HomeMy WebLinkAboutEx 2 BPC 2 13 20 PPM Report1tEXHIBIT 2: Bozeman Parking Commission, 2lt3l2020BOZEMAN PARKI NG COM M ISSIONParkine Program Manager's ReportDate: February 7,2020To: Bozeman Parking CommissionFrom: Ed Meece, Parking Program ManagerAn update of major developments, in January, includesaMSU Design Course: PEO Tucker and the PPM, met with instructional staff from a Design Thinking' course at MSU,regarding possible collaboration on a city/student project. At this time, there is interest in studying the feasibilityof a program that would allow low-income residents to relieve a portion of parking related fees and fines throughcommunity service. This type of program has been successfully deployed in other communities, from which PSDhas drawn out interest in the topic. lf a memorandum of understanding is forwarded by MSU, further presentationwill be made to the parking commission; in that case, Officer Tucker will remain the primary contact for thisproject.N. 7th Private Lot: The PPM met with a private developer, in the N. 7th neighborhood, regarding the potential forprivate/public cooperation regarding their parking facilities.aaSurface Lot Counting Systems: The PPM continues to meet with internal stakeholders(GlS, lT, etc.), and facilitatetheir participation with implementation of new counting systems in the surface lots - AND the integration of thosesystems with other database platforms.Stiff Building Evacuation & Garage Closet: The start of remodeling at the Stiff Professional Building requiredParking Services staff to remove parking equipment, files, and uniforms that remained in storage at the StiffBuilding. ln order to accommodate these, and other, items the PSD worked with the Downtown BusinessPartnership to reclaim a large garage closet that had previously been utilized for their storage purposes. The DBPwas very responsive in voluntarily assisting in this matter.Abandoned Vehicle Towing Lot: The PPM met with the Gallatin County Commission, and county staff, to pursuethe opportunity to utilize a portion of their 'junk vehicle' program for the temporary storage of 'abandoned'vehicles towed by the Parking Services Division. lnitial indications are very positive, Gallatin County will draft amemorandum of understanding for review by the City Attorney's office.Training: The PPM completed a refresher training for city social media and web editors regarding ADArequirements, effective content presentation, and other relevant information.Parkins Benefit Zones: Ordinance 2033 (Parking Benefit Zones) was considered by the Bozeman City Commissionon February 3, 2O2O. After three hours of productive discussion, and significant public comment, the CityCommission continued their discussion to March 2,2O2O.aaaatl2020z Revenues YTD: Sg6s,03+.oo (82%lAs of 9/2019: Operatins Reserve: 51,184,352.t8Expend itures YTD: s+gg,+6S.0O (46%lCash ln LieuS130,315.00 LonpTerm Maintenance: $313,325.00 PARKING SERVICE FUND - OPERATINGAS OF 2l3l2O2OREVENUEPARKING LOT PERMITSGARAGE PERMITSGARAGE - TRANSIENT REVENUEGARAGE VALIDATION COUPONSRESIDENTIAL NGHBD. PERMITSEMPLOYEE NGBHD. PERMITSVISITOR NGBHD. PERMITSADMIN/LATE FEESBOOT FEESCITATION REVENUEINTEREST INCOMEMISC REVENUETRANSFERS / FROM OTHER FUNDSTOTATEXPENDITUREADMIN - PERSONNELADMIN - OPERATINGADMIN - CAPITALENFORCEMENT - PERSONNELENFORCEMENT - OPERATINGENFORCEMENT - CAPITALGARAGE - PERSONNELGARAGE - OPERATINGGARAGE - CAPITALTOTATFY2O BUDGETs 35,000.00s 31o,oo0.oos 75,500.00s 3,000.00s 2o,ooo,00s 2,000.00s 10,5oo.oos 42,000.00s 2,000.00s 3oo,o00.oos 5,ooo.0os 2,340.00S zso,ooo.oo% EARNEDYTDt52%t3L%49%244o/oL8t%299%L5L%68o/o8Lo/o8L%t80%87Oo/oOo/o% EXPECÍEDYTD58o/o58o/o58%58%58%s8%s8%58%s8%58o/o58%58%58%% EXPECTED%SPENTYTD YTD50% 58%43% 58o/o LOo/o 58%56% 58%59% 58o/o0% 58o/o600/o 58o/o49o/o 58%0% 58o/oFY2O ACTUATs 53,371.75s 405,527.74s 35,993.52S 7,311.00s 36,225.00S 5,982.50S 15,880.00s 28,4s7.29s 1,620.00s 244,299.20S 9,018.55s 20,347.84$ 1,057,340.00 S 865,034.39 82% 58%FY2O BUDGET5 rt2,779sos 199,171.00S 15,ooo.oos 267,460.00s 47,823.00S 65,000.00s 46,525.00s 178,911.00s 1s0,0oo.ooFY2O ACTUALs 56,749,56s 86,082.19S 61,s66.29s 1s0,846.31s 28,285.27s 27,884.475 at,ost.lzs 1,082,669.00 $ 498,465.4146%s8% Strateg¡c Parking Management PlanJanuary 202OSTRATEGYDESCRIPTIONFormalize the guiding principlesas policies within the parking andtransporation system plan.Adopt the 85% rule as thestandard for measuringperformance of the parkingsupply and tr¡ggering specificma nagement strategies.Strengthen the role of theParking Manager and the ParkingServices Division - to betterintegrate with the CommunityDevelopment and EconomicDevelopment planning.Establish a policy for adjustingrates (on and off-street)Establish a Capital Ma¡ntenanceReserve FundRe-eva luate a nd restructurecurrent cash-in-lieu program.Re-evaluate code basedminimum parking requ¡rementsRe-evaluate and clarify thepurpose and intent of thecurrent code section regardingSpecial lmprovement Distr¡ct #565.lmplement a FacilitiesMa¡ntenance Plan.PROJECTEDCOMPTETIONACTUALCOMPTETIONCOMPLETEDPENDINGHOLD/NOT STARTEDCOMMENTSAdopted by the BPC in8/2016.Adopted by the BPC in8/2076.PPM attending DRCmeet¡ngs, and offeringdata/comment as staffreview.Adopted by the BPC in70/2016.BPC a pproved Resolution2oL7-03l6/2ot7l; CitVCommission approvedResolution #4837 on8/14h7.BPC adopted Resolution2018-03 recommending CILincrease to 525000(6 / 2078]l; C¡ty Commiss¡onAPPROVAL of Resolution4292 (increasing CILP toS2s000l onL2|LTlt9¡12On-GoingJul-16Aug-16Aug-16On-GoingOct-16CC Approval8lt4lt7CC Approved newcll rate $25,000t2ll7ltg345689PPM is completing researchfor facility mgt. bestpractices, starting to draftFac. Mgt. plan,8/L7;April/19 - PPM acquired FacMgt plan for MSU garageand met with localengineering firm to discuss;L2l3Ol2Ol9 On-going 1011Develop a reasonable scheduleof data collection to assessperformance, including anaccurate on and off streetinventory (public and private)and an occupancy/utilizationanalysis.ldentify off-street shared useopportunities based on datafrom strategy 9. Establish goalsfor transitioning employees,begin outreach to opportunitysites, negotiate agreements, andassign employees to facilities.Complete the 2008 ParkingDistr¡ct ldentif icationSignage/Branding PlanClarify current on-street parkingsignage, particularly in areaswhere unlimited parking isallowed. Consider incorporatingthe current City parking logo intoon-street signage,Rename all publicly owned lotsand garages by address.shl!7 &7lLlt7COMPI-ETEOn-GoingData collection ocurred,following the StrategicParking Management Plan,Spring and Summer 2017;WTI report (draft) submitted9/2017 , under staff reviewat this time; Final commentssubmitted to WTI formodification, IO / 23 / 17 ; f hefinal WTI Parking OccupancyReport was released ont]./ L4l 20L7, a na lysis isundenaray - includingreview/memorandum fromRlck Williams Consulting.lst shared use agreementnegotiated and approvedwith Big Sky Western Bank(June 2017); Completion ofthe WTI Parking OccupancyStudy on Ll/t4/t7 isexpected to demonstrateareas where new sharedspace agreements will bemost effective; Shared UseAgreement and GIS Layercomplete 6/1/18; PPM isidentifying several privateparking s¡tes as potentialareas for shared use parkingagreements,PSD, in cooperat¡on with theGIS Department, hascompleted an inventory ofall parking signs and zoneswithin the B-3. Theinventory has been loadedas a map layer to the COB'sGIS v¡ewer, and is availableto the public atbozeman.net . Next step isto review current situationaga¡nst desired changes formodifiying field conditionsas deemed appropr¡ate.Resolution 2018-06 waspresented and approved atÌhe 8/72h8 meeting of theBPC.1213On-going; January2019 a CompleteParking lnventoryloaded to Glssystem.t4Dec-18 1516t718U pgrade the access/revenuecontrol system at the BridgerGarage.lnstall a vehicle counter systemat Bridger Garage and at theSurface lots.Establish best practice protocolsand performance metrics forexisting enforcement personneland support enforcement withappropriate technology.Expand bike parking network tocreate connections betweenparking and the downtown toencourage employee bikecommute trips and drawcustomers to downtownbusinesses.Explore changes to existingresidentia I on street permitprograms and evaluatepotentially implement newresidential parking permitd¡str¡cts in the neighborhoodnorth and south ofthedowntown commercial d¡strlct.Evaluate on street pricing in highoccupancy areas.On-goingAs of 8-16-19, the COB willconsider implementation ofthe new access/revenuecontrol system COMPLETE;8/16/79 is final debriefsession with vendors andinternal team, on-site.lnstallation of vehiclecountinB system moved to"Phase ll" ofthe 2018Pa rking Technology Project;Phase 2 will includeoccupancy signage on theparking garage &implementation of a MobileParking App as well;Pu rchase Order for ga rageoccu pancy signage signed12/26/2020.Court/Appeals Packet(4/17); Uniform Policy(8/17); Enhanced SafetyProcedures; SecurityCamera Policy; LPR Policy;PEO Assigned Routes Policy;Dept. Operations Manualcompleted 4 / 28 h9 ; V oiceReco rder P olicy (I2 / 2OL9l;Mail Citation Policy(.72/zorel;PPM met with City's'bike/pedestrian' consultantto open the door forpotential new partnerships;follow up planned for Spring2019Public Engagement Sess¡onsheld April and May 201.9 togather input on the BPC'sdraft proposal for thecreat¡on of new PPDs, PPMreported summary to BPC at6 13 2019 mtg; RevisedDPBD concept outlineapproved by BPCSeptember/2019; Feb 3presentation to CityCommission of Ordinance2033, 3 hours discussion,public comment, CityCommission to cont¡nueconsideration on March 2,2O2O¡s/rl20783ltl2O2O8/76/20]L9On-GoingOn-go¡ng19204lLl2O2OOn-goingNo activlty at this time. 2L222324Explore expanding accesscapacity with new parking supplyand/or transitDevelop cost forecasts forpreferred parking supply andshuttle options.Explore and develop fundingopt¡ons.Explore the implementation ofon street pricing.Consider consolidating currentusers of the Carnegie Lot into theBridger Garage. Sell the CarnegieLot to fund acqu¡sit¡on of lbetterlocated parking parcels and/orconstruction of a parking garage.No act¡vity at this timeNo act¡v¡ty at this time.No act¡v¡ty at this time,No activity at this time.No activity at this timeTwo separate feasibilitystudies are underuray at thistime 1) feasibility ofadditional decks to theexisting garage, 2) feasibilityof several new structuredparking sites in thedowntown; Results fromboth studies were releasedin June/uly 2019, furtherstudy is underway on thewo best options for newparking capacity facllities inthe B-3;2526 ln¡t¡ate new capacity expansion. Weekday Noon Peak Occupancy - Bridger Downtown Garage (Apri 2019 to January 2020)Tota!% of Main Total # of NumberTotal S of Garage Trans¡ent of PermitVehicles Capacity Vehicles Vehicles Date279 6s% 732 87 4/4/2079189 s6% 737 s2 4/9/2Ot933s 7OO% 278 s7 6/7l2OL924s 73% t76 69 6l2u2Ùt9301 90% 224 77 7/7912079270 8t% 180 93 7/t8/2O792s7 77% 161 96 8/7/2079235 70% 737 98 816/2Ot928t 84Yo 204 77 9l2ï/20t9268 80% 186 82 9l27l2or9223 67% 2OO 23 7Ol2l2O1923L 69% 13s 96 7014/2079277 65% 106 111 7uL2/2Ot9309 92% 22s U 77l2Ll2OL9267 80% L67 100 t2/7912OL9247 74% L46 101 t2/78/2O79206 67% 1ls 91 tl7l2Ù2Ù2L6 æ% 105 11 t/9/2O2OTimet2i42PM12:56 PM12:00 PM12:00 PM12:00 PM12:00 PM1:00 PM12:00 PM12:00 PM12:00 PM12:00 PM12:00 PM12:00 PM5:00 PM1:00 PM12:00 PM12:00 PM1:00 PMDay ofWeekThursdayTuesdayFridayFridayFridayThursdayThursdayTuesdayFridayFridayWednesdayFridayThursdayThursdayThursdayWednesdayTuesdayPerm¡ts(PaidAnnual)503036492051485043487250525155514655Perm¡ts(PaidMonthly)22L415t418L7187719133182t1018181518UDC Hotel% of PeakOccupancy7%4%2%2%L3%9%72/oL3%5%8%4%t2%t8%7%70%t3%t5%18%Designated PeakWeekday - NoonWeekday - NoonWeekday - NoonWeekday - NoonWeekday - NoonWeekday - NoonWeekday - NoonWeekday - NoonWeekday - NoonWeekday - NoonWeekday - NoonWeekday - NoonWeekday - NoonWeekday - NoonWeekday - NoonWeekday - NoonWeekday - NoonWeekday - NoonUDCHotel1586639253031152L828382327323038Th70%t64423 3325175%76778 Weekend Evening Peak Occupancy - Bridger Garage (April 2019 to January 2020)Total # ofVehlcles9082r439293119t4915519624723813317787L l98t82t77% of MainGarageCapacity27%24%43%27%28%36%MYo46%59Yo74%7Llo40%s3%26%42%29Yo54%s3%Total # ofTrans¡entVehiclesu6610381u109134L48178228226118t4t72r2788tto156TotalNumber ofPermitVehicles61640119101571819L21536157410T22LT¡me7:00 PM7:00 PM7:00 PM7:00 PM7:00 PM7:00 PM7:00 PM7:00 PM7:00 PM7:00 PM7:00 PM7:00 PM7:00 PM7:00 PM7:00 PM7:00 PM7:00 PM7:00 PMDay ofWeekSaturdaySaturdayFridaySaturdayFridaySaturdayFridayFridaySaturdayFridayFridaySaturdayFridaySaturdayFridaySaturdayFridayUDCHotel3119416635354146332Perm¡ts(Pa¡dAnnuall3323642726t469t28655Permits(PaidMonthly|0281422272T2101525UDC Hotel% of PeakOccupancy3%t3%6%4%t%5%4Yo2%3%t%2%3Yo8%7%2%3%t%Date7/27/2OL9tlts/2o2orl37l2O2O8/tolzorg8/23/20te4l6l2oLs7/2612OL94/sl2ote6/8/20196/14/2Or9s/13/2ot99l7l2Ù7sLO/L/2Or9tolt2l20r9ttl22l20t917l23l2Ot9t2l612019t2l7l2Ûr9Designated PeakSaturday - EveningSaturday - EveningFriday - EveningSaturday - Even¡ngFriday - EveningSaturday - Even¡ngFriday - EveningFriday - EveningSaturday - EveningFriday - EveninBFriday - EveningSaturday - EveninBFriday - EveningSaturday - EveningFriday - EveningSaturday - EveningFriday - Even¡ngSaturday - Evening Saturday 1 11 9 L%IM43%L29t6744%