall draft and prepare new AutoCAD files documenting the changes from the original Drawings. The Record Drawings will be submitted to the City. The Record Drawing submittal will include an electronic PDF, AutoCAD files, two full-size paper copies, and one full-size mylar set. Certification Letters RPA will prepare and submit a Certification Letter with the Record Drawings to the MDEQ. This letter will provide documentation that all water and sewer mains that were installed as part of the project were installed per the approved plans and were tested in accordance with the approved specifications. The Consultant will also coordinate signatures and submit Certification Letters as required for the environmental permits. Warranty Inspection RPA will schedule and attend a Warranty Inspection at the end of the two-year warranty period. The objective of the inspection is to verify the facilities and materials are functioning properly prior to the expiration of the Contractor's two-year warranty period. RPA will prepare and submit meeting minutes for the Warranty Inspection to the City and Contractor regarding any outstanding issues. ROBERT PECCIA & ASSOCIATES Manley Road Improvements Project ENGINEERING SERVICES CONTRACT Bozeman, MT SCHEDULE OF ESTIMATED COSTS AMENDMENT NO. 1 Attachment B-1 BID TO AWARD PHASE - TIME & MATERIALS Person Hours Principal Project Acctng.CADD Clerical Total Work Item/Subtask Manager Tech.Person $61.83 $48.61 $41.15 $32.50 $25.63 Hours . TASK 1: BID TO AWARD PHASE Management (1 Invoice, Prepare & Review Amendment #1)2 12 1 15 Print & Assemble Contract Documents, PDF, Post to Website, Pick up from the Helena office 8 16 24 Answer Contractor Questions 8 8 Pre-Bid Meeting (Agenda & Minutes)8 8 Plan Holder's List 2 2 Prepare & Issue Addenda 8 8 Bid Opening 2 2 Bid Tabulations 4 4 Award Recommendation 1 4 5 Notice of Award and Executed Contract Documents 1 8 4 13 TOTAL PERSON-HOURS:4 54 1 8 22 89 LABOR COST PER EMPLOYEE:$247.32 $2,624.94 $41.15 $260.00 $563.86 $3,737.27 DIRECT EXPENSES Equipment (Computers at $2.50/hour)$175.00 Equipment (CADD software at $7.00/hour)$56.00 Mileage 1 trip from Bozeman to Helena to pick up printed sets ($0.58/mile)$113.10 Postage (Addenda)$20.00 Printing - 16 sets of PS&E (Drawings 125 colored pages at $0.75 ea. Spec Book black & white 443 pages at $0.10 ea.), 3 sets of Executed Documents 475 black & white pages at $0.10 ea.)$2,351.30 Total:$2,715.40 SUMMARY OF ENGINEERING SERVICES Direct Labor $3,737.27 Overhead (Current OH Rate X Direct Labor) (1.6500)$6,166.50 Subtotal Labor Cost:$9,903.77 Direct Expenses $2,715.40 Subtotal Project Costs:$12,619.17 Profit (15% of Loaded Labor):$1,485.56 Total Engineering Fee (Rounded):$14,100 ROBERT PECCIA & ASSOCIATES Manley Road Improvements Project ENGINEERING SERVICES CONTRACT Bozeman, MT SCHEDULE OF ESTIMATED COSTS AMENDMENT NO. 1 Attachment B-2 CONSTRUCTION PHASE - TIME & MATERIALS Person Hours Principal Project Structural Electrical Acctng.Total Work Item/Subtask Manager Engineer Engineer Person $61.83 $48.61 $53.17 $41.39 $41.15 Hours TASK 2: CONSTRUCTION PHASE Management (6 invoices)1 12 6 19 Preconstruction Meeting (Agenda & Minutes)12 12 Submittal Review 1 32 8 8 49 Construction Administration (Meetings, Coordination with City/Contractor/RPR, Utility Conflicts/Relocates, Stop/Start Work Orders, Track Calendar Days, Certified Payrolls, On-Site Issues for Approx. 24 weeks at 6 hours/week)2 144 146 Export Staking Files (ASCII, XML's, CADD Drawings)16 16 Misc. Design Changes & Reissue Sheets (Driveway Utility Access, etc.)40 40 Partial Pay Requests (8 pay applications)24 24 Work Directives & Change Orders 16 16 Project Punchlist & Certificate of Completion 2 2 Final Project Inspection 1 8 9 TOTAL PERSON-HOURS:5 306 8 8 6 333 LABOR COST PER EMPLOYEE:$309.15 $14,874.66 $425.36 $331.12 $246.90 $16,187.19 DIRECT EXPENSES Equipment (Computers at $2.50/hour)$237.50 Equipment (CADD software at $7.00/hour)$560.00 Mileage - 10 trips from BZN office to jobsite/city offices ($0.58/mile 2WD)$139.20 Postage $50.00 Printing (Extra plan sets if needed)$100.00 Total:$1,086.70 SUMMARY OF ENGINEERING SERVICES Direct Labor $16,187.19 Overhead (Current OH Rate X Direct Labor) (1.6500)$26,708.86 Subtotal Labor Cost:$42,896.05 Direct Expenses $1,086.70 Subtotal Project Costs:$43,982.75 Profit (15% of Loaded Labor):$6,434.41 Total Engineering Fee (Rounded):$50,400 ROBERT PECCIA & ASSOCIATES Manley Road Improvements Project ENGINEERING SERVICES CONTRACT Bozeman, MT SCHEDULE OF ESTIMATED COSTS AMENDMENT NO. 1 Attachment B-3 POST-CONSTRUCTION PHASE - TIME & MATERIALS Person Hours Principal Project CADD Clerical Acctng.Total Work Item/Subtask Manager Tech.Person $61.83 $48.61 $32.50 $25.63 $41.15 Hours TASK 3: POST-CONSTRUCTION PHASE Management (2 invoices)4 2 6 Final Punchlist Review 8 8 Contractor's Final Pay Request 4 4 Close Out Documents 8 8 Record Drawings (CADD Drafting, Create PDF, Submit Files)24 40 8 72 Certification Letters 4 2 6 Warranty Inspection 1 8 9 TOTAL PERSON-HOURS:1 60 40 10 2 113 LABOR COST PER EMPLOYEE:$61.83 $2,916.60 $1,300.00 $325.00 $82.30 $4,685.73 DIRECT EXPENSES Equipment (Computers at $2.50/hour)$87.50 Equipment (CADD software at $7.00/hour)$448.00 Mileage - 2 trips from Bozeman office to job site ($0.58/mile 2WD)$27.84 Printing (2 Full Size Sets, One Full Size Mylar at Selby's)$1,200.00 Total:$1,763.34 SUMMARY OF ENGINEERING SERVICES Direct Labor $4,685.73 Overhead (Current OH Rate X Direct Labor) (1.6500)$7,731.45 Subtotal Labor Cost:$12,417.18 Direct Expenses $1,763.34 Subtotal Project Costs:$14,180.52 Profit (15% of Loaded Labor):$1,862.58 Total Engineering Fee (Rounded):$16,040