HomeMy WebLinkAbout07 Narrative 4-24-2020| TOWN PUMP 6 LOUNGE | 2003 Kimberwicke Street Bozeman, Montana Project Narrative Page | 1 SITE PLAN NARRATIVE Narrative: The Site Plan submittal is for Town Pump Lounge which is a restaurant with accessory gaming and packaged liquor sales. The plans include a 6700 SF building with parking and site amenities as required per the UDC. This is the first building to be built on this lot and is part of a previous Master Site Plan. A Master Site Plan MOD is also being submitted concurrent with this application. CITY COMMENTS AND RESPONSES : 1. BMC – Phased site plans. Following construction of this phase, the site must be regraded and reseeded. No spoil piles or other debris will be allowed. Occupancy will be contingent upon successfully cleaning up the site. The sidewalk immediately adjacent to the west phase line must be constructed prior to occupancy. All frontage landscaping must be completed prior to occupancy. Landscaping plan L000 notes and graphicly shows this. 2. BMC 38.220.080 - Site plan submittal requirements. The application must meet the SP1 and PLS form requirements. Plans must include all property boundaries, setbacks, and easements annotated with dimensions shown correctly. Block frontages must be shown and annotated with dimensions and shown correctly. Include all existing public utilities, street and alley frontages with names and right-of-way dimensions, sidewalks, and parking facilities, annotated with correct dimensions. Provide annotated open space and snow storage areas. C1.0 Site plan notes and graphicly shows this. 3. BMC 38.510.020.F – Multiple block frontages. Because the building is located on a corner with multiple block frontage designations, this project must provide a front and primary façade on both streets. The Gateway block frontage on 19th takes precedent, requiring a publicly accessible entrance from the 19 th right- of-way which must include a pedestrian connection to the existing pathway on 19th. This is the only required entrance, however multiple entrances are encouraged. The building design has incorporated this. See AC2.1 Site Plan, A2.0 Plans, A3.0 Elevations 4. BMC 38.510.030.C.3.b – Façade transparency. The Gateway block frontage façade transparency requirements follow the Landscaped block frontage standards, requiring 25% minimum between 4-8 feet. Tinted glazing is not considered to be transparent for the purposes of this section. The elevations are depicting tinted windows, which is not allowed in any block frontage designation. Please provide a material board with glazing samples. Removed tinted glazing from the design, see A3.2 Material Board | TOWN PUMP 6 LOUNGE | 2003 Kimberwicke Street Bozeman, Montana Project Narrative Page | 2 5. BMC 38.520.040.C.4 – Internal circulation – Pedestrian paths through parking lots. A pedestrian path must be provided at least every four rows of parking or at a maximum spacing of 200’. On C1.0, it appears there is a pedestrian pathway planned but it is more than 200’ from the sidewalk to the south. The proposed configuration of the parking lot in C1.0 will likely require more than one pedestrian pathway. Updated site design to incorporate a pathway every four rows and less than 200’, see AC2.1 Site Plan 6. BMC 38.520.060.C – Commercial open space. Provide open space calculations and designate areas, dimensioned, and annotated, with amenities illustrating how the minimum requirements of this provision are being met. Please refer to BMC 38.520.060.D for appropriate pedestrian-oriented design amenities and criteria. Open space area noted on AC2.1 Site Plan 7. BMC 38.520.070 - Location of service areas. The trash enclosure must provide landscaped screening at least 5 feet wide and must provide a cover due to the adjacent buildings potential to be multiple stories. The gas meters on the north side of the building must be screened from public view. AC2.1 Site Plan, A2.0 Plans, A3.0 Elevations note and graphicly show this. 8. BMC 38.530.050.E – Articulated building entries. The proposed orientation of the building does not comply with this provision. The publicly accessible entrance must be facing North 19 th and be articulated appropriately, including weather protection. Updated design, see AC2.1 Site Plan, A2.0 Plans, A3.0 Elevations Sanitation Division, Russ Ward rward@bozeman.net 406-582-3235 1. Need 50 feet of straight approach to front of refuse enclosure. See AC2.1 Site Plan 2. Need detailed plan for refuse enclosure. See A2.0 Plans, A3.0 Elevations Water and Sewer Division; John Alston jalston@bozeman.net 406-582-3200 Provide a grease interceptor. No cooking is being performed and no grease producing activity is being performed. We can provide a statement from the owner and a menu if required. Engineering Division, Anna Russell, arussell@bozeman.net , 406-582-2281 Engineering Comments General Comments If not completed already, the applicant will need to make arrangements with the City Engineer’s Office (Taylor Lonsdale) to provide an address/addresses for the project prior to submitting the Site Plan Application. The address for the entire lot is 2055 Kimberwicke Street. See 01a Address COB Certification - 2003 Kimberwicke St; 01b Address Assignment Exhibit - 2003 Kimberwicke Sewer | TOWN PUMP 6 LOUNGE | 2003 Kimberwicke Street Bozeman, Montana Project Narrative Page | 3 An existing sewer manhole on Kimberwicke is leaking. Coordinate with the Water/Sewer Superintendent to identify and repair this manhole prior to Site Plan approval. Manhole has been repaired and repair was coordinated with COB. A grease interceptor conforming to the latest adopted edition of the Uniform Plumbing Code must be installed with any development responsible for food preparation. Show the grease interceptor location and include the size in the sewer design report with the Site Plan submittal. No cooking is being performed and no grease producing activity is being performed thus no grease interceptor is required. Applicant can provide a statement from the owner and a menu if required. Easements Show the mutual access easement per Doc. No. 2608753 through the common area east of Max Avenue on the property to the north. See 14 Mutual Access Easement - 2608754 An additional private utility easement to the transformer will be required, contact Dylan Swanson of Northwestern Energy at Dylan.swanson@northwestern.com or 406-497-3663 for more details. See Utility ROW Easement EXHIBIT LEGAL 03252020 Fire Paint the curb area red and provide “No Parking Fire Lane” signage the northern curb line, the western entrance curb line, the eastern curb of the eastern entrance and along the drive aisle side of each parking landscape island. See AC2.1 Site Plan Storm Drainage BMC 40.04.500.A – Storm Drainage Maintenance Plan . Include a maintenance plan for the retention basin. The plan must be incorporated into the Owner’s Association Documents and a copy must be submitted prior to Site Plan approval. See Stormwater Maintenance Plan Snow Storage BMC 38.540.020.M. Adequate snow storage will need to be provided on the Site Plan Application for this phase. See AC2.1 Site Plan Transportation BMC 38.400.010. The Opportunity Subdivision traffic impact study calls for improvements to the intersection of Max Ave and Cattail Street with the development of the Opportunity Subdivision and Lots 12 of the Gallatin Center Subdivision. Improvements to Max Avenue and Cattail Street must be constructed as a condition of site plan approval. The City has determined that a roundabout is required at the intersection. A development application has been submitted for Lot 12 of the Gallatin Center Subdivision, the applicant is encouraged to work with the proposed development to construct the | TOWN PUMP 6 LOUNGE | 2003 Kimberwicke Street Bozeman, Montana Project Narrative Page | 4 solution. The intersection is eligible for concurrent construction; per BMC 38.270.030, provided a request is made and all requirements are satisfied. This roundabout is being constructed (concurrent construction) with TP #6 Convenience Store and is a condition of its approval. See planning file #18525 for the details. Water Include tracer wire above the water main to allow for locating. Show the tracer wire on the Site Plan submittal utility sheet. See Civil Site Plan notes The applicant must contact Brian Heaston with the City Engineering Department to obtain a determination of cash-in-lieu (CIL) of water rights if not already paid. Payment will be required prior to Building Permit approval. See CIL of Water Rights email Memo. $5280 Amount Due. Check payment will be submitted by the end of May 2020.