HomeMy WebLinkAboutWheat Drive Emergency Shelter RC Narrative 06-09-2020 2015 Wheat Drive, Bozeman MT RC Narrative 06-9-2020 Summary The attached drawings have been updated to reflect conditions and comments from the Development Review Committee as noted. Additionally, during the review period for the Special Use Permit, additional subconsultants have completed the designs for ADA accessibility, electrical design and fire suppression system design. These changes have also been included for consistency between the SUP drawings and the Building Permit drawings. Below is a summary of DRC conditions and comments followed by a response in bold . 1. The Applicant must submit a building permit application for a change of use from the child care center to emergency shelter housing occupancy. This will trigger the requirement for an Americans with Disabilities (ADA)-compliant parking space and for ADA-compliant egress from within the building. Do you intend to use the upstairs space for sleeping accommodations? If so, there is likely to be substantial alterations to bring that space up to Building Code for that occupancy. The Building Permit application is being submitted. Six sheets of detailed information for ADA compliance is included in that drawing set. The upstairs space will be locked and not used at all for shelter guests. This space has historically been used as an apartment and will be sprinklered with proposed building improvements. HRDC would like to discuss allowed uses such as an apartment, offices, break room, etc. with the Building Division. 2. Though not required with the proposed SUP, the applicant is advised that sidewalk must be installed along the northern property boundary either upon the construction of Mandeville Lane or if ordered by the City Commission, per Bozeman Municipal Code 34.04.050. The applicant is responsible for this portion of sidewalk. There are no current plans to extend Mandeville Lane. Understood . 3. Please show the dimensions of a mechanical room housing the sprinkler system. The applicant must provide a safe location for smokers of the project as well as a safe facility for disposal of cigarette butts. Please see Sheet A1.1 for dimensions. The existing triangular shaped room will be squared off. For smokers, there is an existing pavilion located in the open space that will provide an open air covered designated smoking area. Two cigarette disposal stations are proposed in this area as shown on Sheet S1.1 and detailed on Sheet A3.0. 4. This project meets the definition for transitional and emergency housing and, therefore, is exempt from parkland pursuant to BMC Section 38.360.135.C.5. Understood. 5. The Community Development Department will require, as a condition of approval of the Special Use Permit, that the Applicant ensures that a sheltered transit stop is located with one-quarter mile of the Site, per Section 38.360.135.D.1. HRDC is currently in process for a comprehensive study of Streamline service and operations to inform the Transit Development Plan which is anticipated to be complete winter 2020. This area is certainly on everyone’s radar for a new bus stop within walking distance to this property; however the exact location is not yet known. 6. As the site plan which accompanied the SUP application also serves as the development site plan, please provide a revised site plan showing the location of the trash enclosure along with the required vegetative screening pursuant to Section 38.520.070. Please coordinate the location of the enclosure with Mr. Russ Ward, Superintendent of the City’s Solid Waste Program (582-3235, rward@bozeman.net) to assure safe access to the dumpster(s) and a safe egress for the solid waste disposal truck. We have been in contact with Russ Ward. The existing enclosure is not ideally suited and will therefore be removed and replaced with a new conforming enclosure screen by existing vegetation. See Sheet S1.1 and Sheet A3.0. 7. Once the location of the trash enclosure is established, please provide us with a detailed sketch of the dimensions, materials and color of the enclosure per BCM Section 38.520.070.C. See Sheet A3.0. 8. The existing building has existing gas and electric services to the building. If the new load demand for either utility does not change then, the existing services should be sufficient. If there will be no new construction to the facility that will require moving the meter or service locations then, these existing services should work. This will be determined through the design phase once the Northwestern Energy engineer gets involved. Understood. 9. Just FYI: The Griffin and 7th Avenue road upgrade project is in design and is about 70 to 80 percent complete. Unless significant gas tax revenues are lost during the Covid-19 pandemic, due to people not driving, the project is scheduled for construction in 2022 (see https://www.bozeman.net/Home/ShowDocument?id=556 ). Understood. HRDC would like to discuss options for a bus stop at this intersection as part of the ongoing planning for routes.