HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-24-20 City Commission Packet Materials - C2. Res 5136 Intent to Modify SILD 722Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Bernie Massey, Assistant Treasurer Laurae Clark, Treasurer Kristin Donald, Finance Director SUBJECT: Resolution 5136 / Intent to Modify a Special Improvement Lighting District 722 for Meadow Creek Phases 1, 1A and 1B MEETING DATE: February 24, 2020 AGENDA ITEM TYPE: Consent RECOMMENDATION: Approve Commission Resolution No. 5136/Intent to Modify a Special Improvement Lighting District 722 for Meadow Creek Phases 1, 1A and 1B. BACKGROUND: 7-12-4301. Special improvement districts for lighting streets authorized. (1) The council of any city or town is authorized to: (a) create special improvement districts embracing any street or streets or public highway therein or portions thereof and property adjacent thereto or property which may be declared by said council to be benefited by the improvement to be made for the purpose of lighting such street or streets or public highway; (b) require that all or any portion of the cost of installing and maintaining such lighting system be paid by the owners of the property embraced within the boundaries of such districts; and (c) assess and collect such portion of such cost by special assessment against said property. (2) The governing body may create special lighting districts on any street or streets or public highway for the purpose of lighting them and assess the costs for installation and maintenance to property abutting thereto and collect the costs by special assessment against the property FISCAL EFFECTS: As a result of creating this lighting district, the City will pay the associated power bills and schedule system maintenance. We will recover these costs by billing property owners each year on their City Assessment bill. It is estimated to cost $45.92 per acre within the district or $2,549.28 annually for the entire district. The average sized lot is 7,030 square feet, which equates to an annual assessment of approximately $7.42 per lot per year. ALTERNATIVES: As suggested by the City Commission. Attachment: Resolution No. 5136 Report compiled on: February 12, 2020 9 Page 1 of 10 RESOLUTION NO. 5136 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, MODIFYING SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT LIGHTING DISTRICT NO. 722, MEADOW CREEK PHASES 1, LOTS 8-15, BLOCK 5 & LOTS 14-18, BLOCK 9 TO ADD THE REMAINDER OF PHASE 1, 1A AND 1B TO THIS DISTRICT AND DECLARING IT TO BE THE INTENTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION TO MODIFY THE DISTRICT FOR ASSESSING THE COSTS FOR MAINTENANCE AND ENERGY THEREFOR TO BENEFITTED PROPERTY BY THE LEVY OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENT. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission (the “Commission”) of the City of Bozeman (the “City”), Montana, as follows: Section 1 Intention to Modify District 722; Proposed Improvements. It is the intention of this Commission to modify and establish in the City under Montana Code Annotated, Title 7, Chapter 12, Part 43, as amended, a special improvement lighting district to serve Meadow Creek Phases 1, 1A and 1B, (the “District”) for the purpose of paying energy and maintenance costs. The City will maintain and pay energy costs for the modified and unmodified portions of the District. The modified portion of the district is being expanded to include Phases 1A and 1B. The district will pay the maintenance and energy costs for two (2) Philips Gardco Ecoform Series LED fixtures mounted on 25’ tall natural color concrete poles; six (6) LSI Series XBVRD LED 3’ tall bollard pedestrian lights; eighteen (18) Eaton OVH flat glass pulse start metal halide light fixtures mounted on 25’ tall natural color concrete poles; and twenty-four (24) Eaton OVH flat glass 10 Resolution 5136, Intent to Modify SILD 722 – Meadow Creek Phases 1, 1A and 1B Page 2 of 10 pulse start metal halide light fixtures mounted on 35’ tall natural color concrete poles for a total of fifty (50) fixtures. The monthly cost for these fixtures is estimated at $212.44 or $2,549.28 annually. Section 2 Number of District. The District, if the same shall be modified and established, shall continue to be known and designated as Special Improvement Lighting District No. 722 (Meadow Creek Phases 1, 1A and 1B) of the City of Bozeman, Montana. Section 3 Boundaries of District. The limits and boundaries of the District are depicted on a map attached as Exhibit A hereto (which is hereby incorporated herein and made a part hereof). A listing of each of the properties owners in the District is shown on Exhibit B hereto (which is hereby incorporated herein and made a part hereof). Section 4 Benefited Property. The District and territory included within the limits and boundaries described in Section 3 and as shown on Exhibit A are hereby declared to be the special lighting district and the territory which will benefit and be benefited by the maintenance and energy and will be assessed for the energy costs and a portion of the maintenance as described in Section 1. The maintenance and energy, in the opinion of this Commission, are of more than local and ordinary benefit. The property included within said limits and boundaries is hereby declared to be the property benefited by the maintenance and energy provided. Section 5 Assessment Methods. All properties within the District are to be assessed for a portion of the maintenance and energy costs, as specified herein. The maintenance and energy costs shall be 11 Resolution 5136, Intent to Modify SILD 722 – Meadow Creek Phases 1, 1A and 1B Page 3 of 10 assessed against the property in the District benefiting, the actual area method of assessment described in Sections 7-12-4323, MCA, as particularly applied and set forth in this Section 5. The annual maintenance and energy costs are estimated at $2,549.28, and shall be assessed against each lot, tract or parcel of land in the District for that part of the costs that the area of such lot, tract or parcel bears to the total area of all lots, tracts or parcels of land in the District, exclusive of streets, avenues, alleys, parks and open space. The total area of the District to be assessed is 55.52 acres, or 2,418,272 square feet. The initial costs of the Improvements per acre shall be $45.92 or $0.001055 per square foot annually. Section 6 Payment of Assessments. Special assessments for the annual maintenance and energy costs is estimated at $2,549.28, plus any increases, as may be permitted by the Public Service Commission, and any additional authorized charges shall be levied each year against all properties in the District and shall be payable in equal semiannual installments. The first year of special assessment billing will include an additional amount not to exceed $500 for publication and mailing associated with creation of the District, which shall be assessed in the same manner as the Improvements resulting in a cost not to exceed $54.92 per acre, or $0.001261 per square foot. Section 7 Extraordinary Repair or Replacement. The maintenance and energy costs and assessments set forth in Section 1 and 5 are based on normal conditions and do not cover charges for repair and/or replacement. The City may make an additional charge to the District for costs of labor and actual material costs for repairs and/or replacement of the fixtures for damage caused by third parties and not paid by such third parties. The City will assess such costs and charges against the properties in the District in the same manner as the other assessment is made. Section 8 12 Resolution 5136, Intent to Modify SILD 722 – Meadow Creek Phases 1, 1A and 1B Page 4 of 10 Discontinuation of District. If at any time after the initial term of the District a petition is presented to the City Commission, signed by the owners or agents of more than three-fourths of the total amount of property within the District, asking that the maintenance and operation of the special lighting system and the furnishing of electrical current in the district be discontinued, or if a majority of the City Commission votes to discontinue the District, the City Commission shall, by resolution, provide for discontinuing the maintenance and operation of the lighting system. If the Commission has, prior to the presentation of a petition or by a majority vote of the Commission to discontinue the District, entered into any contract for the maintenance and operation of the lighting system, the maintenance and operation may not be discontinued until after the expiration of the contract. Section 9 Public Hearing; Protests. At any time within fifteen (15) days from and after the date of the first publication of the notice of the passage and approval of this resolution, any owner of real property within the District subject to assessment and taxation for the maintenance and energy costs may make and file with the City Clerk until 5:00 p.m., M.T., on the expiration date of said 15-day period (03/16/2020) written protest against the proposed Improvements, or against the extension or creation of the District or both, and this Commission will at its next regular meeting after the expiration of the fifteen (15) days in which such protests in writing can be made and filed, proceed to hear all such protests so made and filed; which said regular meeting will be held on March 23, 2020, at 6:00 p.m., in the City Commission Room of City Hall, 121 N. Rouse Avenue, Bozeman, Montana. Section 10 Notice of Passage of Resolution of Intention. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish or cause to be published a copy of a notice of the passage of this resolution in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation in the county on March 1, 2020 and March 8, 2020, in the form and manner prescribed by law, and to mail or cause to be mailed a copy of said notice to every person, firm, corporation, or the agent of such person, firm, or 13 Resolution 5136, Intent to Modify SILD 722 – Meadow Creek Phases 1, 1A and 1B Page 5 of 10 corporation having real property within the District listed in his or her name upon the last completed assessment roll for state, county, and school district taxes, at his last-known address, on or before the same day such notice is first published. PASSED, ADOPTED, AND APPROVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, at a regular session thereof held on the 24th day of February, 2020. ___________________________________ CHRIS MEHL Mayor ATTEST: ____________________________________ MIKE MAAS City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ___________________________________ GREG SULLIVAN City Attorney 14 Resolution 5136, Intent to Modify SILD 722 – Meadow Creek Phases 1, 1A and 1B Page 6 of 10 CERTIFICATE AS TO RESOLUTION AND ADOPTING VOTE I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting recording officer of the City of Bozeman, Montana (the “City”), hereby certify that the attached resolution is a true copy of Resolution No. 5136, entitled: “A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, RELATING TO SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT LIGHTING DISTRICT NO. 722 DECLARING IT TO BE THE INTENTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION TO MODIFY THE DISTRICT FOR THE PURPOSE OF MAINTAINING LIGHTING AND ASSESSING THE COSTS FOR MAINTENANCE AND ENERGY THEREFOR TO BENEFITTED PROPERTY BY THE LEVY OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENT.” (the “Resolution”), on file in the original records of the City in my legal custody; that the Resolution was duly adopted by the City Commission of the City at a meeting on February 24, 2020, and that the meeting was duly held by the City Commission and was attended throughout by a quorum, pursuant to call and notice of such meeting given as required by law; and that the Resolution has not as of the date hereof been amended or repealed. I further certify that, upon vote being taken on the Resolution at said meeting, the following Commissioners voted in favor thereof:______________________________________ _____________________________________________; voted against the same: _______ ; abstained from voting thereon: ____________ ; or were absent: ___________ . WITNESS my hand officially this 25th day of February 2020. ___________________________________ MIKE MAAS City Clerk 15 Resolution 5136, Intent to Modify SILD 722 – Meadow Creek Phases 1, 1A and 1B Page 7 of 10 TO MODIFY SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT LIGHTING DISTRICT NO. 722 (MEADOW CREEK PHASES 1, 1A AND 1B) CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on February 24, 2020, the City Commission (the “Commission”) of the City of Bozeman, Montana (the “City”), adopted Resolution No. 5136 to modify Special Improvement Lighting District No. 722 (the “District”) for the purpose of maintaining lighting and assessing the cost for maintenance and energy to Meadow Creek Phases 1, 1A and 1B, and paying maintenance and energy costs relating thereto. A complete copy of the Resolution of Intention (the “Resolution”) No. 5136 is on file with the City Clerk which more specifically describes the nature of the costs, the boundaries and the area included in the District, the location of the Improvements and other matters pertaining thereto and further particulars. A list of properties in the District and the amount of the initial assessment accompanies this notice. The Resolution and accompanying exhibits may be also viewed on the City’s website at www.bozeman.net. The district will pay the maintenance and energy costs for two (2) Philips Gardco Ecoform Series LED fixtures mounted on 25’ tall natural color concrete poles; six (6) LSI Series XBVRD LED 3’ tall bollard pedestrian lights; eighteen (18) Eaton OVH flat glass pulse start metal halide light fixtures mounted on 25’ tall natural color concrete poles; and twenty-four (24) Eaton OVH flat glass pulse start metal halide light fixtures mounted on 35’ tall natural color concrete poles for a total of fifty (50) fixtures. The monthly cost for these fixtures is estimated at $212.44 or $2,549.28 annually. All properties in the District will be assessed for their proportionate share of the costs of the Improvements on an “area basis” annually and will be payable in equal semiannual installments. The annual costs of the Improvements are estimated at $2,549.28, and shall be assessed against each lot, tract or parcel of land in the District for that part of the costs that the area of such lot, tract or parcel bears to the total area of all lots, tracts or parcels of land in the District, exclusive 16 Resolution 5136, Intent to Modify SILD 722 – Meadow Creek Phases 1, 1A and 1B Page 8 of 10 of streets, avenues, alleys, parks and open space. The total area of the District to be assessed is 55.52 acres, or 2,418,272 square feet. The initial costs of the Improvements per acre shall be $45.92 or $0.001055 per square foot annually. The annual assessments for costs of the Improvements may be increased as approved by the Public Service Commission and may be increased to cover extraordinary expenses of repair and maintenance. The first year of special assessment billing will include an additional amount not to exceed $500 for publication and mailing associated with creation of the District, which shall be assessed in the same manner as the Improvements resulting in a cost not to exceed $54.92 per acre, or $0.001261 per square foot. On Monday, March 23, 2020 at 6:00 p.m., in the Commission Room at City Hall 121 N Rouse Ave, Bozeman, Montana, the City Commission will conduct a public hearing to hear and pass upon all written protests against the creation or extension of the District, or the Improvements. Written protests against the creation or extension of the District and the costs may be filed by an agent, person, firm or corporation owning real property within the proposed District whose property is liable to be assessed for the costs. Such protests must be delivered to the City Clerk at City Hall, 121 N. Rouse Ave, Bozeman, Montana not later than 5:00 p.m., M.T., on Monday, March 16, 2020. Further information regarding the proposed District or other matters in respect thereof may be obtained from the City Clerk at City Hall, 121 N Rouse Ave, Bozeman, Montana or by telephone at (406) 582-2320. Dated this 25th day of February 2020. _________________________________________ 17 Resolution 5136, Intent to Modify SILD 722 – Meadow Creek Phases 1, 1A and 1B Page 9 of 10 Mike Maas City Clerk Legal Ad Publication Dates: Sunday, March 1, 2020 Sunday, March 8, 2020 18 Resolution 5136, Intent to Modify SILD 722 – Meadow Creek Phases 1, 1A and 1B Page 10 of 10 COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 5136 Resolution of Intent to Modify SILD No. 722 for the purpose of maintaining lighting and assessing the cost for maintenance and energy to Meadow Creek Phases 1, 1A and 1B, and paying maintenance and energy costs relating thereto. AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING STATE OF MONTANA ) : ss County of Gallatin ) Robin Crough, City Clerk, being first duly sworn, says: That I cause to be mailed first class the Notice in regards to the owners in Special Improvement Lighting District No. 722, as listed in Exhibit "B", on Friday, February 28, 2020, directed to the owners at the addresses shown on Exhibit "B". ______________________________ Mike Maas City Clerk Subscribed and sworn before me this 28th day of February, 2020. (Notarial Seal) _______________________________ Printed name ___________________ Notary Public for the State of Montana Residing at: see seal My Commission expires: see seal 19 Gray Basemap 2018 Aerial 2018 Aerial City of Bozeman | MT D 0 300 600ft Tools I want to... Search... Sign in Infrastructure Viewer Page 1 of 1 https://gisweb.bozeman.net/Html5Viewer/?viewer=infrastructure 11/18/2019 20 Acct ID# Lot Blk Address Property Owner Property Owner 2 Mailing City State Zip Code Sq Ft 182440 1 5 3110 Golden Sun Dr Borke, Kimberly A & Baskin, William G 3110 Golden Sun Dr Bozeman MT 59718 9,807 182450 2 5 3122 Golden Sun Dr Stebbins Revocable Living Trust Dated 9-11-2018 3122 Golden Sun Dr Bozeman MT 59718 9,807 182460 3 5 3156 Golden Sun Dr Wishman, John E & Ashley L 3156 Golden Sun Dr Bozeman MT 59718 9,382 182470 4 5 3188 Golden Sun Dr Bradley, Mitchell C & Sherri B 3188 Golden Sun Dr Bozeman MT 59718 8,180 182480 5 5 3200 Golden Sun Dr Hampton, John W & Sharon K 3200 Golden Sun Dr Bozeman MT 59718 12,941 182490 6 5 2616 Golden Sun Dr Poremba, Charles A & Maureen M 2616 Golden Sun Dr Bozeman MT 59718 15,821 182500 7 5 2624 Golden Sun Dr Keshishian, Moira H 2624 Golden Sun Dr Bozeman MT 59718 16,997 229670 8 5 3204 S 26th Ave Tucker, Jeremy Vestal, Amber 3204 S 26th Ave Bozeman MT 59718 7,836 229680 9 5 3210 S 26th Ave Baumann, Brad R & Megan D 3210 S 26th Ave Bozeman MT 59718 7,312 229690 10 5 3222 S 26th Ave Smallen, William Ormond, Paige 3222 S 26th Ave Bozeman MT 59718 6,869 229700 11 5 3230 S 26th Ave Liu Haiyan 6020 Sir George Ln Bozeman MT 59718 7,607 229710 12 5 3238 S 26th Ave Steudel, Krista 3238 S 26th Ave Bozeman MT 59718 7,885 229720 13 5 3244 S 26th Ave Emerson, John M & Julie A 3244 S 26th Ave Bozeman MT 59718 7,881 229730 14 5 3258 S 26th Ave Killian, Mary R PO Box 1794 Bozeman MT 59771 8,247 229740 15 5 3266 S 26th Ave Pacific Commerce Company Inc 3266 S 26th Ave Bozeman MT 59718 7,998 229750 16 5 3274 S 26th Ave Hughes, Stephen M & Kristin M 10318 Parrots Feather Ct Conroe TX 77385 7,889 229760 17 5 3288 S 26th Ave Jones, Jennifer D Metz, Matthew C 3288 S 26th Ave Bozeman MT 59718 9,584 226190 8 4 3161 Golden Sun Dr Wiens, Nathan & Randell 3161 Golden Sun Dr Bozeman MT 59718 9,536 226200 9 4 3201 Golden Sun Dr Osse, James A & Melanie J 3201 Golden Sun Dr Bozeman MT 59718 9,681 226210 10 4 2663 Golden Sun Dr Andres, Denise 1757 Highland Blvd #19 Bozeman MT 59715 9,549 226140 1 4 3150 S 27th Ave Tavormina, Erica L 3150 S 27th Ave Bozeman MT 59718 9,165 226130 2 4 3144 S 27th Ave Thurston, Ryan J PO Box 4820 Bozeman MT 59772 7,920 182430 3 4 3140 S 27th Ave Hoopes, Bridget M 3140 S 27th Ave Bozeman MT 59718 7,614 226150 4 4 2690 W Graf St Bridger Thermodynamics LLC 291 Kimball Ave Apt B Bozeman MT 59718 13,497 226160 5 4 2670 W Graf St Bleile, Shawn P & Lisa M 2670 W Graf St Bozeman MT 59718 7,649 226170 6 4 2650 W Graf St Jackson, Dayton 2650 W Graf St Bozeman MT 59718 7,920 226180 7 4 2630 W Graf St Anderson, Sylvia A 2630 W Graf St Bozeman MT 59718 9,120 229550 29 5 3205 S 26th Ave Niedrist, Skyler 3205 S 26th Ave Bozeman MT 59718 7,852 229560 28 5 3213 S 26th Ave Ollar, William A PO Box 253 Teton Village WY 83025-0253 6,875 229570 27 5 3221 S 26th Ave Thome, Bradley S & Lynne G 3221 S 26th Ave Bozeman MT 59718 6,747 229580 26 5 3229 S 26th Ave Glaspell, Tanya 3229 S 26th Ave Bozeman MT 59718 6,724 229590 25 5 3237 S 26th Ave Koukol, Brian & Jeanne 3237 S 26th Ave Bozeman MT 59718 6,701 229600 24 5 3241 S 26th Ave McKinley, Reid L & Lori A 3241 S 26th Ave Bozeman MT 59718 6,677 229610 23 5 3253 S 26th Ave Knapton, J Roger & Gail M 3253 S 26th Ave Bozeman MT 59718 6,665 229620 22 5 3261 S 26th Ave Tholt, Sharon 3261 S 26th Ave Bozeman MT 59718 6,824 229630 21 5 3273 S 26th Ave Strissel, Joshua J & Katie A 3273 S 26th Ave Bozeman MT 59718 6,799 229640 20 5 3285 S 26th Ave Gordon, Mildred R & Walter L Jr 3285 S 26th Ave Bozeman MT 59718 6,875 229650 19 5 3291 S 26th Ave Feiss, James Austin 3291 S 26th Ave Bozeman MT 59718 6,951 229660 18 5 3297 S 26th Ave Stone, Elizabeth M 3297 S 26th Ave Bozeman MT 59718 7,721 182590 1 6 3121 Parkway Ave Nadlonek, Carol Ann 3121 Parkway Ave Bozeman MT 59718 16,041 182600 2 6 3133 Parkway Ave Berlogar, Frank 3133 Parkway Ave Bozeman MT 59718 14,694 182610 3 6 3147 Parkway Ave Stiff, Tony & Jennifer 1 Annette Park Dr Bozeman MT 59715 12,547 182620 4 6 3209 Parkway Ave Shannon, Sarah E 3209 Parkway Ave Bozeman MT 59718 11,439 182630 5 6 3219 Parkway Ave Bloomer, Gary D & Elizabeth 3219 Parkway Ave Bozeman MT 59718 11,220 182640 6 6 3265 Parkway Ave Parker, Bruce C Allen, Dawn M 3265 Parkway Ave Bozeman MT 59718 12,360 182650 7 6 3297 Parkway Ave Lockwood Kim E Trustee Lockwood Kim E Living Trust 3297 Parkway Ave Bozeman MT 59718 16,902 182800 1 9 3303 Parkway Ave Mathews, Gary D & Gwendolyn R 610 Catalina Blvd San Diego CA 92106-2802 11,859 182810 2 9 3323 Parkway Ave Brown, Robert & Suzann 3323 Parkway Ave Bozeman MT 59718 10,212 182820 3 9 3365 Parkway Ave Kraft, Brian & Kari 3365 Parkway Ave Bozeman MT 59718 11,172 182830 4 9 3383 Parkway Ave Lackey, Jeffrey S & Dacia M 3383 Parkway Ave Bozeman MT 59718 10,963 182840 5 9 3411 Parkway Ave Buerkle, Karen & Bryan 3411 Parkway Ave Bozeman MT 59718 9,466 182850 6 9 3429 Parkway Ave Meeks, Ryan D & Nichole M 3429 Parkway Ave Bozeman MT 59718 10,165 MEADOW CREEK PHASES 1, 1A AND 1B 21 182860 7 9 3443 Parkway Ave Thomas, John Revocable Living Trust 1729 41st St S Great Falls MT 59405 9,637 182870 8 9 3461 Parkway Ave Houser, Justin 626 S Ferguson Ave Ste 1 Bozeman MT 59718 9,819 182880 9 9 3495 Parkway Ave Brandt, Sannah M & Edward M 3495 Parkway Ave Bozeman MT 59718 11,144 182920 10 9 3533 Parkway Ave Johnson, Kevin V & Jennifer R 3533 Parkway Ave Bozeman MT 59718 12,707 182930 11 9 3575 Parkway Ave Robinson, Cory M & Kendra R 3575 Parkway Ave Bozeman MT 59718 12,615 182940 12 9 3589 Parkway Ave Bentley, Brad & Mary 3589 Parkway Ave Bozeman MT 59718 13,807 229780 21 9 3302 S 26th Ave Moltzan, Terry Erickson, Kayla 3302 S 26th Ave Bozeman MT 59718 9,150 229800 20 9 3312 S 26th Ave McCutchon Frances Leong, Loren 3312 S 26th Ave Bozeman MT 59718 7,138 229820 19 9 3320 S 26th Ave Levonas, Michael Sutherland, Sandra 105 Westridge Dr Bozeman MT 59715 6,779 229850 18 9 3334 S 26th Ave Murray Flynn & Casey 3334 S 26th Ave Bozeman MT 59718 7,003 229870 17 9 3346 S 26th Ave Stevens Revocable Trust 3346 S 26th Ave Bozeman MT 59718 7,538 229890 16 9 3356 S 26th Ave Stoltz, Robert L & Vikie 3356 S 26th Ave Bozeman MT 59718 9,711 229910 15 9 3368 S 26th Ave Sweet, Ralph Jr. & Laurie 3368 S 26th Ave Bozeman MT 59718 11,678 229920 14 9 3372 S 26th Ave Miller, Arthur W & Andrea M 15731 Stanwood Cir Anchorage AK 99516-4855 12,128 229950 33 9 2602 Meah Ln Da Silva, Edson Jr Okamoto, Carolina 2602 Meah Ln Bozeman MT 59718-1526 8,749 229960 32 9 2680 Meah Ln Deeter, Trent 2680 Meah Ln Bozeman MT 59718-1526 9,726 229940 31 9 3381 S 26th Ave Givens, Deborah J 3381 S 26th Ave Bozeman MT 59718-7438 7,381 229930 30 9 3373 S 26th Ave Davis, Zachary & Joy 206 James Ave Bozeman MT 59715-9262 6,743 229900 29 9 3365 S 26th Ave Leone, Todd J 3365 S 26th Ave Bozeman MT 59718 7,002 229880 28 9 3359 S 26th Ave Miles, Barry J Jr & Laura A 3359 S 26th Ave Bozeman MT 59718-7438 6,574 229860 27 9 3343 S 26th Ave Barnes, Dan L & Jessica A 5535 Monforton School Rd Bozeman MT 59718-8132 6,504 229840 26 9 3335 S 26th Ave Walnum, Erik & Mollie 3335 S 26th Ave Bozeman MT 59718-7438 6,404 229830 25 9 3323 S 26th Ave Petersen, Lori J 3323 S 26th Ave Bozeman MT 59718-7438 6,505 229810 24 9 3319 S 26th Ave Kadlec, Mallory & Emil A 3319 S 26th Ave Bozeman MT 59718-7438 6,505 229790 23 9 3311 S 26th Ave Dorseth, Lars Altenburg, Sara 3311 S 26th Ave Bozeman MT 59718-7438 6,506 229770 22 9 3305 S 26th Ave Ramus Properties LLC 12267 County Road 348 Sidney MT 59270-6352 7,512 184220 1 10 3301 S 27th Ave Parker, David Hilary Wilson 3301 S 27th Ave Bozeman MT 59718-3715 11,908 184230 2 10 3315 S 27th Ave Sharp, Scott E 3315 S 27th Ave Bozeman MT 59718-3715 10,504 183030 3 10 3333 S 27th Ave Buell, Kae Lynn 3333 S 27th Ave Bozeman MT 59718-3715 12,005 183040 4 10 3373 S 27th Ave Pacich, Kevin & Krista 3373 S 27th Ave Bozeman MT 59718-3715 10,504 183050 5 10 3381 S 27th Ave Homec, Nicholas & Erica L 3381 S 27th Ave Bozeman MT 59718-3715 10,504 183060 6 10 3393 S 27th Ave Baar, Travis 3618 Bungalow Ln Bozeman MT 59715-0685 11,629 183070 7A 10 3409 S 27th Ave Moffet, Douglas C & Jennifer A 3409 S 27th Ave Bozeman MT 59718-3706 11,253 183080 8A 10 3435 S 27th Ave Haugen, Darren J & Melissa P 3435 S 27th Ave Bozeman MT 59718-3706 10,503 183090 9A 10 3461 S 27th Ave England, Tracey Soderstrom, Melanie B & Nichola 3461 S 27th Ave Bozeman MT 59718-3706 10,502 183100 10A 10 3475 S 27th Ave Wier, William C & Sarah J 1034 Boylan Rd Bozeman MT 59715-1503 10,389 208190 11A 10 3487 S 27th Ave Unit 1 Lone Creek LLC 18615 Bernardo Trails Dr San Diego CA 92128 4,820 207860 11A 10 3488 S 27th Ave Unit 2 Lazz, Kerri 3487 S 27th Ave Unit 2 Bozeman MT 59718 5,943 208200 11A 10 3489 S 27th Ave Unit 3 Naumann, Richard & Mary 3487 S 27th Ave Unit 3 Bozeman MT 59718 5,081 183120 1 11 3511 S 27th Ave Havey, Gary D & Donna L 7124 Arrowwood Ln Maple Grove MN 55369 12,001 183130 2 11 3543 S 27th Ave Vaughn, Chad H & Shannon B 3543 S 27th Ave Bozeman MT 59718 11,498 183140 3 11 3581 S 27th Ave Lang, Gerry D & Colette M 3581 S 27th Ave Bozeman MT 59718-3154 12,661 183420 26 10 3306 S 28th Ave Corwin, Noah R & Carrie 3306 S 28th Ave Bozeman MT 59718-3712 7,928 183430 25 10 3314 S 28th Ave Tarkleson, Paul & Lindsay 3314 S 28th Ave Bozeman MT 59718-3712 6,750 183440 24 10 3332 S 28th Ave Morrison, Heath Hosken, Hailey 3332 S 28th Ave Bozeman MT 59718-3712 5,000 183450 23 10 3348 S 28th Ave Letman, Mark D Chang, Ellen 2603 San Antonio Dr Walnut Creek CA 94598-3208 5,000 183460 22 10 3352 S 28th Ave Hancock, Kenneth B 3352 S 28th Ave Bozeman MT 59718-3712 5,000 183470 21 10 3370 S 28th Ave Grant, Kathi 3370 S 28th Ave Bozeman MT 59718-3712 5,000 183480 20 10 3376 S 28th Ave Schnelbach, Justin 3376 S 28th Ave Bozeman MT 59718-3712 5,000 183490 19 10 3388 S 28th Ave Ricardi, Kathryn M 3388 S 28th Ave Bozeman MT 59718 5,000 183500 18 10 3410 S 28th Ave Hamilton, Gay L 3410 S 28th Ave Bozeman MT 59718-3710 5,000 183510 17 10 3422 S 28th Ave Morrison, Josh 3422 S 28th Ave Bozeman MT 59718-3710 5,000 183520 16 10 3442 S 28th Ave Brown, Carol Ann Trust 2247 W Oak St Bozeman MT 59718-6017 5,000 183530 15 10 3450 S 28th Ave Chandler Aces LLC 2002 Knaab Dr Bozeman MT 59715-5974 5,000 183540 14 10 3466 S 28th Ave Hovland, Laura 3466 S 28th Ave Bozeman MT 59718-3710 5,000 22 183550 13 10 3478 S 28th Ave Williams, Christopher K 228 Painted Hills Rd Bozeman MT 59715-8070 5,000 183560 12 10 3494 S 28th Ave Martin, Charles R Paris-Martin, Emily 3494 S 28th Ave Bozeman MT 59718-3710 9,000 183670 11 14 3497 S 28th Ave MC Piper LLC 7177 Jade Hill Ln Bozeman MT 59715-8398 11,550 183660 10 14 3481 S 28th Ave MC Piper LLC 7177 Jade Hill Ln Bozeman MT 59715-8398 7,700 183650 9 14 3469 S 28th Ave Kechely, Troy PO Box 11572 Bozeman MT 59719-1572 7,700 183640 8 14 3435 S 28th Ave Kappes, Julie Q Tip Trust UWD 1/11/05 PO Box 2309 Great Falls MT 59403-2309 7,700 183630 7 14 3405 S 28th Ave Phillips, Gina R & Kenneth J 2380 Astoria Ct Joint Base Lewis McChord WA 98433-1033 8,250 183620 6 14 3399 S 28th Ave Mitchell, Philip & Belinda PO Box 1567 Whitefish MT 59937-1567 8,525 183610 5 14 3389 S 28th Ave Browne, Clint R & Lacy E PO Box 11943 Bozeman MT 59719-1943 7,700 183600 4 14 3373 S 28th Ave Peters, Bradly & Emily 3373 S 28th Ave Bozeman MT 59718-3712 7,700 183590 3 14 3361 S 28th Ave Rockstad, Dona PO Box 1538 Bismarck ND 58502-1538 8,800 183580 2 14 3323 S 28th Ave Sauskojus, Jeremy & Lori 3323 S 28th Ave Bozeman MT 59718-3712 7,700 183570 1 14 3311 S 28th Ave Winnie, Janet R 3311 S 28th Ave Bozeman MT 59718-3712 8,712 183680 22 14 3306 S 29th Ave McQueary, Christopher Schulz, Lara 3306 S 29th Ave Bozeman MT 59718-3711 8,812 183690 21 14 3322 S 29th Ave Polus, Joe Willis, Ann 3322 S 29th Ave Bozeman MT 59718-3711 7,780 183700 20 14 3360 S 29th Ave Potter, Gregg M & Emily B 3360 S 29th Ave Bozeman MT 59718-3711 8,877 183710 19 14 3372 S 29th Ave Broderick, Kevin & Linda 3372 S 29th Ave Bozeman MT 59718-3711 7,755 183720 18 14 3386 S 29th Ave Brown Revocable Family Trust 3386 S 29th Ave Bozeman MT 59718-3711 7,743 183730 17 14 3398 S 29th Ave O'Callaghan, Ryan S & Casey D 3398 S 29th Ave Bozeman MT 59718 8,559 183740 16 14 3406 S 29th Ave Walz, Trevor Wernlund, Hillary 3406 S 29th Ave Bozeman MT 59718-3713 8,263 183750 15 14 3432 S 29th Ave Thane, John & Mary 3432 S 29th Ave Bozeman MT 59718-3713 7,700 183760 14 14 3470 S 29th Ave Real Red LLC c/o Gallardo Trust Co 101 S Main Ave, Ste 301 Sioux Falls SD 57104 7,688 183770 13 14 3480 S 29th Ave MC Piper LLC 7177 Jade Hill Ln Bozeman MT 59715-8398 7,676 183780 12 14 3496 S 29th Ave MC Piper LLC 7177 Jade Hill Ln Bozeman MT 59715-8398 11,492 183860 8 13 3497 S 29th Ave Tucker, Kenneth & Susan 3497 S 29th Ave Bozeman MT 59718-3713 15,950 183850 7 13 3487 S 29th Ave Wilmer, Franke 3487 S 29th Ave Bozeman MT 59718-3713 13,045 183840 6 13 3473 S 29th Ave Roshia, William E Jr Gomez, Michelle 3473 S 29th Ave Bozeman MT 59718-3713 12,984 183830 5 13 3431 S 29th Ave Koscinski, Mark & Martha 3431 S 29th Ave Bozeman MT 59718-3713 12,904 183820 4 13 3389 S 29th Ave Cummins, Jon 236 Moon Beam Ln Belgrade MT 59714-8270 15,318 183810 3 13 3361 S 29th Ave Gunnink, Brett W & Elaine K 3361 S 29th Ave Bozeman MT 59718-3711 15,000 183800 2 13 3335 S 29th Ave Granger, Donald L & Polly Ann 2761 Swanson Way Holladay UT 84117 12,500 183790 1 13 3303 S 29th Ave Screnar, Rachel K Delin, Colter J 3303 S 29th Ave Bozeman MT 59718-3711 13,003 183870 16 13 3308 S 30th Ave Evans, Lee S & Kerry A 3308 S 30th Ave Bozeman MT 59718-3709 15,383 183880 15 13 3328 S 30th Ave Hazel, Stewart J Schlosser, Mary E 3328 S 30th Ave Bozeman MT 59718-3709 15,525 183890 14 13 3354 S 30th Ave Embry Enterprises Inc 3205 Gardenbrook Ln Bozeman MT 59715-0686 16,200 183900 13 13 3390 S 30th Ave Foust, Lucas & Heather 3390 S 30th Ave Bozeman MT 59718-3709 13,255 183910 12 13 3428 S 30th Ave Rus-Ogilvie, Lavonne S & Craig A Ogilvie 3428 S 30th Ave Bozeman MT 59718-3716 13,899 183920 11 13 3466 S 30th Ave Murri, Michal 3466 S 30th Ave Bozeman MT 59715 13,685 183930 10 13 3478 S 30th Ave Haas, Christopher W & Carissa N 3478 S 30th Ave Bozeman MT 59718-3716 13,827 183940 9 13 3494 S 30th Ave Wolfe, Linda A & Terry L 3494 S 30th Ave Bozeman MT 59718-3716 17,050 183410 8 12 3090 Meah Ln Walgren, Scott A & Catherine F 3090 Meah Ln Bozeman MT 59718-1523 12,300 183400 9 12 3004 Meah Ln Hausauer, Matthew & Morgan 3004 Meah Ln Bozeman MT 59718-1523 11,250 183390 10 12 2964 Meah Ln Jay, Lorre 2964 Meah Ln Bozeman MT 59718-1524 12,000 183380 11 12 2948 Meah Ln Buckley, Molly L Trustee 2948 Meah Ln Bozeman MT 59718-1524 11,250 183370 12 12 2926 Meah Ln Ringer, Daniel C & Bethany N 2926 Meah Ln Bozeman MT 59718 11,250 183360 13 12 2918 Meah Ln Schoessow, Bethany J & Forrest Scott 2918 Meah Ln Bozeman MT 59718-1524 9,750 183350 14 12 2906 Meah Ln Mergy, Marc A & Jane C 2906 Meah Ln Bozeman MT 59718-1524 10,950 183280 7 12 6029 Blackwood Rd Doherty L I 6029 Blackwood Rd Bozeman MT 59718-8417 12,300 183270 6 12 6045 Blackwood Rd Ansley, John C & Elizabeth A 6045 Blackwood Rd Bozeman MT 59718 11,250 183260 5 12 6061 Blackwood Rd Laaber, Brooke & Carsten 6061 Blackwood Rd Bozeman MT 59718-8417 12,000 183250 4 12 6075 Blackwood Rd Wilson, Scott L & Valerie J 6075 Blackwood Rd Bozeman MT 59718-8417 11,250 183240 3 12 6089 Blackwood Rd Kubit, Thomas G & Deck, Stacey PO Box 6612 Bozeman MT 59771-6612 11,250 183230 2 12 6101 Blackwood Rd Laskowski, Andrew & Orme, Devon 6101 Blackwood Rd Bozeman MT 59718-7761 9,750 183220 1 12 6115 Blackwood Rd Kruzic, Joseph E Jr & Marlene C 6115 Blackwood Rd Bozeman MT 59718-7761 10,950 183210 10 11 6157 Blackwood Rd Burgard Living Trust Jessica D Burgard 6157 Blackwood Rd Bozeman MT 59718 9,750 23 183200 9 11 6169 Blackwood Rd Wiechmann, Steven J & Reily, Melissa R 6169 Blackwood Rd Bozeman MT 59718-7761 9,000 183190 8 11 6181 Blackwood Rd Thomas Paul F Jr 6181 Blackwood Rd Bozeman MT 59718-7761 9,000 183180 7 11 6193 Blackwood Rd Nelson, Grant J & Heather M 6193 Blackwood Rd Bozeman MT 59718 9,000 183170 6 11 6205 Blackwood Rd Morrison, Terry 6205 Blackwood Rd Bozeman MT 59718 9,750 183160 5 11 6219 Blackwood Rd Schuster, Theresa & Gerard 6219 Blackwood Rd Bozeman MT 59718-7780 11,439 183150 4 11 6237 Blackwood Rd Noelle, Barbara 42 W Main St Bozeman MT 59715-4643 12,504 182660 20 7 3308 Parkway Ave Hurlbert, William B & Hurlbert Paula K Fam Tr Dtd 4/21/00 3308 Parkway Ave Bozeman MT 59718-6385 12,516 182680 19 7 3328 Parkway Ave Cambridge, Randall & Kathy 3328 Parkway Ave Bozeman MT 59718-6385 11,134 182690 18 7 3358 Parkway Ave Mann, Charles M & Jennifer 3358 Parkway Ave Bozeman MT 59718-6385 11,810 182700 17 7 3390 Parkway Ave Turner, Nicholas D 814 S Willson Ave Bozeman MT 59715-5243 13,445 182710 16 7 3414 Parkway Ave Jackson, Dustin Lee & Davya Maria 3414 Parkway Ave Bozeman MT 59718-6386 13,016 182720 15 7 3428 Parkway Ave Schmidt, Carol A 3428 Parkway Ave Bozeman MT 59718-6386 10,052 182730 14 7 3442 Parkway Ave Morrison, Robert J & Kathleen D 3442 Parkway Ave Bozeman MT 59718-6386 9,126 182740 13 7 3460 Parkway Ave Thomas, John & Oakland, Leslie Revocable Living Trust 1729 41st St S Bozeman MT 59405-5594 10,715 182750 12 7 3482 Parkway Ave Old Mill Homes LLC 4855 S 3rd Ave Bozeman MT 59715-0662 8,455 182760 11 7 3502 Parkway Ave Neuman, Dennis R & Bernadette R 3502 Parkway Ave Bozeman MT 59718 13,037 182770 1 7 3534 Parkway Ave NW Construction Inc 7585 Shedhorn Dr Bozeman MT 59718-7560 7,969 182780 2 7 3578 Parkway Ave Trapp, Ryan & Kara 3578 Parkway Ave Bozeman MT 59718-6876 7,345 182790 3 7 3596 Parkway Ave Laskowki, Keith A & Tobie L 3596 Parkway Ave Bozeman MT 59718-6876 8,693 183340 11 11 2888 Meah Ln Perdue, Brent & Bobbie 2888 Meah Ln Bozeman MT 59718 9,750 183330 12 11 2864 Meah Ln Dickson, Charlotte 2864 Meah Ln Bozeman MT 59718 9,000 183320 13 11 2836 Meah Ln Gier, Roberts 2836 Meah Ln Bozeman MT 59718 9,000 183310 14 11 2808 Meah Ln Card, Nathaniel W & Jennifer O 2808 Meah Ln Bozeman MT 59718 9,000 183300 15 11 2786 Meah Ln Reese, Angela T 2786 Meah Ln Bozeman MT 59718 9,750 183290 16 11 2762 Meah Ln Schwartz, Karl 2762 Meah Ln Bozeman MT 59718 10,349 252630 3 2 476 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 101 Allen, Joshue JH & Callie A 476 Enterprise Blvd Unit 101 Bozeman MT 59718 1,544 252650 3 2 476 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 102 Sheperd, Michael 1627 W Main St, STE 377 Bozeman MT 59715 1,544 252660 3 2 476 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 103 Robinson, Cory M & Kendra R C/O Bozeman Property Mngmnt PO Box 1414 Bozeman MT 59771 1,544 252670 3 2 476 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 104 Ahrens, Reade & Kelley 108 Cherry Park Shavano Park TX 78230 1,544 252680 3 2 476 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 105 Fellows, Craig C & Mary K 8473 Wagon Boss Rd Bozeman MT 59715 1,544 252690 3 2 476 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 106 Hill, Andrew J 476 Enterprise Blvd Unit 106 Bozeman MT 59718 1,544 252700 3 2 476 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 107 Rubiano, Andres Natalia Zabala 476 Enterprise Blvd Unit 107 Bozeman MT 59718 1,544 252710 3 2 476 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 108 Vladimir Ten PO Box 43 Bozeman MT 59771 1,544 252720 3 2 476 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 109 Wolfe, Linda J PO Box 2234 Mill Valley CA 94942 1,544 252730 3 2 476 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 110 Jones, Elisabeth A 473 Enterprise Blvd Unit 110 Bozeman MT 59718 1,544 252740 3 2 476 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 111 Bennett, Sarah 476 Enterprise Blvd Unit 111 Bozeman MT 59718 1,544 252810 3 2 476 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 112 Taylor, Carla 651 Seaview CT #B612 Marco Island FL 34145 1,544 252750 3 2 476 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 113 Robinson, Cory M & Kendra R PO Box 11204 Bozeman MT 59719 1,544 252760 3 2 476 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 114 Burch, Aaron & Clinessa 966 Santa Maria Ave Los Osos CA 93402 1,544 252770 3 2 476 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 115 Siegle, Allan M & Jayne E 11326 E Whitehorn Dr Scottsdale AZ 85262 1,544 252780 3 2 476 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 116 Lieberman, Steven 256 S Taft Ct Louisville CO 80227 1,544 252790 3 2 476 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 117 Yerges, Greg 4038 Opal St Bozeman MT 59718 1,544 252800 3 2 476 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 118 Johnson, Brandon 30 W Fieldview Cir Bozeman MT 59715 1,544 252840 3 2 476 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 119 Chandler, Hunter 476 Enterprise Blvd Unit 119 Bozeman MT 59718 1,544 252850 3 2 476 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 120 McEwan, Scott 2299 Boylan Rd Bozeman MT 59715 1,544 252860 3 2 476 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 121 Leffingwell, Patricia 823 Brackett Creek Rd Bozeman MT 59018 1,544 252870 3 2 476 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 122 Dolph, David PO Box 1777 Bozeman MT 59771 1,544 252880 3 2 476 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 201 Miles, Loren & Kathy O 4267 Starlite Dr Rapid City SD 57702 1,544 252890 3 2 476 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 202 Ray, Roderick J & Lori A 21621 NE Butler Market Rd Bend OR 97701 1,544 252900 3 2 476 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 203 Tripp, Kari L 216 N Wallace Ave Bozeman MT 59715 1,544 252910 3 2 476 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 204 Black, Ronald A & Kelli F 476 Enterprise Blvd Unit 204 Bozeman MT 59718 1,544 252920 3 2 476 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 205 Haas, Katheryn A 102 Silverwood Dr Bozeman MT 59715 1,544 252930 3 2 476 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 206 Caselli, Lauren 476 Enterprise Blvd Unit 206 Bozeman MT 59718 1,544 252940 3 2 476 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 207 Munro-Schuster, Mark & Maria 476 Enterprise Blvd Unit 207 Bozeman MT 59718 1,544 252950 3 2 477 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 208 Zimmerman, Julie C 476 Enterprise Blvd Unit 208 Bozeman MT 59718 1,544 24 252960 3 2 477 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 209 Vogel, Curtis R & Katherine K 8759 Trooper Trl Bozeman MT 59715 1,544 252970 3 2 477 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 210 McCarthy, Maryanne 25 West 68th St, Apt 4H New York NY 10023 1,544 252980 3 2 477 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 211 Lever, Joshua Stormy Dubois 476 Enterprise Blvd Unit 211 Bozeman MT 59718 1,544 252990 3 2 477 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 212 Deming, Robert 476 Enterprise Blvd Unit 212 Bozeman MT 59718 1,544 253000 3 2 477 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 213 Schumacher, Christian F 476 Enterprise Blvd Unit 213 Bozeman MT 59718 1,544 253010 3 2 477 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 214 Debruler, William & Andrew 235 McKinley Ave Libertyville IL 60048 1,544 253020 3 2 477 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 215 Isik, Magdalena N 476 Enterprise Blvd Unit 215 Bozeman MT 59718 1,544 253030 3 2 477 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 216 Bergevin, Michael & Kathryn Matthew & renee Ingerson 4559 Danube Ln Bozeman MT 59718 1,544 253040 3 2 477 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 217 Bishop, Margareta & Thomas 476 Enterprise Blvd Unit 217 Bozeman MT 59718 1,544 253050 3 2 477 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 218 Taylor, Carla 651 Seaview Ct #B612 Marco Island FL 34145 1,544 253060 3 2 477 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 219 Leadbetter, Kathleen & Kirk 10901 Hideaway Lake Dr Anchorage AK 99507 1,544 253070 3 2 477 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 220 B Bar Seven LLC 131 E Aldersonn St #B Bozeman MT 59718 1,544 253080 3 2 477 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 221 Collin Ottinwell Wood Jones 476 Enterprise Blvd Unit 221 Bozeman MT 59718 1,544 253090 3 2 477 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 222 Grauman, Lindsey 476 Enterprise Blvd Unit 222 Bozeman MT 59718 1,544 253100 3 2 477 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 301 Shenton, H Tod & Carolyn 476 Enterprise Blvd Unit 301 Bozeman MT 59718 1,544 253110 3 2 477 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 302 Richards, Frederick M 1174 Stoneridge Dr Bozeman MT 59718 1,544 253120 3 2 477 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 303 Lowe, Marie K PO Box 611 Big Horn WY 82833 1,544 253130 3 2 477 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 304 Drummond, Krista M PO Box 6303 Bozeman MT 59771 1,544 253140 3 2 477 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 305 Averitt, James & Karen 476 Enterprise Blvd Unit 305 Bozeman MT 59718 1,544 253150 3 2 477 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 306 DNE Properties LLC 5 Alden Pl Apt 4A Bonxville NY 10708 1,544 253160 3 2 477 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 307 MacLean, Janie E & Rod L 206 E Peach St Bozeman MT 59715 1,544 253170 3 2 477 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 308 IRA Resources Inc 6825 LaJolla Blvd La Jolla CA 92037 1,544 253180 3 2 477 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 309 O'Leary, Brandon A 2865 Stacia Ave Helena MT 59601 1,544 253190 3 2 477 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 310 Dalla Betta, Victor a & Mary A 202 Evans Rd Unit 202 Basalt CO 81621 1,544 253200 3 2 477 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 311 Bitnar Flats LLC 140 Village Crossing Way 4E Bozeman MT 59715 1,544 253210 3 2 477 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 312 McDonald, Tami R PO Box 1027 Gardiner MT 59030 1,544 253220 3 2 477 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 313 Bechard, Joanne M 476 Enterprise Blvd Unit 313 Bozeman MT 59718 1,544 253230 3 2 477 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 314 Graafstra, Thom H & Julie A 3501 Colby Ave Apt 302 Everett WA 98201 1,544 253240 3 2 477 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 315 Kaiser, James 476 Enterprise Blvd Unit 315 Bozeman MT 59718 1,544 253250 3 2 477 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 316 Kirkeby, Teresa 476 Enterprise Blvd Unit 316 Bozeman MT 59718 1,544 253260 3 2 477 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 317 Burch, Aaron & Clinessa 966 Santa Maria Ave Los Osos CA 93402 1,544 253270 3 2 477 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 318 Alahiane, Asma 6750 Thornton Pl Apt #5D Forest Hills NY 11375 1,544 253280 3 2 477 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 319 Bulot, Tina 476 Enterprise Blvd Unit 319 Bozeman MT 59718 1,544 253290 3 2 477 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 320 Cox, Tyler Shana Levin 476 Enterprise Blvd Unit 320 Bozeman MT 59718 1,544 253300 3 2 477 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 321 Sexson, Vannessa & Devita & Michael 476 Enterprise Blvd Unit 321 Bozeman MT 59718 1,544 253310 3 2 477 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 322 Hemingway, Edward B 476 Enterprise Blvd Unit 322 Bozeman MT 59718 1,544 208300 2 2 404 Enterprise Blvd Unit 1 Haag, Richard L & Brookney L 2189 Ridgewood LN S Billings MT 59106 4,295 208310 2 2 404 Enterprise Blvd Unit 2 Minten, Peter E & Bonita 2201 W St NW Auburn WA 98001 3,406 208320 2 2 404 Enterprise Blvd Unit 3 Robinson, Jerry & Frances 107 Artemos Dr Missoula MT 59803 3,406 208330 2 2 404 Enterprise Blvd Unit 4 Huang, Elaine 404 Enterprise Blvd Unit 4 Bozeman MT 59718 3,510 208340 2 2 420 Enterprise Blvd Unit 5 RLEE 420 LLC 1218 Linhaven Way Billings MT 59102 3,533 208350 2 2 420 Enterprise Blvd Unit 6 Banner, Katherine M 420 Enterprise Blvd Unit 6 Bozeman MT 59718 3,406 208360 2 2 420 Enterprise Blvd Unit 7 Barber, Zeb W 420 Enterprise Blvd Unit 7 Bozeman MT 59718 3,406 207750 2 2 420 Enterprise Blvd Unit 8 Barbisan, Susan H 7067 S 3rd Ave Bozeman MT 59715 4,295 222220 2 2 408 Enterprise Blvd Unit 9 Schear, Gary A & Lori Lee 408 Enterprise Blvd Unit 9 Bozeman MT 59718 4,157 222230 2 2 408 Enterprise Blvd Unit 10 Tyrrell, Brandon & Frannie 408 Enterprise Blvd Unit 10 Bozeman MT 59718 3,152 222240 2 2 408 Enterprise Blvd Unit 11 Archilla, JR & Melissa R 1744 Norwood LN Billings MT 59102 3,152 222250 2 2 408 Enterprise Blvd Unit 12 Binsfeld, Matthew J 408 Enterprise Blvd Unit 12 Bozeman MT 59718 3,152 222260 2 2 408 Enterprise Blvd Unit 13 Brownley, Dorothy Leas 2905 Oshaughnesy St Apt 108 Missoula MT 59808 3,152 222050 2 2 408 Enterprise Blvd Unit 14 Bauman, Richard & Brad R 408 Enterprise Blvd Unit 14 Bozeman MT 59718 4,157 220920 2 2 410 Enterprise Blvd Unit 15 Carroll, Peter & Susan 410 Enterprise Blvd Unit 15 Bozeman MT 59718 4,157 219870 2 2 410 Enterprise Blvd Unit 16 Johnson, Jill L 410 Enterprise Blvd Unit 16 Bozeman MT 59718 3,152 220050 2 2 410 Enterprise Blvd Unit 17 KC Real Estate Holdings 260 Terrance Loop Bozeman MT 59718 3,152 219950 2 2 410 Enterprise Blvd Unit 18 Beckett, Steven S & Barbara B 410 Enterprise Blvd Unit 18 Bozeman MT 59718 3,152 220040 2 2 410 Enterprise Blvd Unit 19 Owen, Mark H & Sharon S 682 NE Matson St Poulsbo WA 98370 3,152 25 219910 2 2 410 Enterprise Blvd Unit 20 Diegel, Donald & Patricia Diegel Family Revoc Trust 8036 E Paraiso Dr Scottsdale AZ 85255 4,157 210830 2 2 418 Enterprise Blvd Unit 21 Robinson, Cory M & Kendra R PO Box 11204 Bozeman MT 59719 4,272 210840 2 2 418 Enterprise Blvd Unit 22 Swanson, Jared D & Sarah W 924 Incline Way Ste B Incline Village NV 89451 5,438 210850 2 2 418 Enterprise Blvd Unit 23 DeYoung, Daniel & Laurie PO Box 966 Preston WA 98050 4,272 226070 2 2 416 Enterprise Blvd Unit 24 Diegel, Donald & Patricia Diegel Family Revoc Trust 8036 E Paraiso Dr Scottsdale AZ 85255 4,157 226080 2 2 416 Enterprise Blvd Unit 25 SLI Property Holdings LLC 416 Henderson St Bozeman MT 59715 3,152 226090 2 2 416 Enterprise Blvd Unit 26 Spain, Kristi E 1037 Boylan Rd Unit 9 Bozeman MT 59715 3,152 226100 2 2 416 Enterprise Blvd Unit 27 Fellows, Craig C & Mary K 8473 Wagon Boss Rd Bozeman MT 59715 3,152 224410 2 2 412 Enterprise Blvd Unit 28 Fellows, Craig C & Mary K 8473 Wagon Boss Rd Bozeman MT 59715 3,152 224480 2 2 412 Enterprise Blvd Unit 29 Holiday, Rikka 412 Enterprise Blvd Unit29 Bozeman MT 59718 3,152 224490 2 2 412 Enterprise Blvd Unit 30 Shanks, Jusine D Carmen Byker 412 Enterprise Blvd Unit 30 Bozeman MT 59718 3,152 224500 2 2 412 Enterprise Blvd Unit 31 Enterprise Blvd Properties LLC 284 S Hills Rd Clancy MT 59634 3,152 224510 2 2 412 Enterprise Blvd Unit 32 McGinty, Robert & Anne Marie 22 Holly Tree Ln Keyport NJ 07760 4,157 259910 1A 3 540 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 1 South Rows Investors Inc 8401 Wagon Boss Rd Bozeman MT 59715 3,554 259920 1A 3 540 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 2 Bartsch, Shea W Richard & Lisa Bartsch 540 Enterprise Blvd Unit 2 Bozeman MT 59718 3,554 259930 1A 3 542 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 3 Yoon, Vivian S Matthew Rea 1432 Stanford St #2 Santa Monica CA 90404 3,525 259940 1A 3 542 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 4 Erxleben, Jennier R 542 Enterprise Blvd Unit 4 Bozeman MT 59718 2,933 259950 1A 3 542 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 5 South Rows Investors Inc 8401 Wagon Boss Rd Bozeman MT 59715 2,933 259960 1A 3 542 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 6 Botz, Dean A 542 Enterprise Blvd Unit 6 Bozeman MT 59718 3,525 259970 1A 3 546 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 12 Kelly, Brenden & Holly 546 Enterprise Blvd Unit 12 Bozeman MT 59718 3,546 259980 1A 3 546 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 13 Brachwitz, Kurt & Lisa A 546 Enterprise Blvd Unit 13 Bozeman MT 59718 3,506 259990 1A 3 546 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 14 Davison JR, Daniel P 546 Enterprise Blvd Unit 14 Bozeman MT 59718 3,506 260000 1A 3 546 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 15 South Rows Investors 8401 Wagon Boss Rd Bozeman MT 59715 3,523 260760 1A 3 544 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 7 South Row Seven LLC PO Box 776210 Steamboat Springs CO 80477 3,546 260770 1A 3 544 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 8 Rhode, Cheryl M & Patrick B 15142 Creek Hills Rd El Cajon CA 92021 3,508 260780 1A 3 544 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 9 Murgatroy, Michael & Jennifer 544 Enterprise Blvd Unit 9 Bozeman MT 59718 3,508 260790 1A 3 544 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 10 Pederson, Neil D & Natalie M 544 Enterprise Blvd Unit 10 Bozeman MT 59718 3,508 260800 1A 3 544 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 11 Robertson, Theodore & Charles Abigail Croft 544 Enterprise Blvd Unit 11 Bozeman MT 59718 3,519 261800 1A 3 548 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 16 Yoon, Vivian Matthew Rea 1432 Standford St #2 Santa Monica CA 90404 2,957 261810 1A 3 548 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 17 Gray, Christopher & Stephanie 548 Enterprise Blvd Unit 17 Bozeman MT 59718 2,931 261820 1A 3 550 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 18 St Clair, Jon 6932 Day Dr Fort Worth TX 76132 3,525 261830 1A 3 550 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 19 Horvath, Michael A 550 Enterprise Blvd Unit 19 Bozeman MT 59718 2,933 261840 1A 3 550 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 20 Cser, Ivett H 550 Enterprise Blvd Unit 20 Bozeman MT 59718 2,933 261850 1A 3 550 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 21 Sankey, David D Maria Lasher PO Box 398 Downers Grove IL 60515 3,525 262790 1A 3 566 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 22 Neholt, Dennis & Linda 3387 Spalding Ave Bilings MT 59106 3,820 262800 1A 3 566 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 23 Watson, Brandon & & Kalen H 566 Enterprise Blvd Unit 23 Bozeman MT 59718 2,927 262810 1A 3 566 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 24 Schmidt, Ted & Linda Ted & Linda Schmidt Rev Fam Tru512 Old Farm Rd Bozeman MT 59715 2,929 262350 1A 3 566 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 25 Sosnicki, Bowen J & Colleen J 566 Enterprise Blvd Unit 25 Bozeman MT 59718 3,837 262820 1A 3 568 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 26 South Rows Investors Inc 3401 Wagon Boss Rd Bozeman MT 59715 3,496 262830 1A 3 568 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 27 Jeon, Min Jee 568 Enterprise Blvd Unit 27 Bozeman MT 59718 3,532 262840 1A 3 568 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 28 Stites, Jonathon K & Jessica C 568 Enterprise Blvd Unit 28 Bozeman MT 59718 3,532 262850 1A 3 570 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 29 Dragonfly Realty LLC 390 Hayrake Bozeman MT 59715 3,702 262860 1A 3 570 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 30 Oard, David & Tasha 570 Enterprise Blvd Unit 30 Bozeman MT 59718 3,679 263010 1A 3 572 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 31 Jupiter 7 LLC 3935 E Graf St Bozeman MT 59715 3,702 263020 1A 3 572 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 32 Overby, Kristan K & Karen J 5318 Marine View Dr Tacoma WA 98422 3,679 263040 1A 3 574 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 33 Ehlert, Theodore T & Karen M 1172 Aukele St Kailua HI 96734 3,702 263050 1A 3 574 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 34 South Rows Investors Inc 3401 Wagon Boss Rd Bozeman MT 59715 3,679 264430 1A 3 560 ENTEPRISE BLVD UNIT 47 Hutter, Alicia M 770 N Brown Rd Long Lake MN 55356 3,797 264440 1A 3 560 ENTEPRISE BLVD UNIT 48 Sindelar III, Hugo Richard Patti C Fox 6114 Queensloch Dr Houston TX 77096 3,514 264450 1A 3 562 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 49 Hagemeister, Joseph Colleen R McMilin 562 Enterprise Blvd Unit 49 Bozeman MT 59718 3,514 264460 1A 3 562 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 50 Murgatroy, Michael D 562 Enterprise Blvd Unit 50 Bozeman MT 59718 3,185 264470 1A 3 562 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 51 South Rows Investors Inc 8401 Wagon Boss Rd Bozeman MT 59715 3,185 264480 1A 3 562 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 52 South Rows Investors Inc 8401 Wagon Boss Rd Bozeman MT 59715 3,512 264490 1A 3 564 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 46 South Rows Investors Inc 8401 Wagon Boss Rd Bozeman MT 59715 3,802 264500 1A 3 564 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 45 South Rows Investors Inc 8401 Wagon Boss Rd Bozeman MT 59715 3,501 26 264510 1A 3 564 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 44 South Rows Investors Inc 8401 Wagon Boss Rd Bozeman MT 59715 3,501 264520 1A 3 564 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 43 South Rows Investors Inc 8401 Wagon Boss Rd Bozeman MT 59715 3,795 264530 1A 3 576 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 35 Wyrick, Terry Michael Sarah Beth Greywall 8321 Abuja Pl #98 Dulles VA 20189 3,797 264550 1A 3 576 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 36 Preszler, Blake A & Alexandra 576 Enterprise Blvd Unit 36 Bozeman MT 59718 3,797 264560 1A 3 576 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 37 Big Sky Nomads LLC Eric & Danelle Seybert 322 Morningside LN North Billings MT 59105 3,799 264570 1A 3 578 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 42 South Rows Investors Inc 8401 Wagon Boss Rd Bozeman MT 59715 3,815 264580 1A 3 578 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 41 Cooke, Barbara Jeanne F alderosn 3007 Sunridge Rd Santa Rosa CA 95409 3,523 264600 1A 3 578 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 40 South Rows Investors Inc 8401 Wagon Boss Rd Bozeman MT 59715 2,920 264610 1A 3 578 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 39 South Rows Investors Inc 8401 Wagon Boss Rd Bozeman MT 59715 3,523 264620 1A 3 578 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 38 South Rows Investors Inc 8401 Wagon Boss Rd Bozeman MT 59715 3,815 264630 1A 3 580 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 53 South Rows Investors Inc 8401 Wagon Boss Rd Bozeman MT 59715 3,514 264640 1A 3 580 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 54 South Rows Investors Inc 8401 Wagon Boss Rd Bozeman MT 59715 3,176 264650 1A 3 580 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 55 South Rows Investors Inc 8401 Wagon Boss Rd Bozeman MT 59715 3,176 264660 1A 3 580 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 56 South Rows Investors Inc 8401 Wagon Boss Rd Bozeman MT 59715 3,176 264670 1A 3 580 ENTERPRISE BLVD UNIT 57 South Rows Investors Inc 8401 Wagon Boss Rd Bozeman MT 59715 3,815 182370 1 2 360 Enterprise Blvd O'Reilly, Deborah & Keith PO Box 11145 Bozeman MT 59719 97,270 182350 1 1 300 Enterprise Blvd Zermatt LLC 115 W Kagy Blvd Ste L Bozeman MT 59715 101,277 Total Square Footage 2,418,272 27