HomeMy WebLinkAboutQuitclaim 06- Scully Grant Deed , a. .... ~ UJ~~ tt) _ to f") 0 8 N-~ N~~ N~~ ===::iiiiiiii 0 ~~ : o -UJ ~ t- :E 8 ----- ==== c ----- ..... ;;;;;;;;; ~ --I _____ -'I co - "" _____ a __ lU _____ 0 c ~ ~ ---I --I ~ _ tI) GRANT DEED FOR VALUE RECEIVED, John P. Scully "GRANTOR, does hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto the City of Bozeman, a municipal corporation of the State of Montana, with offices at 411 East Main, Bozeman Montana 59715, GRANTEE, and its assigns, the following described premises in Gallatin County, Montana, to-wit: Tract 1 of Certificate of Survey 2462" located in the northwest 1J4 of Section 18" Township 2 South" Range 6 East P.M.M... Gallatin County" Montana~ and the tract of land depicted on Certificate of Survey 2463" located in the northeast 1;4 of Section 18'! Township 2 South.. Range 6 East P.M.M... Gallatin County" Montana. TOGETHER~ \VITH an the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereto belonging, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues, and profits thereof; and possession, claim and demand whatsoever as well in law as in equity of the Grantor. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises, with their appurtenances unto the said Grantee and its assigns forever. DA TED this ,.s;--- day of ---- .. . ., ~~ , 2 ~. ~~4~~\ .-..... \ Jo n P. Scully - GRANTOR Oo{.,()~O STATE OF MONTAl~A ) ~~ ) 55. County of~Gllllatin .J..-J&J~~I~) On this57.!.' day of 'JJC'c~-/II()](::.O , 2 ooS, before me the undersig;ne~I\.1(I.;t:iJm~ .... Public. for the ~tate of ~~ersonaIlY appeared John :e. SCllllv:, known to .m~ to b~ ~~'}}e:~Qjl y.'y~~" -~ name IS subscrIbed to tWr;"tVlt1Uii'Instrument, and acknowledged to me that he execut~.~e:........:::'l';\ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Not~k~~~iBha~a~fi:- \ year a ove written. :: .: ..~ .10 tP : f!... .~ ) -;C\~ 0 t. .::> ~o.;: (SEAL ,'.l .~ ~ ~..._ - ~' l1- .!,~ f -:.~ ':y~:... '~;i:~Y : ~..~ ~ ~' . . : ~ QT.... ......... r~' ,..' . ~~~I YJ! ~~;' J,. .:. ~ ,,-,:, . JIll .,..~.-...... \"" "'181 un'\\'\\ /-a~:2>. E 7~-tJ No~aJY Public for thx State otMgRtana K/}~6AJ ~.. PC7&t-.j (Printed Name) j _ /J _ Residing at 10069 [(). ff.2..u;n l./U/F, /;U"/;I~ My Commission Expires m:J..f(, i-I j~ 2 O()~ o l ~.ft..1J}x) C-o ~WD5 : ... ~A~ CITY OF BOZEMAN by its City Manager ACCEPTED: .T 11, ~ ~ ~ CI~'r _.. '()f'~'.' i~ -CQffimission ~ ..' ", <.' F~ ,\ .'\ " STATE'OF~M-ONTANA ) y ) ss. County of Gallatin ) , On this If') ~ay of d~ ' 2 rJO~ before me, a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared CHRIS A. KUK LSKI and ROBIN L. SULLIVAN, known to me to be the City Manager and Clerk of the City Commission fOf the City of Bozeman and the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same for and on behalf of the City of Bozeman. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal on the day and year first above written. \Lu,~~en;~ Notary Public for the ate ofMon a Hll-ei/l-fJ G ,<e'M I n( er. J (SEAL) , \.. . -', "'C. ,:;.) ~lll.., '. r 't... 1 ':t, ~ ;;"oJ,..; . ...~ ~ ~ ~ . . . .. .. . . . . j"". ll; ~ . ~ . · '" - l ., jL- +. oJ " }";:; :..' "\V,.... \\ ~ \ .. 4.~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ '; ~, :"u: --i ~ : -'~.~ tuJ~ 'l- Tor) .~ ~.: t -p lr.. c.' ~ ~~ l-l.. \vl> ...~.~ CI) ,...-:....u 'oi'. ':.Y'L, ........10.~....'. ~ "t" . "'~\...' T - S \. (Printed Name) Residing at Bozeman, Montana My Commission Expires: ~/ZS- 120Q!i. ~.. ~ ~"'" ~ :i:; -=:" ..... f' ....: ~ -- . 0- ..... ~ UJ ~ ~qG ....-r.o rt)og NN~ N~~ N~g ~ -~ ~ @ ~ ...... :E o U ~c :: ~ -; c.!) ~ g -cO :> ~ -4 ~ __ f.I) \ \\\\\\ \\\\\ \\\\\ \\\\\\\ \\\ \\\\\ \\\\\\\ \\\ \\\\\ \\\\ \\\\ ~~~~rE ~'P Shelley Vance-Galla.tin Co MT DEED 44.00 ~ ~~:=~~~ I ~ ~~~~~- lD ~ ~J~~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~ nu;r ~~~ ~~~ ~~; ~ ~ ~ o ~r) (I I:D cr en ~ !e. :b g ,.. ~ ;; ;:0 ! n a.i; ffh1 ~ CI) ~ t: 3 ~ . 0 [ ~ [ ~ ~ ~ 5" "U 3:: ~ Q 0- I ::u ~ , {"') f'T1 ~r .. ~ Z {"') 0 Sl 0 ~ [ ~ " ~ {"') S ;:;; ~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ U- g g~1 :> ~ io:i~~'2.8'''''1 [~- ~ [tf~~~~ ~ !o -~ ~ !~s~~15 ~ ~.! 1(;7 ~~;'''~} ;;i ~~ '!:. ;:':s!!it:;~iil ~ ~ Sf" ~ - s ~ ~ i [~ i ? 1 f~ iii;;: b :1i~ l<i!ii' . ~ ~f;~fj &- g:J~ a~ .~ ~'r~18if ~ ~~a~ ~~ (~~VJ fjiHJ ~ ~ ~I H i il!~:f ~ -r~ ~ i~ ~ f ~[ ~ S'~ ~ 32.. ::0 -:;r ~~~~ g & I!:.. g> ~; : !it.. 0 ih! ii!! il~! l{ ~~t s~~; ~ H H~ i!!i i ~; ~i~ [~~[ - [~ !S~~ [~~~ :.~ ~~~ :~~~ 3 fS~~ ~:~&= 1; 0'>0>0 .~~~ ~ ~i~ 'U! i ! ~ ; ~: f J j~! 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