HomeMy WebLinkAboutEx 6 BPC 3 12 20 Directors Report1tEXH I Bf T 6: Bozeman Parki ng Com mission, 3 | t2l 2O2OBOZEMAN PARKI NG COM M ISSIONParking Program Nþnager's ReportDate: March 5,2020To: Bozeman Parking CommissionFrom: Ed Meece, Parking Program ManagerAn update of major developments, in February, includes:o Ordinance f2033: Ordinance 2033 (Parking Benefit Zones) was considered by the Bozeman City Commission onMarch 2,2O2O, and approved on 1't reading by a 3-2 vote. Second reading will scheduled in the near future.o Surface Lot Countins Svstems: The PPM received final approval for installation of the digital parking occupancysignage that is part of this project. While waiting for one additional quote, final system testing and contractpreparation is underway at this time.o T2 Executive Forum: February 24-27,2020, the PPM attended an invitation-only "Executive Forum" hosted byT2 Systems. This conference was a very informative mix of educational sessions from other T2 customers withregard to their application of T2 technology on a variety of issues (curb management, transportation demandmanagement, customer service, etc.) as well as valuable updates from T2 executive staff on pending software andhardware improvements to be released in2O2O/2O2L.o Cannerv District: The PPM discussed options for private parking control, and assistance from the PSD, inside theCa nnery District facility with property owners/ma nagement.o Training: The PPM completed a Finance Department on use of the new Central Square budget, finance, andenterprise wide information management system.o Passport Mob¡le App: A final contract with Passport Labs, for implementation of the Passport Mobile Parking Appwas finalized and will be presented to the-Bozeman Parking Commissio n on 3/t2/2020. ln addition, the PPM hada very productive meeting with executive staff from Passport, travel¡ng through Bozeman, to discuss newtechnology/policy developments at Passport and their evolving partnership with the City of Bozeman.o NEW Rate Packages: PSD staff worked with T2 to implement the two new rate packages approved by the ParkingCommission for "daily'' and "evening" customers. Early indications are that the evening package has beenespecially well received.t l2o2oz Revenues YTD: $1,131,812.OO líO7%lAs of 9|2Ot9: Operatine Reserve: S1,184,352.18Expe nd itu res YTD z $56Z,2LZ.OO 152%lCash ln Lieu: St3O,3ts.Oo Lons Term Maintenance: 5313,325.00 PARKING SERVICE FUND - OPERATINGAS OF 3l2l2O2OREVENUEPARKING LOT PERMITSGARAGE PERMITSGARAGE - TRANSIENT REVENUEGARAGE VALIDATION COUPONSRESIDENTIAL NGHBD. PERMITSEMPLOYEE NGBHD. PERMITSVISITOR NGBHD. PERMITSADMIN/LATE FEESBOOT FEESCITATION REVENUEINTEREST INCOMEMISC REVENUETRANSFERS / FROM OTHER FUNDSFY2O BUDGETs 35,000.00s 31o,0oo.ooS 75,5oo.ooS 3,ooo.oos 20,000.00s 2,ooo.ooS 1o,5oo.oos 42,000.00s 2,ooo.oos 3oo,oo0.ooS 5,ooo.oos 2,340.00s 25o,0oo.ooFY2O BUDGET5 LL2,7790Os 199,171.00s 15,000.005 267,460.005 47,823.OOs 65,000.00S 46,525.00s 178,911.00s 15o,oo0.ooFYzO ACTUATS 55,776.005 423,573.295 42,t6L.14s 9,970.00s 37,695.00S 6,012.50s 16,330.00s 43,902.695 L,77O.OO5 460,705.77s 9,018.555 24,897.84FY2O ACTUATs 64,994.055 to3,L76.87s 61,566.295 L72,227.24s 30,239.1631,868.8298,L39.74TOTAT$ 1,057,340.00 s t,t31,812.78EXPENDITUREADMIN - PERSONNELADMIN - OPERATINGADMIN - CAPITALENFORCEMENT - PERSONNELENFORCEM ENT - OPERATINGENFORCEMENT - CAPITALGARAGE - PERSONNELGARAGE - OPERATINGGARAGE - CAPITALTOTATssS 1,082,669.00 5 s62,212.17 Strateg¡c Parking Management PlanJanuary 2020STRATEGY DESCRIPTIONPROJECTEDCOMPTETIONCOMPTETED:PENDINGCOMPLETION COMMENTS12Formalize the guiding principlesas policies within the parking andtransporation system plan,Adopt the 85% rule as thestandard for measuringperformance of the parkingsupply and triggering specificmanagement strateg¡es,Strengthen the role of theParking Manager and the ParkingServices Division - to betterintegrate with the CommunityDevelopment and EconomicDevelopment planning.Establish a policy for adjustingrates (on and off-street)Establish a Capital MaintenanceReserve FundRe-evaluate a nd restructu recurrent cash-in-lieu program,Re-evaluate code basedmin¡mum parking requirementsRe-evaluate and clarify thepurpose and ¡ntent of thecurrent code section regardingSpecial lmprovement D¡strict f565.lmplement a FacilitiesMaintenance Plan.On-GoingJul-16Adopted bythe BPC in8/20t6.Adopted by the BPC in812016.PPM attending DRCmeetings, and offeringdata/comment as staffreview.Adopted bythe BPC into/2076.BPC approved Resolut¡on2OI7-03 (6l2ot7l; CityCommission approvedResolution #4837 on8lr4lt7.BPC adopted Resolution2018-03 recommending CILincrease to S25000(6 / 2lt8l; City Co m missio nAPPROVAL of Resolution4292 (increasing CILP to525000) ont2h7/L8;PPM ¡s completing researchfor facility mgt. bestpractices, starting to draftFac. Mgt. plan,8/t7iApril/l9 - PPM acquired FacMgt plan for MSU garageand met with localengineering firm to discuss;3456789L2l3Ol2O19 On-going 1011t2Develop a reasonable scheduleof data collection to assessperformance, including anaccurate on and off street¡nventory (public and private)a nd an occupancy/utilizationanalysis.ldentify off-street shared useopportunities based on datafrom strategy 9. Establish goalsfor transitioning employees,begin outreach to opportunitysites, negotiate agreements, andassign employees to facilities.Complete the 2008 ParkingDistr¡ct ldentificat¡onSignage/Branding PlanClarify current on-street parkingsignage, particularly in areaswhere unlimited parking isa llowed. Consider ¡ncorporatingthe current City parking logo intoon-street signage.5hh7 &7/L/t7COMPTETEData collect¡on ocurred,following the StrategicParking Management Plan,Spring and Summer 2017;WTI report (draft) submitted9/20L7 , under staff reviewat this time; Final commentssubmitted to WTI formodification, lO / 23 / 77 ; -lhefinal WTI Parking OccupancyReport was released on77/ tLl 2077, a na lysis isundemay - includingreview/memorandum f romRlck Williams Consulting.On-Going1st shared use agreementnegotiated and approvedwith Big Sky Western Bank(June 2017); Completion ofthe WTI Parking OccupancyStudy on I1/74/L7 isexpected to demonstrateareas where new sharedspace agreements will bemost effective; Shared UseAgreement and GIS Layercomplete 6/1/18; PPM isidentifying several privateparking sites as potentialareas for shared use parkingagreements.PSD, in cooperation with theGIS Department, hascompleted an inventory ofall parking signs and zoneswithin the B-3. Theinventory has been loadedas a map layer to the COB'sGIS viewer, and is availableto the public atOn-going; January bozeman.net . Next step is2019 a Complete to review current situationParking tnventory against desired changes forloaded to GIS modifiying field conditionssystem. as deemed aPProPriate.13 T415L6Rename all publicly owned lotsand garages by address.Upgrade the access/revenuecontrol system at the BridgerGarage.lnstall a vehicle counter systemat Bridger Garage and at theSurface lots.Establish best practice protocolsand performance metrics forexisting enforcement personneland support enforcement withappropriate technology.Dec-18sh/20788lL6lz0tsResolution 2018-06 waspresented and approved at¡he 8/t2/t8 meeting of theBPC.As of 8-16-19, the COB willconsider implementation ofthe new access/revenuecontrol system COMPLETE;t/16lt9 is final debriefsession with vendors and¡nternal team, on-site; PPMis finalizing a contract w¡thPASSPORT labs for mobileapp that will expand abilityto provide timed parkingopportun¡t¡es, expectedpresentation et March BPCmtg.3lL(2OaOOn-Going - ORDf2033 pendingfinal approvalOn-goinglnstallation of vehiclecounting system moved to"Phase ll" of the 2018Parking Technology Project;Phase 2 will includeoccupancy signage on theparking garage &implementat¡on of a MobileParking App as well;Purchase Order for garageoccupancy signage signedt2l26l202o. PPM hasreceived final approval onparking occupancy signsfrom CommunityDevelopment Departmentfor Bridger garage and thesuface lots, project isrestaÊing for¡mplementat¡o n 13 | S lzoliCourt/Appeals Packet(4/17); Uniform Policy(8/17); Enhanced SafetyProcedures; SecurityCamera Policy; LPR Policy;PEO Assigned Routes Policy;Dept. Operations Manualcompleted 4/ 28 / t9t v oiceReco rd e r P olicv '72 / 2ot9l ;Mail Citation Policy(t2/2otsl;T7 182519202L222324Expand bike parking network tocreate connections betweenparking and the downtown toencourage employee bikecommute trips and drawcustomers to downtownbusinesses.Explore changes to ex¡st¡ngresidential on street oermitprograms and evaluatepotentially implement newresidential parking permitd¡str¡cts in the neighborhoodnorth and south ofthedowntown commercia I district.Evaluate on street pricing in highoccupancy areas.Explore expanding accesscapacity with new parking supplyand/or transitDevelop cost forecasts forpreferred parking supply andshuttle options.Explore and develop fundingoptions.Explore the implementation ofon street pricing.Consider consolidating cu rrentusers of the Carnegie Lot into theBridger Garage. Sell the CarnegieLot to fund acquisition of lbetterlocated parking parcels and/orconstruction of a parking garage.on-golng ,4lu2O2OOn-goingPPM met with City's'bike/pedestrian' consu ltantto open the door forpotentia I new pa rtnerships;follow up planned for Spring20L9No activity at this time.No activ¡ty at this time.No activity at this time.No activity at this time.No activ¡ty at this time.No activ¡ty at this time. 26 ln¡t¡ate new capac¡ty expansion.On-go¡ngTwo separate feasibilitystudies are underuay at thistime 1) feasibility ofaddit¡onal decks to theexisting garage, 2) feasibilityof several new structuredparking s¡tes ¡n thedowntown; Results fromboth studies were released¡n Juneluly 2019, furtherstudy is undelway on thetwo best options for newparking capac¡ty fac¡l¡t¡es ¡nthe B-3;