HomeMy WebLinkAbout20- Amendment 1 to PSA - Sanderson Stewart - Griffin Drive Reconstruction ProjectFIRST AMENDMENT TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR Griffin Drive Reconstruction Project dated October 28, 2019 (the "Agreement') is made and entered into this Jr' ' day of , Oot , 2020, by and between the CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, a self governing municipal corporation organized and existing under its Charter and the laws of the State of Montana, 121 North Rouse Street, Bozeman, Montana, with a mailing address of PO Box 1230, Bozeman, MT 59771, hereinafter referred to as "City," Sanderson Stewart, hereinafter referred to as "Contractor." In consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained, the receipt and sufficiency whereof being hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree to amend the Agreement as follows: 1. Scope of services, rate schedules, and budget for design services are outlined in Attachment "Exhibit A - Scope of Work." 2. Agreement still valid. All remaining terms and provisions of the Agreement remain valid. * * * * END OF AGREEMENT EXCEPT FOR SIGNATURES * * * * First Amendment to Professional Services Agreement for Griffin Drive Reconstruction Project Page 1 of 2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this instrument the day and year first above written. CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA By lizzzfed Jef*ili ity Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM By Greg Sullivan, Bozeman City Attorney SANDERSON STEWART By ;!z Pri Name: Danielle Scharf, P.E. Title: Principal First Amendment to Professional Services Agreement for Griffin Drive Reconstruction Project Page 2 of 2 SANDE RSON STEWARTiEY Exhibit A Griffin Drive Improvements Scope of Work — Design Phase 5/14/20 Sanderson Steuart is pleased to provide this scope of work for the Griffin Drive Improvements project. This project will consist of concept design, preliminary design and final design services for the Griffin Drive corridor from Maus Lane (where MDT's North 7th Avenue/Griffin Drive project ends) to Rouse Avenue. The project will install a three -lane typical section with separated bike lanes and sidewalks and a traffic signal at the intersection of Griffin Drive and Manley Road. A detailed scope of services for these design tasks is outlined below. Construction bidding and construction administration services will be provided through a separate contract amendment once the construction schedule has been determined. Project Schedule: Phase 1- Project Initiation This phase of the project will include project initiation and planning tasks, including scoping, contract preparation, and coordination/meetings with the City of Bozeman. All project management tasks, client meetings and subconsultant coordination for tasks beyond project initiation will be allocated to the other project phases. Phase 2 - Conceptual Design Design concepts at this phase of the project will consist of typical sections and geometrics and lane configuration layouts for the traffic signal at the Manley Road intersection. The Manley Road intersection concept will address the necessary railroad crossing improvements with input from Montana Rail Link and KI J relative to the Quiet Zone Study currently underway. The preferred typical section alternative includes a 90 - foot right-of-way, one travel lane in each direction, a two-way left -turn lane, separated bike lanes, boulevards and sidewalks. Transitions to adjacent projects at North 7th Avenue and Manley Road will be addressed in the concept design. Potential right-of-way impacts will be identified for the preferred typical section and the signalized intersection. Adjustments to the design will be made as needed to minimize those impacts. Concept drawings will be prepared in plan view only, with the exception of typical section details. Coordination with known adjacent roadway improvements and site development projects (HRDC Concept PUD and others) will be provided as needed to address access locations, and water and sewer services, if needed. The deliverable for this phase will include 11x17 plan drawings incorporating the base topographic survey and proposed improvements overlaid on an aerial image and the associated typical section details. Phase 3 — Supplemental Topographic SurveX A topographic survey of the corridor was conducted as part of the pre -design phase, but topographic survey pick-ups will be completed as needed during the preliminary design phase. Base drawings will be updated as needed following the completion of the topographic survey pick-ups. This phase also includes a drone aerial photograph of the corridor. Phase 4 — Roadway/Intersection Design Roadway design tasks for this phase of the project will include setting the horizontal and vertical alignment of the corridor. It will include preparation of plan/profile sheets and cross-sections, as well as geometric design details for all street and intersection improvements. The roadway design phase will also include preparation of plans and details for signing and striping, sidewalks/separated bike lanes, crosswalks and ADA accessibility ramps. This phase will also include a thorough review of as -built plans for the corridor and nearby improvements. Public and private utilities will be shown for coordination and identification of conflicts. Sanderson Stewart will coordinate with the utility companies as needed to determine the cost and potential construction schedule impacts of any necessary relocations. Subsurface utility exploration is not included in this scope of services and would be provided by amendment if any potential conflicts are identified that warrant further investigation. Analysis and design of water and sewer (main or set vice) extensions/replacements are not included in this scope of work. Storm drain improvements will be required and are addressed in Phase 6 of this scope of work. Phase 5 — Traffic Signal and Corridor LightingDesiiQn This phase of the project will include preparation of electrical plans for the traffic signal at the Manley Road intersection and corridor lighting design. The signal design will include the proposed signal pole/mast arm layout, conduit, pull boxes, controller and service locations, and interconnection for railroad crossing. The design of the ADA accessibility ramps will be coordinated with proposed pedestrian push button locations. This phase will also include conduit fill calculations and electrical detail sheets. Illumination calculations, details, and electrical specifications will also be provided. Phase 6 — Stormwater Design and Report This phase will include stormwater calculations, pipe sizing, spread width analysis, and detention pond sizing and design. The stormwater design will be incorporated into the road design plans and all calculations will be summarized in a stormwater report to be submitted with the preliminary plans. Up to three (3) alternatives will be considered for stormwater detention pond locations including low impact development alternatives and limited locations for ponds. Sanderson Stewart will coordinate with the City Stormwater Management Department as needed and will ensure conformance with the City's Stormwater Facilities Plan. It is assumed that the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) permit will be prepared and submitted by the contractor, not by Sanderson Stewart. Phase 7 — Railroad and Utility Coordination Sanderson Stewart will provide coordination with Montana Rail Link and the private utility companies throughout the design process. Input from Montana Rail Link will include review of existing right-of-way and concept/preliminaty design as they relate to right-of-way impacts and the railroad crossing design. Montana Rail Link will provide opinions of probable cost for crossing improvements upon review of the concept design. The design will address supplemental safety measures that will be required for a future quiet zone in coordination with the quiet zone study just getting underway. Tasks include correspondence and up to four meetings with Montana Rail Link, the City of Bozeman and the quiet zone study consultant. Private utility coordination is anticipated to consist primarily of coordination with Northwestern Energy for possible relocation of existing power lines for the proposed roadway widening and intersection improvements. It is our understanding that the transmission lines on the south side of Griffin Drive are not under consideration for relocation so the design will need to accommodate the existing location. This will be evaluated and discussed with the City and Northwestern Energy during the conceptual design phase. Tasks include correspondence and up to two meetings with Northwestern Energy. Phase 8 —Preliminary PS&E Submittal All of the above information will be compiled into a preliminary set of plans, specifications and opinion of probable cost for review by the City of Bozeman. Plans will include existing/demolition plans, plan/profile sheets, cross-sections, typical sections, details, signing and striping plans, and electrical plans. Sanderson Stewart will prepare special provisions and a specifications manual including the templates for bid documents. A preliminary engineer's opinion of probable cost (with contingency allowance) will also be provided with this review submittal. Erosion control plans, traffic control plans, landscape and irrigation plans are not included in this scope of work. Phase 9 — Final PS&E Submittal Sanderson Stewart will address all review comments received from the City of Bozeman and through Sanderson Stewart's internal quality control review, provide final coordination between disciplines and with utilities, and prepare final plans, specifications and an engineer's opinion of probable cost. The final deliverable will include electronic (PDF) copies of all submittal documents, as well as up to six (6) hard copies. The following items are specifically excluded from the scope of work for this phase of the project and will be addressed with a contract amendment if needed: • Landscape restoration and irrigation plans (by special provision only) • Construction administration, bidding and inspection services • Construction staking • Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) permit • Wetland permitting and mitigation (to be determined after wetland delineation is complete) • DEQ permitting related to water/sewer extensions • Erosion control plans • Traffic control plans • Public meetings or presentations • Retaining wall design Griffin Drive Improvements Design Services 19078.01 8.00 S A N D E R S O N ;f S i W ,,. R' am - 2.00 Tot 60.00 Project Initiation 7T.skroject Scoping Project Administrator 2.00 150.00 114.00 Senior Engineer II 10.00 1,700.00 Task: Project Planning 2.00 270.00 Project Administrator 2.00 150.00 2,400.00 Senior Engineer II 4.00 680.00 Subtotal 18.00 2,680.00 Expenses Total for Project Initiation sc: Conceptual Design_ Task: Project Mgmt & Coordination 18.001 2,680.00 Project Engineer II 8.00 960.00 Senior Engineer II 4.00 680.00 Task: City Consultation & Meetings Project Engineer II 2.00 240.00 Senior Engineer II 2.00 340.00 Task: Adjacent Project Team Coordination Project Engineer II 8.00 960.00 Senior Engineer II 2.00 340.00 Task: Conceptual Design QC Review Expenses Total for Conceptual Design Task: Project Mgmt & Coordination Task: Topo Survey Pick-ups Task: Draft Topo & Base Plan Task: Drone Aerial Photos Subtotal Expenses Total for Topographic Survey = g Designer I Project Engineer II Senior Engineer LI Staff Engineer I Senior Engineer II Senior Professional Land Surveyor Staff Surveyor II Designer I Field Survey Tech II 12.00 1,080.00 8.00 960.00 6.00 1,020.00 60.00 5,700.00 e 2.00 340.00 114.00 12,620.00 114.00 12,620.00 2.00 270.00 24.00 2,400.00 6.001 540.00 38.00 3,690.001 800.00 38.00 4,490.00; v7.6.753 (EPOTRATZ) - - Page 1 of 4 Task: Project Mgmt & Coordination Project Engineer 1 16.00 1,760.00 Project Engineer II 16.00 1,920.00 Senior Engineer II 8.00 1,360.00 Task: Client Consultation & Meetings Project Engineer II 4.00 480.00 Senior Engineer II 4.00 680.00 Task: Horizontal & Vertical Alignment Designer 1 80.00 7,200.00 Project Engineer 1 40.00 4,400.00 Senior Engineer 11 10.00 1,700.00 Task: Typical Section Designer 1 12.00 1,080.00 Project Engineer 1 6.00 660.00 Task: Cross-sections Designer 1 80.00 7,200.00 Project Engineer 1 24.00 2,640.00 Senior Engineer II 8.00 1,360.00 Task: Intersection Geometrics & Grading Designer 1 40.00 3,600.00 Project Engineer 1 16.00 1,760.00 Project Engineer II 8.00 960.00 Task: Separated Bike Lane Details & Intersection Transitions Project Engineer II 24.00 2,880.00 Senior Engineer II 16.00 2,720.00 Task: Signing & Striping Designer 1 30.00 2,700.00 Project Engineer 1 24.00 2,640.00 Project Engineer II 4.00 480.00 Task: Details Designer 1 12.00 1,080.00 Project Engineer 1 8.00 880.00 Task: QC Review Principal 4.00 740.00 Senior Engineer II 4.00 680.00 Subtotal 498.00 53,560.00 Expenses Total for Roadway/Intersection Design 458.001 53,560.00 Phase: Traffic Signal & Corridor Lighting Design Task: Project Mgmt & Coordination 'Project Engineer f 16.00 1,760.00 Project Engineer II 16.00 1,920.00 Senior Engineer II 8.00 1,360.00 Task: Signal Design Designer 1 20.00 1,800.00 Project Engineer 1 60.00 6,600.00 Project Engineer II 8.00 960.00 Senior Engineer II 2.00 340.00 v7.6.753 (EPOTRATZ) - Page 2 of 4 Task: Signal Timing Plan v7.6.753 (EPOTRATZ) - - Page 3 of 4 Project Engineer 1 8.00 880.00 Project Engineer II 2.001 240.00 Task: Lighting Design Designer 1 12.00 1,080.00 Project Engineer 1 40.00 4,400.00 Project Engineer II 4.00 480.00 Task: QC Review Principal 2.00 370.00 Senior Engineer 1 2.00 290.00 Subtotal 200.00 22,480.00 Expenses Total for Traffic Signal & Corridor Lighting Design 200.001 22,480.00 I ase:.Stotmw�et' Deaja &. Report Task: Project Mgmt & Coordination z fi Project Engineer 1 12.00 1,320.00 �3 Senior Engineer II 8.00 1,360.00 Task: Stormwater Calculations X Project Engineer 1 Project Engineer 1 40.00 40.00 4,400.00 4,400.00 Task: Stormwater Design Senior Engineer II 16.00 2,720.00 Task: Stormwater Report Project Engineer 1 20.00 2,200.00 Task: QC Review Senior Engineer 11 2.00 340.00 Subtotal 138.00 16,740.00 Expenses Total for Stormwater Design & Report 138.00' 16,740.00 Phase: Railroad & Utility Coordination Task: Project Mgmt & Coordination I Project Engineer II 8.00 960.00 Senior Engineer II 4.00 680.001 Task: MRL Coordination a �1 Project Engineer II 32.00 3,840.00 Senior Engineer II 16.001 2,720.00 Task: NWE Coordination a 'r ,Project Engineer II 16.00 1,920.00 Senior Engineer II 8.0011 1,360.00 Subtotal 84.001 11,480.00 a Expenses - 1 !Total for Railroad & Utility Coordination 84.00 11,480.00 Phase: Preliminary PS&E Submittal Task: Project Mgmt & Coordination Project Engineer 1 16.00 1,760.00 -�� Project Engineer If 8.00 960.00 Senior Engineer II 4.00 680.00 Task: Client Consultation & Meetings - Project Engineer II 4.001 480.00 v7.6.753 (EPOTRATZ) - - Page 3 of 4 Client Consultation & Meetings Address Comments & Complete Final Design Specifications Manual & Bid Documents Cost Estimate QC Review Expenses Total for Final PS&E Submittal -� Total for Griffin Drive Improvements - Design Services Senior Engineer II 4.001 680.00 Task: Complete Preliminary Design Package Project Engineer II 4.00 480.00 Designer 1 40.00 3,600.00 Designer 1 40.00 3,600.00 Project Engineer 1 28.00 3,080.00 300.00 Project Engineer II 8.00 960.00 Task: Specification Manual & Bid Documents Staff Engineer I 8.00 760.00 Principal 4.00 740.00 122.00 Project Administrator 4.00 300.00 122.00 Project Engineer 1 32.00 3,520.00 Task: Cost Estimate Project Engineer 1 12.00 1,320.00 Senior Engineer II 4.00 680.00 Staff Engineer 1 24.00 2,280.00 o Task: QC Review Principal 2.00 370.00 Senior Engineer 11 4.00 680.00 Subtotal 198.00 22,090.00 Expenses 1,000.00, Total for Preliminary PS&E Submittal itase: Final PS&E Submittal tTask: Project Mgmt & Coordination 198.001 23,090.00 Client Consultation & Meetings Address Comments & Complete Final Design Specifications Manual & Bid Documents Cost Estimate QC Review Expenses Total for Final PS&E Submittal -� Total for Griffin Drive Improvements - Design Services Project Engineer 1 4.00 440.00 Senior Engineer II Project Engineer II 4.00 480.00 Designer 1 40.00 3,600.00 Senior Engineer II 4.00 680.00 Client Consultation & Meetings Address Comments & Complete Final Design Specifications Manual & Bid Documents Cost Estimate QC Review Expenses Total for Final PS&E Submittal -� Total for Griffin Drive Improvements - Design Services 1,370.001 161,720.00 v7.6.753 (EPOTRATZ) - - Page 4 of 4 Project Engineer 11 2.00 240.00 Senior Engineer II 2.00 340.00 Designer 1 40.00 3,600.00 Principal 4.00 740.00 Project Engineer 1 24.00 2,640.00 Project Engineer 11 8.00 960.00 Principal 2.00 370.00 ~ e Project Administrator 4.00 300.00 Project Engineer 1 8.00 880.00 i Project Engineer 1 4.00 440.00 Staff Engineer I 8.00 760.00 Principal v _ 2.00 370.00 _ r340.00 Senior Engineer II 2.00 122.00 13,580.00 1,000.00 122.00 14,580.00 1,370.001 161,720.00 v7.6.753 (EPOTRATZ) - - Page 4 of 4 ti 7 1