HomeMy WebLinkAboutWetland Permit Application 04-05-19 => �_i C:; 1 1 r..� Environmental Services 406-586-6909 -Cell:406-581.0655 -bvaughnOrnontanaxom 8353 Saddle Alounlain Road ,Bozeman,Moniana 59715 Gallatin County Conservation District Board PO Box 569 120 N 5th Street Manhattan,MT 59741 Attention:Mary Hendrix Re: 310 Permit Application to remove and replace a 60-foot culvert,and install culverts for a road and two pedestrian crossing in a relocated tributary of East Catron Creek, Bozeman,Montana,previously permitted under GD-002-13 and GD-028-13 April 5,2019 Dear Mary: Please find enclosed a copy of a Joint Application for Proposed Work in Montana's Streams,Wetlands, Floodplains, and Other Water Bodies for a 310 permit requested for a culvert removal and replacement for a pedestrian crossing and installation of culverts for a new road crossing and second pedestrian crossing on a relocated tributary to East Catron Creek. The applicant is Greg Gianforte and the land parcels are owned by Greg and Susan Gianforte(G Force 1 Limited Liability —north lot) and HB Land and Construction LLC (south lot). The lots are located west of South 19 Street, south of the Grace Bible Church and Stucky Road, and north of West Graf Street in Bozeman, Montana, within the northeast quarter of Section 23, Township 2 South,Range 5 East,Gallatin County. Permit GD-002-13 authorized by the Gallatin County Conservation District on February 22, 2013,permitted the relocation of an unnamed tributary to East Catron. Permit GD-029-2013 authorized the separation of the creek into two reaches with 60 feet of a 27-inch by 44-inch arch concrete culvert that was to provide future road access to the remainder of the lot. The tributary of East Catron was relocated to the west side of South 19' Street in August 2014 for the future expansion of Oracle's office space. The undeveloped parcel is currently in the process of obtaining City Plat approval. The City is requiring that the road crossing be relocated to conform to the current city street grid. The City is also requiring that two additional pedestrian crossings be installed across the relocated creek. This 310 permit application is a request to remove the existing 60-foot culvert and replace it with a 30-foot culvert for a pedestrian crossing, to install 123 if of 42-inch RPC culvert for a road crossing, and to install a second 30-foot, 42-inch RCP culvert for a second pedestrian crossing. The enclosed Waters of the US (WUS) Impact Exhibit (Sheet W 1.0) shows the impact locations and summarizes the linear footage and square footage of impacts,culvert specs,and fill specs and volumes. The source for the existing UT of East Catron arises at the edge of a cultivated field located on Blackwood Road (see Figure 1.0 — 2011 Google Earth GIS aerial photograph). The creek flows north in a narrow, relatively straight channel to the termination point in a depression wetland located north of Stucky Road, approximately 1.2 miles downstream. There is no downgradient connection to a surface water channel at the termination point. Undeveloped upland pasture separates the edge of the wetland and West Kagy. There is no surface water connection or channel evident between West Kagy Boulevard and Service Drive. A request is being made to the GCD to review whether this waterway currently meets the definition of a perennial stream. Sincerely, Barbara Vaughn Environmental Engineer,MS Cc: Greg and Susan Gianforte David and Susan Barbisan Chris Budesld Enclosures: 310/404 Joint Application Form Adjoiner's List Waters of the US Impact Exhibit(Sheet W1.0) Environmental Services 406.586-6909 -Cell:40G-581-0655 -bvaugbnomontanaxom 8353 Saddle Mountain Road •Bozeman.A{ontana 59715 Attn:Tim McNew US Army Corps of Engineers Helena Regulatory Office - 10 West 15t"Street,Suite 2200 Helena,Montana 59626-0014 Re: Amendment No. 1 to Permit Number NWO-2012-02528-MTB,Relocated road crossing on re-established East Catron Creek Tributary April 4,2019 Dear Tim: The application for Standard Permit NWO-2012-02528-MTB was filed originally on February 11,2013. The application requested authorization to relocate a segment of a tributary of East Catron Creek to the west edge of South 19' Avenue in order to expand an existing commercial development. This submittal is a request to amend the original permit to comply with Bozeman plat approval conditions mandating the relocation of the current road crossing on the creek. The City is also requiring the construction of two pedestrian crossings. The USACE Billings Regulatory office authorized Department of the Army Permit Number NWO-2012- 02528-MTB on July 8, 2013. The stream corridor was reconstructed and revegetated by September 2014. Second year vegetation monitoring results were summarized in a report dated August 31, 2015. The reported results indicated that the planted herbaceous cover and woody species on the relocated riparian corridor met the success criteria by August 2015 as documented in the 2015 monitoring report and as concurred by your site visit in 2014. The parcels, owned by Greg and Susan Gianforte (G Force 1 Limited Liability —Lot 1, Minor Subdivision 235)and HB Land and Construction LLC(Lot 2,Minor Subdivision 235),are located west of South 19'h Street, south of the Grace Bible Church and Stucky Road, and north of West Graf Street in Bozeman, Montana. The land is located within the northeast quarter of Section 23, Township 2 South, Range 5 East, Gallatin County. Mitigation for the stream relocation included enhancing the sinuosity of the relocated stream by extending the stream length from 1,845 linear feet(If)to 2,1501f. The reconstructed wetland fringe was to encompass 0.88 acres, an increase of 0.44 acres from the wetland fringe associated with the historic channel. A single culvert was placed midway on the channel during construction for future road access. The City is requiring that the current road crossing on the East Catron Tributary be relocated and that two pedestrian crossings be constructed. The new road crossing will use 123-foot, 42-inch RCP culvert. The existing 60-foot RCP culvert will be removed and replaced with a 30-foot culvert for the northernmost pedestrian crossing. Disturbed areas will be restored with wetland sod salvaged onsite. A second 30-foot culvert mill be installed in the channel for a pedestrian crossing located at the south end of the project. The Waters of the US Impact Exhibit (Sheet W 1.0) included with this submittal shows the existing conditions on the relocated East Catron Tributary; the location of the proposed permanent and temporary impact areas; summary tables of each impact area that includes square footage, linear footage, culvert specs, and fill volumes; and the location of the restoration area. Table 1.0 summarizes the requested permit changes for Amendment No.1. Table 1.0 Amendment No.1:Requested Changes to Permit NWO-2012-02528 MTH Amendment#1:April 4,2019 Year Permit Authorization:July 8,2013 (Additional Permanent VMS Impacts) Re-established 2150 linear feet Reduction of 111 linear feet Stream Length Established 0.88 acres Reduction of 0.04 acres (1754 sf) Wetland (above OHWM) Acreage Fill Volume 370 cubic yards(abandoned channel) 217.68 cubic yards Stream Debits 11,724.4 Stream Credits 15,050 mitigation credits 14,273 mitigation credits Impacts associated with a sewer line(see Sheet W1.0)installed six feet below the ground surface will temporarily impact six (6) linear feet of waters of the US below the ordinary high water mark(OHWIvI)and 205 square feet of wetland above the OHWM. Directional drilling will be used and the disturbed area will be restored to the previous condition. A copy of the stream credit table for the original 2013 permit is included with this submittal. There are no additional opportunities onsite to establish additional waters of the US and/or wetlands. If additional mitigation is necessary, offsite mitigation credits would be purchased from the regional Upper Missouri Mitigation Bank. A Covenant of Dedication protecting the creek corridor and 50 foot watercourse setbacks was recorded with Gallatin County. The changes addressed in Amendment No. 1 request will be included with the recorded information. Please contact my office at 406 581-0655 or at bvaughn9montana com if you require further information or if you have questions. Thank you. Sincerely, Barbara Vaughn Environmental Engineer,MS Cc: Greg and Susan Gianforte David and Susan Barbisan Chris Budeski,Madison Engineering Enclosures: Waters of the US Impact Exhibit(Sheet W1.0) Mitigation Credit Table VAUGHN Environmental Services 406-586-6909•Cell:406-581-0655•bvaughn@montana.com 8353 Saddle Mountain Road •Bozeman,Montana 59715 Gallatin County Conservation District Board PO Box 569 120 N 5th Street Manhattan,MT 59741 Attention: Mary Hendrix Re: Request for onsite review of downgradient terminus of relocated tributary of East Catron Creek,Bozeman,Montana,previously permitted under GD-002-13 and GD-028-13 April 5,2019 Dear Mary: An 1845-foot tributary to East Catron Creek was relocated to the west side of South 191h Street,Bozeman,Montana,in September 2014. The 310 permits referenced above authorized the relocation of the tributary and the installation of a culvert for future road access, respectively. The City is currently requiring that the road crossing be relocated. The original culvert will be removed and replaced with a 30-foot culvert for pedestrian access. The new road crossing will require the installation of a 123-foot culvert. A second 30-foot culvert for pedestrian access is also being required. A new 310-404 permit application has been submitted separately from this request. The water source for the relocated tributary of East Catron arises at the edge of a cultivated field located on Blackwood Road (see Figure 1.0 — 2011 Google Earth GIS aerial photograph). The creek flows north in a narrow, relatively straight channel to the termination point in a depression wetland located north of Stucky Road,approximately l.2 miles downstream. There is no downgradient connection to a surface water channel at the termination point. Undeveloped upland pasture separates the edge of the wetland and West Kagy Boulevard. There is no surface water connection or channel evident between West Kagy Boulevard and Service Drive. A request is being made to the Gallatin Conservation District to review whether this waterway currently meets the definition of a perennial stream. Sincerely, Barbara Vaughn Environmental Engineer,MS Cc: Greg and Susan Gianforte David and Susan Barbisan Chris Budeski Revised:2/16/12 (310 form 2701 AG—_.CY USE ONLY: Application# Date Received Form may be downloaded from: Date Accepted /Initials Date Forwarded to DFWP � nv dnrc.m. / rmi default.as This space is for all DWw*new of T}ansponadon and SPA I24 peen ks(governn a nt pmfeco). Project Name Control Number Contract letting date MEPA/NEPA Compliance 0 Yes ❑ No Ifyes,#14 of this application does not apply. JOINT APPLICATION FOR PROPOSED WORK IN MONTANA'S STREAMS,WETLANDS,FLOODPLAINS, AND OTHER WATER BODIES Use this form to apply for one or all local,state,or federal permits listed below. The applicant is the responsible party for the project and the point of contact unless otherwise designated. "Information for Applicant"includes agency contacts and instructions for completing this application. To avoid delays,submit all required information,including a project site map and drawings. Incomplete applications will result in the delay of the application process. Other laws may apply. The applicant is responsible for obtaining all necessary permits and landowner permission before beginning work. PERMIT AGENCY FEE X1 310 Permit Gallatin.Conservation District No fee SPA 124 Permit Department of Fish,Wildlife and Parks No fee Floodplain Permit Gallatin Floodplain Administrator Varies by city/county $25 -$500+ X Section 404 Permit,Section 10 Permit U.S.Army Corps of Engineers Varies($0-$100) 318 Authorization Department of Environmental Quality $250(318); 401 Certification $400-$20,000 (401 Navigable Rivers Land Use License or Easement Department of Natural Resources and License$25;Easement$50, Conservation,Trust Lands Management Division plus annual fee A. APPLICANT INFORMATION NAME OF APPLICANT(person responsible for project): Steve Moore Has the landowner consented to this project? X Yes ❑No Mailing Address:_3661 Jagar Lane Bozeman, MT 59718 Physical Address: (same as above) Day Phone:_cell-406 599 5169 Steve Moore Evening Phone: E-Mail: steve@smadvisorygroup.com NAME OF LANDOWNER(if different from applicant):North Lot- Greg and Susan Gianforte(G Force 1 Limited Liability); South Lot-David and Susan Barbisan, BB Land and Construction LLC Mailing Address:North Lot: Gianforte- 1320 Manley Road, Bozeman, MT 59715 South Lot: Barbisan-7067 S 3"Ave, Bozeman, MT 59715 Physical Address: (same as above) Day Phone and Email (same as above)_ NAME OF CONTRACTOR/AGENT(if one is used):_Barbara Vaughn, Vaughn Environmental Services Mailing Address:_8353 Saddle Mountain Road, Bozeman,MT 59715 Physical Address: (same as above) Ce11:.406 581-0655_E-Mail: bvaughn@montana.com B.PROJECT SITE INFORMATION NAME OF STREAM or WATER BODY at project location_unnamed tributary of East Catron Creek Nearest Town Bozeman, MT Address/Location:— North Lot 1 Minor Sub 235, South Lot 2 Minor Sub 235; _1/4_NE, Section 23 , Township 2S , Range 5E, Gallatin County Longitude_45039'13.95"N Latitude_111°03'52.14"W The state owns the beds of certain state navigable waterways. Is this a state navigable waterway? Yes or No. If yes, send copy of this application to appropriate DNRC land office—see Wormation for Applicant. ATTACH A PROJECT SITE MAP OR A SKETCH that includes: 1)the water body where the project will take place,roads,tributaries, landmarks; 2)a circled"X"representing the exact project location. IF NOT CLEARLY STATED ON THE MAP OR SKETCH,PROVIDE WRITTEN DIRECTIONS TO THE SITE(see attached Figures 1 and 2) C.PROJECT INFORMATION 1. TYPE OF PROJECT(check all that apply) X Bridge/Culvert/Ford Construction ❑ Fish Habitat ❑Mining X Bridge/Culvert/Ford Removal ❑ Recreation(docks;marinas,etc.) ❑ Dredging ❑Road Construction/Maintenance ❑New Residential Structure ❑ Core Drill ❑ Bank Stabilization/Alteration ❑Manufactured Home X Placement of Fill ❑ Flood Protection ❑ Improvement to Existing Structure ❑Diversion Dam ❑ Channel Alteration ❑ Commercial Structure ❑Utilities ❑Irrigation Structure ❑ Other 2. PLAN OR DRAWING of the proposed project MUST be attached. This plan or drawing must include: •a plan view(looking at the project from above) •a cross section or profile view • dimensions of the project(height,width,depth in feet) •an elevation view •location of storage or stockpile materials •dimensions and location of fill or excavation sites •drainage facilities • location of existing or proposed structures, such as •an arrow indicating north buildings,utilities,roads,or bridges 3. IS THIS APPLICATION FOR an annual maintenance permit? ❑Yes X No (If yes, an annual plan of operation must be attached to this application—see"Information for Applicant") 4. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION DATE. Include a project timeline. Start date _09_/ /_2019_ Finish date_12 / / 2021 Is any portion of the work already completed? X Yes No (If yes, describe the completed work.) Creek re-established to current location. 5. WHAT IS THE PURPOSE of the proposed project? A tributary of East Catron was relocated to the west side of South 19' Street in August 2014 for the future expansion of Oracle's office space. Permit GD-028-13, signed on August 22, 2013, approved the relocation of the tributary to East Catron Creek and the installation of 60 feet of a 27-inch by 44-inch concrete culvert for a future road crossing. The undeveloped parcel is currently in the process of City Plat approval. The City is requiring that the road crossing be relocated to conform with the current street grid and that two additional pedestrian crossings be installed across the relocated creek. This permit application is a request to remove the existing culvert and replace it with a 30-foot culvert for a pedestrian crossing,to install 123 of culvert for a road crossing,and to install a second 30-foot crossing for a pedestrian crossing. The enclosed Waters of the US(WUS) Impact Exhibit (Sheet W 1.0) shows the impact locations and summarizes the linear footage and square footage of impacts, culvert specs, and fill specs and volumes. 6. PROVIDE A BRIEF DESCRIPTION of the proposed project. The WUS Exhibit tabulates impact details for the road and pedestrian crossing culverts, culvert removal, and temporary sewer crossing. The road culvert will impact 1271f of the creek with a 123-foot, 42-inch RCP culvert. The two pedestrian crossings will use 30-foot culverts. The existing 60-foot culvert will be removed and replaced by a 30-foot culvert for the northernmost pedestrian crossing. Disturbed areas will be restored using wetland sod salvaged from the new road crossing. The source for the tributary of East Catron arises at the edge of a cultivated field located on Blackwood Road. The creek flows north in a narrow,relatively straight channel to the termination point in a depression wetland located north of Stucky Road, approximately 1.2 miles downstream. There is no downgradient connection to a surface water channel at the termination point. Undeveloped upland pasture separates the edge of the wetland and West Kagy. There is no sur_ water connection or channel evident , w'een West Kagy Boulevard and Service Drive. A request is being made to the GCD to review whether this waterway is currently a perennial stream. 7. WHAT IS THE CURRENT CONDITION of the proposed project site? Describe the existing bank condition, bank slope, height, nearby structures, and wetlands. The relocated creek was constructed within a 20-foot floodway. The length of the channel was increased from 1,8451fto 2,1501f. The acreage of the wetland fringe was increased from 0.44 acres to 0.88 acres. Revegetation activities included planting 173 native trees and shrubs on both sides of the riparian corridor. The herbaceous cover and woody species planted on the relocated stream were monitored in 2014 and 2015. The US Army Corps concurred that the site met the success criteria for vegetation by September 2015. The lack of a downgradient surface water connection compromises the tributary's value as fish habitat. The surface water flow and channel terminate in a wetland that abuts an upland pasture. 8. PROJECT DIMENSIONS. How many linear feet of bank will be impacted? How far will the proposed project encroach into and extend away from the water body? See Sheet W1.0,Waters of the US Impact Exhibit The culvert for the new road crossing will impact 127 feet of channel. The southernmost pedestrian crossing will impact 30 feet of channel. Sixty feet of culvert will be removed and replaced with a 30-foot culvert for the northernmost pedestrian crossing. The disturbed areas will be restored with onsite wetland sod..Installation of a sewer line will temporarily impact 6 feet of channel. The relocated stream is 2,150 If. The wetland area was increased by 0.44 acres. The realigned channel averages 24 inches in width, 12 inches in depth,with 36 inches of wetland fiinge on either side of the channel edge. The streambanks were constructed at a 1:1 slope and the slopes of the floodway were constructed-at a 4:1 slope. 9. VEGETATION.Describe the vegetation present on site. How much vegetation will be disturbed or covered with fill material during project installation? (Agencies require that only vegetation necessary to do the work be removed.) Describe the revegetation plan for all disturbed areas of the project site in detail. The realigned channel was revegetated with a combination of offsite transplanted wetland sod, a native wetland mix consisting of streambank wheatgrass, slender wheatgrass,tufted hairgrass,fowl bluegrass, fowl mannagrass, and slender rush, and clusters of willow, balsam cottonwood,red-osier dogwood, golden currant, and aspen. Clusters of common chokecherry,Western serviceberry, common snowberry, and/or Wood's rose will be were planted in the transition zone of the upland watercourse setbacks. 10.MATERIALS. Describe the materials to be used and how much Cubic yards/Linear feet Size and Type Source 218 cubic yards (see schedules on Sheet W 1.0) Local sources TBD 11. EQUIPMENT. What equipment is proposed to be used for the work? Where and how will the equipment be used on the stream bank and/or the waterbody? excavator, back hoe, and dump truck 12. DESCRIBE PLANNED EFFORTS TO MIIVEV=PROJECT DIPACTS. Consider the impacts of the proposed project, even if temporary. What efforts will be taken to: Minimize erosion, sedimentation, or turbidity? Construction is expected to be i.- 1pleted during low flow conditions in i. .'summer/fall. A by-pass pump and coffer dam will be used to redirect flow during construction. Silt fence will be placed between disturbed areas and the creek channel. There will be temporary increases in turbidity when the existing culvert is removed. The newly constructed banks will be reseeded and/or sodded in late fall. Minimize stream channel alterations? The relocated currently meanders within a 20-foot wide floodway. The overall channel planform will not have to be altered to install the 123-foot culvert. Minimize effects to stream flow or water quality caused by materials used or removal of ground cover? The effect on water quality during construction of the relocated stream will be minimal and temporary. Stream flows will be diverted via a by-pass pump and coffer dam. Silt fence will be placed between disturbed areas and the channel. Disturbed areas will be seeded as soon as possible after construction to minimize erosion. • Minimize effects on fish and aquatic habitat? A coffer dam and by-pass pump will be used to divert surface water flows around the construction site. The pipe for the road crossing includes a fish resting area in the base of the pipe as shown on Sheet W 1.0. Silt fence will be used to minimize sediment introduction into the stream. The value of the fish habitat for the existing and relocated stream channels is limited by the lack of a downgradient surface water connection. The channel terminates in upland pasture north of Stucky Road. The aquatic habitat for macroinvertebrates was enhanced in the relocated channel by improving the sediment transport capability of the stream, increased the stream length, restoring the streambed with river rock 1 to 4 inches in diameter, and revegetat ing the wetland fringe with native herbaceous and woody species. Structural diversity and shading on the entire relocated reach was enhanced by planting trees and shrubs and by seeding with native herbaceous species. The 50-foot watercou setbacks and increased width of the wetland fringe within the bankfull margin filters runoff and facilitates nutrient removal. inimize risks of flooding or erosion problems upstream and downstream? The relocated channel did not increase the risk of flooding or erosion. The proposed stream design was based on the channel cross-section and profile of the original stream. There are two 24-inch RCP culverts at the south end of the proposed realignment and a 28-inch by 36-inch CMP arch culvert at the north end of the stream that remained in place. Culverts for the road and pedestrian crossings will be constructed with 42-inch RCP according to City standards. The pipe for the road crossing includes a fish resting area in the base of the pipe as shown on Sheet W 1.0. • Minimize vegetation disturbance,protect existing vegetation, and control weeds? The riparian corridor associated with the relocated stream channel is 120 feet wide and protected from development. The channel was constructed with an average 3-foot wide wetland fringe vegetated with a native wetland mix and/or salvaged wetland sod. Bare or disturbed upland areas within the 50-foot setbacks were seeded with native herbaceous species. Clusters of 173 native trees and shrubs were planted along the length of the corridor. A trail will be constructed at the outer edge of the setback on both sides of the channel. 13. WHAT ARE THE NATURAL RESOURCE BENEFITS of the proposed project? The relocated stream is protected within 100-foot buffer. The structural diversity of the riparian corridor was enhanced through planting a diverse,native seed mix and woody plants. Increasing the sinuosity and stream length of the creek improved the sediment transport capability and aquatic bed habitat of the channel. The vegetated 50-foot watercourse setback facilitate the removal of sediment and nutrients from the stream channel. trian connectivity for area The trail system will connect to ..�surrounding subdivisions, improving f �s residents. 14. LIST ALTERNATIVES to the proposed project. Why was the proposed alternative selected? The only land within the City limits and adjacent to the current Oracle campus are Lots 1 and 2 in Minor Subdivision 235 located south of the Grace Bible Church and Stucky Road. Oracle has indicated that the existing campus will have to be expanded by 250,000 square feet to allow for an additional building;parking lot, and open space. The business may opt to move operations from Bozeman if the parcel cannot accommodate the expansion. The land couldn't be used for expansion of the Oracle facilities without relocating the stream. The new road crossing and pedestrian trails will align with the City's street grid facilitating traffic and pedestrian flow. D.ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR SECTION 404,SECTION 10,AND FLOODPLAIN PERMITS ONLY. If applying for a Section 404 or Section 10 permit,fill out questions 1-3. If applying for a floodplain permit,fill out questions 3-6. (Additional information is required for floodplain permits—See"Information for Applicant.") 1. Will the project involve placement of fill material below the ordinary high water mark,a wetland,or other waters of the US? If yes,what is the surface area to be filled? How many cubic yards of fill material will be used?Note: A delineation of the wetland may be required. The relocation project was authorized on July 8,2013,under Permit Number NWO-2012-02528-MTB. Amendment No. 1 addresses the increases in impacts resulting from the change in location of the road crossing and the addition of two pedestrian crossings and temporary sewer impact. The Waters of the US Delineation Report dated October 31, 2012, was enclosed with this permit application. fhe Restoration Plan dated January 22, 2013, including the mitigation goals,Revegetation Design, and Monitoring Plan is also enclosed with this permit application. The original channel was 1,845 linear feet(it)long with 42,000 square feet(sf)of wetland including the channel and wetland fringe. The existing channel was abandoned with 370 cubic yards(cy) of fill. The relocated stream is 2,1501f, an increase of 3051f. The wetland area was increased from 0.44 acres to 0.88 acres.. 2. Description of avoidance,mitigation, and compensation(see Information for Applicant). Attach additional sheets if necessary. Table.1.0 of the Restoration Plan lists the proposed mitigation ratios. These adjacent parcels cannot be used for expansion of the Oracle facilities without relocating the UT of East Catron. There is insufficient space. The wetland area of the relocated stream will be increased from 0.44 acres to 0.88 acres and the stream will be increased by 3051f. Approximately 21,000 sf of heavily impacted stream and wetland within the horse pasture was replaced with a functioning stream and wetland fringe. The existing wetland vegetation was dominated by reed canary grass and meadow foxtail. There are only two small cottonwood trees on the entire existing corridor. The structural diversity of the stream was enhanced by planting a native seed mix and clusters of 173 woody species. The relocated stream corridor is protected by 50-foot watercourse setbacks. 3. List the names and address of landowners adjacent to the project site. This includes properties adjacent to and across from the project site. (Some floodplain communities require certified adjoining landowner lists). See enclosed Adjoiners List for Minor Sub 235, Lots 1 and 2 4. List all applicable local, state, and federal permits and indicate whether they were issued, waived, denied, or pending.Note: All required local, state, and federal permits,or proof of waiver must be issued prior to the issuance of a floodplain permit. �I 5. Floodplain Map Number 6. Does this project comply with local planning or zoning regulations? X Yes ❑No E.SIGNATURES/AUTHORIZATIONS—Each agency must have original signatures signed in blue Ink. After completing the form,make the required number of copies and then sign each copy. Send the copies with original signatures and additional information required directly to each applicable agency. The statements contained in this application are true and correct. The applicant possess'the authority to undertake the work described herein or is acting as the duly authorized agent of the landowner. The applicant understands that the granting of a permit does not include landowner permission to access land or construct a project. Inspections of the project site after notice by inspection authorities are hereby authorized. APPLICANT(Person responsible for uroiectl: LANDOWNER: � Print Name: �S� --Pxr !n i4}i 1 Print Name: �[! ,A i i l 1 f Cl t.) .f `P d/d Steve M 1rc;4A"O-- Greg and/or Susan Gianforte igna Applicant Date Sign f a o er bate Pr' t ame: ISGt Yl id a d/or Susan Barbisan Goan .5 9 Signature of Landowner bate *CONTRACTOR/AGENT: Print Name: Barbara Vaughn Signature of Contractor/Agent- Date *Contact agency to determine if contractor signature is required. -/ ' Of r � II-�i �/ i 1 I I''I _ Q E ! t• p I aid I ~ r- III $ � '�J • I � � F I R!<} 1 I '• I I � � i I �� � a �I� J� Rk I �}z I r 1 P —J �p -t. - - �--7--�s' 'a-<r=�\ Win-� -_-_���� 1---- '�• - -t- 5 R{ i<AV HL61 Sq J^. 'TF.t�:. .�+..��:=�YLr.--`�'w.W�i—�=w�•i;�ut .�V��-�r�---•��+�iC �3�C�rv�-a--'rk� 9� J_ - �� •y } 7-7 17 m _ _ aAV HUT s g �' aAVHSb1 s � t � �,� l?•C!� p � b ��N -urn ur= n� 4,G -. Jt' �R 4 �_ !! ++ LI I AL P x lviv7a 6l s c� cTi cal G�po cg s y�p w +t�s prw n nrt R MADISON ENGINEERIIVG NEXUS POINT @a4 ■F € 5 rqs TECOLGY O BL�'D.STE cos ¢T eoZDr vr,MT sgns W IM WATERS OF THE U.s. PACT EXHIBITk g- G (wr)5WW2 807MLAN,MT I�