HomeMy WebLinkAboutWheat Drive Emergency Shelter SUP Narrative 04-30-20 2015 Wheat Drive, Bozeman MT Special Use Permit (SUP) Project Summary This Special Use Permit (SUP) is to allow the existing building and site located at 2015 Wheat Drive to be reused for HRDC’s emergency shelter and services. The use of this building will allow HRDC to consolidate facilities and more efficiently utilize staff and volunteers to improve service for the growing number of folks who do not have a safe place to sleep and require emergency housing and services. This is especially critical as our community continues to work through the impacts of COVID-19. The subject property is zoned B-2, Community Business District, and is located on the west side of Wheat Drive, north of I-90 and south of Mandeville Lane. The building was constructed in 1980 and has previously been used as a roller-skating rink and a daycare center. The property includes parking for 30 vehicles, mature landscaping and an outdoor space. Transitional and Emergency Housing is a permitted “Special Use” in the B2 zone. This reuse application includes very minor site changes including additional sidewalks around the building, ramps and guardrails along the ramps. There are no changes to utilities, parking (other than restriping) or landscaping. Interior building changes are focused on improving safety per building code requirements. Special Use Permit Checklist Items 1. Project Narrative providing a thorough description of what uses are being proposed and how they will function on the site and including detailed responses to the following: a. Response to the requirement that requires that the site for the proposed use is adequate in size and topography to accommodate such use, and all yards, spaces walls and fences, parking loading and landscaping are adequate to property relate such use with the land and uses in the vicinity; The existing site and building are adequate and well-suited to Transitional and Emergency Housing. The generally flat site includes 30 parking spaces, mature landscaping and existing fencing. Very minor site improvements are proposed including the addition of sidewalks and improving ramps and the railings along ramps. No additional parking is required although new striping will help define spaces. The existing building was previously used as a day care center and has an open floor plan with many exits. The existing second floor apartment is proposed to remain. Several safety and functional improvements are proposed for the building as outlined in detail on the proposed floor plans. b. Response to the requirement that the proposed use will have no material adverse effect upon the abutting property. Persons objecting to the recommendations of review bodies carry the burden of proof; and The proposed use will not have material adverse effects on the abutting properties. The properties to the south and west are vacant. The other nearby properties are used as motels. Please see the attached Management Plan. HRDC will actively oversee the property to ensure compliance with the Management Plan. Trained staff will always be on-site during operating hours. c. Response to the requirement of any special conditions of approval necessary to protect the public health, safety and general welfare. HRDC has had extensive conversations with the City of Bozeman regarding the use of the building and site. No additional conditions have been identified at this time. 2. Location/vicinity map, including area within one-half mile of the site. See attached location/vicinity map. 3. Site plan with north arrow showing property dimensions, location of buildings, parking, driveways, off street loading, landscaping, location of utilities, access, pedestrian facilities, and use location. Suggested scale of 1 inch to 20 feet, but not less than 1 inch to 100 feet. See attached site plan. Again, no major site alterations are proposed. 4. Floor plans showing floor layout including square footage and proposed use for each room and area within the building. Suggested scale of ¼ to one foot. See attached proposed floor plans. Safety upgrades are included in this application as discussed with the Building Division. The existing second floor apartment will also be sprinklered. 5. For alcohol production sales and serving and gaming uses the floor plan shall show complete floor layout of restaurant with production/manufacturing/kitchen uses, gaming area and restaurant serving areas (seating) by location and square footage. Non applicable. 6. Parking calculations for all uses, including detailed calculations of deductions, if proposed. Parking calculations are included on the site plan. The parking factor for Transitional and Emergency Housing is 0.25 spaces per bed. The maximum occupancy proposed is 120 therefore 30 parking spaces are required and provided. The existing on-street parking can count toward the apartment. No additional parking is required.