HomeMy WebLinkAbout03_SP1_Project Narrative_09.25.2018 RC Architectural Submission 09.19.2018 RC Architectural Submission 09.25.2018 SOUTHSIDE LOFTS PROJECT NARRATIVE SEPTEMBER 19, 2018 115 E. OLIVE ST. BOZEMAN, MT 59715 115 E. Olive St. Bozeman, MT 59715 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................................................................................................. 2 PROJECT SUMMARY ...................................................................................................................................................................... 3 SITE CONTEXT ................................................................................................................................................................................ 4 DESIGN ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 6 CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................................................................................. 10 115 E. Olive St. Bozeman, MT 59715 3 PROJECT SUMMARY Introduction Bozeman Montana is a truly special place, a place loved by all walks of people that live here. It is more than just the city that one lives in, but a place to enjoy, to recreate, to be involved in, and a place to love. In the heart of Bozeman, the Downtown area is a thriving center of residential and local business all tied together in a walkable setting. We are excited to propose a 16 unit residential project that will add valuable residential housing to the South Village in the Downtown district at 115 E. Olive Street. By use of green decks, exterior circulation, and adequate parking, the project responds sensitively and respects the context of the neighborhood. We have listened to the public opinions and comments that were expressed during the Black Olive project and the expressed community ideals are reflected in this project. The Southside Lofts will bring quality affordable residential units, designed for people already living in the vally, to Bozeman’s downtown area and will reinforce the values that make the downtown area unique 115 E. Olive St. Bozeman, MT 59715 4 SITE CONTEXT Location The project is located on a narrow infill lot in the interior of the block on Olive between Black Ave and Bozeman Ave. The surrounding area is primarily single family residential and historic multi family. The project site is 780 feet from a transit stop and 500 feet to the center of downtown. Site Context 1. 115 E. Olive is a small infill lot on the interior of the block between Black Ave. and Bozeman Ave. There is no existing alley in the block and the only feasible 115 E. Olive St. Bozeman, MT 59715 5 access to the interior lot is off Olive Street. The Block Design makes it infeasible to provide alley access. 2. The neighborhood is primarily residential with a close vicinity to the Downtown commercial corridor and Transit. 3. The Historic Blackmore is located on the west side of the block. The Blackmore is a 3.5 story multi-family building built in 1913. It stands about 35’-0” tall. On the east end of the block are three charming single-family homes. 4. On the south side of Olive, the Black Olive project will be starting construction this summer. The Black Olive project is a 47 unit apartment building with commercial and parking on the first level. It is roughly 65 feet high. The parking access is off Olive street and lines up about center the Southside Lofts infill lot. 5. Behind the Southside Lofts is the existing Big Sky Bank Property. There is no access to the lot from this property. 115 E. Olive St. Bozeman, MT 59715 6 DESIGN The Southside lofts is a contemporary building utilizing traditional and local materials. Green gardens spaces and planted walkways are integral in the circulation of the design and provide beautiful public green spaces for the residents. The contemporary design of the Lofts will provide an appealing contrast of old vs. new with the neighboring Historic Blackmore. Its warm, local materials and integral gardens will bring the context and beauty of the neighborhood throughout the whole site. Architecture The main entrance is through a covered stair lobby which leads you up the private open space platform. The parking level also contains recreational storage lockers for the tenants. All units share access to the second floor private open space platform. The second floor private open space is a mix of private space and public circulation with gardens and interactive spaces. The green deck is accessed by two stair cases on each end allowing for pedestrians and vehicle traffic to easily access the units. There are twelve single bedroom units and four 2 bedroom units. They all have access to private patios, open space or roof decks to comply with the B3 design standards and zoning. Recreation Bozeman is home to recreation and is integral within our lives. The Southside Lofts consist modest small apartments and spaces that focus on allowing the tenants living in above average density space to store recreational items. The use and storage of recreational items is celebrated throughout the design. There is kayak storage on the east side of the building and there is a bicycle garage and storage that is transparent to the street. Also provided are storage cubbies in the parking area for tenant’s recreation items such as skis, fishing equipment, etc.. Mass and Scale The Southside lofts provides residential density to the downtown are with sensitivity to the surrounding neighborhood. The project has a floor to area (FAR) ratio of 2.1 which provides residential housing without the towering large-scale mass of recent projects such as Black Olive with a FAR of 3.74. The building sits on top of a parking structure that is hidden behind lobby and commercial space, focusing on the pedestrian and bicyclist nature of the street. The east face of the building faces single family one story homes. To soften and minimize the impact to the eastern neighbors, the east side of the structure is limited in height 115 E. Olive St. Bozeman, MT 59715 7 and the masses are broken up with garden patios to provide relief and vegetation in the façade. As the masses move closer to the larger scale Blackmore building to the west, they grow in scale and height. The west side of the building is 3 stories tall and the same height as the existing Blackmore. On top of the 3rd stories are alternating patios with 4th story lofts to minimize the impact on the Bozeman skyline. The building has a maximum height of 48’-0”. Building Quality The Southside lofts uses a wide variety of quality, high performance and durable materials. The Southside Lofts uses a variety of materials to create visual interest and support the high quality of downtown. The base of the building consists of a sandstone brick to provide a heavy permanent base commonly found in traditional projects. The brick along the street is broken up by large storefront glazing. Select masses of the building are made up of an Accoya wood slat which ties in the natural side of Bozeman and provides depth and warmth into the project. Vertical steel panels make up much of the project creating a modern contrast to the other materials. The steel panels are also weather resistant. In between the steel faces are horizontal wood siding. Board-form concrete makes up the foundations on the interior of the lot and the railing are made of a dark color steel. The structure of the building will utilize CLT (cross laminated timber). CLT is a renewable resource and aesthetically pleasing. Building Roof Form The Southside Lofts utilizes flat roof forms to minimize impact on the Bozeman Skyline. The roof masses are alternated to provide interest and allow units daylight, private patios and cross ventilation. There are also cantilever overhangs to express materials to the street level and create weather protection for private areas. Site Design The building street façade sits 1’-0” back from the property line to create a strong emphasis on the pedestrian street level. Both sides of the building are stepped back 10’-0” from the property line to create a buffer zone between the existing residences. This buffer zone will be a landscaped with drought resistant plants and walkways to create interesting spaces for the tenants of the Southside lofts and the Historic Blackmore. These pathways will also create private shortcuts to downtown and the transit stop. There are private gardens along the west alley that encourage pedestrians to use as circulation to the downtown areas. The public spaces are utilized as circulation and roof decks. 115 E. Olive St. Bozeman, MT 59715 8 Parking and Vehicle Access The only feasible access for vehicles is located along Olive Street frontage. There are no existing alleys or easements that allow for vehicles to access the interior of the lot. The use of subgrade parking next to the Historic Blackmore building is problematic. We have determined on grade covered parking is the best solution. The building will be built above a heavy timber parking garage on the ground level. Facing Olive street is a commercial space and a non-residential entry lobby. The parking is not located along the front façade. Access to the parking behind these spaces is achieved by a small entry between them. This space accounts for 18% of the street façade area and minimizes emphasis on parking. This access also lines up with the access to the future Black Olive project. The covered parking contains 16 spaces. With the transit reduction the project requires 15 parking spaces per the designated B3 zoning. 16th parking space 115 E. Olive St. Bozeman, MT 59715 9 Signs 1. Commercial and mixed-use project should include a variety of creative and clear signage. Areas for future commercial signage identified on elevations. 2. There is no sign for the Southside Lofts planned at this time. Utilities We have worked closely with Northwestern Energy to design the utility layouts to work with the surrounding lots and this property. The Trash dumpster located in the Big Sky Western Bank will be relocated to the front alley between the Historic Blackmore and the Southside lofts. We have worked with Kevin Handelin at Bozeman Waste Management to facilitate this. Landscape Design Due to the lack of architect licensure requirements for architectural submittals we will not be providing a landscape plan. Given that landscaping is not a requirement within the B3 zoning district we will not be submitting a landscape plan. All Landscapi8ng on the project is private planters and is prevue to the resident control and discretion. Site Furniture Site furniture will be minimal and will not impede the ability to interpret the historic character of the area. Block Frontage Standards (Mixed) The Southside Lofts Block frontage designation is Mixed. The project will have storefront windows for the commercial and nonresidential spaces on the sidewalk edge and residential above. Building Placement a. The building edge is placed up to the sidewalk edge Façade Transparency a. The commercial storefront meets the design standards with 61% transparency, weather protection averaging 5’-0” in depth along 80% of the façade, and a 15’-0” first level height. b. The Non-residential use has a min. of 40% glazing on the ground floor and weather protection. c. The residential levels above have a transparency of 15.8% 115 E. Olive St. Bozeman, MT 59715 10 Site planning and Design Elements Balconies a. Balconies facing the street are within 15’-0” of property line and include a steel railing that is over 50% opaque Light and air access along side and rear property lines a. All units are placed 10’-0” from the side and rear property lines and all have transparency, cross ventilation and egress on an at least two additional faces Non-motorized circulation & design a. All internal pathways and circulation meets design standards in UDC. One-Site Residential Space Plase see sheet A001 Location of Design and Service Areas of Mechanical Equipment a. Trash service location has been coordinated with City of Bozeman. All utilities and trash enclosures are screened by steel gate. b. Mechanical units are in unit and screened by vent. c. Meters are screened along the back of property. Building Design Building design complies with UDC Deviations: Per the recommendations of the Planning department and as discussed with engineering and planning staff, comment #5 Bozeman Response to application 115 E. Olive St. Bozeman, MT 59715 11 18261_submitted June 11 2018 - dated July 11th 2018, this application is requesting a deviation from the sections 38.230.100.A.6 and 7. The drive isle proposed is 15’0” wide. From a planning perspective there has been a tremendous amount of attention regarding the width and location of the entrance to our parking garage. The submitted elevations and the site plans shows the design that the planning department is in support of. We as the applicant are also in support of planning departments proposal. The current egress/ingress at this current location is less than 15’-0” and has been functioning well historically. In condition 5 of the report planning mentioned that a 24-0” drive aisle is required, but that they recommend we create a drive aisle that is 15’-0” and seek an access deviation. Per BMC 38.200.010.D.10 we are requesting a modification to reduce the width of the drive aisle from 24-0” to 15’-0”. The standard is drive access width found in section 38.400.010.C. Modifications of this standard are allowed by Section 38.200.010.D. and E. City Engineer and Public Works Director authority. To ensure the public heath and safety, please see the two methods of pedestrian and motor vehicle devises. These devises that will allow for the safety of the pedestrian and the motorist alike. Item one is mirrors positioned to complete the street vision triangle. See A202 Item two is the vehicle sensor that will notice the pedestrian of on coming vehicle exiting the parking area. See EL 102 The request is based preserving the overall historic charter as compared to the required drive isle width. The believe is this will be a improvement to the design and the charter of the street scape. Lighting Please see photometric plans to show light exterior light coverage per the 2012 UBC across the site. Lighting does not exceed .3 on to adjacent properties. Parkland Dedication 115 E. Olive St. Bozeman, MT 59715 12 CONCLUSION Think Tank Design Group is excited to present the proposed Southside Lofts for your review. By listening to the community and though extensive site research we are confident the Southside Lofts will be an example for well designed infill that reinforces Downtown Bozeman’s amazing culture.