HomeMy WebLinkAbout20- Amendment 3 to PSA - HDR Engineering, Inc. - Davis Lane Lift Station and Norton Sewer Outfall soa�� v 9x A f Co. THIRD AMENDMENT TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS THIRD AMENDMENT TO THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR Davis Lane Lift Station and Norm Sewer Project dated February 25, 2019(the "Agreement") is made and entered into this day of , 2020, by and between the CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, a self governing municipal corporation organized and existing under its Charter and the laws of the State of Montana, 121 North Rouse Street, Bozeman, Montana,with a mailing address of PO Box 1230, Bozeman, MT 59771, hereinafter referred to as "City," HDR Engineering, Inc., hereinafter referred to as"Contractor." In consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained, the receipt and sufficiency whereof being hereby acknowledged,the parties hereto agree to amend the Agreement as follows: 1. Scope of Services. Section 2 of the Agreement is revised to include the attached Exhibit A. 2. Payment. Section 4 of the Agreement is revised to include the amount specified in the attached Exhibit B. The Construction and Administration is to be time and materials not to exceed per the attachment. Original Fee: $ 841,714.00 Amendment 01: $ 39,834.00 Amendment 02: $ 61,300.00 Amendment 03: $ 885,800.00 Total: $ 1,828,648.00 3. Agreement still valid. All remaining terms and provisions of the Agreement remain valid. **** END OF AGREEMENT EXCEPT FOR SIGNATURES **** Third Amendment to Professional Services Agreement for Davis Lane Lift Station and Norton Sewer Project FY 2019—FY 2020 Page 1 of 2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this instrument the day and year first above written. CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA HDR ENGINEERING, INC. By �. By Dennis M. Taylor,Interim ity Manager Pri Name: Jared R. Harris Ti e: Vice President APPROVED AS TO FORM By Greg Sullivan,Bozeman City Attorney Third Amendment to Professional Services Agreement for Davis Lane Lift Station and Norton Sewer Project FY 2019—FY 2020 Page 2 of 2 Exhibit B Davis Lane Lift Station Amendment No. 3 Scope of Services Task 100. Project Management Objective: Manage the construction administration contract and prepare monthly invoices. Subtasks: 101 Project Management and Invoicing.Manage subcontracts and construction administration tasks. Prepare monthly invoices for submittal to the City of Bozeman. Task 600. Bidding Services Objective: Provide bid period services assisting the Owner in administering the advertisement of and obtaining bids for the project. Subtasks: 601 Bid Advertising HDR and Sanderson Stewart will assist the Owner in advertising for and obtaining bids for materials, equipment and services to be performed by a contractor for the construction contract. HDR and Sanderson Stewart will prepare advertisements and notices announcing or soliciting bids for the construction of the project. The Owner will determine the newspapers or other media where the advertisements and notices will be placed, coordinate with the advertisement agencies, and pay directly for the advertisements and notices. 602 Bid Document Production and Distribution HDR and Sanderson Stewart will provide electronic (PDF)Bidding Documents and print bound copies of Bidding Documents as required, for issuing to plan centers, bidders, City of Bozeman, and others requesting copies of the Bidding Documents. Drawings will be half size, I 1 inches by 17 inches. Other documents will be 8 '/2 inches by 11 inches. HDR and Sanderson Stewart will receive requests for Bidding Documents and half-size drawings and issue and transmit the documents and drawing copies. Maintain a Planholders List recording to whom copies of the Bidding Documents and half-size drawings have been issued. 1 of 7 603 Addenda and Bid Assistance HDR and Sanderson Stewart will assemble addenda as appropriate to interpret, clarify or expand the Contract Documents and distribute the addenda to planhoders. The budget is based on development and issuing a total of three addendums. Develop and implement procedures for receiving and answering bidder's questions and requests for additional information. Provide technical interpretation of the Bidding Documents and prepare responses to all bidder's questions and requests, which may be in the form of addenda. 604 Pre-Bid Meeting,Agenda, and Minutes HDR and Sanderson Stewart will prepare an agenda and conduct a pre-bid meeting to be attended by the City of Bozeman, interested Contractors, Sanderson Stewart and HDR. The meeting will include a presentation given by the HDR's and Sanderson Stewarts's Project Managers, and a tour of the work site. 605 Bid Opening, Update OPC, Tabulate Bids, and Contract Award HDR and Sanderson Stewart will attend the bid opening, prepare bid tabulation sheets, and assist the Owner in evaluating bids and awarding the construction contract. The Engineer's Opinion of Probable Cost will be updated and included with the bid tabulation sheet. 606 Review Microtunnel Contractor Pre-Qualifications As a part of reviewing bids and making a recommendation of award, HDR and Sanderson Stewart will review the Microtunnel Contractor's pre-qualification information for the singlelowest apparent bidder based on the requirements outlined in the micrototunnel technical specification. 607 Construction Contract Assistance HDR will assist the City of Bozeman with procurement of a final construction contract agreement with the successful contractor. Work will include verification of insurance, bonds, and issuance of a notice to proceed. Deliverables: • Bid documents and drawings for distribution to interested bidders • Addenda as required • Bid advertisement • Pre-bid conference agenda/minutes • Bid tabulation and recommendation of award • Bid award and notice to proceed documents Task 700. Construction Services Objective: Assist the Owner in administering the construction of the project. Provide construction engineering and observation throughout the construction period and assist the Owner with project closeout. 2of7 Subtasks: 701 Pre-Construction Meeting,Agenda,and Minutes Prepare agenda and administer a pre-construction meeting to be attended by HDR, Sanderson Stewart, City of Bozeman, City's testing agency, General Contractor and major subcontactors. 702 Pre-Construction Photos HDR and Sanderson Stewart will take pictures and video of the proposed work areas before construction commences to document pre-construction conditions. 703 Review Microtunnel Shop Submittals and Work Plan Review the shop submittals related to the microtunnel work including casing and carrier pipes, casing spacers, grouting, Contractor's work plan, and other submittals as required in the microtunnel technical specification. Shop submittal review shall not extend to Contractor means, methods, techniques, sequences, or procedure of construction or Contractor safety programs. 704 Review Remaining Shop Submittals Review Contractor shop submittals for all remaining work outside the microtunnel work in conformance with the information given in the Contract Documents. Also review traffic control plans as required. Shop submittal review shall not extend to Contractor means, methods, techniques, sequences, or procedure of construction or Contractor safety programs. 705 Pay Applications (Up to 9 Total) Review and recommend payment and contract requests in accordance with City of Bozeman format. Up to nine pay applications are estimated based on a 240- calendar day construction contract. (Sanderson Stewart will review quantities installed for their portions of the project and HDR will process the pay application through the City and contractor) 706 Change Orders/Work Change Directives Recommend and prepare change orders and work change directives to City of Bozeman as required. (Sanderson Stewart will review change orders and work change directives specific to their project portions, but HDR will process them through the City and Contractor) 707 Respond to Contractor RFI's Respond to Contractor requests for information (RFI). Issue necessary clarifications and interpretations of the Contract Documents as appropriate, consistent with the intent and reasonably inferable from the Contract Documents. Engineer may issue Field Orders authorizing minor variations in the Work from the requirements of the Contract Documents. 3 of 7 708 Engineer Site Visits & Meetings Engineer to make visits to the site at intervals appropriate to various stages of construction to observe as an experienced and qualified design professional the progress of the Contractor's executed work. Visits by Engineer shall be limited to spot checking and similar methods of general observation of the work as assisted by the Resident Project Representative. Where possible, site visits will be coordinated with the weekly construction meetings. It is estimated that the engineer will attend monthly construction meetings plus one additional site visit per month (up to two site visits per month for 240 calendar days). 709 Construction Observation, Start Up and Commissioning HDR and Sanderson Stewart will provide full-time construction observation during construction utilizing Resident Project Representatives (RPRs) to assist engineer in observing the progress and quality of the work. It is estimated that the total construction contract time required would be 240 calendar days (eight months). Norton Ranch Gravity Sewer and Forcemain: Sanderson Stewart has assumed the use of one RPR at 50-hours per week for 240 calendar days (eight months),In addition, a second overlapping RPR is included at 45-hours per week for 150 calendar days (five months)to accommodate two pipe crews working at separate locations along the Norton Sewer alignment, sewer forcemain, or the I-90 crossing. Davis Lane Lift Station: HDR has assumed the use of one RPR at 20-hours per week for 180 calendar days (six months) and one RPR for 10 hours per week for 60 calendar days (two months). HDR will provide start-up and commissioning services for the lift station. RPR shall report to engineer when clarifications and interpretations of the Contract Documents are needed and transmit to contractor said clarifications and interpretations as issued by Engineer. RPR will prepare daily inspection reports, daily diaries for the term of construction activity. 710 Review Testing of Materials & Water/Sewer Mains Coordinate and review material testing to be completed by the City of Bozeman's term contract. Coordinate and review testing of water and sewer mains. 711 Final Inspection Walkthrough & Prepare Punchlist Attend final inspection walkthrough with City of Bozeman and Contractor, prepare punch list, and verify that punch list has been completed. HDR to distribute punch list to City and Contractor. 712 As-Built(Record)Drawings HDR and Sanderson Stewart will coordinate the preparation of final record drawings, which conform, to construction records. HDR will furnish the Construction Contractor with a full size copy (22 IN x 34 IN)of the project 4 of 7 drawings for recording construction information. Progress payment processing will be predicated upon the status of the Contractor's record drawings. HDR will submit to the Owner the final approved product. HDR will provide the Owner with the record drawings on 11 IN x 17 IN reproducible sheets as well as one set of record drawings in electronic format in AutoCAD and PDF. These drawings will be based on construction records from the Contractor, resident project representative, and Owner. 713 Two-Year Warranty Walkthrough &Prepare Punchlist Attend two-year warranty walkthrough with City of Bozeman and Contractor, prepare punch list, and verify that punch list has been completed. HDR to distribute punch list to City and Contractor. 714 SCADA Programing HDR will provide Engineer System Integration(ESI) service for the Davis Lane Lift Station. Work shall include application programming (PLC and OIT, HMI)to incorporate and integrate the capability and functionality defined in the project documents. HDR will create an 1/0 database that supports ESI application programming. The database will contain I/O data identification tags, descriptions, alarm descriptions, alarm levels, etc. necessary to support application programming. The database will be formatted in a manner that supports importation into the application program. HDR will coordinate closely with the Instrumentation Subcontractor and miscellaneous equipment supply vendors to incorporate supplied equipment information into the database. VFD's for each pump will be configured by the VFD supplier. HDR will develop a new HMI screen at the WRF SCADA Computer for the Davis Lane Lift Station. Once the 1/0 database has been developed and populated with project bid document and vendor submittal data, HDR will begin the process of tagging the PLC and start programming. HDR will provide support during installation and equipment start up. HDR will coordinate with Electrical and Instrumentation contractors and equipment suppliers regarding equipment calibration and communication with the ESI. Deliverables: • Daily field reports Response to contractors questions • Shop drawing review • Review and recommendation on change orders Full size set of drawings for Contractor's as recorded documentation • Final record drawings in 11 IN x 17 IN hard copy and electronic format • 1/0 Database 5 of 7 • SCADA HMI screen at the WRF. • Fully annotated application program Task 800. Construction Staking Subtasks: 801 Prepare Staking Points and Alignments for Street Restoration Areas Prepare construction staking point files and export alignments from AutoCAD to provide surveyor with the necessary staking information. For the street restoration, it is assumed that Sanderson Stewart will need to provide staking to re-establish the west curb line and street centerline along Davis Lane, the east curb line along Davis Lane north of Trout Meadows Road, the edge of asphalt and borrow ditch along the north end of Davis Lane, and the north edge of asphalt and centerline along Moss Bridge Road. Additional time is included for topographic survey pickups prior to construction and preparing staking alignments and grades to ensure the street is restored to existing conditions. 802 Staking of Lift Station Site Provide field staking to give the Contractor measurements for the layout of the lift station wet well, building, grading, and associated surface features. 803 Staking of Force Main Provide field staking to give the Contractor measurements, lines, locations, and grades necessary for construction of the force main from the lift station to the new manhole connection on the existing 30-inch sewer outfall to the Water Reclamation Facility. Field staking shall include off-sets and grades for the force main and associated appurtenances. 804 Staking of Norton Sewer Provide field staking to give the Contractor measurements, lines, locations, and grades necessary for construction of the Norton gravity sanitary sewer from Baxter Lane to the I-90 crossing. Field staking shall include off-sets and grades for the sewer main, manholes, drywells, storm drain replacement at Cattail/Davis, and other associated appurtenances. 805 Staking of Water Main in Davis Lane and North of I-90 Provide field staking to give the Contractor measurements, lines, locations, and grades necessary for construction of the new water main located in Davis Lane and north of the I-90 crossing. Field staking shall include off-sets and grades for the water main, valves, bends, tees, hydrants and other associated appurtenances. 806 Staking of I-90 Crossing (Includes Lidar Scan Pre-Post-Construction) Provide field staking to give the Contractor measurements, lines, locations, and grades necessary for construction of the I-90 microtunnel crossing. Field staking shall include off-sets and grades for the ends of the steel casing at the south side 6 of 7 of East Valley Center Drive and north of the 1-90 Frontage Road. In addition, a Lidar scan survey will be completed once before construction and once after construction of the I-90 microtunnel crossing. Settlement monitoring during construction shall be completed by the Contractor. 807 Staking of Access Road and Gravel Pads Provide field staking to give the Contractor measurements, lines, locations, and grades necessary for construction of the new gravel access road and gravel pads as shown on the plans. Field staking shall include off-sets and grades for the subgrade and finished grade, which shall be accomplished in two separate trips. 808 Staking of Street and Curb Restoration Provide field staking of the street and curb/gutter restoration along Davis Lane, and Moss Bridge Road as described in Task 801. 809 Staking of Signs, Striping, and Miscellaneous Surface Features Provide field staking to give the Contractor measurements for layout of signs, striping restoration, and miscellaneous surface features that must be restored as shown on the plans. 7of7 m o c 3m c Umm=` mo' cmc oaNcE N m Total Budget etU m �� c v0 > m E E c E m p m HDR u.m Other Direct Costs W m S � Qm = WKa Q m U E -m a W n 2 m o ) NN'Um C U, Q MD c W F F- > UO m t2 U N W U Y a QCR10- TOTAL Task Task Description Status PJM32-1 PJM13 EC120 ESA10 ARC20 EST20 EST30 EEL20 1 SYS01 SYS01-1 EIN30 CC101 CC102 ACT03 ADM10 HOURS LABOR SUBCONTRACTOR EXPENSES TOTAL COST Task 100 Project Management 24 48 $ 6,511 $ 10,112 $ 50 $ 16,673 101 Project Management and Invoicing 24 673 Subtotal(including optional) 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 0 48 $ 6,511 $ 10,112 $ 50 $ 16, Task 600 Bidding Services 1 $ 162 $ 305 $ - $ 467 601 Bid Advertising 1 20 52 $ 5,113 $ 4,709 $ 500 $ 10,322 602 Bid Document Production&Distribution 4 8 8 12 8 170 $ 21,537 $ 11,466 $ 100 $ 33,103 603 Addenda and Bid Assistance 4 12 16 80 2 4 12 4 4 24 16 $ 2,184 $ 3,927 $ 300 $ 6,411 604 Pre-Bid Meeting,Agenda,&Minutes 8 8 16 $ 2,184 $ 3,260 $ 300 $ 5,745 605 Bid Opening,Tabulate Bids,&Contract Award 8 8 3 $ 780 $ 4,841 $ - $ 5,621 606 Review Microtunnel Contractor Pre-Qualifications 1 2 g 12 $ 1,112 $ 3,455 $ 750 $ 5,316 607 Construction Contract Assistance 2 2 Subtotal(including optional) 4 36 42 88 2 0 4 12 6 0 0 4 36 0 0 36 270 $ 33,073 $ 31,962 $ 1,950 $ 66,965 Task 700 Construction Services 26 $ 4,483 $ 3,948 $ 507 $ 8,938 701 Pre-Construction Meeting,Agenda,&Minutes 8 8 8 2 2 $ 222 $ 3,707 $ 50 $ 3,978 702 Pre-Construction Photos 2 5 $ 1,399 $ 7,697 $ - $ 9,095 6,383 703 Review Microtunnel ShopSubmittals and Work Plan 1 4 704 Review Remaining Shop Submittals 8 40 80 140 8 40 4 60 20 400 $ 51,459 $ 7,910 $ 100 $ 67, 705 ReviePay Applications(U to 9 total 9 9 $ 1,459 $ 6,080 $ 50 $ 7,589 44 $ 6,110 $ 13,629 $ $ 19,739 706 lChange Orders/Work Change Directives 24 20 12 200 $ 31,124 $ 31,322 $ 37 $ 62,483 707 Respond to Contractor RFI's 4 40 80 16 4 16 4 24 64 $ 10,375 $ 38,388 $ 2,400 $ 51,163 64 708 Engineer Site Visits&Meetings 928 $ 106,768 $ 286,335 $ 4,820 $ 397,923 709 Construction Observation,Start Up and Commissioning 16 40 840 32 28 $ 3,516 $ 9,629 $ - $ 13,144 710 lReview Testing of Materials&Water/Sewer Mains 8 20 28 $ 4,132 $ 4,893 $ 521 $ 9,546 711 Final Inspection Walkthrough&Prepare Punchlist 4 8 16 005 712 As-Built(Record)Drawings 8 32 20 100 8 168 $ 24,073 $ 12,432 $ 500 $ 34,917 713 Two-Year Warranty Walkthrough&Pre are Punchlist 8 2 10 $ 1,519 $ 2,898 $ 500 $ 4,917 6 200 216 $ 35,382 $ $ 1,000 $ 36,362 714 SCADA Programming Subtotal(including optional) 40 258 1100 190 12 56 8 84 ;41116 200 32 20 100 0 8 2128 $ 288,926 $ 428,673 $ 10,485 $ 728,284 Task800 Contruct!on Staking No Hours 1 $ - $ 11,240 $ - $ 11,240 801 Prepare Staking Points&Alignments for Street Restoration 6 $ 768 $ 3, 5 $ - $ 4,013 24 802 Staking Lift Station Site 2 4 No Hours 1 $ $ 2,867 $ - $ 2,867 803 Staking of Force Main No Hours 1 $ - $ 15,577 $ - $ 15,577 804 Stakingof Norton Sewer oHours $ - $ 3,008 $ - $ 3,008805 Staking of Water Main in Davis Ln&North of 1-90 $ - $ 9,786 $ - $ 9,786 806 Staking of 1-90 Crossing(Includes Lidar Scan Pre/Post Construction) 3 - $ 3,848 $ - $ 3,848 807 Staking of Access Road&Gravel Pads $ - $ 20,050 $ - $ 20,050 808 Staking of Street&Curb Restoration $ - $ 3,470 $ $ 3470 809 Staking of Signs,Striping&Misc.Surface Features 768 $ 73,091 $ - $ 73,859 Subtotal(including optional) 0 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E 44 ��I278 14 56 12 96 10 16 200 36 56 100 24 44 2452 $ 329,279 $ 544,037 $ 12,485 $ 885,800 Project Name: Davis Lane Lift Station & Norton Sewer Bidding&Construction/Contract Administration Project Number: 19012 Project Manager: Jeff Heidner Date: 2/3/2020 O w O w p z - U) W F W Z Q W Z LL Q W of u_ W z_ p O J z w a 0 Q m d Z H Z U) LL a 0 z `n W w g p Z Z O �, C7 O LL Q O w p o w � w w r¢— W O cn rL o cn to U) c • - $185.00 $145.00 $110.00 $90.00 $135.00 $100.00 $95.00 $75.00 100 Project Management $9,630.00 101 Project Management and Invoicing 8 50 12 $9,630.00 $9,630.00 Subtotal Project enagertre , 8 50 12 $9,630.00 600 BIDDING SERVICES 601 Bid Advertising2 $290.00 $290.00 602 Bid Document Production&Distribution 1 12 8 12 4 $4,185.00 $300.00 $4,485.00 603 Addenda and Bid Assistance 4 32 28 24 4 $10,920.00 $10,920.00 604 Pre-Bid Meeting,Agenda,&Minutes 4 10 10 2 $3,105.00 $300.00 $3,105.00 605 Bid Opening,Tabulate Bids,&Contract Award 1 12 8 4 $3,105.00 $3,105.00 606 Review Microtunnel Contractor Pre-Qualifications 6 12 16 $4,610.00 $4,610.00 607 Construction Contract Assistance 2 8 4 8 4 $2,990.00 $300.00 $3,290.00 Subtotal§WdIng Services 18 88 74 44 18 $29,540.00 $900.00 $30,440.00 r CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 701 Pre-Construction Meeting,Agenda,&Minutes 2 10 10 2 2 2 $3,330.00 $200.00 $3,530.00 702 Pre-Construction Photos 6 12 12 $3,330.00 $200.00 $7,330.00 703 Review Microtunnel Shop Submittals and Work Plan 6 24 18 8 $7,330.00 $7,540.00 704 Review Remaining Shop Submittals 4 16 20 24 $7,540.00 $5,790.00 705 Pay Applications(Up to 9 Total) 2 16 20 12 $5,790.00 $2,9 0.0 706 Change Orders/1Nork Change Directives 4 44 24 24 8 4 $12,980.00 $29,830.00 707 Respond to Contractor RFI's 8 118 76 32 $29,830.00 $36,560.00 708 Engineer Site Visits&Meetings 16 152 76 $33,360.00 $3,200.00 $36,560.00 709 Construction Observation(240 Calendar Days 80 40 965 1660 $270,200.00 $2,500.00 $272,700.00 710 Review Testing of Materials&Water/Sewer Mains 8 30 20 12 $9,170.00 $9,170.00 711 Final Inspection Walkthrough&Prepare Punchlist 16 12 6 2 $1,840.0 $300.00 $1,840.0 712 As-Built(Record)drawings 2 24 20 32 2 12 6 4 $2,46 0.00 $11760.00 713 Two-Year Warranty Walkthrough&Prepare Punchlist 12 6 2 $2,460.00 $,80 .0 408,450.0 SubtotalCon 52 548 348 88 2 979 1750 26 $401,650.00 $6,800.00 $408,450.00 800 CONSTRUCTION STAKING 801 Prepare Staking Points&Alignments for Street Restoration Areas 1 12 24 40 4 20 $1 ,0 0.00 $100 0.00 802 Staking of Lift Station Site 1 4 1 24 $2,680.00 $50.00 $2,730.00 803 Staking of Force Main 1 1 24 $2,680.00 $50.00 $4,835.0 804 Staking of Norton Sewer 1 6 96r44 $14,735.00 $100.00 $1 ,865.00 805 Staking of Water Main in Davis Ln&North of 1-90 1 2 24 $2,815.00 $50.00 $2,865.00 806 Staking of 1-90 Crossing(Includes Lidar Scan Pre-Post-Construction) 8 10 Z8r6 24 $7,720.00 $1,600.00 $9,320.00 807 Stakingof Access Road&Gravel Pads 1 32 $3,615.00 $50.00 $9,095.0 808 Staking of Street and Curb Restoration 1 92 86 $19,045.00 $50.00 $19,095.00 809 Staking of Signs,Striping,&Miscellaneous Surface Features 1 4 24 $3,255.00 $50.00 $3,305.00 Subtotal Construction Staking 1 27 38 80 1 28 360 130 1 $67,610.00 $2,000.00 $69,610.00 Total 79 1 713 460 1 212 30 1339 1880 56 $508,430.00 $9,700.00 $518,130.00