HomeMy WebLinkAboutWheat Drive Emergency Shelter Management Plan 04-24-20 4/24/2020 WHEAT DRIVE EMERGENCY SHELTER | MANAGEMENT PLAN WHEAT DRIVE EMERGENCY SHELTER 04/ 24 /20 20 Wheat Drive Emergency Shelter | Management Plan 1 WHEAT DRIVE EMERGENCY SHELTER | MANAGEMENT PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS Sec on Page Summary……………………………………………………………………… 2 Employee and Volunteer Management………………………… 3 Training………………………………………………………………………… 4 Intake Screening Procedures………………………………………… 5 Client Code of Conduct………………………………………………… 6 Storage………………………………………………………………………… 7 Fire Watch Plan and Other Security/Safety Measures…… 8 Appendix A: Par7cipa7on Agreement Appendix B: Day7me Storage Contract Appendix C: Fire Watch Log 04/ 24 /20 20 Wheat Drive Emergency Shelter | Management Plan 2 SUMMARY The Emergency Shelter is operated by the Human Resource Development Council, District IX, (HRDC) in partnership with the Greater Galla7n Homeless Ac7on Coali7on (GGHAC). HRDC is a private, not-for- profit Community Ac7on Agency, dedicated to strengthening community and advancing the quality of people’s lives. GGHAC is a community network of concerned ci7zens and service providers working together to ac7vely prevent and end homelessness in the Greater Galla7n Area. The purpose of the Emergency Shelter is to provide a safe, warm and dry place for individuals experiencing homelessness to sleep. The Emergency Shelter is a low-barrier shelter and welcomes all who agree to follow the Par7cipant Agreement. Day services will also be provided at the Wheat Drive loca7on, including, but not limited to case management, food, showers, restrooms and wellness checks. This Management Plan iden7fies key policies and procedures as required by the Unified Development Code (UDC) for Transi7onal and Emergency Housing. This Management Plan is intended to accompany a Special Use Permit (SUP) to allow the building at 2015 Wheat Drive to be used for up to 120 guests. This Management Plan shall not be amended without approval from the Community Development Director. Contact Informa7on: Emergency Shelter Outreach and Opera7ons Manager 406-585-4896 warmingcenter@thehrdc.org Addi7onal services and informa7on available at: Human Resource Development Council, IX 32 South Tracy Avenue Bozeman, Montana 59715 406-587-4486 04/ 24 /20 20 Wheat Drive Emergency Shelter | Management Plan 3 EMPLOYEE AND VOLUNTEER MANAGEMENT GENERAL Trained staff and trained volunteers are integral to the opera7on of the Emergency Shelter. EMPLOYEES The Emergency Shelter is a program of HRDC; therefore, all staff are employees of HRDC. There will be a minimum of either: a) two staff or b) one staff and one trained volunteer required during all hours of opera7on. HRDC staff are required to manage all volunteers. VOLUNTEERS Volunteers typically provide support to staff in gree7ng guests, assigning bedding and storage to guests, cleaning the facility and doing laundry. • Volunteers are required to be at least 18 years old unless accompanied by a parent or guardian. • Volunteers are supervised by an employee of HRDC. 04/ 24 /20 20 Wheat Drive Emergency Shelter | Management Plan 4 TRAINING GENERAL Both staff and volunteers require training prior to assis7ng at the Emergency Shelter. EMPLOYEE TRAINING Emergency Shelter staff receive 30 hours of training and onboarding prior to beginning their job du7es. Training and onboarding sessions include: • Introduc7on to the Emergency Shelter, building tour, shiL structure • Guest check-in, registra7on, par7cipant agreements, community expecta7ons • Human Resources onboarding and HRDC office tour • Homelessness in the Galla7n Valley presenta7on • Housing Search presenta7on • Staff notes, guest progress tracker, bedding, day storage, laundry, showers • Basic first aid and CPR, blood-borne Pathogens • Working with emergency responders • Working with volunteers • Crisis Preven7on Ins7tute Nonviolent Crisis Interven7on training (8 hours) • Managing Conflict and Confronta7on presenta7on • Dignity, Trust and Rela7onship Building presenta7on • Mental Health at the Emergency Shelter - presenta7on • ShiL scheduling, 7mesheets, and staff ques7ons • HRDC All-Staff mee7ng • Employees must read and understand this Management Plan. VOLUNTEER TRAINING Volunteers are required to complete an orienta7on which covers the basics of facility opera7on including general du7es and safety/emergency protocols. Addi7onal training is required for volunteers with expanded roles. Volunteers must read and understand this Management Plan. 04/ 24 /20 20 Wheat Drive Emergency Shelter | Management Plan 5 INTAKE SCREENING PROCEDURES GENERAL The Emergency Shelter is a low-barrier emergency shelter. Day services will also be provided. All individuals who are 17 years of age or older or accompanied by a parent or guardian and who agree to the expecta7ons in the Emergency Shelter Par7cipant Agreement are welcome. If an individual does not or cannot agree to the Par7cipant Agreement, they are not eligible to receive services. Discrimina7on against any guest based on race, gender, age, familial status, disability, ethnicity, sexual orienta7on, gender iden7ty, or gender expression is prohibited. • Check-in hours will be determined by Staff and guests will be assisted on a first come, first served basis. • Day services will also be provided including, but not limited to case management, food, showers, restrooms and wellness checks. • Parking is provided on site for guests u7lizing the Emergency Shelter. • No loitering or trespassing is allowed outside of the Emergency Shelter in order to protect guest confiden7ality and safety. REGISTRATION & PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT All guests who are new to the Emergency Shelter or who have not previously stayed during the current season will be required to read the Emergency Shelter Par7cipant Agreement and Community Expecta7ons with a staff person. Guests are required to sign the Par7cipant Agreement, acknowledging their agreement to the rules, before they receive services. Guests must also complete and sign a Emergency Shelter Registry form which collects demographic and homelessness informa7on. Guests who have previously read and signed the Par7cipant Agreement must date and ini7al their signed form on each subsequent occasion they u7lize Emergency Shelter services. 04/ 24 /20 20 Wheat Drive Emergency Shelter | Management Plan 6 CLIENT CODE OF CONDUCT GENERAL Rules and procedures should be posted in visible loca7ons throughout the building. Guests, staff and volunteers are expected to treat themselves and others with respect at all 7mes. Behavior that is disrespecPul, that nega7vely impacts the safety of others, or that nega7vely impacts the peaceful enjoyment of the Emergency Shelter is not allowed. If a guest fails to abide by the Emergency Shelter Community Expecta7ons or the expecta7ons specified in the Par7cipant Agreement, that guest may be given a warning, may be asked to leave, or may be banned from Emergency Shelter property. • Warning: if a guest fails to abide by the Community Expecta7ons, they may receive a Verbal Warning. Staff will document that they have given a Warning in the Par7cipant Progress Tracker. • Final Warning: if a guest fails to change behavior aLer one or more Warnings, they may receive a Final Warning. A Final Warning serves to no7fy the guest that they will be banned if the behavior con7nues. • Ban: guests who are given a Ban from Emergency Shelter property and services must leave the Emergency Shelter property and are unable to return for a 7me to be determined by the Emergency Shelter Outreach and Opera7ons Manager. Verbal or physical violence and threats of violence will result in an immediate ban from services and will be reported to HRDC’s Risk Manager and Safety CommiQee. Incidents and requests for reinstatement of services will be reviewed by the Risk Manager, Safety CommiQee and the Outreach and Opera7ons Manager. Emergency Shelter Community Expecta7ons are in place to preserve a safe, comfortable, and peaceful environment, not to control par7cipant behavior. Our Community Expecta7ons are wriQen to incorporate current best prac7ces in shelter opera7on and harm reduc7on and will be posted on-site. DRUG, ALCOHOL AND TOBACCO USE POLICY The Emergency Shelter upholds an environment which is free from the use, possession, or distribu7on of any mind-altering substance, illicit drugs, and alcohol by its guests, staff or volunteers. The use of tobacco products (smokeless tobacco, cigareQes, electronic cigareQes, etc.) is prohibited within the facility. Smoking will be allowed outside of the facility in a designated area. In the evening hours, 15-minute monitored smoke breaks will be offered in a designated area at 7mes outlined in the evening staff schedule. 04/ 24 /20 20 Wheat Drive Emergency Shelter | Management Plan 7 STORAGE GENERAL Appropriate storage is essen7al to the safety and func7onality of the Emergency Shelter. NIGHTIME STORAGE In accordance with the Emergency Shelter Par7cipant Agreement, all coats, bags, and other personal items should be secured in a bin at all 7mes when not in use. These items are not allowed in bunk rooms or bathrooms. Guests/par7cipants are responsible for their possessions. To ensure that the bins are secure, only the designated volunteer or staff member should have access to stored items. The Emergency Shelter is not responsible for any lost or stolen items. To protect the safety and security of all who u7lize the Emergency Shelter, the Emergency Shelter is a weapon free zone. Absolutely no firearms are allowed on the property which includes guest vehicles parked in the parking lot. Items such as pocketknives, mace, etc. must be stored by a staff member in a labeled manila envelope in a secured and locked loca7on; items must be returned to guests upon guest departure in the morning. DAYTIME STORAGE Because carrying all of one’s personal belongings can create a barrier to accessing services and obtaining stable income and employment, a day storage program is available at the Emergency Shelter. An individual using the day storage is not required to use the Emergency Shelter; however, every individual using the day storage should be encouraged to connect with services at HRDC including Service Naviga7on, Emergency Shelter Evening Hours, etc. • Guests will have the opportunity to sign out a day storage tote for a maximum of 30 days when space is limited. • Guests can only register for themselves and must provide a means of contact for belonging turnover at the end of 30 days or for wai7ng list purposes. • Guests should provide a photo iden7fica7on to obtain a storage tote. A copy of the ID should be stapled to the contract paperwork. If they do not have an ID, a picture of the guest may be taken when storage is assigned. The picture should be stapled to the contract paperwork. • ALer 30 days, the tote will be assigned to the next person on the wait list. An extension may be given on a case by case basis under the direc7on of the Outreach and Opera7ons Manager. • The Emergency Shelter, HRDC, staff and volunteers are not responsible for lost or stolen items. • When registering for a day7me storage tote, guests will need to sign and date the Day7me Storage Contract (See Appendix). 04/ 24 /20 20 Wheat Drive Emergency Shelter | Management Plan 8 FIRE WATCH PLAN AND OTHER SECURITY/SAFETY MEASURES FIRE WATCH PLAN The following procedures will be followed by HRDC staff and volunteers of the Emergency Shelter. Every hour during the hours of, one staff member must verify and record the following safety measures: · All Fire Exit signs are illuminated. · All aisles are clear. · All fire protec7on equipment is in place and unobstructed. Records shall be kept on the aQached checklist and be made available to the City of Bozeman upon request seasonally. Access to the second story shall be secured at all 7mes to prohibit access by shelter guests. GENERAL EMERGENCY AND EVACUATION PROTOCOLS In the event of an emergency, the first priority is to ensure the safety of the guests, staff and volunteers. During emergency situa7ons, the lead staff person will serve as the Evacua7on Coordinator; however, all staff are responsible for ensuring that all guests and volunteers are following proper evacua7on procedures while also ensuring their own personal safety. There are posted exit doors located within the building. HRDC will coordinate with the Bozeman Fire Department to conduct fire and evacua7on drills and inspec7ons on an annual basis. A fire evacua7on plan (poster size-24x36 inch at minimum) showing exits, egress pathways to exits, fire ex7nguisher loca7ons, emergency call informa7on (911), alternate HRDC contacts, and opera7on hours and center use dates shall be posted in an approved loca7on. EVACUATION OF PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES Persons with disabili7es, including those with mobility, hearing, or visual impairments, may need assistance during an evacua7on. Staff and volunteers need to be aware of guests that may have disabili7es and ensure that they receive assistance during evacua7on if needed in accordance with current adopted opera7onal procedures. 04/ 24 /20 20 Wheat Drive Emergency Shelter | Management Plan 9 FIRE EMERGENCY PROTOCOLS In case of a fire, the following protocols will be followed: · Call 911. · Staff must ensure that all people vacate the building. · Staff should ensure that all persons remain calm while exi7ng the building at the nearest exterior door. · Trained employees and/or volunteers may aQempt to ex7nguish a fire with a portable fire ex7nguisher if it is safe to do so. If not, the employee or volunteer must evacuate the area. A minimum of two 3A40BC mul7-purpose ex7nguishers will remain mounted no higher than 48 inches off walking surface near the exits. · Everyone should report to and remain at the designated evacua7on point to wait for direc7ons. · Staff and volunteers should make an effort to no7fy others in the immediate area of the emergency. MEDICAL EMERGENCY PROTOCOLS In case of a medical emergency, the following protocols will be followed: · An employee or volunteer shall call 911. · If it is possible and safe to do so, do the following: o Protect the vic7m from further injury by removing any persistent threat to the vic7m. Do not move the vic7m unnecessarily. o Provide first aid un7l help arrives if the Staff/volunteer has appropriate training and equipment. o Send someone outside to escort emergency responders to the appropriate loca7on. PERSONAL SAFETY EMERGENCY PROTOCOLS If customers display emo7onal outbursts, aggressive language, or threats of violence and staff, volunteers, or other guests feel they are a threat to others or themselves, staff is trained to: · Remove other guests and self from immediate area to an area that is safe. · Call the police and inform them of the situa7on. · If possible, de-escalate individual while remaining safe and calm. PROTOCOLS FOR AFTER THE EMERGENCY When a fire or any other emergency has occurred, an incident report shall be filed with HRDC’s Risk Manager and Safety Committee. Appendix A: Participant Agreement The purpose of the Emergency Shelter is to provide emergency shelter. Welcome. As a Participant of the Emergency Shelter, I agree to the following: 1. Emergency Shelter participants must abide by the Emergency Shelter Community Expectations at all times. 2. Quiet hours are from 10:00pm to 6:00am. 3. Participants who depart from the Emergency Shelter after check in will not be allowed to return again that evening. 4. Use, possession, or distribution of drugs, alcohol, or illicit substances is not allowed anywhere on Emergency Shelter property . This includes medically prescribed marijuana. Prescription and over the counter medications must be taken as prescribed or directed. Outside beverages are not permitted inside the Emergency Shelter. 5. Smoking is allowed during designated smoke breaks. The use of tobacco products is prohibited inside the Emergency Shelter. This includes electronic devices and smokeless tobacco. 6. The Emergency Shelter is a weapon free zone. Absolutely no firearms are allowed on the Emergency Shelter property at any time. Knives, pepper spray, multi-tools or other weapons or work tools must be stored with a staff member upon arrival and will be returned upon departure. 7. Respectful behavior is expected at all times . Disrespectful behavior such as violence, racism, sexism, bullying, intimidation, harassment, swearing, and aggression are not welcome at the Emergency Shelter. 8. All participants will be provided with bedding. Outside bedding is not allowed. 9. Coats, bags, and other personal items should be secured in a locker/bin at all times when not in use. These items are not allowed in bunk rooms or bathrooms. Participants are responsible for their possessions . The Emergency Shelter is not responsible for any lost or stolen items. 10. Emergency Shelter staff have the right to refuse service to anyone at any time for any reason. By signing this Agreement, I understand that Emergency Shelter staff have the right to share all pertinent information regarding my stay with other service agencies and organizations and that I shall hold all participating staff and volunteers —including HRDC Emergency Shelter agents, volunteers, employees, officers, and directors — free and harmless from any claim or liability that may arise as a result of my stay. I have read, understand, and agree to the Emergency Shelter’s Participant Agreement __________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________ Participant Printed Name Participant Signature Date __________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________ Staff Printed Name Staff Signature Date Emergency Shelter Subsequent Visits Today’s Date___________ Participant Initials____________ Today’s Date___________ Participant Initials____________ Today’s Date___________ Participant Initials____________ Today’s Date___________ Participant Initials____________ Today’s Date___________ Participant Initials____________ Today’s Date___________ Participant Initials____________ Today’s Date___________ Participant Initials____________ Today’s Date___________ Participant Initials____________ Today’s Date___________ Participant Initials____________ Today’s Date___________ Participant Initials____________ Today’s Date___________ Participant Initials____________ Today’s Date___________ Participant Initials____________ Today’s Date___________ Participant Initials____________ Today’s Date___________ Participant Initials____________ Today’s Date___________ Participant Initials____________ Today’s Date___________ Participant Initials____________ Today’s Date___________ Participant Initials____________ Today’s Date___________ Participant Initials____________ Today’s Date___________ Participant Initials____________ Today’s Date___________ Participant Initials____________ Today’s Date___________ Participant Initials____________ Today’s Date___________ Participant Initials____________ Today’s Date___________ Participant Initials____________ Today’s Date___________ Participant Initials____________ Today’s Date___________ Participant Initials____________ Today’s Date___________ Participant Initials____________ Today’s Date___________ Participant Initials____________ Today’s Date___________ Participant Initials____________ Appendix B: Day Storage Contract Do you have a nickname? __________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone Number: _______________________ Email: _____________________________________________________________ Other Method of Contact: __________________________________________________________________________________ As a participant in the Day Storage program at the Emergency Shelter, I agree to the following: 1. No drugs, alcohol, illicit substances, weapons, hazardous materials, food, or other perishable items may be stored in a Day Storage Bin. 2. Belongings need to fit inside of the provided tub, with the lid able to close. 3. Electronics must be turned off while stored in the Day Storage Bin. 4. Only the person signing this contract can access the Day Storage Bin. A photo ID may be requested to identify the person requesting Day Storage access. 5. This initial contract is for 30 days. Participants have the option of renewing their contract if there are no names on the Waiting List. 6. If this contract expires and staff are unable to contact the contract holder, the contents of the bin will be removed and donated or discarded. 7. HRDC staff and volunteers are not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen items. 8. Staff will bring your tub to and from the storage room for you to access. Guest Signature: ____________________________________ Date: _______________________ Staff Signature: _____________________________________ Date: _______________________ Bin Number: ______________________ Contract Start Date: __________________________ FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME LAST NAME DATE OF BIRTH FIRE WATCH Da t e Tim e AM / P M All F i r e E x i t S i g n s A r e I l l u m i n a t e d Ais l e s a r e C l e a r All f i r e p r o t e c t i o n e q u i p m e n t i n p l a c e a n d u n o b s t r u c t e d . Ini t i t a l i.e. 2/24/17 9:00 PM Yes Yes Yes ALM Fire watch rounds are to take place hourly during operations.