HomeMy WebLinkAboutBlackmore Bend Architectural GuidelinesBlackmore Bend Architectural Guidelines June 6, 2017 Blackmore Bend Architectural Guidelines Table of Contents Article l: Commercial Design Requirements Page Section A: Zoning 2 Section B: Lot Coverage and Floor Area 2 Section C: Lot Area and Width 2 Section D: Setback Requirements 2 Section E: Building Height 2 Section F: Parking 2-3 Section G: Performance Points 4 Section H: Landscape Requirements 4-6 Section I: Pedestrian Circulation 6-7 Section J: Site Plan Requirements 8 Section K: Lighting Requirements 8-10 Section L: Signage Requirements 10 Section M: Building Design Criteria 11-14 Article ll: Plan Submission Requirements Section 2.01: Sketch Plan Submittal 14-15 Section 2.02: Construction Plan Submittal 15-16 Section 2.03: Review Process 16 Form A: Sketch Design Review Application 17 Form B: Construction Design Review Application 18 Blackmore Bend Architectural Guidelines Page 2 of 18 Blackmore Bend Architectural Guidelines Article I. Commercial Design Requirements A. Zoning 1. B-2 Commercial a) City of Bozeman – Unified Development Code (UDC)– “The intent of the B-2 community business district is to provide for a broad range of mutually supportive retail and service functions located in clustered areas bordered on one or more sides by limited access arterial streets.” 2. Allowed Uses: a) The allowed uses within Blackmore Bend shall coincide with the then current allowed uses within the B-2 Commercial Zoning designation and defined in the City of Bozeman UDC. This shall include conditional uses and accessory uses. B. Lot Coverage and Floor Area 1. The entire lot, exclusive of required yards, easement and parking, may be occupied by the principal and accessory buildings. Parking requirements can be met by shared parking. a) Common open area for accessory and shared parking and the central pedestrian access way are excluded from the individual lots. C. Lot Area and Width 1. There is no minimum lot size required. D. Setback Requirements 1. Minimum front, side and rear yard setbacks shall conform to the then current City of Bozeman UDC. E. Building Height 1. The heights of all commercial structures are subject to the restrictions as identified in the then current City of Bozeman UDC. F. Parking 1. Minimum Parking Requirements - The minimum parking requirements of each phase and each subsequent proposed use shall conform to the then current requirements as outlined by the City of Bozeman in the UDC. 2. It is intended that Blackmore Bend utilize a shared parking arrangement among all users and or tenants per the then current City of Bozeman UDC subject to the phasing of the development and ultimate uses identified. All users and or tenants of the development shall agree to enter into a long- term joint use agreement with a common area maintenance agreement satisfying the minimum requirements as outlined in the UDC. Blackmore Bend Architectural Guidelines Page 3 of 18 Example of Building placement and parking lot size and break-up. 3. Minimum parking requirements may be reduced per the conditions outlined in the UDC. a) Gross floor area calculation may exclude the following items: (1) Window display areas; (2) Storage areas; (3) Areas used for incidental repair of equipment used or sold on the premises; (4) Areas occupied by toilets and restrooms, kitchens or break rooms; (5) Areas occupied by public utility facilities; (6) Areas occupied by dressing rooms, fitting or alteration rooms incidental to the sale of clothing; (7) Areas occupied by stairways and elevators; (8) Corridors connecting rooms or suites of rooms; and (9) Enclosed areas used for parking vehicles. 4. Large unbroken expanses of parking have been discouraged in the design of Blackmore Bend. Appropriate parking lot sizes shall be less than 1/2 acre in size or if greater, each parking lot shall be divided into smaller parking fields with appropriate screening between each field. Final parking field designs shall incorporate appropriate levels of screening through the use of building placement in relationship to the parking field or through the use of landscaping elements to include plantings and/or landscape mounds. Blackmore Bend Architectural Guidelines Page 4 of 18 G. Performance Points and Open Space Requirements 1. Objective – Blackmore Bend is required to meet the minimum required UDC performance points as a commercial development within the East Main Street Entryway Corridor. It is the intent of these guidelines to provide project level guidance on specific performance areas as well as phase level guidance for the use of the developer and the City of Bozeman in evaluating the threshold performance of the project and each phase. a) Additional Open Space (1) One point is allowed for each percent of the project that is provided for non-public open space and one and one quarter point for each percent of the project that is provided as publicly accessible open space. To this end, it is intended that the setbacks along Haggerty Lane, East Main Street, and Highland Boulevard be enhanced in one of the following ways with the intent for the public spaces to be publicly accessible. (a) Pedestrian access points with seating to the multi-purpose path on the east side of Highland and along the western and northern boundary to include enhancements such as fly-rod casting practice areas, patios or other appropriate pedestrian access and gathering areas. The intent is to encourage human level activity in these areas through the creation of engaged activities and gathering zones. b) On Site Storm Water Treatment (1) The project will incorporate a master storm water management system utilizing below grade retention and ultimate discharge to the wetlands located to the east across Haggerty Lane. c) Xeriscaping (1) The use of drought tolerant and vegetation native to Southwest Montana will be strongly encouraged for each phase of development to reduce the need for excessive irrigation to include limitations on the amount of sod to be used in the landscaping plan. d) On Site Recycling Collection Center (1) An onsite recycling collection center can be installed in either phase one, two, or three of the project near the proposed trash container area within any of the designed enclosures. e) Water Use Reduction (1) The use of water reducing plumbing fixtures will be encouraged for each structure within the project to include waterless urinals in public restrooms, low flow shower heads, faucets and toilets. H. Landscape Requirements 1. General Items: a) The views of the mountains from this section of East Main Street shall serve as a primary consideration and amenity for Blackmore Bend enhanced by both the placement of buildings with relationship to each other and design and placement of spaces and windows within the buildings, (particularly on the upper levels). Access to exterior spaces and pedestrian ways along the northern and eastern boundary, as well as thoughtfully placed pedestrian nodes with connectivity Blackmore Bend Architectural Guidelines Page 5 of 18 to the interior of the project through appropriately placed walkways will assist in making these inspiring views a compliment to the site. b) Landscape design should consider and implement sustainable practices which may include but are not limited to native grasses, trees and shrubs that can survive and thrive in the regional climate conditions of Southwest Montana without excessive irrigation or fertilization. Placement and orientation of landscaping elements should also be considered against potential benefits to the heating and cooling loads of buildings. c) Emphasis should be placed on creating an active pedestrian zone along the street frontages and pedestrian corridors throughout Blackmore Bend. Landscape design should emphasize building entries. d) In conjunction with the following specific landscape criteria, designers must adhere to the UDC requirements for landscape design. e) Maintenance of all common exterior landscaped areas will be by a common area maintenance agreement to be administered and managed by a professional property services firm. Irrigation for landscaping on individual parcels will be the responsibility of the property owner. f) Each site owner will be required to meet minimum landscape requirements as outlined in this document and the UDC. This will include, but is not limited to: street trees, accent canopy trees, shrubs, mixed planting beds, and turf lawns. 2. Standard Criteria a) Each commercial lot must be landscaped to achieve at least the minimum point requirements identified by the UDC. b) Building entries addressing public street R. O. W. should be emphasized with accent deciduous trees and/or planting beds. c) Parking lot landscaping must meet at least the minimum criteria identified by the UDC. d) Building perimeters, where appropriate, shall have planting beds installed to a minimum width of three feet (3 ft) or depth of roof eave overhang, whichever is greater. (1) Planting beds may undulate to match adjacent grade contours or building shape. (2) Planting beds shall have aluminum, steel or concrete mow edge installed. (3) Planting beds shall be covered with earth tone washed rock or mulch. (4) Planting beds should be planted with plants that offer seasonal color. Perennial flowers and flowering shrubs are encouraged. Evergreen shrubs may be integrated in the planting scheme, but should not be primary planting material. (5) Small accent trees may be installed in mow edge areas where the planting bed is a minimum of ten feet deep. Accent trees species shall be selected so they will not grow to encroach on the building. (6) Planting beds shall tie to exterior walks and patios in a logical way. This may require planting bed shape to be manipulated at these locations. Blackmore Bend Architectural Guidelines Page 6 of 18 e) Entry drives into commercial parking areas shall be emphasized with planting beds providing seasonal color. Planting material shall be chosen to minimize impact on sight triangle for vehicles. f) Buildings fronting on Main Street shall be designed to encourage pedestrians to linger along this frontage. (1) Street trees shall be installed in plaza walkways at forty feet (40 ft) on center. These trees shall be deciduous trees that will form a defined canopy no taller than thirty feet at maturity. (2) Planting beds shall be installed along building frontage between entry locations where appropriate. (a) Planting beds must be a minimum of three feet in depth. (b) Planting beds shall be covered with earth tone washed rock or mulch. (c) Planting beds shall be planted to add seasonal color to entry areas. I. Pedestrian Circulation 1. Objectives a) Although Blackmore Bend will be accessed primarily by automobile, pedestrian accessibility to the project and circulation within the project must be given adequate thought through each phase of the project. (a) Access through the site shall cross the street and continue along the multi-purpose path along the western boundary of the Blackmore Bend. The shared internal walkways will be constructed in phases to coincide with the phasing plan of Blackmore Bend and per the agreed upon terms between the developer and the City of Bozeman. (2) Interior Pedestrian Circulation (a) All interior pedestrian circulation within the project should be designed and constructed with proper consideration to both access between buildings and businesses within Blackmore Bend, but also clear and safe connections to Main Street, Haggerty Lane and Highland Boulevard. Appropriate connection points would include, but not be limited to the following: (i) Internal pedestrian plaza and the bus stop. Examples of pedestrian plazas accommodating both commercial and public use. Blackmore Bend Architectural Guidelines Page 7 of 18 (ii) Multi-purpose path along Highland Boulevard. (b) Where possible, all interior pedestrian circulation should be designed with a landscaping boulevard either between the sidewalk and the adjacent parking or a boulevard between the road and the sidewalk. All crosswalks internal the project should be constructed with an alternative surface and/or color to highlight the location of the cross walks. An example of a delineated crosswalk of an internal pedestrian sidewalk. Blackmore Bend Architectural Guidelines Page 8 of 18 J. Site Plan Requirements 1. Orientation of Structures a) Accessory activities, which include commercial loading and unloading, material storage, refuse collection and ground mounted mechanical, should be located at the rear of the building when possible. These areas should be appropriately screened or integrated into the design of the main structure. Examples of refuse collection and accessory activities screening. K. Lighting Requirements 1. Exterior Lighting a) Outdoor or exterior lighting should ensure that functional and security needs are met in ways that do not adversely affect the adjacent properties and neighborhoods. b) Public street lighting, if provided, shall meet the requirements of the City of Bozeman. c) Colored lighting or variable intensity lighting is prohibited. (1) No blinking, flashing or fluttering lights or other illuminated device that has changing lumen intensity, brightness or color is permitted. (2) Temporary holiday decorations are exempt from this requirement. (3) In no case may lights be installed that cause a traffic hazard by simulating traffic control lighting or by causing a glare hazard. d) Lighting Design Standards: (1) All parking lot lighting should utilize LED technologies so as to reduce the energy consumption of the project. When appropriate and feasible, exterior lighting and signage lighting within the project should also utilize LED technologies. (2) With the exception of lighting for public streets, all other project lighting used to illuminate buildings, parking lots, pedestrian walkways, bikeways, or the landscape, shall be evaluated during the architectural review process. All lighting designs shall comply with the standards provided for in the UDC. (3) Maximum lighting levels allowed shall conform to the then current City of Bozeman UDC. Blackmore Bend Architectural Guidelines Page 9 of 18 (4) Building entrances and outside seating areas shall be lighted to emphasize the area. Lights shall define the space without glare or undo reflection on adjacent areas. Building entrances shall be illuminated at an average 5.0 maintained foot-candles. (5) All outdoor lighting shall be designed and located such that the maximum illumination measured in foot-candles at the property line shall not exceed 0.3 onto adjacent residential properties and 1.0 onto adjacent commercial properties and public rights-of-way. (6) Background areas such as parking lots shall be illuminated as unobtrusively as possible to meet the functional needs of safe circulation and protection of people and property. (7) Poles for parking lot lighting shall be no greater than twenty-five feet (25 ft) in height and shall be installed at least three feet (3 ft) outside of the paved area on a pedestal of at least thirty inches (30”) above pavement. (8) All outdoor lighting fixtures shall be designed and installed to comply with the “zero cutoff” standards in the UDC. (9) Except for street lighting, pathway intersection lighting and security lighting, all lighting should be turned off between 11:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. Businesses located in Blackmore Bend that operate during these hours will be granted an exception so long as the lights are only on during the operating hours of the business or when regular employee access is required. (10)Externally illuminated wall-mounted and pole signs shall be lighted by fixtures mounted at the top of the sign and aimed downward with ground-mounted lighting used for monument style signs. Fixtures shall be aimed so as not to project their output beyond the sign. Internally lighted signs may be allowed upon approval of the Blackmore Bend Architectural Review Committee (BBARC) and as further defined under signage requirements. (11)Floodlights, spotlights or any other similar lighting should only be used to accent architectural elements while avoiding the illumination of entire portions of buildings. Where accent lighting is used, the maximum illumination on any vertical surface or angular roof surface shall not exceed 5.0 average maintained foot-candles. (12)Directional fixtures used to illuminate flagpoles (state, United States and/or foreign nations) may project their output beyond the flagpole. (13)Lights that flash, move, revolve, rotate, scintillate, blink, flicker, vary in intensity or color or use intermittent electrical pulsation are prohibited. (14)Translucent awnings and canopies used for building accents over doors, windows, etc., should only be accented with lighting installed above the awning or canopy. (15)The style of light fixture shall be consistent with the style of the architecture and add to the character of the neighborhood. (16)All outdoor lights not necessary for security purposes shall be minimized. Exterior lighting controlled by motion sensors or timed photo sensors are encouraged to limit the amount of ambient outside light during evening hours. Blackmore Bend Architectural Guidelines Page 10 of 18 (17)Exterior lighting shall be incandescent, halogen, metal halide or LED. Low-pressure sodium or mercury vapor lighting may not be used. L. Signage Requirements 1. Purpose: a) The purpose of this section is to identify the criteria for site and building signage in Blackmore Bend. All signage must adhere to the UDC. b) Signage must add to the pedestrian character of the development. Building signs must consider and enhance the pedestrian experience of the buildings. c) Signage must add to the unified character of the development. d) Signage shall have an appropriate level of lighting for the purpose, but be subdued in color and lighting levels so as to not distract from the pedestrian experience or overall character of the project. 2. Site Signage: a) A pole sign may be installed at the mid block entrance to the development on East main and a monument sign installed at the corner of Haggerty Lane and East Main Street and must comply with the standards set forth in the UDC to include lighting and design. 3. Building Signage: a) Building mounted signs must be architecturally appropriate to the building facade. Multiple signs are allowed on a single building but the total area of signage must meet the standards set forth in the UDC. b) Building mounted signs may be lighted by separate accent lighting or by backlighting of individual signage letters. c) Building entrance signage must be integrated into the entry canopy or may be wall mounted near the entry door. Projecting wall mounted signs are acceptable if they are pedestrian in character and add to the visual interest of the building. d) Seasonal or temporary signage adhered or painted inside business windows is allowed. e) Informational signage (i.e.: business hours, phone number, etc.) may be painted or adhered to entry door glazing or business windows. Scale of signage must be three inches in height or less. Blackmore Bend Architectural Guidelines Page 11 of 18 M. Building Design Criteria 1. Purpose a) The purpose of the following architectural design criteria is to provide architects with a basic framework to organize individual building designs. The character of Blackmore Bend is to acknowledge contemporary regional architectural features appropriate for the community and the neighborhood. Bold exterior expression of the interior space volumetrics is encouraged (see illustration in 2.e below) Proper respect should be made to enhance the pedestrian experience with commercial architecture to a human scale. b) All proposed construction must be submitted for review to the Blackmore Bend Architectural Review Committee (BBARC). This review is to assure proposed designs meet all criteria and that they adhere to the envisioned character of the development. (Please see Submittal Forms attached hereto). 2. Architectural Character a) The commercial structures are envisioned to acknowledge the commercial nature of the development. The structures should present a modern interpretation of traditional architectural elements appropriate to the region and community. Creative architectural design with bold expression of the geometric volumes and spaces within each building is strongly encouraged. b) Structure design must consider interaction with other structures in the complex. Orientation of building, location to entries, building landscaping, location of mechanical equipment, etc., must consider other structures and potential future development. c) Commercial structures must enhance the pedestrian character of the development. Buildings must address adjacent streets with building entries, as well as accessory parking lots. Pedestrian scale must be considered in building form and detailing. d) Exterior finish materials for structures must complement other structures in the complex. Creative use of durable materials is strongly encouraged. e) Walls and Facades Each structure face shall be designed to create a unified image for the building with strong geometric volumes reflecting the spaces within. Detail that adds character is strongly encouraged and should be maintained on all wall faces. Creative use of materials is also encouraged. Walls and facades must meet the following criteria: (1) All facades of a structure shall be finished with materials consistent with and the complex and detailed to create a unified image for the entire development. (2) Building walls shall be clad in masonry, cement panels, architectural metal or other similar commercial character finish material. (a) Wood finish materials may be considered on a case by case basis. In general, residential detailing is discouraged. (b) Other wall finish material may be submitted to for approval. Material must add to the overall character of the structure and may not detract from the character of the complex. Blackmore Bend Architectural Guidelines Page 12 of 18 An example of intended use of geometric volume and materials. (3) Material colors should be tones appropriate for the region and the community. Accent colors shall not detract from overall appearance. (4) Variation in wall surface is strongly encouraged. The use of recessed or projecting wall areas, and wall offsets adds to the texture of the wall, and creates character in the structure. (5) Transitions in wall finish material must occur at an inside building corner. Wall finish material should not end at an exposed outside corner. (6) Material changes that occur over the height of the wall shall be emphasized with detail in the wall finish material (i.e., an accent band, or variation in brick coursing). (7) Second or third level exterior decks shall not extend beyond the building face. Decks must be integrated into the building form. (a) No deck may be continuous for more than one third (l/3) of the associated wall face*. (*Wall face measured along wall segments adjacent to deck on same level as deck.) (8) Designs that do not achieve these design criteria may be submitted for review to the BBARC. Each design will be reviewed on its own merit and whether or not it complements the vision of the development. f) Roofs The roof elements create the three-dimensional texture of the streetscape. Variation in roof form, height and detail is encouraged. Creative manipulation of building form will add to the An example of changes in wall surface materials. Blackmore Bend Architectural Guidelines Page 13 of 18 building character and add to the aesthetic impact of the project. Roof design must meet the following criteria: (1) Flat roofs are strongly encouraged, but sloped roofs will be considered on a case-by-case basis: (a) Horizontal planes of flat roof must be broken with an elevation change, integrated with another roof form, integrated with a skylight system, or be visually broken with parapet manipulation. (b) If sloped roof elements are utilized they shall be shed, gable or hip form. (2) Exposed roof slopes shall be clad with asphalt/fiberglass shingles, natural slate, artificial slate, cement shingles, or pre-finished metal. Colors shall be natural earth tones. (3) Dormers and projecting roof elements are encouraged. (4) Mechanical equipment, plumbing vents, furnace and boiler flues and all other associated mechanical penetrations may be located on sloped roof planes facing a public R.O.W. but minimized and integrated into the overall design of the project. (a) Routing of mechanical items is strongly encouraged to be consolidated to minimize the number of roof penetrations. (b) Creation of false chimney elements to contain flues, vents, and other mechanical penetrations is strongly encouraged for structures with sloped roofs. Consolidation of flues, vents and other mechanical penetrations are encouraged so as to limit the number of false chimney elements. (c) Vents and pipe penetrations on sloped roofs shall be painted to match roof. (5) All roof mounted mechanical equipment must be screened from view. (a) Screen assembly shall integrate with building design through material and form. (b) Extended wall parapets will suffice for equipment screen if no part of equipment is visible from any public R.O.W. adjacent to the site. (6) Although sloped roofs are not anticipated, if proposed they will be evaluated on a case by case basis. In such an event, the same level of screening, at a minimum, will be required as the example to the right illustrates (7) Sloped roofs that terminate in a parapet wall are not required to meet minimum eave extension. An example of HVAC and mechanical screening that compliments the base materials of the structure. Blackmore Bend Architectural Guidelines Page 14 of 18 (8) Designs that do not achieve these design criteria may be submitted for review by the BBARC. Each design will be reviewed on its own merit and whether or not it complements the vision of the development. Article II. Plan Submission Requirements A. Sketch Plan Submittal 1. Sketch plan submittals are required for all projects within Blackmore Bend. Sketch plan review will verify that site setback requirements have been met and that all designs reflect the design requirements outlined in the architectural guidelines. 2. All sketch plan submittals must include the following: a) Form A (See Page 17) fully filled out and signed. b) The following drawings on a minimum 11" x 17" sheet (maximum drawing size is 30" x 42"). (1) Site Plan showing the following: (a) Drawing scale and north arrow. (b) Property lines and setbacks. (c) Building footprint(s), including attached porches, decks, etc. (d) Dimensioned driveways, walkways and surface patios. (e) Approximate elevation of building first floor and elevation of street at access point. (f) Approximate site grading. (g) Conceptual drainage plan. (h) Conceptual landscape plan. (2) Floor Plans (1/8" = 1’-0" minimum scale) showing the following: (a) Overall building dimensions. (b) Building footprint square footage and total square footage. (c) Rooms labeled and interior dimensions noted. (d) All window and door locations shown. Door swings shown. (e) All floor and roof overhangs shown and noted. (3) Elevations (1/8" = 1’-0" minimum scale) showing the following: (a) Principal materials depicted and labeled. (b) Floor heights noted. Blackmore Bend Architectural Guidelines Page 15 of 18 (c) Porches and decks shown accurately with associated stairs, railings and other details. (d) Overall building height and Roof pitch(es) indicated. B. Construction Plan Submittal 1. Construction plan submittals are required for all projects. This review verifies each design meets the requirements of the architectural guidelines. In addition, this review is to verify comments made during sketch plan review have been incorporated into the final design. 2. All construction plan submittals must include the following: a) Form B (See Page 18) fully filled out and signed, b) The following drawings are required to be on a minimum 11" x 17" sheet (30" x42" maximum sheet size). (1) Site plan showing the following: (a) Drawing scale and north arrow. (b) Properly lines and setbacks with dimensions. (c) Building footprint square footage and dimensioned location on the property. (d) Identification of all elements that encroach into a setback (even if specifically allowed by the architectural guidelines). (e) Locations, material and dimension of all surface paving. (f) Utility connections to structure. (g) Location of any ground mounted mechanical equipment. (h) Location of garbage dumpster locations (commercial projects). (i) Storm water plan with associated calculations. (j) Site grading. (k) Site lighting including detail of proposed lights. (2) Landscape plan showing planting scheme and identifying planting material and standard instruction details. (3) Floor plans showing the following: (a) All floor plans fully dimensioned (1/8" = 1‘0" minimum). (b) Total enclosed square footage noted. (c) Wall and window openings shown and dimensioned. (d) Interior rooms labeled and dimensioned. Blackmore Bend Architectural Guidelines Page 16 of 18 (e) All overhangs (floor and roof) shown and noted. (4) Elevations and sections showing the following: (a) All building elevations (1/8" = 1'0" minimum) depicting materials and detail. (b) Color/material board with samples of proposed materials. (c) All floor heights and maximum building height. (d) A minimum of one full building section at (1/4" = 1‘0” minimum) showing all structural systems. (e) Wall section(s) at porch elements and other protecting elements. (f) Other wall sections as necessary to explain construction. C. Review Process 1. All submittals shall be made by Thursday of each week. Submittals shall be mailed or delivered to: Don Cape, Jr. JWT Companies 1184 North 15th Avenue, Suite 4 Bozeman, MT 59715 2. The BBARC will review submittals during the following week. a) Questions that arise during the review will be addressed in writing to the applicant. b) When the review is complete and the project is accepted, BBARC will forward a letter to the applicant identifying any conditions or corrections required for final approval. c) Final documents incorporating necessary corrections must be submitted to BBARC for approval. The final documents will have an approval stamp affixed to each page. This approval stamp must be affixed to drawings sets submitted to the City of Bozeman for approval. d) lf variances are requested, the request must be made to the City of Bozeman Planning office. The request must be accompanied with an approval letter from the BBARC. e) Commercial office and retail developments must apply for applicable City of Bozeman site plan review as determined by the City of Bozeman Office of Planning and Commercial Development. f) Review and approval by the BBARC does not mean project is exempt from review by the City of Bozeman planning staff. Applicant must submit for City of Bozeman planning approval (commercial development) and building permit. Construction may not occur prior to receiving necessary City of Bozeman Approval. g) No construction may occur until final acceptance is received by the BBARC, and the City of Bozeman Planning and Building Codes divisions. Blackmore Bend Architectural Guidelines Page 17 of 18 Blackmore Bend FORM A SKETCH DESIGN REVIEW APPLICATION LOT NUMBER: Owner: Address: Telephone: FAX: BUILDER: Firm: Address: Telephone: FAX: ARCHITECT/DESIGNER: Firm: Address: Telephone: FAX: LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: Firm: Address: Telephone: FAX: INFORMATION 1. Are any variances from the Blackmore Bend Architectural Guidelines being requested under this application?  Yes  No If yes, please describe the variance and the reason for it. 2. Drawings submitted (please check):  Site Plan  Floor Plans  Roof Plan  Elevations & Sections  Samples & Cut Sheets  Rendered Elevation  Landscape Plan  Signage Details (Commercial only) Submitted by: Date: Signature: Blackmore Bend Architectural Guidelines Page 18 of 18 Blackmore Bend FORM B CONSTRUCTION DESIGN REVIEW APPLICATION LOT NUMBER: Owner: Address: Telephone: FAX: BUILDER: Firm: Address: Telephone: FAX: ARCHITECT/DESIGNER: Firm: Address: Telephone: FAX: LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: Firm: Address: Telephone: FAX: Drawings submitted (please check):  Site Plan  Floor Plans  Roof Plan  Elevations & Sections  Samples & Cut Sheets  Rendered Elevation  Landscape Plan  Signage Details (Commercial only) Submitted by: Date: Signature: