HomeMy WebLinkAbout16530 16531 Blackmore bend drb report 3-22-17DESIGN REVIEW BOARD SITE PLAN STAFF REPORT Application No. 16530 16531 Type Master Site Plan, First Phase Site Plan, CCOA MSP, SP, CCOA Project Name Blackmore Bend, Blackmore Bend Market Place Summary A master site plan application for the phased construction of three commercial mixed use buildings, one existing commercial building and common parking, access and circulation. The site is located at 1324, 1332, 1340 E. Main Street and 203 Haggerty Lane. A first phase site plan application for the construction of a 2 story mixed use building of approx. 40,000 sq. ft. with related site improvements at 1324 East Main Street including a Certificate of Appropriateness review. Zoning B‐2 Growth Policy Community Commercial Mixed Use Size 4 acres Overlay District(s) East Main Street Entryway Corridor Overlay (Class 2) Street Address 1324 East Main Street, Bozeman, MT 59715 Legal Description Tract 1(H‐29), Tract 5C and 5D (H‐29D)Tract 5 Remainder(H‐29) Elks Blub Property Rearrangement SW1/4, S8, T2S, R5E, City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana. Owner/applicant East Main LLC 1184 North 15th Avenue, Suite 4 Bozeman, MT 59715 O‐S Leasing Partners, LP 203 Haggerty Lane Bozeman, MT 59715 Representative Lowell W. Springer, Springer Group Architects, P.C. 626 E. Cottonwood Street, Suite A Bozeman, MT 59715 Staff Planner Brian Krueger Engineer Shawn Kohtz Noticing Public Comment Period Site Posted Adjacent Owners Mailed 1/23/17 to 2/27/17 1/23/17 1/23//17 Advisory Boards Board Date Recommendation DRC 1/18/17 Inadequate DRC 3/22/17 TBD DRB 2/8/17 Continued DRB 3/22/17 Approval Recommendation Conditional Approval Decision Authority Director of Community Development Date TBD Alternatives 1. Recommend approval of the application with the recommended findings conditions and code provisions provided in the staff report; 2. Recommend approval of the application with modifications to the recommended conditions and findings provided in the staff report; 3. Recommend denial of the application based on the Board’s findings of non‐compliance with the applicable criteria contained within the staff report; or 4. With the applicant’s concurrence continue the review of the application with specific direction to staff or the applicant to address specific items. Full application and file of record: Community Development Department, 20 E. Olive St., Bozeman, MT 59715 16530, 16531 Staff Report for Blackmore Bend Master Plan and Blackmore Bend Marketplace Site Plan Page 1 of 13 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD SITE PLAN STAFF REPORT 16530, 16531 Staff Report for Blackmore Bend Master Plan and Blackmore Bend Marketplace Site Plan Page 2 of 13 Review Summary The Design Review Board reviewed the Blackmore Bend, Blackmore Marketplace project at their February 8, 2017 meeting and voted to continue review of the project with specific guidance to staff and the applicant. The applicant submitted a revised design for the project. The revised design must be considered by the Design Review Board and a recommendation must be forwarded to the Director of Community Development. The following changes to the project are related to the Design Review Board consideration of the application: 1. New windows on the north and west elevations of the Marketplace building. 2. New pedestrian connections and crosswalks interior to the site. 3. Revised trash enclosure locations. 4. Revised retaining wall details. 5. Revised parking lot landscaping. 6. New outdoor public space at northwest corner of the Marketplace building. The following guideline topics noted as not being in compliance with the initial design have been addressed to comply with guidelines: outdoor public spaces, building design, building placement, topography, and building mass and scale. We find the project in general conformance to code requirements and design guidelines as described in analysis and findings section of this report. One condition of approval related to the color and materials palette is recommended. The color and material palette provided for the building is limited in the size and scope of the samples provided. The condition of approval is recommend in order to verify conformance with the building elevations. A minimum 12” by 12” sample of the true and full section of storefront glass to be used must be provided to confirm the glass transparency. If alternative types of glass are proposed a sample of each type must be provided. The final appearance of the building can change dramatically based upon final material selection. This condition is recommended related to the COA approval in order to confirm important design elements as the project moves to a finalized design and construction documents. No other unresolved issues remain related to the site, landscape and building design. DESIGN REVIEW BOARD SITE PLAN STAFF REPORT 16530, 16531 Staff Report for Blackmore Bend Master Plan and Blackmore Bend Marketplace Site Plan Page 3 of 13 Project Location DESIGN REVIEW BOARD SITE PLAN STAFF REPORT 16530, 16531 Staff Report for Blackmore Bend Master Plan and Blackmore Bend Marketplace Site Plan Page 4 of 13 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. Prior to building permit approval the applicant must provide one minimum 12” by 12” sample of the full section of all types of storefront or window glass proposed for the Marketplace Building to confirm conformance with the building elevations. ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS Analysis and resulting recommendations are based on the entirety of the application materials, municipal codes, standards, plans, public comment, and all other materials available during the review period. Collectively this information is the record of the review. The analysis in this report is a summary of the completed review. Plan Review, Section 38.19.100, BMC In considering applications for plan approval under this title, the advisory boards and City Commission shall consider the following: 1. Conformance to and consistency with the City’s adopted growth policy (38.01.040 C) Meets Code? Growth Policy Land Use Community Commercial Mixed Use Yes Zoning B‐2, Community Business Yes Comments: The uses are allowed within the zoning district. The property is within the City’s municipal service area and otherwise complies with the goals and objectives of the growth policy. No conflicts between the proposed uses, zoning and the growth policy are identified. 2. Conformance to this chapter, including the cessation of any current violations (38.34.160) Meets Code? Current Violations None Yes Comments: The applicant is advised that unmet code provisions, or code provisions that are not specifically listed as conditions of approval, does not, in any way, create a waiver or other relaxation of the lawful requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code or state law. 3. Conformance with all other applicable laws, ordinances, and regulations (38.01.080) Meets Code? Conflicts None Yes, with correction Condominium ownership No NA Comments: A subdivision exemption application is required to be approved to reconfigure the existing lots to conform to the site layout. The plans will be evaluated against the requirements of the International Building Code (IBC) during building permit review. The applicant must provide professional services for construction inspection, post‐construction certifications from their project professionals that the project was constructed according to plan and specification. 4. Relationship of site plan elements to conditions both on and off the property (38.19.100) Meets Code? Neighborhood Compatibility Yes Design and arrangement of plan to produce an efficient, functionally organized and cohesive development Yes DESIGN REVIEW BOARD SITE PLAN STAFF REPORT 16530, 16531 Staff Report for Blackmore Bend Master Plan and Blackmore Bend Marketplace Site Plan Page 5 of 13 Design and arrangement of plan in harmony with topography, water bodies, vegetation, contributing to the overall aesthetics Yes Conform with local historical or landmark designation requirements, including the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District (NCOD) NA Relationship to other plans (subdivision/master site plan, PUD, etc.) Blackmore Bend Master Plan Yes, but master plan approval pending Comments: The proposed project is compatible with the general pattern of commercial development as the buildings are located at setback lines along the street edge. The parking is internal to the site. The vehicular accesses provide safe and reasonable access to the site. 5. The impact of the proposal on the existing and anticipated traffic and parking conditions (38.24.010 and 38.25.010) Meets Code? Street vision Yes Yes Snow storage Yes Traffic Impact Study / LOS Yes Transportation grid adequate to serve site Yes Yes, with improvements Comments: This project is required to support off‐site improvements to local streets or intersections. Specifically, Section 38.24.060.B.4 states: All arterial and collector streets and intersections with arterial and collector streets shall operate at a minimum level of service "C" unless specifically exempted by this subsection. Intersections shall have a minimum acceptable LOS of "C" for the intersection as a whole. According to City Engineering, the traffic impact study provided for the project indicates that the intersection of Highland Boulevard and East Main Street is operating at a LOS less than “C”. Per that report, the solution to correct the LOS at the intersection is to add capacity in the form of turn lanes and signal modifications. The site plan access configuration onto Highland Boulevard requires that the improvements be constructed at the intersection prior to occupancy of the marketplace building. The applicant is eligible to request concurrent construction of the intersection and the phase one marketplace building. Parking Required Provided (total) Yes Total 226 236 ADA 11 11 Reduction Covered bike parking/showers/changing and transit stop. 20% total Bicycle TBD Yes Comments: Parking requirements are currently met. The application proposes joint use of parking facilities to reduce parking. 6. Pedestrian and vehicular ingress and egress (38.19.100) Meets Code? Safe and easy movement Yes DESIGN REVIEW BOARD SITE PLAN STAFF REPORT 16530, 16531 Staff Report for Blackmore Bend Master Plan and Blackmore Bend Marketplace Site Plan Page 6 of 13 Pedestrian access location(s) Yes Site vision triangles Yes Fire lanes, curbs, signage and striping Yes Vehicle access to site 2 on Haggerty Lane, 1 on Highland Boulevard and 1 on East Main Street Yes, with corrections Special Improvement Districts 0 Waiver NA NA Comments: Vehicular access to the Development is provided through four access points. The East Main Street access must be finally approved by the Montana Department of Transportation prior to approval. The Highland Boulevard access requires improvements to the intersection of East Main Street and Highland Boulevard in order to function. Pedestrian access is provided at each drive access location. A pedestrian crossing of Highland Boulevard is proposed at Curtiss Street in order to connect the shared use path on the west side of Highland to the site. Internal pedestrian circulation meets standards. Non‐automotive transportation and circulation systems design features to enhance safety and convenience Yes Adequate connection and integration of the pedestrian and vehicular transportation systems Yes Comments: Pedestrian access to the building and site is supported through the project’s provision of a sidewalk around the full perimeter of the site and with internal sidewalks to connect the buildings and parking areas. Adequate connections within the site are provided. Dedication of right‐of‐way or easements necessary for streets and similar transportation facilities Yes, with corrections Comments: The site is proposed to be reconfigured through a subdivision exemption process to relocate the common boundary lines to accommodate the new site layout. A mutual access and parking configuration is proposed to allow shared access and parking on site. Additional right of way is required at the intersection at Highland Boulevard and East Main Street in order to accommodate the required improvements to the intersection. Utility easements are required to be submitted for water, sewer and private utilities. The project has received code requirement corrections through the Development Review Committee related to these items. 7. Landscaping, including the enhancement of buildings, the appearance of vehicular use, open space, and pedestrian areas, and the preservation or replacement of natural vegetation (38.26.010‐100) Meets Code? Submittal requirements for landscape plans (38.41.100) Yes Mandatory landscaping Yes Yard Yes Additional screening NA Parking lot screening Yes Off‐street loading spaces screening Yes Street frontage Yes Internal Parking lot landscaping Yes Acceptable landscape materials Yes Protection of landscape areas No Irrigation: plan, water source, system type Municipal water, drip & spray Trees for residential adjacency Yes DESIGN REVIEW BOARD SITE PLAN STAFF REPORT 16530, 16531 Staff Report for Blackmore Bend Master Plan and Blackmore Bend Marketplace Site Plan Page 7 of 13 Performance points B2 with residential adjacency 23 Yes City rights‐of‐way and parks Yes Tree plantings for boulevard ROW, drought‐resistant seed Yes Public ROW boulevard strips Yes Irrigation and maintenance provisions for ROW Yes State ROW landscaping Yes Additional NA None NA Fencing and walls YEs Comments: The landscape plan contains all landscaping on the site as required by Bozeman Municipal Code (BMC) and is in compliance with standards. 8. Open space (38.27.020) Meets Code? Enhancement of natural environment NA Wildlife habitat or feeding area preservation NA Maintenance of public park or public open space access NA Recreational area design NA Open space To be provided for future residential units with site plan. Parkland Cash‐in‐lieu for maximum known density not to exceed 12 units/acre (ac.). To be provided for future residential units with building site plan. ac. X units/ac. X 0.03 ac.= ac. Cash donation in‐lieu NA NA Improvements in‐lieu NA NA Comments: The subject proposal does not require open space additional to what is required for required yard, landscaping and entryway corridor requirements. Future residential open space and cash in lieu of parkland dedication will be required with individual site plan for those buildings. 9. Building location and height (38.19.100) Meets Code? B2 Requirements (38.10.030‐.060) Yes Lot coverage 25 % 57,404 footprint /232,026 lot area Allowed 100% (except yards, parking) Height 39’ Allowed 38’ Yes Comments: B‐2 zoning requirements are met for building height by the marketplace building. The market place building utilizes the definition for building height which allows for additional building height where the vertical difference in grade is greater than two feet between opposite elevations of the building. DESIGN REVIEW BOARD SITE PLAN STAFF REPORT 16530, 16531 Staff Report for Blackmore Bend Master Plan and Blackmore Bend Marketplace Site Plan Page 8 of 13 10. Setbacks (38.19.100) Meets Code? Zoning B2 Yards (feet) Structures Parking / Loading Yes Front 25 25 Rear 10 10 Side 5 8 Alley NA NA Watercourse NA Entryway corridor 25 Block Frontage [insert type] NA NA Comments: All setbacks and yard requirements are met. 11. Lighting (38.23.150) Meets Code? Building‐mounted lighting (cutoff and temperature) Yes Site lighting (cutoff and temperature) Yes Minimum light trespass at property line Yes Comments: All light fixtures are full cutoff and the edge of the property shows no light trespass. The project employs LED technology, the City’s recommended bulb type. 12. Provisions for utilities, including efficient public services and facilities (38.21.030, 38.23.050, 38.23.060, 38.23.070) Meets Code? Municipal infrastructure requirements Yes Easements (utility rights‐of‐way etc.) Yes, with corrections Water, sewer and stormwater Yes Other utilities (electric, natural gas, communications) Yes CIL of water Yes with payment Comments: The project is located on parcels of land that are served by municipal infrastructure. Plans were reviewed by the City Engineer and have been found to adequately provide adequate water, sewer and other needed infrastructure. Easements must be executed and recorded to provide access for the public utilities. Irrigation water is proposed to be served by the municipal water system. Per BMC 38.23.070.A.1, the application provides details for the installation of complete municipal water and sanitary sewer system facilities designed in accordance with the requirements of the state department of environmental quality the City’s Design Standards and Specifications. 13. Site surface drainage (38.23.080) Meets Code? Drainage design Yes Stormwater maintenance plan (38.23.030.A) Yes Stormwater feature: landscaping amenity, native species, curvilinear, 75% live vegetation NA Comments: The drainage design is tentatively approved by City Engineering. A combination of site grading, curb and gutter, and subsurface on‐site retention structures located in parking areas will manage stormwater runoff from the site. DESIGN REVIEW BOARD SITE PLAN STAFF REPORT 16530, 16531 Staff Report for Blackmore Bend Master Plan and Blackmore Bend Marketplace Site Plan Page 9 of 13 14. Loading and unloading areas (38.23.140) Meets Code? Loading and unloading Yes, marketplace building Yes Comments: One formal loading and unloading area is required with this project and located at the rear , south side of the marketplace building. 15. Grading (38.23.080) Meets Code? Grading Yes On‐site retention/detention Yes Comments: Moderate grading of the site is anticipated in order to provide proper surface drainage from the site. Grading is approved by City Engineering. 16. Signage (38.28.010) Meets Code? Allowed (sq. ft)/lot 250 NA Proposed (sq. ft) NA Comments: Not required for site plan approval. Signage is proposed via a concrete monument site sign and building wall signage. 17. Screening (38.21.050 and 38.26.050) Meets Code? Mechanical equipment screening Yes, with corrections Additional screening Yes Comments: Mechanical screening is proposed for the market place building in conformance with standards. The trash enclosure screening requirements are met and will be verified prior to occupancy being granted. The parking lots are screened with landscaping from the public streets per code. The project has received a code requirement correction through the Development Review Committee related to the mechanical screen sample. 18. Overlay district provisions (38.16.010, 38.17.010, 38.18.010) Meets Code? Neighborhood Conservation NA Entryway Yes Casino NA Comments: This project is located within the Class 2 East Main Street Entryway Corridor. Staff completed Administrative Design Review to analyze the proposed design’s compliance with the Design Objectives Plan for Entryway Corridors. See the following criteria section for Entryway Corridors for findings. 19. Other related matters, including relevant comment from affected parties (38.40.010) Meets Code? Public Comment 2 Yes Comments: Public notification and comment is ongoing and in accordance with UDC Chapter 38, Article 40. Refer to noticing dates on page 1 of this report. Staff has received 2 public comments on this project to date. The comments related to the design of the marketplace building and request that the store not provide a back of building appearance to the street. The comments also request that building materials be considered for the street facing elevation that will absorb sound from traffic along Highland Boulevard rather than projecting noise into the residential neighborhood to the west. DESIGN REVIEW BOARD SITE PLAN STAFF REPORT 16530, 16531 Staff Report for Blackmore Bend Master Plan and Blackmore Bend Marketplace Site Plan Page 10 of 13 20. If the development includes multiple lots that are interdependent for circulation or other means of addressing requirement of this title, whether the lots are either: Configured so that the sale of individual lots will not alter the approved configuration or use of the property or cause the development to become nonconforming OR Are the subject of reciprocal and perpetual easements or other agreements to which the City is a party so that the sale of individual lots will not cause one or more elements of the development to become nonconforming. (38.23.060) Meets Code? Required Easements and /or boundary aggregation or relocation Yes Yes, with corrections Shared access easement Yes # of lots served 4 Yes, with corrections. Comments: The site is proposed to be reconfigured through a subdivision exemption process to relocate the common boundary lines to accommodate the new site layout. A mutual access and parking configuration is proposed to allow shared access and parking on site. The applicant must provide a right‐of‐way agreement from the MDT for the entrance off East Main Street approving that location. The project has received code requirement corrections through the Development Review Committee related to these items. 21. Compliance with article 43 of chapter 38 of the Bozeman Municipal Code (38.43.010) Meets Code? Affordable Housing NA Yes Comments: This requirement is not applicable to the subject application. 22. Phasing of development (38.41.080) Meets Code? Phasing Yes # of phases 3 Yes Comments: Three phases are proposed. The majority of the site improvements and infrastructure will be installed with Phase 1. Phase 1 will also include the requirements to improve the intersection of Highland Boulevard and East Main Street in order to accommodate the site layout. DESIGN REVIEW BOARD SITE PLAN STAFF REPORT 16530, 16531 Staff Report for Blackmore Bend Master Plan and Blackmore Bend Marketplace Site Plan Page 11 of 13 ENTRYWAY CORRIDOR OVERLAY DISTRICT REVIEW CRITERIA Article 17 of the Bozeman Municipal Code (BMC) sanctions the Bozeman Entryway Corridor Overlay District and specifies the standards for granting Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) approval for new construction within an entryway corridor. According to COA standards, criteria from the 2005 Bozeman Design Objectives Plan for Entryway Corridors have been applied to the subject proposal based upon the character of the development and those aspects that can be seen from a public way. Project Address 1324 East Main Street, Bozeman, MT 59715 Application 16530 16531 Existing Site Conditions The subject lot is vacant. Alterations A master site plan application for the phased construction of three commercial mixed use buildings, one existing commercial building and common parking, access and circulation. The site is located at 1324, 1332, 1340 E. Main Street and 203 Haggerty Lane. A first phase site plan application for the construction of a 2 story mixed use building of approx. 40,000 sq. ft. with related site improvements at 1324 East Main Street including a Certificate of Appropriateness review. Entryway East Main Street Class 2 Design Criteria and Development Standards in Entryway Corridors (38.17.060) Conforms to Design Objectives Plan Yes Conforms to Design Objectives Plan, with Conditions below NA Does not meet Design Objectives Plan, per Comments Yes Conditions No. Standard Condition None NA NA CODE PROVISIONS Per Section 38.01.080 & 38.34.110, the proposed project shall be completed as approved and conditioned in the Certificate of Appropriateness application. Any modifications to the submitted and approved application materials shall invalidate the project's legitimacy, unless the applicant submits the proposed modifications for review and approval by the Department of Community Development prior to undertaking said modifications. The only exception to this law is repair