HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.10_Gallatin Subaru_Civil Engineering Report_3-3-2020
Engineering Report
Gallatin Subaru
31910 E. Frontage Road
Gallatin County, Montana
March, 2020
Prepared By:
Hyalite Engineers, PLLC
2304 N 7th Ave. Suite L
Bozeman, MT 59715
Contributors March 2020 Page ii
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Sarah Johnson, PE
Project Engineer, Hyalite Engineers, PLLC, Bozeman, MT
Brett Megaard, PE
Project Engineer, Hyalite Engineers, PLLC, Bozeman, MT
Brian Van Rooyen, EI
Staff Engineer, Hyalite Engineers, PLLC, Bozeman, MT
Mike Stenberg, PE
Principle Project Manager, Hyalite Engineers, PLLC, Bozeman, MT
Table of Contents March 2020 Page iii
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Table of Contents
Contributors ................................................................................................................................ ii
Table of Contents ....................................................................................................................... iii
List of Tables ............................................................................................................................. iv
List of Figures ............................................................................................................................ iv
List of Appendices ...................................................................................................................... iv
1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Purpose of Report ........................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Scope .......................................................................................................................... 1
2 Location and Site Information ............................................................................................. 1
3 Land Use ............................................................................................................................ 2
3.1 Existing ........................................................................................................................ 2
3.2 Proposed ..................................................................................................................... 2
3.3 Expected Water Usage ................................................................................................ 2
3.3.1 Irrigation ................................................................................................................ 2
3.3.2 Building Water Use ............................................................................................... 3
3.3.3 Total Water Use .................................................................................................... 3
4 Sanitary Sewer Improvements ............................................................................................ 3
4.1 Existing Infrastructure .................................................................................................. 3
4.2 Proposed Improvements .............................................................................................. 3
5 Potable Water Improvements .............................................................................................. 4
5.1 Existing Infrastructure .................................................................................................. 4
5.2 Proposed Improvements .............................................................................................. 4
6 Storm Water Improvements ................................................................................................ 5
6.1 Existing Conditions ...................................................................................................... 5
6.2 General Design ............................................................................................................ 5
6.3 Hydrologic Methodology............................................................................................... 6
6.4 Extended Detention Ponds .......................................................................................... 7
6.5 System Maintenance ................................................................................................... 8
6.6 Erosion Sediment Control ............................................................................................ 9
6.7 Flooding ....................................................................................................................... 9
References ...............................................................................................................................10
List of Tables March 2020 Page iv
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List of Tables
Table 1 - Calculated water usage summary. .............................................................................. 3
Table 2 - Runoff coefficients used. ............................................................................................. 6
List of Figures
Figure 1 - Vicinity map. .............................................................................................................. 1
List of Appendices
A) Pre-development and Post-development Drainage Basins
B) Hydrologic calculations
C) Pond Calculation & Summary
D) Stormwater Maintenance Plan
Introduction March 2020 Page 1
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1 Introduction
1.1 Purpose of Report
This report is intended to serve as the design document for site/civil improvements associated
with the construction of a new Subaru dealership and service center at 31910 E. Frontage Road,
in Bozeman, MT.
1.2 Scope
Sanitary sewer service, fire and potable water service, and storm water design are within the
scope of this report. All improvements analyzed in this report are within the property or directly
adjacent to it. No off-site improvements are expected or considered.
2 Location and Site Information
The property occupies 4.24 acres and is located within the eastern extents of the City of Bozeman
between Interstate 90 and Frontage Road, in the SE ¼ of Section 8 and the SW ¼ of Section 9,
Township 2S, Range 6E, P.M.M., Gallatin County, MT. The existing zoning and the nearby
surrounding zoning is M-1. The property is within the service area for municipal water and sewer
from the City of Bozeman.
Figure 1 - Vicinity map.
Land Use March 2020 Page 2
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3 Land Use
3.1 Existing
The site currently functions as a Subaru dealership and service center with the majority of the lot
already being paved. The northern and southernmost extents of the lot are the only areas that
have vegetated areas. The existing building is served by city water and sewer but no storm water
facilities exist. Currently the paved parking and building occupy approximately 4.0 acres of the
total 4.24 acres.
3.2 Proposed
The site is proposed as entirely new with all existing buildings, parking, and utility services being
removed, abandoned or relocated. The facility will continue to serve as an automotive dealership
and service center. The building, as proposed, covers a total of 30,077 square feet and a curb &
gutter parking lot (including parking and auto display/storage) occupies 114,997 square feet. The
remainder will be landscaped area. The following design criteria are used with respect to utility
Irrigated Turf Area: 6,527 square feet.
Service Employees: 51 full time.
Sales/Office Parking Spaces: 57.
Fixtures: 26, assume 4 GPM instantaneous each.
3.3 Expected Water Usage
Water usage can be estimated using Montana DEQ Circular 4, DNRC guidelines, and building
design parameters. Total water usage is a combination of interior domestic use from the
dealership and service center, and irrigation. Average daily demand (ADD) and peak
instantaneous demand (PID) are considered in the design of water and sewer infrastructure.
3.3.1 Irrigation
Irrigation demand in the summer months from turf grass can be estimated to be equal to net
potential evapotranspiration (ET). Potential ET is the amount of ET that would occur if there was
sufficient water, which is applicable to irrigated areas. The Climate Atlas of Montana was used to
determine a point value of 9.04 inches for the month of August at the location of interest (Mu,
Zhao, and Running 2013). This translates to a daily water use depth of .13 inch (0.011 feet) per
day during the peak month of August. The average daily irrigation water usage can then be
calculated by multiplying by the irrigated turf area
ADD TURF = (6,527 ft 2)(0.011 ft)(7.48 gal/ft 3) = 522 GPD.
The landscape designer estimates a total water use from drip irrigation (trees, shrubs, etc.) to
be 1,676 gallons per month, or 56 GPD (see landscape plan). The total average day demand
ADD IRIG = 522 GPD + 56 GPD = 578 GPD
Peak instantaneous irrigation demand can be assumed as the flow rate of a typical irrigation
system. There are no large turf grass areas requiring high flow rate heads and most irrigation
will be via drip irrigation so a reasonable assumption would be
Sanitary Sewer Improvements March 2020 Page 3
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3.3.2 Building Water Use
Standard values for average daily water use can be used as follows to calculate non-commercial
water use (bathrooms, break room, hand washing, etc.) (“Circular DEQ 4 - Montana Standards
for Subsurface Wastewater Treatment Systems” 2013).
Automobile Service Station = (12 GPD/Employee)(50 Employees) = 600 GPD
Retail = (2 GPD/Parking Space)(67 Spaces) = 134 GPD
Peak instantaneous demand for building uses (PID BLDG ) is best calculated in this case by
analyzing the number for fixtures and other mechanical process demands. A standard design
parameter for building service sizing is the 99th percentile water demand. A reasonable
conservative approach for estimating 99th percentile water demand is assuming 50% of building
fixtures are running (Omaghomi and Buchberger 2014) as follows;
PID BLDG = (26 fixtures)/2 x (4 GPM/Fixture) = 52 GPM
3.3.3 Total Water Use
Total water demand and the associated expected wastewater volumes are summarized below.
Table 1 - Calculated water usage summary.
Building Irrigation Total
Average Day Demand (GPD) 734 578 1312
Peak Instantaneous Demand (GPM) 52 10 62
Wastewater Average Day Flow (GPD) 734 734
Note that final design of the building is not complete so the above water usage estimation should
be considered approximate in lieu of final design.
4 Sanitary Sewer Improvements
4.1 Existing Infrastructure
A 10-inch diameter City of Bozeman sewer main exists within Department of Transportation right-
of-way approximately 40 feet south of the existing Frontage Road edge of pavement. The existing
10-inch main is PVC and laid at 0.52% slope. The main was installed in 1984. The existing main
ultimately terminates at a lift station near the I-90/Frontage/Main St. interchange where
wastewater is pumped under Interstate 90 and into the Hyalite Interceptor Sewer, ultimately
flowing to the Bozeman Wastewater Treatment Facility. The City of Bozeman has confirmed that
capacity exists for the proposed use. Either coring into an existing neighboring manhole or
installing a new “Inserta Tee” service connection is acceptable for the proposed connection.
4.2 Proposed Improvements
A simple service connection is the only sanitary service improvement required. The proposed
service design can be summarized as follows:
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Length = 279 feet
Slope = 0.60%
Nominal Diameter = 6-inch
Minimum Depth = 3 feet (insulation required)
Maximum Depth = 7 feet
Pipe Material = SDR 35 PVC (0.010 Roughness Coeff.)
Cleanout Spacing = 200-foot maximum.
The flat nature of the site requires the service to be oversized (6” rather than 4”) in order to enter
the proposed building at an acceptable depth. Minimum slope, rather than hydraulic capacity
controls the design. As proposed, the 6” service has a hydraulic capacity of 254 GPM. This can
be compared to the instantaneous building water demand of 52 GPM. For the purposes of
estimating downstream system impact, from Section 3.3.2, the average day sewer flow is
estimated to be 734 gallons per day. The peak hour flow can be estimated using a peaking factor
approach where
Peak Hour Flow = Average Day Flow × Peaking Factor,
Peaking Factor = (18 + √P)/(4 + √P).
where P denotes population in thousands (“Circular DEQ-2 Design Standards for Public Sewage
Systems” 2016). The expected total population of the site is 73 employees and customers,
yielding a peaking factor of 4.3 and a peak hour flow of 131 gallons per hour.
5 Potable Water Improvements
5.1 Existing Infrastructure
A 10-inch City of Bozeman water main exists within Department of Transportation right-of-way
approximately 10 feet south of the existing Frontage Road edge of pavement. The main was
installed in 1993 and city of Bozeman GIS information does not make any note of deficiencies in
the area. Hydrant testing results nearby obtained from the City of Bozeman showed a 120 PSI
static pressure, and 1,405 GPM measured out of a single 2” hose nozzle.
5.2 Proposed Improvements
One (1) 2-inch domestic service and one (1) 4-inch fire services is proposed to serve the property
and is to be installed per City of Bozeman standards. The proposed service design can be
summarized as follows:
Length = 301 feet
Nominal Diameter = 2-inch
Material = Type K Copper (City Requirement, 0.011 Roughness Coeff.)
Design Flow = 60 GPM (See Section 3.3.2)
Design Pressure Loss = 0.06 psi/ft (@ 60 GPM)
Design Pipe Velocity = 5.9 ft/s
Building Standpipe Pressure @ Design Flow = 101.94 psi (pressure reduction required)
Storm Water Improvements March 2020 Page 5
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Length = 301 feet
Nominal Diameter = 4-inch
Material = Class 51 Ductile Iron (City Requirement, 0.012 Roughness Coeff.)
Design Flow = To be determined by final fire sprinkler design.
Capacity = 392 GPM (10 ft/s average pipe velocity)
Pressure Loss @ Capacity = 0.08 psi/ft
Building Standpipe Pressure @ Capacity Flow = 95.92 psi
The existing services to the property should be abandoned per the direction of City of Bozeman
staff as they are unsuitable for use with the proposed improvements.
6 Storm Water Improvements
This section provides a design basis and hydraulic calculations for sizing stormwater facilities for
Gallatin Subaru. The City of Bozeman Design Standards and Specifications Policy and the
Montana Post-Construction Storm Water BMP Design Guidance Manual (Peterson, Savage, and
Heisler 2017) were used as the primary guidelines for this stormwater drainage design.
6.1 Existing Conditions
There are three major stormwater basins within this site as shown on the “Pre-development Storm
Basin” figure in Appendix A. The north portion of the site drains to the northwest toward the
existing roadside ditch along Frontage Road and the south portion of the lot drains into an existing
ditch on the south side of the lot. To the east of the lot there is an existing commercial building
and parking area with stormwater management ponds. To the west of the lot is an RV campground
that is predominantly grass lawn and gravel. The surrounding lots make the offsite run-on to the
project site insignificant. The slope across the existing site varies from 0.5% to 1.5%.
6.2 General Design
The proposed development will be a 30,077-sf structure and an asphalt paved parking lot. Five
soil borings were drilled during the geotechnical investigation and the results show that the in-situ
soils are generally lean clay with sand to approximately 10-12 feet in depth. Groundwater was
encountered in all of the borings and was measured to be approximately 5 feet below existing
ground. Clay soils and high groundwater are a factor in this design that make infiltration difficult.
Due to the size of the site and the large amount of impervious surface it is not feasible for this site
to infiltrate, evapo-transpirate or capture for reuse the entire first ½” of rainfall so the design will
incorporate low impact development by treating the stormwater runoff. The volume created from
this first half inch of rainfall will be referred to as the Runoff Treatment Volume (RTV).
Various types of treatment systems were considered during the design process including
biofiltration swales, extended detention basins, wet detention basins, and proprietary treatment
devices. Given the site characteristics, the best option for this site is to utilize extended detention
basins (EDBs). This type of treatment pond is designed to detain and slowly release storm water
over an extended period of time following a rainfall event. This BMP is similar to a detention basin
used for flood control except it uses a smaller outlet that extends the drawdown time to improve
pollutant removal. The primary characteristics of and extended detention basin are:
Storm Water Improvements March 2020 Page 6
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· EDBs consist of an inlet, a pretreatment device, a main treatment cell, a micropool and an
outlet structure.
· An EDB has a minimum 48-hour drawdown time for the RTV facilitation removal of 80%
The extended detention basin has been designed to provide both runoff treatment and flood
control. The goals of the stormwater design are to limit the peak runoff of the 10-year storm to the
pre-developed rate and to treat the Runoff Treatment Volume for removal of 80% TSS.
6.3 Hydrologic Methodology
The rational method was used to determine peak runoff rates. The rational formula provides a
peak runoff rate which occurs at the time of concentration.
Q = CiA
Where C = Weighted C Factor
i= Storm Intensity (in/hr)
A = Area (acres)
Q = Runoff (cfs)
The storm intensities were developed from the IDF curve found in Figure I-2 of the City of
Bozeman Design Standards and Specifications. Runoff coefficients for each basin were
calculated using a weighted percentile of impervious and pervious area. The coefficient used are
shown in the table below.
Table 2 - Runoff coefficients used.
Undisturbed 0.2
Impervious 0.9
Time of concentration was determined using the following equation:
Tc = 1.87(1.1-C)D 1/2
Where Tc = Time of Concentration, minutes
S= Slope of Basin, %
C= Runoff Coefficient
D= Length of Basin, ft
The modified rational method approach was used to compute runoff volume. This method can
be used for storm durations equal or greater than the time of concentration. This method assumes
the maximum runoff rate occurs at the time of concentration and continues to the end of the storm.
Maximum runoff rates for durations greater than the time of concentration are less than the peak
runoff rate because average storm intensities decrease as duration increases. The total runoff
volume is computed by multiplying the duration of the storm by the runoff rate.
The method outlined in Appendix C of the City of Bozeman Design Standards and Specifications
was used to size the detention pond for the 10-yr flood control volume. Hydraflow Hydrographs
Storm Water Improvements March 2020 Page 7
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Extension for AutoCAD was also used to calculate this volume and develop a stage-storage graph
for the pond. The program gave a more conservative volume for the 10-year design storm so the
weir was sized using this program. The hydrology calculations and pond sizing spreadsheets can
be found in Appendix B. A pond summary table and output from Hydraflow Hydrographs can be
found in Appendix C.
6.4 Extended Detention Ponds
The Montana MS4 Post-Construction BMP Design Guidance Manual was used to design the
extended detention basins. An extended detention basin is a constructed basin designed to
capture and treat stormwater runoff. Runoff is detained for a minimum of 48 hours, providing time
for pollutants to settle out prior to discharge. An extended detention basin is expected to remove
80% of TSS. There will be three basins located on this site; one on the south side of the lot, one
on the north side of the lot, and one in the northwest corner.
The basins have been sized for 100 percent of the Runoff Treatment Volume (RTV) and also for
flood control to match the pre-development 10-year peak flow. The RTV begins at pond bottom
elevation and extends to the invert of the flood control rectangular weir. The additional storage
needed to meet the flood control volume is stacked on top of the RTV and the outflow is controlled
by the rectangular weir. The Runoff Treatment Volume was calculated for this site using the
following equation as referenced in The Montana MS4 Post-Construction BMP Design Guidance
Where RTV= Runoff Treatment Volume
P= Water Quality Rainfall Depth (0.5”)
Rv= Dimensionless Runoff Coefficient, R v = 0.05 + 0.9(I)
I= Percent Impervious, decimal
A=Area of Site, acres
There are four major components to an EDB, a pretreatment device, a main treatment cell, a
micropool, and an outlet structure.
1. The pretreatment device use in this application will consist of a dry-well inlet with a 4-foot
sump. The runoff that collects in the curb will flow over the inlet grate and fill the sump with
the initial “first flush” volume. This volume is known to carry the highest amount of TSS.
The suspended sediment will then settle out within the pretreatment device. This helps
preserve the capacity of the main treatment cell. Any runoff beyond the capacity of the
pre-treatment device will overtop the grate and flow past the inlet to the main treatment
cell or vegetated swale.
2. The main treatment basin is 1.5 feet deep with 4:1 side slopes. This is sized to hold the
entire RTV volume and drawdown in 48 hours to allow for settling of TSS. The Guidance
Manual recommends a trickle channel in the main treatment basin. A concrete channel
does not seem effective for this short distance and would be difficult to mow around. The
runoff will be conveyed to the micropool along the bottom of the pond similar to a “soft-
bottom” trickle channel.
Short circuiting is the term used when stormwater inflow to the pond flows directly to the
outlet with little or no dispersion resulting in reduced residence times and increased
Storm Water Improvements March 2020 Page 8
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sediment in the pond outflow. This may occur particularly in Pond A and B due to shorter
distances from the inlet of the pond to the outlet. The micropool and slow release rate of
the pond should assist in preventing short circuiting.
3. The micropool is a small pool located in front of the outlet structure designed to prevent
sediment resuspension and protect the orifice from clogging. This design will include a
micropool that is filled with gravel. The gravel will provide additional filtering and keep the
orifice free from leaf litter and other debris. The gravel will also eliminate the potential
hazard of a permanent pool of water allowing the design to meet the City’s 1.5-foot max
pond depth rule.
4. The outlet structure for each pond will have an orifice for extended release of the RTV and
a rectangular weir sized to release runoff at the predeveloped 10-yr peak flow rate. The
design includes a small orifice outlet that will drain the pond in 48 hours. The concern of
a small outlet orifice is the potential for clogging. To minimize the risk of clogging, the
EDB has a gravel filter in the micro pool and a perforated drain pipe to remove sediment
and debris. Care will need to be taken to keep the orifice free from debris. In the event
that the orifice clogs, runoff will flow over the weir to the outlet pipe. Additional information
regarding maintenance of the orifice is found in the System Maintenance section of this
In the event of a 100-year storm there is an emergency spillway that will prevent the pond
from over topping. This spillway will be lined with riprap to prevent erosion and will outlet
directly into the respective outlet ditch.
6.5 System Maintenance
The Extended Detention Basin system will require more maintenance than a standard stormwater
detention basin. The system must be inspected and maintained at regular intervals to increase
performance and longevity. Along with this narrative, an operation and maintenance document
can be found in Appendix D.
The design objective of the pond is to treat stormwater by settling out suspended solids. This
means that the solids such and gravel, sand, and fine sediment will build up in the system
components over time and will need to be removed or cleaned out. The pretreatment inlets and
vegetated swale must be inspected annually after spring runoff. Pretreatment inlets will need to
be vacuumed out when approximately 9” of sediment collects in the bottom. Sediment should be
removed from the vegetated swale as it builds up. The vegetated swale will be seeded with grass
and will be mowed regularly. It is crucial for the swale to maintain adequate vegetation cover so
that the treatment is effective and the bottom of the swale does not erode. If vegetation dies the
swale will need to be re-seeded.
The ponds are placed in a location that will be visible to the owner/ maintenance staff. If the ponds
do not drain within 48 hours after a storm event, then the system may be clogged and will require
immediate maintenance. The outlet structure lid should be removed and the orifice should be
inspected. If the orifice is clogged debris should be removed from the outlet structure. If the orifice
does not appear to be clogged and the system is not draining, then gravel micropool bed is likely
clogged. In this event, the gravel should be removed along with any sediment build up. Clean
washed gravel of similar size should be replaced.
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6.6 Erosion Sediment Control
During construction, stormwater pollutant controls will include silt fencing, straw wattles, rock
check dams, and straw bales. Silt fence, straw waddles, or other perimeter protection will be
installed on the down gradient edge of disturbed soil. Straw wattles, straw bales, or other erosion
protection will be placed near existing and newly installed culverts. Temporary erosion control
measures will be installed and continuously maintained for the duration of construction.
This project will require acceptance of a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) permit
for stormwater discharge associated with construction activity prior to starting any construction.
Protection during and immediately after construction, will be controlled in accordance with this
permit and the Montana Sediment and Erosion Control Manual.
Permanent erosion control will consist of implementation of seeding disturbed areas and placing
riprap at pond inlet/outlets. Care will need to be taken during construction to keep sediment laden
stormwater from clogging the pond underdrain and outlet structure. Any visible sediment must be
removed from the pond prior to completing construction.
6.7 Flooding
Excessive runoff from a large storm event (significantly exceeding the design storm, i.e 100-year)
will be routed such that it does not inundate buildings, drainfields or over top the roadway. The
stormwater infrastructure including ditches, culverts, and detention pond outlet structures have
been analyzed for the 100-year storm. Stormwater that overtops the ponds during a large rain
event will flow though the emergency overflow and outlet to the respective ditches.
References March 2020 Page 10
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“Circular DEQ-2 Design Standards for Public Sewage Systems.” 2016.
“Circular DEQ 4 - Montana Standards for Subsurface Wastewater Treatment Systems.” 2013.
Mu, Q., M. Zhao, and S.W. Running. 2013. “Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document: MODIS
Global Terrestrial Evapotranspiration (ET) Product (NASA MOD16A2/A3) Collection 5.”
Omaghomi, T., and S. Buchberger. 2014. “Estimating Water Demands in Buildings.” Procedia
Engineering 89: 1013–22. doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2014.11.219.
Peterson, Matt, Spencer Savage, and Vern Heisler. 2017. “Montana Post-Construction Storm
Water BMP Design Guidance Manual.”