HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-03-20 City Commission Packet Materials - C5. Res 5112 Davis Lift Station and Norton East Sewer ProjectCommission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Bob Murray, Project Engineer Shawn Kohtz, City Engineer SUBJECT: Resolution 5112 accepting the preferred alternative in the preliminary engineering report and affirming adequate resources to construct and maintain the Davis lift station and Norton east ranch outfall sewer interceptor project. MEETING DATE: February 3rd , 2020 AGENDA ITEM TYPE: Consent RECOMMENDATION: Authorize Resolution 5112 accepting the preferred alternative in the preliminary engineering report and affirming adequate resources to construct and maintain the Davis lift station and Norton east ranch outfall sewer interceptor project. BACKGROUND: Attached is a copy of Resolution 5112 accepting the preferred alternative in the preliminary engineering report and affirming adequate resources to construct and maintain the Davis lift station and Norton east ranch outfall sewer interceptor project. The project is being funded in part through a loan from the State Revolving Fund program. One of the requirements of the program is that the applicant provide a resolution stating acceptance of the preferred alternative in the preliminary engineering report and that they have the resources to construct and maintain the facilities. They will not provide final approval of the plans and specifications without the resolution. Engineering staff has reviewed and approved the report and the preferred alternative which is in conformance with the approved Wastewater Facility Plan. UNRESOLVED ISSUES: None ALTERNATIVES: As suggested by the Commission FISCAL EFFECTS: None Attachments: Resolution 5112, Preliminary Engineering Report Report compiled on: 1/16/20 31 1 of 2 COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 5112 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, ACCEPTING THE PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE IN THE PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING REPORT AND AFFIRMING ADEQUATE RESOURCES TO CONSTRUCT AND MAINTAIN THE DAVIS LIFT STATION AND NORTON EAST RANCH OUTFALL SEWER INTERCEPTOR PROJECT. WHEREAS, the City Commission did, on the 1st day of June 2015, adopt the Bozeman Wastewater Collection Facilities Plan Update which contains recommendations for the construction of the Davis Lane Lift Station and Norton East Ranch Outfall Sewer Interceptor; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has adopted a Wastewater Impact Fee Fund Capital Improvement Plan (CIP), which includes and authorizes the design and construction of the Davis Lane Lift Station and Norton East Ranch Outfall Sewer Interceptor Projects; and WHEREAS, the City Commission did, on the 2nd day of February, 2019, approve a Professional Services Agreement with HDR Engineering to complete the design of the above referenced project including the preparation of a Preliminary Engineering Report (PER); and WHEREAS, City Engineering staff has reviewed and approved the PER, the preferred alternative of which is in accordance with the previously approved Wastewater Collection Facilities Plan Update and Wastewater Impact Fee CIP. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, that it accepts the preferred alternative included in the PER for the Davis Lane Lift Station and Norton East Ranch Outfall Sewer Interceptor Project and further that it has the necessary legal, financial, institutional and managerial resources to construct, operate and maintain the same. 32 Resolution No. 5112, Accept PER and Resource Statement for Davis Lift and Norton Interceptor Project 2 of 2 PASSED, ADOPTED, AND APPROVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, at a regular session thereof held on the 3rd day of February, 2020. ___________________________________ CHRIS MEHL Mayor ATTEST: ________________________________________ MIKE MAAS Interim City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ___________________________________ GREG SULLIVAN City Attorney 33 h^ <« i/'^T*.^-1" Davis Lane Lift Station and Norton Ranch Sewer Preliminary Engineering Report Bozeman, MT June 24, 2019 34 Contents Executive Summary...................................................................................................................... 7 1. Project Planning...................................................................................................................10 1.1 Location........................................................................................................................ 10 1.2 Environmental Resources Present...............................................................................11 1.3 Population Trends ........................................................................................................12 1.4 Community Engagement..............................................................................................12 2. Existing Facilities................................................................................................................. 13 2.1 Location Map................................................................................................................13 2.2 History.......................................................................................................................... 14 2.3 Condition of Existing Facilities...................................................................................... 14 2.4 Financial Status of any Existing Facilities..................................................................... 14 2.5 Water/Energy/Waste Audits ......................................................................................... 14 3. Need for Project................................................................................................................... 15 3.1 Health, Sanitation, and Security ................................................................................... 15 3.2 Aging Infrastructure ......................................................................................................15 3.3 Reasonable Growth...................................................................................................... 15 4. Wastewater Collection Alternatives Considered..................................................................16 4.1 Lift Station and Force Main Alternatives....................................................................... 16 4.1.1 Lift Station and Force Main Description ................................................................ 16 4.1.2 Lift Station and Force Main Design Criteria........................................................... 16 4.1.3 Map.......................................................................................................................20 4.1.4 Environmental Impacts.......................................................................................... 20 4.1.5 Land Requirements............................................................................................... 20 4.1.6 Potential Construction Problems........................................................................... 20 4.1.7 Sustainability Considerations ................................................................................20 4.1.8 Cost Estimates......................................................................................................21 4.2 Norton Ranch Gravity Sewer Alternatives ....................................................................21 4.2.1 Norton Ranch Gravity Sewer Description..............................................................21 4.2.2 Norton Ranch Design Criteria ...............................................................................21 4.2.3 Map .......................................................................................................................23 4.2.4 Environmental Impacts.......................................................................................... 24 4.2.5 Land Requirements............................................................................................... 24 1 35 4.2.6 Potential Construction Problems ...........................................................................24 4.2.7 Sustainability Considerations ................................................................................ 24 4.2.8 Cost Estimates ......................................................................................................24 5. Selection of Alternatives...................................................................................................... 25 5.1 Force Main.................................................................................................................... 25 5.2 Lift Station Pumping .....................................................................................................26 5.3 Wetwell Design.............................................................................................................30 5.4 Lift Station Location/lnterstate Bore .............................................................................31 5.5 Norton East Ranch Sewer............................................................................................32 6. Proposed Project................................................................................................................. 34 6.1 Preliminary Project Design ...........................................................................................34 6.2 Project Schedule ..........................................................................................................35 6.3 Permit Requirements.................................................................................................... 36 6.4 Total Project Cost Estimate..........................................................................................37 6.5 Annual Operating Budget............................................................................................. 37 7. Conclusions and Recommendations ...................................................................................39 Appendix A..................................................................................................................................40 Preliminary OPCC ..............................................................................................................40 Appendix B..................................................................................................................................41 SRF Environmental Requirements for PER Submittal.........................................................41 Table 1. Expected Initial Flows .....................................................................................................7 Table 2. Expected Flows over Lifespan of Lift Station ..................................................................7 Table 4-1. Expected Initial Flows................................................................................................17 Table 4-2. Expected Flows overLifespan of the Lift Station....................................................... 17 Table 4-3. Norton East Ranch Sewer Main Pipe Sizes ..............................................................23 Table 5-1. Expected Pipe Velocities........................................................................................... 25 Table 5-2. Expected Force Main Residence Times....................................................................26 Table 5-3. Flows Delivered by Pumping Arrangements..............................................................30 Table 6-1. Total OPCC for Project..............................................................................................37 Table 6-2. Expected Annual Operating Budget ..........................................................................37 Figure 1. Map of Project Area....................................................................................................... 9 2 36 Figure 2. Map of Gravity Sewer Route.......................................................................................... 9 Figure 1-1. Map of Project Area..................................................................................................10 Figure 1-2. Project Area Wetland Delineation............................................................................. 11 Figure 2-1. Map of Project Area and WRF..................................................................................13 Figure 4-1. Map of Project Area..................................................................................................20 Figure 4-2. Map of Norton Sewer Outfall Route..........................................................................23 Figure 5-1. Operating Point with One Jockey Pump & One Force Main in Operation ................27 Figure 5-2. Operating Point with One Duty Pump & One Force Main in Operation....................28 Figure 5-3. Operating Point with Two Duty Pumps & One Force Main in Operation..................28 Figure 5-4. Operating Point with Two Duty Pumps & Two Force Mains in Operation ................29 Figure 5-5. Operating Point with Three Duty Pumps & Two Force Mains in Operation..............29 Figure 5-6. Operating Point with Four Duty Pumps & Two Force Mains in Operation................30 Figure 5-7. Proposed Wetwell Design ........................................................................................31 Figure 6-1. Lift Station and Wetwell Preliminary Design.............................................................34 Figure 6-2. Proposed Wetwell Design ........................................................................................35 Figure 6-3. Proposed Project Schedule......................................................................................36 3 37 777/s page intentionally left blank. 4 38 City of Bozeman Davis Lane and Norton Ranch Sewer Preliminary Engineering Report Prepared By: Coralynn Revis, PE HDR (406) 532-2219 ^T^': /V; ^i(\ ; "•w \ / (CORALYNNL.'"REV'Uj4"^-^-; J < No ••.. ;•.. ^£^° •-. w^"" ^?/ I hereby certify that this document was prepared by me or under my direct supervision, and that I am a duly registered Engineer under the laws of the State of Montana. 5 39 777/s page intentionally left blank. 6 40 Executive Summary The Davis Lane Lift Station and Norton Ranch Sewer will be a major addition to the City of Bozeman's wastewater collection system. The project includes the construction of the Norton East Ranch Outfall Sewer, a new lift station and wetwell, and a force main from the lift station to the City of Bozeman Water Reclamation Facility. The project's infrastructure will primarily service the northwest portion of the City. Gro\Arth in Bozeman is the driving force behind the need for this project. The City of Bozeman, particularly areas in the northwest part of Bozeman, have been and will continue to experience rapid growth. Additionally, northwest Bozeman is also the proposed site for the new Bozeman high school and the Billings Clinic, both of which will be the sources of significant wastewater flows into Bozeman's collection system. As this project is meant to serve a growing population, the lift station, and its associated components, must be capable of handling a wide range of flows. Flows are expected to increase substantially over the lifespan of the project, which presents a unique design challenge. Table 1 shows the range of expected flows at lift station startup, and Table 2 shows the range of expected flows over the lifespan of the project. Table 1. Expected Initial Flows Condition Norton Ranch Phase 1-5 New High School Flows Hospital Flow Total Average Design Flow Rate (GPM) | Peak Design Flow Rate (GPM) 71 9 179 259 218 53 602 873 -MB q Table 2. Expected Flows over Lifespan of Lift Station Condition Davis Lane Lift Station Startup Start Up after Billings Clinic Connection Norton East Ranch Interceptor Connected Gooch Hill LS and Hidden Valley LS connected to Davis Lane LS Average Design Flow Rate | Peak Design Flow Rate (GPM) | (GPM) 71 259 2,570 5,625 218 873 4,800 10,400 gl a •?: A number of alternatives pertaining to the project design were explored. Several wetwell alternatives were evaluated, including a traditional versus self-deaning style and a single versus dual wetwell arrangement. A single self-cleaning style wetwell was ultimately selected due to its simplicity, reduced maintenance requirements, and cost-effectiveness. A number ofwetwell pumping arrangements were also considered, including the installation of four larger pumps requiring no replacement with increasing flows, the installation of four smaller 7 pumps that would require complete replacement once flows increased, and the installation of a mix of smaller pumps and larger pumps that could handle the full range of expected flows. The evaluation resulted in a recommendation to install a total of five pumps; four operational pumps and one standby pump. All pumps will be submersible style pumps. However, during the initial startup flows, only three pumps will be installed in the wetwell; one smaller "jockey" pump and two duty pumps. The jockey pump would be capable of pumping a range of flows from roughly 500 gpm to 2,000 gpm at 30 feet of head. The duty pump would be capable of pumping a higher flow rate of roughly 3,000 gpm at 70 feet of head. Once the initial wetwell flows exceeded the jockey pump's likely upper pumping threshold of 2,000 gpm, the jockey pump would be replaced with an additional duty submersible pump. Once flows to the wetwell increase above 3,500 gpm, two additional duty pumps would be installed, which would bring the total number of pumps installed in the wetwell to five. One of these duty pumps would be a backup pump and would not operate regularly. Several alternatives pertaining to the lift station location and force main arrangement were considered. Many force main arrangements were evaluated, including a singular force main, dual force mains of identical size, and dual force mains of differing size. A dual 18 inch force main arrangement was ultimately selected, as it best conveyed the expected flow rates at adequate velocities. The possibility of locating the lift station south of 1-90, so as to minimize the size of the interstate bore, was explored extensively. However, property owners in the area were ultimately unsupportive of such an action, and existing right of ways constrained available space. Consequently, the lift station will be placed on the north side of the highway on City property and the boring under the interstate will be sized for the gravity sewer. Several alternatives pertaining to the Norton East Ranch Sewer route were evaluated. The selected sewer gravity main alternative will begin at Baxter Lane, just west of Flanders Mill Road, and end at the proposed lift station. This route is consistent with the sewer route previously outlined in Alternative 1A in the Bozeman Wastewater Collection System - Technical Memorandum: Norton East Ranch Sewer Outfall Alternatives Evaluation (DOWL, November 2018). Design considerations will be made to reduce the sewer depths at Cattail Street and Davis Lane identified in the DOWL memo in order to improve the constructability of the gravity sewer. A map showing the location of the lift station can be seen in Figure 1, and a map of the gravity sewer route can be seen in Figure 2. 8 42 ?? '( r S TAT ga'^iA t. v :^ i«S s 3-" ^£^. —-— « y. '-» ^. -^••;• ^ ^ I, ^'»f ^ a -$ <? I s' —; f fai, ^' .•<, ^ £ ^ ft % ^: % € "t-b ^ % tt» .« ?-<f=a y t; ? ^ r CIT OF ^•«. / fl BQZ MAN ..- ^ 'If fe *c{^ WWT ANE ».. ^^' •T- "^ & —r •"'^ MOSS i' s<" < e s / •^.. «• ^ f. "< •t- * ^ ^•T s*. ^ •^ •^ _^ s' T 1- Figure 1. Map of Project Area S! s ^ £•; '•.« i? ^ m. ^. 's ?* r. s' s ? -- I ^ 'TW.^.v-^J 3 T-lt Alt' ; .1 aR ^«» I N f [^^s w i^ » < . r-^ IT. ^ ^•^ f. ^ •r: ^ •^ ^< r ^' ^ fII D 2J K. '^ ""? ^5 'm m n al R3 »c "t; u w.1 ^ s^ Figure 2. Map of Gravity Sewer Route 9 43 1. Project Planning 1.1 Location The various components of the Davis Lane Lift Station and Norton Ranch Sewer project (hereinafter referred to as 'the project') will be constructed in the NW portion of the City of Bozeman. The Davis Lane Lift Station will generally be located near Interstate 90, with an accompanying force main routed to the City of Bozeman Water Reclamation Facility (WRF). A map of the project area can be seen in Figure 1-1. The Norton East Ranch Sewer outfall will intercept gravity sewer flows from the existing 27-inch sanitary sewer main in Baxter Lane just west of Flanders Mill Road. The new sewer main will generally be routed through open space within Baxter Meadows Subdivision, then cross Bozeman Elementary District No. 7 property and run along the north side of Cattail Street. The sewer main will be routed to the north along Davis Lane and cross East Valley Center Drive, Interstate 90, and the 1-90 Frontage Road to the proposed lift station. A map of the Norton East Ranch sewer outfall alignment can also be seen in Figure 1-1. >.. 1^^ ^ i^J ! J yi ^ ^ i^ c. ,- .1 '...;','>( -<l X- '^'^! sr^^! \ 31/ .^.V,P '^»'*^^.^ IV;;.-- T-lll <cro.1" t:af(l M,t,-iCr >+**'••' • •-,i ".I n / Fkt 3 .-A y» I -.1 :-»»; *'c Ktf ".; >.; ^v^ r3' •'; <;• « -.. :-».i; Er-^l -^ -I, ' .-.,-<r,r 15 »•,. ^, s&^ •5 'f ^•£ s/.: fp i<iw!i£(aiaijr3S!s».i ISSKDt Figure 1-1. Map of Project Area 10 44 1.2 Environmental Resources Present The proposed project is anticipated to require water quality permits due to the presence of wetlands and other water bodies within the study area. To facilitate anticipated permitting requirements, a field investigation was completed on May 28 to 29, 2019 for the 33.5 acre study area that included wetland and stream identification, delineation, and classification. A total of 1.03 acres of wetlands and 0.19 acres of streams were delineated within the study area. An overview of the results of the delineation are shown in Figure 1-2. LEGEND Delineated WeUand [r] Study Area Stream/Ditch •^ r-f ^ s •., Fee: A I WWTP Lljc- 2rEtttl, 30irf.et. £y. -<ER£, ^ e.UfcO.S. ltB--'W.-NCft£UENT iMana wwinn »^ S-A Mf»c»«. EW Jw u^n, e»i CWT iMana IW>3<=»1 Kam e*r .T^tond;, W»-*W»a NSCC^ Cflmgun^ Y iT tjlw ^ / ' .: <? ; I tUi x "<l < i »* p <"" \ \. »«-», ^... -»;)r<Nitt Lidw^i I /;»t St ^ j ...^.-.. ^ g (KWLw a ^ C^rrwSt 5" 3 s i]""^ :1|1|»1B c C<i 11 <t S-u I VC5 Bi3*l u G.rtfONm St £ l<;r i I I L'->!:» W»< 5 B««r L« ^ -s . LwnhiTfulSr <OeW)ltei(i ^ »* T|?Ati:tiiiLn j L U^t-t.«i» 1.3 Population Trends The City of Bozeman is currently experiencing rapid growth, particularly in the northwest portion of the City where the project will be constructed. Bozeman has a current population of 46,596 people according to the most recent population estimate from the US Census Bureau, dated July 2017. This represents a 25.0% increase in population since 2010, or roughly 3.6% growth per year. In recent years, the growth rate in Bozeman and the surrounding Gallatin Valley has ranked among the highest in the nation and there is little indication that growth rates will slow in the coming years. 1.4 Community Engagement The City of Bozeman Wastewater Collection System Facility Plan (2015) outlined the plan for future service to the areas west of the City and included the plan for the Davis Lane Lift Station and the Norton East Ranch Sewer. The facility plan was a public process and presented to the Commission. Further, the Capital Improvement Plan process is public and included this project. 12 46 2. Existing Facilities Existing facilities relevant to this project are the City of Bozeman Water Reclamation Facility (WRF), the existing 27-inch sanitary sewer main in Baxter Lane at the connection point, and the existing 30-inch sanitary sewer main in Springhill Road at the connection point of the force main. All other components pertaining to this project are to be constructed and do not currently exist. 2.1 Location Map A map showing the location of the WRF in relation to the project can be seen in Figure 2-1. tf ^ '. ff""'«''1 m w '.^ r •s^'if. ^ ^ vff- ^ •a >,» art- i.'NORTH ^ ^ ^ e.@" s -^ ?^ a ^ ^ !>». n ^ tf \ Gh2 •^' ^ I;,. t •ar-^ «y Y '•.I usr ^ r^y^ •:< 0 Bozeman WRF 0: =! ^•^^-m I ^ 0 8^ I ) ^ z £ ^ in /^ ^ .N"p>da» ^'nl '^ ^ )( Jill 90 MOSS BBIOGF ROAD t ••; Sy- ^v ^: 0 E v I•^ '/ f sl ;» •u'THTWTvt ft ^ ^ ^. s ^ ls;\ r.^ » ] v^^l ^ s frl t. .•». •'•I..-; ? y *.-1 r^L 2 •& ^« t r-\.. Figure 2-1. Map of Project Area and WRF 13 47 2.2 History The City of Bozeman WRF is a cold weather biological nutrient removal plant that utilizes a 5- Stage Bardenpho process. It was last upgraded in 2011 . The average daily design flow for the WRF is 8.5 MGD; it currently operates at approximately 6 MGD. 2.3 Condition of Existing Facilities Currently, the Bozeman WRF has an average daily influent flow of 6 MGD. The WRF was designed for an 8.5 MGD average daily flow, leaving room for roughly 2.5 MGD in additional capacity before the plant will need to be upgraded. The secondary treatment processes at the WRF are all designed for 10.6 MGD, which is the current maximum month flow. The hydraulic components are sized for 19 to 25 MGD to pass peak day and peak hour flows. The Davis Lane Lift Station is expected to provide an average of 8 MGD of additional flow at build-out, far greater than the 2.5 MOD of additional available treatment capacity at the WRF. Consequently, the WRF will need to be upgraded at some point during the lifespan of the Davis Lane Lift Station. The full build-out flows from the Norton East Ranch Interceptor will likely eclipse the capacity of the WRF. At build-out, the Norton Ranch Interceptor will increase the lift station flows to an average of 3.7 MGD and a peak of 6.9 MGD. Assuming that three to five percent of the total anticipated flow from the Norton Interceptor is added per year, the capacity of the WRF would likely be exceeded sometime in the early to mid-2030's. However, this estimate only considers flows from Davis Lane, and does not include potential flows from elsewhere in the City. 2.4 Financial Status of any Existing Facilities This is not applicable to this project. 2.5 Water/Energy/Waste Audits This is not applicable to this project. 14 48 3. Need for Project 3.1 Health, Sanitation, and Security The Davis Lane Lift Station and Norton East Ranch Sewer will provide the wastewater infrastructure necessary to service the expanding population of this segment of the City. 3.2 Aging Infrastructure The project consists of constructing entirely new infrastructure. As such, this section is not applicable. 3.3 Reasonable Growth The City of Bozeman is currently experiencing rapid growth. Consequently, several portions of the City's wastewater collection system are at risk of becoming deficient as the population increases. Much of the northwest portion of the City falls into this category. This area of the City is also the planned site for a new high school and a new medical facility, the Billings Clinic, both of which will be sources of large flows into the City's wastewater collection system. It will be necessary to upgrade the wastewater infrastructure in this portion of the City before these new connections come on line. A number of infrastructure improvements that would address deficiencies in the City's collection system were identified in the 2015 City of Bozeman Wastewater Collection Facilities Plan Update. In regards to the northwest portion of the City, it was recommended that the Davis Lane Lift Station and a force main from the lift station to the Bozeman WRF be constructed. It was recommended in the report that the lift station be constructed so as to accommodate additional flows once more connections came on line in the future. 15 49 4. Wastewater Collection Alternatives Considered 4.1 Lift Station and Force Main Alternatives Alternatives pertaining to the force main and the lift station design will be addressed in this section. Alternatives pertaining to the lift station that require evaluation include the siting location of the lift station, the configuration and type ofwetwell, and the wetwell pumping arrangement. Alternatives pertaining to the design of the force main include the pipe size and the number of force mains. A "do nothing" alternative, in which no collection alternatives are constructed, was considered along with the various alternative analyses presented below; however, this option does not address the issues associated with growth within the service area and therefore will not be carried forward for further evaluation. 4.1.1 Lift Station and Force Main Description The lift station will consist of a pump building and a wetwell. The building will house equipment and electrical components, and the pumps will be located in the wetwell. The force main will extend from the lift station to the WRF, and will be located entirely on City property. 4.1.2 Lift Station and Force Main Design Criteria The first step in the alternative analysis for the Davis Lane Lift Station, and associated force main, will be to establish design criteria including the range of flows that the lift station will be expected to handle. It is expected that the initial flows at startup will be quite small in comparison to those that may be encountered once the Norton East Ranch Sewer system, and all other accompanying collection points, are connected to the lift station. Consequently, the lift station must be designed to handle both the initial startup flows and the expected future flows. Pump selection and the sizing of the force main from the lift station to the WRF will be impacted by these varying flow rates. The lift station pumps can be sized for the initial influent flows, and be replaced as their capacity is exceeded, or additional pumps can be installed once the original pumps can no longer meet demand. The merits of replacing the lift station pumps as influent flows increase versus installing additional pumps to meet increased flows will be evaluated. The sizing of the force main will also be impacted by the wide range of expected influent flows. It may be difficult to size a single force main that will adequately serve the full range of flows, and it may be necessary to utilize a dual force main design. Consequently, the merits and feasibility of utilizing a single versus dual force main design will be evaluated. Another key design consideration will be the location of the lift station. The lift station could be constructed north or south of 1-90, which will significantly impact the size of the interstate sewer bore. If the lift station is located north of 1-90, the interstate sewer boring will connect the Norton East Ranch Sewer Outfall, and other service areas south of 1-90, to the Davis Lane Lift Station. Placing the lift station north of 1-90 would require a large bore to house the gravity sewer. If the lift station were to be located south of 1-90, the interstate boring would require a smaller bore to house the force main(s). While it would be advantageous to drill a smaller bore under the interstate, it may not be possible to locate the lift station south of 1-90 due to right of way 16 50 limitations and limited available property. The merits and feasibility of locating the lift station north and south of 1-90 will be evaluated. DESIGN FLOWS Table 4-1 shows a summary of the near-term flows anticipated at the lift station. The following assumptions were used to develop the near-term flows: • • Norton Ranch flows are based on 65 gallons per capita per day, with 2.17 people per dwelling unit per the 2015 City of Bozeman Wastewater Collection Facilities Plan Update and data from the 2010 US Census B-2 zoning was assumed for the hospital development as well as adjacent properties contributing to the Davis Lane Lift Station B-2 zoning was assumed to generate 2,000 gallons per acre in the 2015 City of Bozeman Wastewater Collection Facilities Plan Update The high school average and peak flows were based on a technical memo developed by TD&H Engineering Table 4-1. Expected Initial Flows Condition Norton Ranch Phase 1-5 New High School Flows Hospital Flow Total Average Design Flow Rate | Peak Design Flow Rate (GPM) | (GPM) 71 9 179 259 218 53 602 873 Most of the flow for the lift station will come from additional developments south of the existing City boundary. Significant increases in lift station flows are anticipated when the Norton Ranch Interceptor is connected to the Davis Lane Lift Station, and when the Gooch Hill and hlidden Valley Lift Stations are connected to the Davis Lane Lift Station. Table 4-2 shows a summary of the cumulative flows expected over the lifespan of the Davis Lane Lift Station. Table 4-2. Expected Flows over Lifespan of the Lift Station Condition Davis Lane Lift Station Startup Start Up after Billings Clinic Connection Norton East Ranch Interceptor Connected Gooch Hill LS and Hidden Valley LS connected I to Davis Lane LS •*11 Average Design Flow Rate | Peak Hourly Design Flow (GPM) | Rate (GPM) E-?*.. V' 71 259 2,570 5,625 i.W •W (. 218 873 4,800 10,400 17 51 LIFT STATION SITING OPTIONS The location of the lift station, either north or south of 1-90, will significantly affect the size and shape of the interstate boring. If the lift station is located north of 1-90, then the interstate boring will connect the Norton East Ranch Sewer Outfall, and other service areas south of 1-90, to the Davis Lane Lift Station. If the lift station is located south of 1-90, then the interstate boring would enclose the force main piping rather than the gravity sewer. In that scenario, the boring could be made much smaller than if it needed to enclose the gravity sewer line. The possibility of locating the lift station on the south side of the interstate within the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) right of way was explored extensively, hlowever, MDT was ultimately unsupportive of such an action, which effectively ended any consideration of placing the lift station south of 1-90. Consequently, the lift station will be placed on the north side of the highway, on City property, and the boring under the interstate will be have to be sized to accommodate the gravity sewer. FORCE MAIN CONFIGURATION AND SIZE The target velocity through the force main piping is two to seven feet per second in order to prevent the deposition of solids or create excessive headloss. Consequently, pipe velocity, and the related headloss and solids settling, is the limiting factor in the design of the force main. Maintaining a minimum force main velocity of two feet per second will be the key factor during the initial lift station startup when flows are low, and maintaining a maximum force main velocity below seven feet per second will be the key factor once all associated flows come on line. Three potential force main arrangements were evaluated. A single force main could be used, dual force mains of identical pipe size could be used, or dual force mains of differing size could be used. It is unlikely that a single force main arrangement would be able to adequately convey the wide range of expected flows. If a single force main were to be used, then the pipe velocities experienced during either the startup flows or the build out flows would inevitably vary drastically from the necessary velocity range of two to seven feet per second. The force main would either be too large or too small for one end of the flow range, and would not function as desired. If dual force mains of differing size were used, then redundancy would be lost as the force mains would no longer be identical to one another. As a result, the alternative consisting of dual force mains will be utilized. LIFT STATION PUMP CONFIGURATION OPTIONS The lift station pumps must be capable of handling the entire range of flows outlined in the design criteria. To do so, the pumps could be sized for the initial flows and then be replaced entirely once their capacity has been exceeded, the pumps could be sized for the initial flows and remain in operation once their capacity has been exceeded, and an additional pump(s) could be installed to provide the necessary pumping capacity, or a combination of these two approaches could be used in which a mix of pump models could be installed and replaced as needed. 18 52 The pumps could also be equipped with VFDs to allow for operation at a wider range of flows within. The installation of VFDs would increase the capital cost, but would provide greater operational ability and likely long-term energy savings. Several pump types could theoretically be used for the project. However, given the likely hydraulic conditions of the wetwell, submersible pumps will be best suited for use. The use of submersible equipment will simplify installation and avoid equipment crowding in the pump station. LIFT STATION WETWELL CONFIGURATION OPTIONS The wetwell, and other features that cannot be easily changed in the future, will be sized for the ultimate peak design flow of 15 MGD. There are several wetwell types and configurations that could be used. A traditional wetwell design or a self-cleaning wetwell design could be selected, and a singular or dual wetwell arrangement could be selected. Traditional wetwell design is often focused on providing as much storage capacity as possible. Consequently, wetwells of this sort are often deep, which can lead to cascading influent flow and poor pump inlet hydraulics. When the influent flow is allowed to cascade freely into a deep wetwell, it can cause vibration damage to bearings and shaft seals, and it can increase odor release and corrosion. Air entrainment can also result from cascading influent, which can reduce the capacity of the wetwell pumps. An alternative to the traditional wetwell design is a self-cleaning style wetwell. Such a wetwell has less storage than a traditional wetwell, but offers a number of design advantages. In addition, the issues surrounding the reduced storage volume can be offset by the use ofVFDs. The self-cleaning style design incorporates the use of an inlet ramp and pump trench with suction bells. The inlet ramp and pump trench layout provides for mechanical cleaning of the wet well by making use of pump hydraulics. Low water level is kept at the invert of the inlet pipe to minimize air entrainment and reduce the potential for differential velocities. The wet well working levels operate between the crown and invert of the influent pipe. The pumps are arranged inline to facilitate the self-cleaning nature of the wet well. The wet well section is sized such that flow velocity across the pump inlet is kept below four feet per second to maintain proper inlet hydraulics. The pump inlets are located in a trench much lower than the water level providing for almost quiescent flow conditions. This improves pump intake hydraulics and minimizes cavitation. The self-cleaning wetwell is designed with 60 degree trench side slopes to prevent the accumulation of settleable solids, eliminate the free fall of influent, and reduce scum buildup. Odors are significantly reduced by eliminating the cascading effect typical of traditional small wetwell designs. Due to the wide range of flows expected over the lifespan of the lift station, the possibility of utilizing a dual wetwell design should be considered. Utilizing two smaller wetwells, as compared to one larger wetwell, would allow for better hydraulics and pump sizing for the initial startup phase of the lift station. The second wetwell could be activated when influent flows 19 53 increased. The primary advantage of such a design would be to optimize lift station performance, particularly in the early stages of use. 4.1.3 Map A map of the project area can be seen in Figure 4-1. m iSi ,t r ^ s. I t 1*' Pffi s: %? x ••^ ^ fi, R07 STA PBOPOSE°d^ 7F MAN iONON Pl PWOPf ^ a< •' •E^l'. ^'1 ^ ^ .rf, ^ ?1 ^^0f-'CJSEO '-:^ £^ iPM&DIAT ^^ •A: < yw! m m v f. s^^ ^: ^ s <•; >y.Y .; ^ :% :^ 0% it-OPO I .f ^ «• ^ s f 'f .s2S! ^ ^^ N I,*,' ft i~ •>•/^. <•--. \ :^.. ^L. .te <b. m HA? ^ ••: ^ <> I ¥ BOUWOAffY f-L000 -\ M •K » WETLA oftffrt* now c*n; CRtEFORCATOON CITY OF BOZEMAN WWTP '¥<- ;% -<.. ^ OOSStNG '"!; & m m TT "^ tS JII w ^ ^ i- ^s f ^ ^ 3-r "OS BWX.C BC40 ^ Y •« w \ ^ 4rl ^ •^ <-s 1. < ^ »?<, ^*- t ». «; •»" K ^ s rrr i--:^ ^ av uu 6i ri ^ N. •*t W<LIP2.W" Figure 4-1. Map of Project Area 4.1.4 Environmental Impacts The Davis Lane Lift Station will be constructed on the existing WRF property owned by the City. There are no anticipated environmental impacts stemming from lift station construction activities in this area. 4.1.5 Land Requirements The project will consist of a wetwell and the associated lift station building. The preliminary building footprint is 65 feet by 30 feet. The preliminary wetwell footprint is approximately 14 feet by 40 feet. The two structures will be located in close proximity to one another. 4.1.6 Potential Construction Problems No potential construction problems have been identified during the preliminary design phase. 4.1.7 Sustainability Considerations Each of the pumps could be sized and fitted with a variable frequency drive (VFD) that would allow each pump to be operated at a variety of flow rates to match changing conditions. Operating the pumps with VFDs would reduce energy consumption and optimize system 20 54 performance as well as mitigate any potential issues as a result of small storage availability by using a self-cleaning wet well. 4.1.8 Cost Estimates An opinion of probable construction cost (OPCC) for the lift station and force main was completed based upon the preliminary project plans. The OPCC for the lift station building and wetwell amounted to approximately $2.95 million. The OPCC for the force main amounted to approximately $1.26 million. A more detailed cost estimate for these project components can be seen in Appendix A. 4.2 Norton Ranch Gravity Sewer Alternatives The sizing of the gravity main will be impacted by the expected flows, alignment options, and existing topography of the alignment options. The optimal route from the Baxter Lane connection point to the 1-90 crossing will be evaluated based on availability of right-of-way, existing facilities, and future roadway expansion. Existing topography also presents a design challenge. Sewer main depths will be minimized when possible to avoid depths greater than 20 feet by sizing a gravity main at minimum slopes based on the expected peak flows and a design flow depth to pipe diameter ratio (d/D) of 0.75. A variety of pipe sizes will be considered to take advantage of steeper existing topography near the connection point and 1-90 crossing 4.2.1 Norton Ranch Gravity Sewer Description The Norton East Ranch Sewer system will connect to the existing 27-inch sanitary sewer main in Baxter Lane, just west of Flanders Mill Road, and convey flows to the Davis Lane Lift Station. 4.2.2 Norton Ranch Design Criteria Design criteria for the gravity sewer main include a design flow depth to pipe diameter ratio of 0.75 based on a Manning's "n" value of 0.013, minimum pipe slopes as outlined in Circular DEQ-2, manhole spacing in accordance with City of Bozeman design standards, a 0.1-foot drop between inverts at manholes, and a minimum depth of cover of 4 feet. The City of Bozeman usually requires a 0.2-foot drop between inverts at manholes, however the City has approved the smaller drop to limit sewer depths. The target flow depth to sanitary sewer main diameter (d/D) ratio is 0.75, with a minimum flowing full velocity of 2.0 feet per second. Minimum slopes for the gravity sewer pipes have been evaluated in accordance with Circular DEQ-2: Design Standards for Public Sewage Systems. DESIGN FLOWS A peak design flow of 6.9 MGD has been identified for the Norton East Ranch sewer main. NORTON RANCH GRAVITY SEWER ROUTING OPTIONS The route of the gravity sanitary sewer main has been extensively evaluated in prior engineering reports. The proposed gravity main will begin at Baxter Lane just west of Flanders Mill Road and 21 55 end at the proposed lift station. Availability of right-of-way, existing utilities, and constructability will dictate the proposed route from the known starting and ending points. Sewer outfall alternatives were previously evaluated in the Bozeman Wastewater Collection System - Technical Memorandum: Nortion East Ranch Sewer Outfall Alternatives Evaluation (DOWL, November 2018). The technical memorandum evaluated four options, listed and briefly summarized below: • Alternative 1A: Dedicated Norton East Sewer Outfall - This route includes a dedicated sewer main north from Baxter Lane through Baxter Meadow Subdivision, east along Cattail Street, and north on Davis Lane to 1-90. Limitations and constraints for this option include unavailable right-of-way, topography constraints resulting in deep (30 feet) sewer installation, shallow groundwater, and construction through streams and wetlands. The deepest section of the sewer route was identified at the corner of Cattail Street and Davis Lane, where the sewer would be routed north towards the interstate. Various options were explored to reduce the depth at this point. Alternative 1B: Nearly Dedicated Norton East Outfall - This route would be similar to Alternative 1A, with the exception of the beginning section (Baxter Lane to Cattail Street). This alternative proposed a route north from Baxter Lane along Riata Road, which would include the removal and replacement of an existing sewer main. This alternative would avoid construction along an existing stream and wetland, and reduce depth at the deepest section of the route by approximately five feet. Alternative 2: Baxter Meadows Lift Station #2 & 27th/Cattail Interceptor- This option includes upgrading the existing Baxter Meadows Lift Station near Cattail Street, prior to the deepest section of sewer identified in Alternative 1A. This alternative would require a new force main to the intersection of Cattail Street and Davis Lane and utilization of the existing sewer mains in place. This alternative would require upgrades to existing sewer mains as well as a future 1-90 crossing, Davis Lane lift station, and force main from the lift station to serve future developments. Alternative 3: Interim Improvements to Existing Collection System and Baxter Meadows Lift Station - This alternative proposes the upgrading of existing facilities, which would be required for Alternative 2 to occur. Alternative 3 would ultimately only be implemented if Alternative 2 was selected as the long-term vision for the sewer system. • Additional details, including cost estimates, preliminary plan and profile sheets, and maps of the various alternatives may be found in the technical memorandum. The City of Bozeman has chosen to proceed with Alternative 1A, but the sewer will require a depth less than the 30 feet identified in the technical memorandum. Design considerations to reduce the depth at Cattail Street and Davis Lane have since occurred and are detailed in the following sections. NORTON RANCH GRAVITY CONFIGURATION AND SIZE Given the design flows listed in previous sections, a 33 inch diameter pipe at minimum slope (0.052 feet per 100 feet) will convey the design flow at a 0.75 d/D ratio. Existing topography will allow for pipes to be sloped steeper than the minimum grade in areas of the project. In these areas, smaller pipe sizes have been evaluated to meet the target 0.75 d/D ratio. Additionally, 36 22 56 inch pipe has been considered in an area of the project where depth of the sewer main presents a significant design challenge. Design flows for the project, in conjunction with the design Manning's n value and minimum slopes outlined in DEQ-2, will dictate the proposed pipe diameters. Various pipe sizes have been considered to convey the flow and are summarized in Table 4-3 below. Table 4-3. Norton East Ranch Sewer Main Pipe Sizes Pipe Diameter (in) 27 30 33 36 Minimum Slope (%) 0.15 0.085 0.052 (minimum slope as listed in DEQ-2) 0.046 (minimum slope as listed in DEQ-2) Flow Depth (in) 19.9 22.2 24.6 22.6 4.2.3 Map A map of the planned gravity sewer route can be seen in Figure 4-2. •s^ ^8 ^ «^» iL-s 31»» Bo; ^p iSS i?! t* {. y. ^51 ,i »>• f, 'if ^ -V ^^j » n !3 m^^a 1\ 3r^ ."! ^*5 •r-il l^-tur' &*)&( Fian<;1' S«mw Outtaif r••w ?4 '3'"1 1^ •'/ ai i"! ^ •< ^ ^•, s' .•l-lt -[tA, un s ^ "fr ^^ ^a £» •<^ (~ .," .i f :^ii (^. » k ff%Jt".>»£j •^3^ w •a liisl-|y%^ l A!' EiK?ISas.!i? ^-.1 .: B ? e^ 23ft d/D 0.74 0.74 0.75 0.63 Figure 4-2. Map of Norton Sewer Outfall Route 4.2.4 Environmental Impacts The Norton East Ranch gravity sewer main will be installed near a number of ditches and tributaries. From Baxter Lane to Kimberwicke Street, the gravity sewer pipe will be installed adjacent to and cross the Maynard Border Ditch at the south end of the project. The alignment will also cross a number of small tributary streams along Cattail Street. A portion of the sewer main will be installed adjacent to a tributary stream at the south end of Davis Lane and will cross Cattail Creek at the north end of Davis Lane. All stream crossings will be in accordance with Circular DEQ-2 and a "Joint Application for Proposed Work in Montana's Streams, Wetlands, Floodplains, and Other Water Bodies" will be submitted for the necessary stream permits. In addition, wetlands have been delineated along the entire length of the project to quantify impacts to existing jurisdictional wetlands. No other environmental impacts are anticipated. 4.2.5 Land Requirements The gravity sewer main will be located within public right-of-way or easements for the entirety of the route. There are several locations where additional easements are required. Generally, a 30-foot temporary construction easement and 30-foot permanent easement will be provided (60- foot total) where existing right-of-way is not available. 4.2.6 Potential Construction Problems There were several hurdles encountered during the preliminary design phase concerning property easements and right of way use, constructability of sewer main given depths of the main and available space, and risks involved with a large diameter bore given the site conditions. These hurdles are discussed further in individual sections to which the subject is pertinent. 4.2.7 Sustainability Considerations The Norton East Ranch gravity sewer main has been sized to allow for the future development of the full drainage basin. As such, construction improvements to upsize the sewer, based upon future development, will not be needed. This design consideration will save resources and reduce construction impacts to the area. 4.2.8 Cost Estimates An OPCC was completed for the gravity sewer and the sewer interstate crossing, respectively, based upon the preliminary project plans. The OPCC for the gravity sewer main from Baxter Lane to 1-90 amounted to $4.8 million, and the OPCC for the gravity sewer crossing under 1-90, the railroad tracks, and Frontage Road amounted to $3.9 million. The detailed cost estimates for these project components are included in Appendix A. 24 58 5. Selection of Alternatives 5.1 Force Main As mentioned previously, a dual force main arrangement of identical size was selected. Given the wide range of flows expected between start up and build out, a dual force main design will be necessary to adequately convey the flows at proper velocities. Using a dual force main will allow one force main to be used when flows are low, and two to be used once flows to the lift station increase. The force mains would serve as redundant pipelines to each other since they will be the same diameter. A dual force main arrangement of differing size was not selected due to the loss of redundancy that using differing diameters would entail, and because of the increased hydraulic complexity that would result. Dual force main configurations were evaluated for a number of pipe sizes. A dual force main arrangement employing two 18 inch diameter force mains was ultimately selected. This arrangement best fit the expected range of flows and the associated capacities of the selected pumps. A summary of the expected pipe velocities at the various expected pumping configurations is shown in Table 5-1. Table 5-1. Expected Pipe Velocities Configuration One Jockey Pump Operating on fill/draw, One 18" FM One Jockey Pump Operating at 60HZ, One 18"FM One Duty Pump, One 18" FM Two Duty Pumps, One 18" FM Two Duty Pumps, Two 18" FMs Three Duty Pumps, Two 18" FMs Four Duty Pumps, Two 18" FMs Total Flow (gpm) | Pipe Velocity (ft/s) 1,600 2,280 3,890 5,180 7,780 9,400 10,360 2.02 2.87 4.90 6.53 4.90 5.93 6.53 s.^;. The selected pipe diameter is well suited to the expected flow conditions. On the upper end of the flow spectrum, the pipe velocity would peak at approximately 6.53 feet per second if the build out flow conditions were to be reached and all four pumps were operational. On the lower end of the flow spectrum, the initial startup flows would result in a pipe velocity below two feet per second,but only if the jockey pump was operated continuously. To address this, the pump would be operated on fill/draw to ensure the pipe velocity remained above two feet per second, or as close to two feet per second as would be possible. This intermittent pumping will make it possible to select a larger force main size and still maintain adequate pipe velocity at the beginning of the lift station's operation. Once additional flows came on line the pumps would be operated continuously. Force main residence time was also considered for the array of expected flow conditions. Long residence times can result in odor generation and corrosion in downstream facilities, and should 25 59 generally be avoided. A summary of the expected residence times at the various configurations is shown in Table 5-2. Table 5-2. Expected Force Main Residence Times Configuration One Jockey Pump Operating on fill/draw, One 18" FM One Jockey Pump Operating at 60Hz, One 18" FM One Duty Pump, One 18" FM Two Duty Pumps, One 18" FM Two Duty Pumps, Two 18" FMs Three Duty Pumps, Two 18" FMs Four Duty Pumps, Two 18" FMs Total Flow (gpm) | Residence Time(hr) 1,600 2,280 3,890 5,180 7,780 9,400 10,360 0.504 0.354 M« 0.207 0.156 0.104 0.086 0.078 «M^ The recommended maximum pipe residence time is generally no more than two hours. The calculated residence times in the table above show that this should not be an issue for any of the force main or pumping arrangements. 5.2 Lift Station Pumping The pros and cons of the various pumping arrangements outlined in the alternatives evaluation were considered. Ultimately, the evaluation resulted in a recommendation to install five pumps; four operational pumps and one standby pump. All pumps will be submersible style pumps. However, during the initial startup flows, only three pumps will be installed in the wetwell; one smaller "jockey" pump and two duty pumps. The jockey pump would be capable of pumping a range of flows from roughly 500 gpm to 2,000 gpm at 30 feet of head. The duty pump would be capable of pumping a higher flow rate of roughly 3,000 gpm at 70 feet of head. Once the initial wetwell flows exceeded the jockey pump's likely upper pumping threshold of 2,000 gpm, the jockey pump would be replaced with an additional duty submersible pump. Once flows to the wetwell increase above 3,500 gpm, two additional duty pumps would be installed, which would bring the total number of pumps installed in the wetwell to five. One of these duty pumps would be a backup pump and would not operate regularly. The selected pumping arrangement will simplify the design of the wetwell, as completely changing each installed pump model, once flows increased, would make it difficult to properly size the dimensions of the wetwell. Replacing just one initial jockey pump will allow the wetwell to be sized for the eventual duty pumps and still maintain adequate hydraulics. This pumping arrangement also minimized the purchase of extraneous pumps without compromising wetwell performance. Additionally, all pumping equipment will be selected to enable lifting/removal of the equipment from the deck level above the wetwells. The pumps will be installed with a guide rail and an access door in the wetwell deck above each respective pump to allow for simple removal and replacement. 26 60 All pumps will be equipped with a VFD. Equipping each pump with a VFD will allow each pump to be optimized for the wide range of possible influent flows at any given time. Pumps, valves, and all other metal components that will be submerged in or handle raw wastewater in the pump stations will be fabricated from stainless steel or coated cast iron to protect against corrosion and minimize maintenance requirements. The following figures demonstrate the various operating points with one, two, three, and four pumps in operation, and one or two force mains in operation. In each case, the operating points shown are for the individual pumps, even when multiple are in operation. The blue pump curve represents the 100% operating capacity of the pump, while the green pump curve represents the pump capacity when turned down to 40hlz, the likely lowest turndown capability of the pumps. A dual 18 inch diameter force main configuration was used to develop the system curve. 120 •-- 110 "! -•? .i-. 100 "i- "*- -1— —4- "i" •;•— 4- .„!. - g 90 .L— - -h - -4— 0 ^ 80 -'i- "^' -i- "t" -i- -i.. --+ 4-- 70 -f- .-i-- ''," -j... .-..-J-. -t- ! 60 -»- -•'- --i -t- -}- --•i- a 50 -;- 40 ? .^..— r- s 30 4-. ->-- 20 10 •+• -i 0 0 500 1.000 1,500 2.000 2.500 3,000 SINGLE PUMP FLOW (flpm) 3.500 4.000 4,500 5.0CO Figure 5-1. Operating Point with One Jockey Pump & One Force Main in Operation 27 61 120 ; 4~-~ i" ! -r- 110 -- -I-—. l.100 --f--' .. .-.1- r- 0 s g go 80 -{• T- ..J—~ - --r ^ .-1 1-— -r- "-r- r „!...„ y 70 -1-— t— T- ..,. —^ .,-.- ..).. s t 60 ~1~ r- 4- +- -1- a 50 r -,. -"i 40 •{• -i -4- s --(- s. 30 --(" 'T -r- -;- 20 -i- -i- 4--. .-{.. 10 ,- -,-....- -, -?-- 0 1,000 1.SOO 2.000 3.500 4.000 4,500 0 500 2.500 3.000 5.000 SINGLE PUMP FLOWlgpm) Figure 5-2. Operating Point with One Duty Pump & One Force Main in Operation 120 -.-...-. 110 __._..J__ -„-! 100 1" L „-.„.. -T £ 90 - .....4- -\- s 80 •r -•i-- -+-— -f- y 70 -1 r -'- -1" 80 -...,.. +- .i.. }-— s T -r --} -i- •{- ->- •\ s 50 I- r- ^ 40 -i -j.- -<-- -.} [- r ? 30 20 -1- r 4— -f ±: -t- 10 .-.4-— ,-. ..... 4- 0 soo 1,000 1500 2.000 2.SOO 3.000 SINGLE PUMP FLOW Igpm) 3,500 4,000 4,500 5,000 Figure 5-3. Operating Point with Two Duty Pumps & One Force Main in Operation 28 62 120 ..i... --- „..!. 110 - 100 -.1- ..1 — .-..L £ 90 r "r a 80 70 4-. 4- "t- —t-— 4- N 60 1" ^.. •-i- ?- -•(- s .\- s 50 -*-• 40 + -t- ? ? 30 •-»- r- 20 4- t" -^ -+-- 10 ..i. 0 0 500 1.000 2.000 2.500 3.500 4.000 1,500 3,000 4.500 5,000 SINGLE PUMP FLOW (gpm) Figure 5-4. Operating Point with Two Duty Pumps & Two Force Mains in Operation 120 ~; -h -t" 110 T" T" •T r -r --:•- 100 "v~ -t --i- -!— £ 90 --L- a —4-- 2 80 70 -i- N I 60 •i-- -<-- -I »--- ..^. ;-— 50 r-( ..t- 0 f 40 +- ..t- £ 30 <•— 't- -r- —4- i 20 • -^. -;-• ..+..-— -4-- .-! ^.— *- -4— 10 —t_. 0 500 1.000 1.500 2.000 2.500 3.000 3.SOO 4.000 4,500 5.000 0 SINGLE PUMP FLOW (gpm) Figure 5-5. Operating Point with Three Duty Pumps & Two Force Mains in Operation 29 63 e 120 r— 110 •! ....1. •r- 100 ~~v -i -r" s 90 -i- "I „; 0 80 . -i- -4-- -i.. ^ •r-- —I- -t~ 70 —t—— -h- y ..,. t--; +• .4...— N 60 --! 0 50 -\ -r -1- --1- ? 40 -- *—^ -•j- 30 —-r <--4. 20 -4- .4- -i- —^. -.-..- —+- 10 _L...- .;.- 1- 0 0 500 1.000 1,500 2,000 2.500 3,000 SIN6LE PUMP FLOW (gpm) 3.500 4.000 4,500 5,000 Figure 5-6. Operating Point with Four Duty Pumps & Two Force Mains in Operation A summary of the range of flows that these configurations will be capable of delivering is shown in Table 5-3. Pumps are assumed to be operating at full capacity unless indicated otherwise. Table 5-3. Flows Delivered by Pumping Arrangements Configuration One Jockey Pump Operating at 40Hz, One 18"FM |^ One Jockey Pump Operating at 60Hz, One 18"FM . One Duty Pump, One 18" FM j"" Two Duty Pumps, One 18" FM TwoDuty Pumps, Two 18" FMs *-<&S- Three Duty Pumps, Two 1 8" FMs ' ? ^^ Four Duty Pumps, Two 18" FMs 11^- Total Flow (gpm) 500 2,280 g| 3,890 5,180 7,780 9,400 m 10,360 H The range of flows that these various arrangements will be capable of delivering adequately cover the expected range of influent flows to the Davis Lane Lift Station from initial startup to full build-out conditions. Depending upon how quickly flows to the lift station increase due to development connections, the pump(s) may operate on a fill/draw to maintain adequate velocity in the force main. 5.3 Wetwell Design A single, self-cleaning style wetwell was selected. The self-cleaning style was selected because of the myriad benefits previously discussed, and the savings in annual maintenance fees that would be realized by utilizing the self-cleaning style. Additionally, the slight decrease in available storage that comes with a self-cleaning style wetwell will be partially offset by equipping the wetwell pumps with VFDs. A section view of the proposed wetwell layout can be seen in Figure 5-7. 30 64 E ^ v NP ttj H-i- •• • . r ;: Figure 5-7. Proposed Wetwell Design As can be seen in the wetwell arrangement shown in Figure 5-7, the pumps are arranged inline to facilitate the self-cleaning nature of the wet well. A dual wetwell design was not selected because it would increase construction costs for a small increase in hydraulic performance. Roughly 30% to 50% more materials would likely be required to construct a dual wetwell design as opposed to a singular wetwell. Additionally, a dual wetwell would require the purchase of seven pumps, depending on pump selection, as opposed to the six pump purchases required for a single wetwell. This would increase the relative cost of the dual wetwell as compared to the singular wetwell design. Given the higher costs and increased complexity of utilizing a dual wetwell design, it was determined that the performance benefits were not great enough to warrant selection. 5.4 Lift Station Location/lnterstate Bore The location of the lift station north of 1-90 will require a bore of a casing pipe large enough to convey a 30-inch gravity sewer carrier pipe under 1-90 and the Montana Rail Link (MRL) train tracks. Additionally, grade control of the bore will be crucial, as the 30-inch sewer pipe will need to convey a peak flow of 15 MGD by gravity. In addition to the gravity sewer bore, a 16-inch water main will be bored, approximately 20-feet west of the gravity sewer bore, to serve future development. 31 65 Various casing sizes for the two bores have been considered. The casing must be large enough to contain the carrier pipe, accounting for pipe thickness and including bells at the pipe joints. Typically, a 16-inch water main would be bored with a minimum 30-inch casing pipe. Considering grade control will not be as crucial for the water main bore, a 30-inch casing pipe is proposed for the water main bore. Casing pipe sizes ranging from 48-inch to 54-inch have been considered for the gravity sewer main. A larger casing size has been considered more desirable for grade control, as a larger casing would allow for minor grade adjustments to be made to the carrier pipe. Final casing size is still being evaluated with the geotechnical engineer, MDT, and MRL. Bore methods must also be evaluated for the 30-inch sewer main and 16-inch water main bores. Several factors must be considered when evaluating bore methods. Critical site-specific factors include the need for grade control, soil type, presence of groundwater, length of the bore, and size of the casing pipe. As discussed above, the location of the lift station north of 1-90 requires a bore method that will allow a 30-inch carrier pipe to gravity flow through the bore. Soils along the bore path are expected to contain cobbles approximately 6-inch in diameter with occasional 12 to 18-inch boulders. Groundwater may be at an elevation higher than the top of the casing pipe, depending on the time of year the construction occurs. The length of the bore will likely depend on conclusions from ongoing discussions with the Montana Department of Transportation, but could vary from 80 feet at the railroad tracks to 600 feet if it is required to bore across the entire MDT and MRL right-of-way. Given the design constraints for the project, the two bore methods that have been considered most feasible are pipe ramming and microtunneling. Pipe ramming is often performed for bores with larger casing pipes. Pipe ramming allows for bores to be completed in cobbles, as the cobbles can be removed via the casing pipe, and is generally an economical option. The disadvantage to pipe ramming pertains to the grade control. The grade of the casing pipe is set at the entrance of the bore pit and potentially cannot be adjusted if an obstruction is encountered. Microtunneling is also a method used for large casing pipe bores. Microtunneling allows for grade adjustments throughout the length of the bore, making it a well-suited method for installations that require a strict grade tolerance. Disadvantages to microtunneling include installation in cobbles, as large obstructions may present issues during construction, as well as cost. The two bore methods and site conditions will need to be further explored prior to selecting the preferred bore method. Grade control would appear to be the limiting factor, however further geotechnical exploration is planned to gain understanding of the anticipated soils through the bore path. 5.5 Norton East Ranch Sewer Existing topography is generally steeper than the minimum slopes outlined in Table 4-3 along the route north from Baxter Lane. A pipe diameter of 27 inches is proposed for this section, as no pipes will be sloped flatter than 0.15 percent. Beginning near the point in the route where the main is directed east, existing topography flattens and rises to the east, culminating at the intersection of Cattail Street and Davis Lane. A 36 inch diameter pipe sloped at minimum slope is proposed for this section of the route in order to limit depth at Cattail Street and Davis Lane. The increase in pipe size is necessary to keep the sewer at a constructible depth, given the presence of high groundwater, cobble soils, and limited right-of-way availability. The sewer main route continues north on Davis Lane until reaching 1-90. Existing topography begins to steepen 32 66 on Davis Lane, allowing for slopes greater than 0.15 percent. The proposed pipe diameter for this section will be 27 inches. A minimum four feet of cover will be achieved through the project. A small portion of the route, located on the Chief Joseph Middle School property, will require the placement of fill to achieve the minimum four feet of cover. This portion of the route has an existing gravel trail on the surface, which becomes muddy and partially unusable during rain events and periods of high groundwater. Placement of the fill will elevate the trail, alleviating the issue. Drainage will be considered for this section of the project and all proposed grade changes to the gravel trail will be approved by the Bozeman Elementary District No. 7. The proposed sewer depth at Cattail Street and Davis Lane has been reduced to just under 19 feet by utilizing the 0.1 foot drop at manholes, 36 inch sewer main, and placement of fill within the Chief Joseph Middle School property. The sewer main will be significantly more constructible at a depth of 19 feet but will still be challenging. Additional options for decreasing the depth of the sewer main at the Cattail Street and Davis Lane intersection are continuing to be explored. 33 67 6. Proposed Project 6.1 Preliminary Project Design The preliminary project design consists of the following alternative selections: The lift station will be located on the north side of Interstate 90 • A total of five submersible pumps will be installed in the wetwell at build out. Initially, three pumps will be installed to handle initial flows, 2 duty pumps and one jockey pump. The jockey pump will be sized to handle minimum flows to the Lift Station. It will be replaced with an additional duty pump once flows to the Lift Station increase. • Dual 18 inch diameter force mains will be utilized The lift station wetwell will be a self-cleaning design The Norton East Ranch Sewer will consist of a gravity sanitary sewer main from Baxter Lane to 1-90 via Baxter Meadow Subdivision, Cattail Street, and Davis Lane These selections constitute the preferred alternatives for this project, and the City possesses the necessary legal, financial, institutional, and managerial resources to construct, operate and maintain the eventual facilities. An in depth discussion of the evaluation processes for these alternative selections is included in Sections 4 and 5. A plan view of the preliminary lift station and wetwell design can be seen in Figure 6-1. ^ ¥. I^ h \@w--—^ [t m @1 1@ D ~QJ LU JJ Figure 6-1. Lift Station and Wetwell Preliminary Design 34 68 A section view of the proposed wetwell layout can be seen in Figure 6-2. E=^ Et -E c (3) N ^ ^r Figure 6-2. Proposed Wetwell Design 6.2 Project Schedule The project schedule will allow the project to be completed and operational by the summer of 2020 to accommodate the opening of the City's new high school. Final design plans for the project will be completed by August 2019 to allow for adequate construction time. The proposed schedule of work can be seen in Figure 6-3. 35 69 M»6 w 201* 2020 )ffl Caoi4mtni| lOZNImujfnBntHm KB ftw«Nn»ilb,a imihhlAtihR ""sm.yai; 2(»MBiinit 2BUlltai—ilWB»' 2056»l^»USmldl» '"•••**'»«"^w^i' »6SwUmNodd ^1ttiU(UW^^nriO»t(iit!"» .3Kailt^igigg»1»»a ^»Pw^Sv " igb»|WWdWqftWrtrfl ^6s£r2Lji [,w<yn A StBtUIXSawn SO»Pni|«rt< imimowfian .SMfcBtB»<«lttain<| » <1 < •<• sas ss ^36sa «w s e •s «<• *« •vr «c iIBS1W| W FiiullWnCtolfijfiiiKt ^ WdMwrtiwmit •«JMBi<ONBnn(PwdMriidij< iaastefe&i antiiN.tiyfBfaNniii.i1 ^i^a^fei&i^i^l^R- l^^^-a^^^^. SBI tautmdiiBl Figure 6-3. Proposed Project Schedule 6.3 Permit Requirements A permit will be required from the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and Montana Rail Link (MRL) to bore the gravity sewer under 1-90 and the railroad tracks that parallel the interstate. MDT and MRL are aware of the project and the plan to bore under the railroad tracks and interstate. The proposed project is also anticipated to require water quality permits due to the presence of wetlands and other water bodies within the study area. Under the federal Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 404, a permit is required for the discharge of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States, which includes wetlands. Any construction occurring within the delineated wetland and streams is anticipated to require the following permits and authorizations: 36 70 CWA Section 404 Permit- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USAGE) CWA Section 401 Certification - MT DEQ Montana Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (MPDES) General Permit- Montana DEQ Short-Term Water Quality Standard for Turbidity (318 Authorization) - Montana DEQ By federal law (Clean Water Act) and associated policy, it is necessary to avoid project impacts to wetlands wherever practicable, minimize impacts where impact is not avoidable, and in some cases mitigate for impacts where avoidance and minimization is not possible. If unavoidable impacts are anticipated, a Joint Application for Proposed Work in Montana's Streams, Wetlands, Floodplains, and Other Water Bodies permit application will be submitted to the appropriate regulatory agencies to obtain the necessary authorizations prior to construction. 6.4 Total Project Cost Estimate An OPCC was completed for each major project component. These cost estimates are summarized in Table 6-1 below. A more detailed breakdown of the OPCC for each project component can be seen in Appendix A. Table 6-1. Total OPCC for Project Project Component Lift Station Force Main Gravity Sewer Main Sewer Interstate Crossing Total OPCC $2.95 Million $1.26 Million $4.81 Million $3.93 Million $13.0 Million 6.5 Annual Operating Budget An opinion of the probable annual operating cost for the lift station can be seen in Table 6-2. Table 6-2. Expected Annual Operating Budget Parameter I Annual Cost Pump Electricity Costs at Build Out $63,000.00 Additional Electricity Costs $12,000.00 Cleaning $5,000.00 Miscellaneous O&M Costs $20,000.00 Total $100,000.00 The electrical costs of running the wetwell pumps constitutes the majority of the anticipated annual operating budget. The annual pump electrical cost of $63,000 shown in the table represents the expected cost to pump the average daily design flow rate of 5,625 gpm for 24 hours a day. However, the annual electricity costs for the pumps would be far less during the initial lift station startup period, as there would likely only be one pump in operation for several 37 71 hours a day. Electricity costs during the startup period for intermittently operating the jockey pump would likely be in the range of $10,000 a year. As the hours of pump operation increase and more pumps are brought online, the annual electricity costs will gradually rise to the $63,000 range shown in Table 6-2. There would likely be additional electrical costs relating to lift station operation, and some various cleaning and maintenance costs. These annual costs are accounted for in Table 6-2. 38 72 7. Conclusions and Recommendations The wide range of expected influent flows over the lifespan of the lift station, roughly 200 gpm to 10,400 gpm, presents a unique design challenge. It is difficult to properly size and design a lift station that will be capable of servicing anywhere from a trickle to a torrent of influent flow, but the preliminary alternatives selected in this PER should adequately meet the identified design criteria. The early stages of lift station operation will likely present the most challenging operating conditions. Depending upon how quickly flow sources come on line, there may be a period when the lift station pumps will need to be operated intermittently to maintain adequate pipe velocity and pump hydraulics. This period of intermittent operation should be relatively short lived, and the challenge will be alleviated once additional flows are connected. The interstate sewer boring will be a large undertaking. Unfortunately, no approach was determined that would've allowed the lift station to be placed south of 1-90. Placing the lift station south of the interstate would have meant the boring could be made smaller, as it would only need to house the force main rather than the large gravity sewer. With no available property south of the interstate, the lift station will have to be placed north of 1-90 on City property. The schedule for the project will be fairly exact to ensure that the lift station will be operational before the new Bozeman high school opens in August of 2020. Final design plans for the project will be completed by August 2019 to leave adequate construction time to meet this necessary completion date. 39 73 Appendix A Preliminary OPCC for Davis Lane Lift Station and Norton Ranch Sewer Project Components 40 74 SANDERSON STEWART^r U-Jun-19 Preliminary Engineer's Opinion of Probable Cost For D avis Lane Lift Station and Norton Sewer Project Project Cost Sumniary Opinion of Probable Cost Based on 30% Plans Schedule 1, Subtotal Gravity Sewer Main from Baxter Lane to 1-90 Schedule 2, Subtotal Tunnel Across 1-90, RaUroad Tracks, and Frontage Roads Schedule 3, Subtotal Davis Lane Lift Station Force Main Subtotal 20% Contingency Total Opinion of Probable Cost $4,004,190.08 $3,276,020.00 $1,048,300.00 $8,328,510.08 $1,665,702.02 $9,994,212.10 -All items are complete and in place. -Based on 30% design as of June 14, 2019. -Engiaeeriag Design, Contract Administradon, and right-of-way/easement aquisidoa are not included in this estimate. -Saadersoa Stewart cannot warrant that any opinions of probable cost provided by Sanderson Stewart will not vary from actual costs incurred by the client. Saadersoa Stewart has no control over the cost or availability of labor, eqmpment, materials, or over market condidons or the Contcactor's method of pricing. Sanderson Stewart makes no warranty, express or implied, that the bids or the negodated cost of the work wiU not vary from Sanderson Stewart's opinion of probable cost. 75 SANDERSON STEWART^r 6/14/2019 Engineer s Opinion of Probable Cost For Davis Lane Lift Station and Norton Sewer Project ALL ITEMS ARE COMPLETE IN PLACE Schedule 1 - Gravity Sewer Main from Baxter Lane to 1-90 ITEM EST. Total CQTY. UNIT DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE Subtotal Subtotal w/ 20% Contingency TOTAL PRICE 101 1 LS MobiUzadon and Insurance (10%) @ (364,017.28 / LS = $364,017.28 102 1 LS Traffic Control @ <|i50,000.00 / LS = t50,000.00 103 1 LS Stormwater Management and Erosion Control @ t20,000.00 / LS = $20,000.00 104 1 LS Groundwater Dewatering @ 1350,000.00 / LS = (350,000.00 105 30 HR Exploratory Excavadoa (Large Crew) @ (600.00 /HR = $18,000.00 106 20 HR Exploratory Excavation (SmaU Crew) @ 1,300.00/HR = t6,000.00 107 28 EA Underground Utility Crossing @ tSOO.OO /EA = 114,000.00 108 5,844 LF 27" PVC Sewer (6-- 10'to Invert) @ tl20.00 / LF = $701,300.40 109 1,173 LF 27" PVC Sewer (<10'-15'to Invert) @ lfl55.00 / LP = (181,770.05 110 378 LF 27" PVC Sewer (>15'to Invert) @ (200.00 / LF = $75,686.00 Ill 2,982 LF . 36" PVC Sewer (6'- 10'to Invert) @ tl 80.00/LF = »536,745.60 112 1,798 LF 36" PVC Sewer (<10'-15'to Invert) @ $215.00 / LF = $386,578.60 113 890 LF 36" PVC Sewer (>15'to Invert) @ (265.00 / LF = ]t235,903.00 114 20 EA 60" SS Manhole x 5'Depth @ (5,500.00 /EA = (110,000.00 115 81 . VF 60" SS Manhole; Additional Depth @ 1,185.00/VF = tl4.962.SO 116 1 . EA New Manhole on Easting 27-inch Sewer Main @ 1(12,000.00 / EA = ]fl2,000.00 117 15 EA 72" SS Manhole x 5'Depth @ »8,500.00 / EA = $127,500.00 118 88 VF 72" SS Manhole ; Additional Depth @ lf235.00 /VF = t.20,593.05 119 3,970 LF Remove and Replace Curb and Gutter @ ]t35.00 / LF = (138,950.00 120 200 SF Remove and Replace Sidewalk @ K20.00 / SF = t4,000.00 121 1 LS Remove and Replace Irrigarion Structure and Piping at Davis/CattaiI @ t28,000.00 / LS = (28,000.00 122 9,142 SY Asphalt Restorauon @ t35.00 / SY = $319,983.30 123 770 CY Imported Backfill to Achieve Minimum 4' Cover @ t35.00 / CY = t26,950.00 124 1 LS Wedands NGugadon/Permitttng (protecdve covenant area) @ $50,000.00 / LS = $50,000.00 125 1 LS Wedands Miugation/Permitting (other areas) @ 160,000.00 / LS = t60,000.00 126 1 LS Stream Crossing @ (20,000.00 / LS = $20,000.00 127 6.6 AC Vegeadon Restorarion @ $8,000.00 /AC = 1(52,800.00 128 5,230 SY Trail Restoiarion and Access Road @ tlS.OO / SY = $78,450.00 $4,004,190.08 $4,805,028.10 76 SANDERSON STEWART^i 6/14/2019 Engineer s Opinion of Probable Cost For Davis Lane Lift Station and Norton Sewer Project ALL ITEMS ARE COMPLETE IN PLACE Schedule 2 - Tunnel Across 1-90, Railroad Tracks, and Frontage Roads ITEM EST. Total CQTY. UNIT DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE Subtotal Subtotal w/ 20% Contingency TOTAL PRICE 101 1 LS Mobilization and Insurance (10%) @ 1,297,820.00 / LS = $297,820.00 102 1 LS Traffic Control for I'rontage Rd and E. Valley Shoulders @ )tl0,000.00 / LS = $10,000.00 103 1 LS Stormwater Management and Erosion Control @ t8,000.00 / LS = t8,000.00 104 1 LS Groundwater Dewatenng @ ]t55,000.00 / LS = $55,000.00 105 40 I-IR Montana Rail LiakFlagger @ 1150.00 /HR = $6,000.00 106 4 EA Underground UtUity Crossing @ ]tl,500.00 / EA = 1(6,000.00 107 700 LF 48-inch Steel Casing InstaUed via MicrotunneUog @ )fl,750.00 / LF = tl.225,000.00 108 1 LS 48-inch Casing Spacers and End Seals @ (40,000.00 / LS = t40,000.00 109 1 LS Cathodic Protecdon for 48-mch Steel Casing @ t25,000.00 / LS = $25,000.00 110 700 LF 30-mch Sewer Mam in 48-inch Casmg @ $165.00 / LF = 1115,500.00 Ill 2 EA 72-inch Sanitary Sewer Manhole @ ]f8,500.00 / EA = 117,000.00 112 20 YF Extra Depth 72-inch Sanitary Sewer Manhole @ $235.00 / VF = H700.00 113 100 LF 36-Inch Sewer Main via Open Cut @ 1280.00 / LF = t28,000.00 114 700 LF 48-inch Steel Casing Installed via MicrotunneUng @ ]tl,750.00 / LF = 1(1,225,000.00 115 1 LS 48-inch Casing Spacers and End Seals @ »40,000.00 / LS = $40,000.00 116 1 LS Cathodic Protection for 48-mch Steel Casing @ (25,000.00 / LS = 125,000.00 117 700 LP 16-inch Water Mam in 48-inch Casing @ tlOO.OO / LF = $70,000.00 118 200 LF 16-mch Water Main via Open Cut @ tlSO.OO / LF = (30,000.00 119 1 EA Connect to Existing 8-inch Water Mam @ ]t6,000.00 / EA = $6,000.00 120 2 EA New 16-inch Butterfly Valve @ jf5,000.00 / EA = $10,000.00 121 2 EA New Fire Hydrant @ t5,500.00 / EA = 111,000.00 122 1 LS Seeding Restorarion @ lf8,000.00 / LS = $8,000.00 123 4 EA Bentonite Trench Plug @ (2,000.00 / EA = t8,000.00 124 1 LS Ditch and MisceUaneous Surface Restorauon @ (5,000.00 / LS = )t5,000.00 $3,276,020.00 $3,931,224.00 77 SANDERSON, STEWART^r 6/14/2019 Engineer's Opinion of Probable Cost For Davis Lane Lift Station and Norton Sewer Project ALL ITEMS ARE COMPLETE IN PLACE Schedule 3, Davis Lane Lift Station Force Main ITEM EST. Total CQTY. UNIT DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE 101 1 LS MobiUxauon and Insurance (10%) @ $95,300.00 / LS 102 1 LS Traffic Control @ tl0,000.00 / LS 103 1 LS Stormwater Management and Erosion Control @ t7,500.00 / LS 104 1 LS Groundwater Dewatering @ 1(20,000.00 / LS 105 15 HR Exploratory Excavauon (Large Crew) @ )t600.00/HR 106 10 HR Exploratory Excav-adon (SmaU Crew) @ (300.00/HR 107 12 EA Underground Utility Crossing @ t500.00 /EA 108 3,800 Lp - Dual 18" Force Main (Two pipes in one trench) @ t200.00 / LF 109 1 LS Stream and Culvert Crossing @ 135,000.00 / LS 110 1,700 SY Asphalt Restoration @ t35.DO / SY Ill 3 AC Vegetarian Restondoa @ t6,000.00/AC 112 1 LS Fence Restoratton @ ^5,000.00 / LS Connection to Existing 30-inch Sanitary Sewer at WRF with New Doghouse Manhole @ (20,000.00 /EA (95,300.00 $10,000.00 t7.500.DO t20,000.00 t9,000.00 (3,000.00 t6.000.DO $760,000.00 (35,000.00 (59,500.00 tl 8,000.00 t5,000.00 $20,000.00 Subtotal Subtotal w/ 20% Contingency $1,048,300.00 $1,257,960.00 78 Davis Lane Lift Station and Wetwell Cost Estimate Description Quantity Unit Base Unit Price ($/unit) Adjusted Price ($/unit) Total ($) Division 1 - General Requirements General Requirements 1 LS $ 179,807.30 $ 179,807 Subtotal $ 179,807 Divlson 3 - Concrete |Pump Building Foundation Slab-on-Grade 'Wetwell Slab on Grade Wetwell Suspended Slab Wetwell Concrete Walls Wetwell Inlet Ramp Wetwell Misc Concrete 50 CY $ 670 18 14 CY CY $ 670 $ 1,500 90 10| 351 CY CY CY $ 1,200 $ 1,200 $ 1,200 $ $ $ $ $ 33,500 12,060 20,556 $ 108,000 12,000 42,000 Subtotal $ 228,116 Divison 5. Metals |Pump Building Metal Roof Metal Framing ITrusses 2000| SF $ 27 1 1 LS LS $ 30,000 $ 17,500 $ 54,000 $ $ 118" 90° Elbow |18" 45° Elbow 112" Check Valve 112" Gate Valve IValve Controller IMiscellaneous Process lAir Relief Valve IReducer |18"Tee |Potable Water Piping 118" Flow Meter |18"DI Piping 112" Dl Piping 4| 1 EA EA $ 1,125 s 900 5 7| EA EA $ 6,000 $ 4,000 2 1 EA LS $ 12,500 $ 10,000 2| 5| EA EA $ 2,500 $ 1,125 7, 1 EA LS $ 2,250 $ 3,000 2 25 425 EA LF LF $ 6,750 $ 413 150 $ $ $ s $ $ $ $ Appendix B SRF Environmental Requirements for PER Submittal 41 81 UNIFORM ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST As the engineer that prepared the preliminary engineering report, I coralynr1 Revis (print name of engineer) have reviewed the Information presented In this checklist and believe that It accurately Identifies the environmental resources in the area and the potential impacts that the project could have on those resources. In addition, the required state and federal agencies were provided with the required information about the project and requested to provide comments on the proposed public facility project. Their comments have been incorporated Engineer's Signature: into and attached /^to the ^Preliminary ^-^Engineering ^A«^. . Report. \ Date: /^/2^/'<7<9 y sa A Key Letter: N - No Impact B - Potentially Beneficial A - Potentially Adverse P - Approval/Permits Required M - Mitigation Required PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT Key N 1. Soil Suitability, Topographic and/or Geologic Constraints (e.g., soil slump, steep slopes, subsidence, seismic activity) Comments and Source of Information: Key N 2. Hazardous Facilities (e.g., power lines, EPA hazardous waste sites, acceptable distance from explosive and flammable hazards including chemical/petrochemical storage tanks, underground fuel storage tanks, and related facilities such as natural gas storage facilities & propane storage tanks) Comments and Source of Information: Key N 3. Effects of Project on Surrounding Air Quality or Any Kind of Effects of Existing Air Quality on Project (e.g., dust, odors, emissions) Comments and Source of Information: Key B 4. Groundwater Resources & Aquifers (e.g., quantity, quality, distribution, depth to groundwater, sole source aquifers) Comments and Source of Information: Sewering this portion of the City will reduce the numlg Key N 5. Surface Water/Water Quality, Quantity & Distribution (e.g., streams, lakes, storm runoff, irrigation systems, canals) Comments and Source of Information: The wastewater will be highly treated before being di. Key N 6. Floodplains & Floodplain Management (Identify any floodplains within one mile of the boundary of the project.) Commente and Source of Information: j^ ^ station is located on the City of Bozeman's V^| Key A 7. Wetlands Protection (Identify any wetlands within one mile of the boundary of the project.) Comments and Source of Information: ^^^ delineation is part of the project and permitt^| 82 Key Letter: N - No Impact B - Potentially Beneficial A - Potentially Adverse P - Approval/Permits Required M - Mitigation Required Key N 8. Agricultural Lands, Production, & Farmland Protection (e.g., grazing, forestry, cropland, prime or unique agricultural lands) (Identify any prime or important farm ground or forest lands within one mile of the boundary of the project.) Comments and Source of Information: Key N 9. Vegetation & Wildlife Species & Habitats, Including Fish (e.g., terrestrial, avian and aquatic life and habitats) Comments and Source of Information: Key N 10. Unique, Endangered, Fragile, or Limited Environmental Resources, Including Endangered Species (e.g., plants, fish, sage grouse, or other wildlife) Comments and Source of Information: Key N 11. Unique Natural Features (e.g., geologic features) Comments and Source of Information: Key N 12. Access to, and Quality of, Recreational & Wilderness Activities, Public Lands and Waterways (including Federally Designated Wild & Scenic Rivers), and Public Open Space Comments and Source of Information: HUMAN POPULATION Key N 1. Visual Quality - Coherence, Diversity, Compatibility of Use and Scale, Aesthetics Comments and Source of Information: Key N 2. Nuisances (e.g., glare, fumes) Comments and Source of Information: Key N 3. Noise - suitable separation between noise sensitive activities (such as residential areas) and major noise sources (aircraft, highways & railroads) Comments and Source of Information: Key N 4. Historic Properties, Cultural, and Archaeological Resources Comments and Source of Information: 83 Key Letter: N - No Impact B - Potentially Beneficial A - Potentially Adverse P - Approval/Permits Required M - Mitigation Required Key B 5. Changes in Demographic (population) Characteristics (e.g., quantity, distribution, density) Comments and Source of Information: Project will serve the growing population and residertfjj Key N 6. Environmental Justice - (Does the project avoid placing lower income households in areas where environmental degradation has occurred, such as adjacent to brownfield sites?) Comments and Source of Information: Key N 7. General Housing Conditions - Quality, Quantity, Affordability Comments and Source of Information: Key N 8. Displacement or Relocation of Businesses or Residents Comments and Source of Information: Key B 9. Public Health and Safety Commente and Source of Information: project will improve wastewater collection infrastruct^ Key N 10. Lead Based Paint and/or Asbestos Comments and Source of Information: Key N 11. Local Employment & Income Patterns - Quantity and Distribution of Employment, Economic Impact Comments and Source of Information: Key N 12. Local & State Tax Base & Revenues Comments and Source of Information: Key B 13. Educational Facilities - Schools, Colleges, Universities Comments and Source of Information: Project will provide wastewater collection infrastructi Key N 14. Commercial and Industrial Facilities - Production & Activity, Growth or Decline Comments and Source of Information: 84 Key Letter: N - No Impact B - Potentially Beneficial A - Potentially Adverse P - Approval/Permits Required M - Mitigation Required Key B 15. Health Care - Medical Services Comments and Source of Information: Project will provide wastewater collection infrastructi Key N 16. Social Services - Governmental Services (e.g., demand on) Comments and Source of Information: Key N 17. Social Structures & Mores (Standards of Social Conduct/Social Conventions) Comments and Source of Information: Key B 18. Land Use Compatibility (e.g., growth, land use change, development activity, adjacent land uses and potential conflicts) Comments and Source of Information: Provide sewer that supports development Key N 19. Energy Resources - Consumption and Conservation Comments and Source of Information: Will require electricity to run lift station pumps; projeqt. Key B 20. Solid Waste Management Comments and Source of Information: The project will significantly improve the wastewaterj Key B 21. Wastewater Treatment - Sewage System Comments and Source of Information: project will allow new residential developments in N\ Key N 22. Storm Water - Surface Drainage Comments and Source of Information: Key N 23. Community Water Supply Comments and Source of Information: Key N 24. Public Safety - Police Comments and Source of Information: Key N 25. Fire Protection - Hazards Comments and Source of Information: 85 Key Letter: N - No Impact B - Potentially Beneficial A - Potentially Adverse P - Approval/Permits Required M - Mitigation Required Key N 26. Emergency Medical Services Comments and Source of Information: Key N 27. Parks, Playgrounds, & Open Space Comments and Source of Information: Key N 28. Cultural Facilities, Cultural Uniqueness & Diversity Comments and Source of Information: Key N 29. Transportation Networks and Traffic Flow Conflicts (e.g., rail; auto including local traffic; airport runway clear zones - avoidance of incompatible land use in airport runway clear zones) Comments and Source of Information: project may cause temporary impacts to a small s< Key B 30. Consistency with Local Ordinances, Resolutions, or Plans (e.g., conformance with local comprehensive plans, zoning, or capital improvement plans) Comments and Source of Information: The need for the Davis Lane Lift Station Project was, Key N 31. Is There a Regulatory Action on Private Property Rights as a Result of this Project? (consider options that reduce, minimize, or eliminate the regulation of private property rights.) Comments and Source of Information: 86 Letter to State Agencies 87 h^ May 22,2019 Montana Department of Environmental Quality Permitting and Compliance Division 1520 E. 6th Avenue, PO Box 200901 Helena, IVTT, 59620-0901 Dear Montana Department of Environmental Quality, The City of Bozeman is applying for funding from the State Revolving Fund (SRF) for the construction of the Davis Lane Lift Station and its associated project components. The Uniform Application for Montana Public Facility Projects requires thatwe submit information to you and ask for your comments on the proposed project. Included in this letter is a map of the project area and a narrative description of the project's principal elements. We would appreciate receiving your comments as soon as possible. I would appreciate it if your response is emailed to me at Coralynn.Revis@hdrinc.com. If you have any questions, please contact me at (406) 532-2219 or the above listed email address. If you have no concerns or comments regarding the described project, this letter can be returned with the box checked at the bottom of this page. Thank you very much for your assistance. Sincerely, Coralynn Revis, P.E. To provide confirmation of support for this project, checkthe adjacent box and return. hdrinc.com 700 SWHiggins AvenueSuite200Missoula, MT 59803-1489 (406)532-2200 88 Project Narrative The City of Bozeman is currently experiencing rapid residential growth. Consequently, several portions of the City's wastewater collection system are at risk of becoming deficient as the residential population increases. Much of the northwest portion of the City falls into this category. This area of the City is the planned site for a new high school and the Billings Clinic, both of which will be sources of large flows into the City's wastewater collection system. It will be necessary to upgrade the wastewater infrastructure in this portion of the City before these new connections come on line in fall of 2020. The Davis Lane Lift Station project will address this growth, and will ultimately include the construction of the Norton East Ranch Outfall Sewer, a new lift station and wetwell, and a force main from the lift station to the City of Bozeman Water Reclamation Facility. The preliminary project design consists of a single, self-cleaning style wetwell and lift station, with two 1 Sin force mains, on the north side of l-90. The initial pumps installed in the wetwell will be sized for the expected startup flows and then replaced once flows increased above the pump model's capacity. This pumping design will help to manage the wide range of expected influent flows over the lifespan of the lift station. Figure 1 below outlines the expected locations of the various project components. t '^ s '< \ •< t; 's i ^'AHCN yM^iTi-Of- ^<?ZEMAM PPOPEPTV .t ^ ^ ^. s y ^ I > N »= ^•^ ^ •/ ^ y. ^ I, --1' '*! if, *£^ r ^; PttOP(SEO ^iBuafa. 3 ^ re^.fr.'l .^ ^ >: t-0fl iflC^BOUTE UTE w^MAi l »1 /* 's. •^x\ K;< ^ ^ ft i. s'. ^ s ^ m ^ •A ^ jte ^ ^: Afff ^ 'B. ^ w •< WFUAND DaiWATtOM FQftCATBONCTEEK BOUNOARVOF f^ ^ coossmc 5 rrjui CREEK r CITY OF •%»•»• « :^ w " -jn 80ZEMAN FUIURE SE WER MA ,.::B3 WWTP £ XT ENS SION j IN UAV -\ .« LANE '"» ^ f\ ,.:• -< » •?^ "^ ^ ^ s :»sii. «. ni> ^ IWSS •y- 'r "a ^ "^ .3S ^^E •<< .^ 1^ ;. fi-^ JME !-••; ^f&'^ w AVt »-. w*: ^ ^ ^ ^ I .1 Rgure 1. Project Location Overview 89 Agency Responses 90 G rover, Ted From: Sent: To: Subject: Revis, Coralynn Thursday, August 8, 2019 1:28 PM Graver, Ted FW: Davis Lane Lift Station Coralynn Revis, PE 0406.532.2219 hdrinc.com/follow-us From: O'Neill, Deb [mailto:DONeill@mt.gov] Sent: Thursday, August 8, 2019 1:28 PM To: Revis, Coralynn <Coralynn.Revis@hdrinc.com> Subject: Davis Lane Lift Station Thank you for the opportunity to review this project. We have no comments. DebO'Neill Deb O'Neill Planning and Policy Specialist Responsive Management Unit Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks P.O. Box 200701 Helena, MT 59620-0701 Ph: (406) 444-3755 | C: (307) 231-3881 Montana FWP I Montana State Parks I Montana Outdoors Magazine THE OUTSIDE I SIN US ALL w N -A ?< ^ .: •I'oHTt C<5 00 r>t» 1 91 •^ ^ REPLY TO ATTENTION OF DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS, OMAHA DISTRICT HELENA REGULATORY OFFICE 10 WEST 15T" STREET, SUITE 2200 HELENA, MONTANA 59626 June 10, 2019 Regulatory Branch Montana State Program Corps No. NWO-2019-00955-MTB Subject: City of Bozeman - Davis Lane Wastewater Lift Station City of Bozeman c/o HDR, Inc. Attn: Coralynn Revis 700 SW Higgins Ave., Suite 200 Missoula, Montana 59803 Dear Ms. Revis: We are responding to your request for comment on behalf of the City of Bozeman regarding the Davis Lane Wastewater Lift Station project in Gallatin County, Montana. The project includes the proposed construction of a wetwell and lift station, with two 18-inch force mains. The project site is adjacent to Cattail Creek, Catron Creek and the East Gallatin River, and wetlands are likely present within the project boundary. The project is located at Latitude 45.724112°, Longitude-111.082223°, Section 26, Township 1 S, Range 5 E, Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana. The mission of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) Regulatory Program is to protect the Nation's aquatic resources while allowing reasonable development through fair, flexible and balanced permit decisions. In particular, under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, we work to protect the biological, physical, and chemical integrity of the Nation's aquatic resources. Projects are evaluated on a case-by-case basis to determine the potential benefits and detriments that may occur as a result of the proposal. In all cases an applicant must avoid and minimize impacts to aquatic resources to the greatest extent practicable. Under the authority of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA), Department of the Army (DA) permits are required for the discharge of fill material into waters of the U.S. Likewise, DA permits are required for excavation activities resulting in a redeposit of dredged material that would destroy or degrade waters of the U.S., per 33 CFR 323.2(d)(3). Waters of the U.S. include the area below the ordinary high water mark of Stream Channels andTakes or ponds connected to the tributary system, and wetlands adjacent to these waters. Isolated waters and wetlands, as well as man-made channels, may be waters of the U.S. in certain circumstances, which must be determined on a case-by-case basis. Based on the information provided in your submittal, it appears thatjurisdictional waters of the U.S. may be present within the project area and would be impacted by the proposed work. If the final design includes the placement of fill or dredged material in any of the jurisdictional areas described in the paragraph above, or otherwise requires authorization by a DA permit, please submit a permit application to this office prior to starting any work. We recommend that an aquatic resources delineation be completed in accordance with the 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual and appropriate regional supplements) to Printed on Recyded Paper 92 -2- ascertain the existence and extent of aquatic resources onsite. Any loss of an aquatic site may require mitigation. Mitigation requirements will be determined during the Department of the Army permitting review. After a review of the materials submitted we will determine what type of permit, if any, will be required. In order to provide the necessary information you may use the Montana Joint Permit Application Form, found at: http://www.dnrc.mt.ciov/licenses-and- permits/stream-permitting. If you do not wish to use this form, or do not have internet access please contact our office at the address below to obtain more information. Note that this letter is not a DA authorization to proceed. It only informs you of your need to obtain a DA permit if waters of the U.S. will be affected. If waters of the U.S. will not be affected by a jurisdictional activity a DA permit will not be required for the project. Please refer to identification number NWO-2019-00955-MTB in any correspondence concerning this project. If you have any questions, please contact me at Post Office Box 7032, Billings, Montana 59103, by email at Marena.A.Gilbert0)usace.army.mil, or telephone at (406) 657-5912. Sincerely, Marena A. Gilbert Regulatory Project Manager Copy Furnished: Becky Clements, Gallatin Conservation District, via email at admin@gallatin.org Printed on Recycled Paper 93 Graver, Ted From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Revis, Coralynn Monday, June 3, 2019 1:38 PM Graver, Ted FW: CITY OF BOZEMAN SRF, DAVIS LANE LIFT STATION CONSTRUCTION 2019052903.pdf; CRABS.PDF; CRIS.PDF Please look through and file this Coralynn Revis, PE D 406,532,2219 hdrinc.com/follow-us From: Murdo, Damon [mailto:dmurdo@mt.gov] Sent: Monday, June 3, 2019 1:33 PM To: Revis, Coralynn <Coralynn.Revis@hdrinc.com> Subject: CITY OF BOZEMAN SRF, DAVIS LANE LIFT STATION CONSTRUCTION Bis Sky. Big Land. Bi^ I listen. Montana Historjeal Society June 3, 2019 Coralynn Revis HDR 700 SW Higgins Ave, Suite 200 MissoulaMT 59803 RE: CITl' OF BOZEMAN SRF, DAVIS LANE LIFT STATION CONSTRUCTION. SHPO Project #: 2019052903 DearCoralynn: I have conducted a cultural resource file search for the above-cited project located in Section 27, T1S R5E. According to our records there have been a few previously recorded sites within the designated search locale. In addition to the sites there have been a few previously conducted cultural resource inventories done in the areas. I've attached a list of these sites and reports. If you would like any further information regarding these sites or reports, you may contact me at the number listed below. It is SHPO's position that any structure over fifty years of age is considered historic and is potentially eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places. If any structures are to be altered and are over fifty years old, we would recommend that they be recorded, and a determination of their eligibility be made prior to any disturbance taking place. As long as there will be no disturbance or alteration to structures over fifty years of age we feel that there is a low likelihood cultural properties will be impacted. We, therefore, feel that a recommendation for a cultural resource inventory is unwarranted at this time. However, should structures need to be altered or if cultural materials be inadvertently discovered during this project we would ask that our office be contacted, and the site investigated. 1 94 If you have any further questions or comments, you may contact me at (406)444-7767 or by e-mail at dmurdo@mt.gov. I have attached an invoice for the file search. Thank you for consulting with us. Sincerely, Damon Murdo Cultural Records Manager State Historic Preservation Office File: DEQ/AWWM/2019 2 95 Graver, Ted From: Sent: To: Subject: Revis, Coralynn Tuesday, June 11,20194:45 PM G rover, Ted FW: Davis Lane Lift Station Coralynn Revis, PE D 406.532.2219 hdrinc.com/follow-us From: Davies, Jess [mailto:jess_davies@fws.gov] Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2019 4:45 PM To: Revis, Coralynn <Coralynn.Revis@hdrinc.com> Cc: Jeff Berglund <jeff_berglund@fws.gov> Subject: Davis Lane Lift Station Ms. Revis: Thank you for your May 22, 2019 letter and supporting material requesting U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service comment on the proposed subject project in Bozeman, Montana. This email represents our official response to your inquiry for your records. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service reviewed the maps and project description and has no comments or concerns regarding federally-listed or proposed threatened or endangered species. Thank you for the opportunity to comment. If you have any questions or comments about this correspondence please contact Jess Davies at jess davies@fws.Rov or 406-449-5225, extension 214. Jess Davies Fish and Wildlife Biologist U.S. Fish and Wildlife Sendee Montana Ecological Services Offices 585 Shepard Way, Suite i Helena, Montana 59601 (406) 449-5225 ext 214 1 96 97 $ 4,500 900 30,000 28,000 25,000 10,000 5,000 5,625 15,750 3,000 13,500 10,313 $ 63,750 Subtotal $ 226,888 Divison 46 -Water and Wastewater Equipment |Duty Pump IJockey Pump |Pump Shipping IGenerator and Transfer Switch |VFD Control Panel 2 EA $ 105,000 1 3 EA EA $ 75,000 $ 3,700 1 1 EA EA $ 117,654 $ 90,000 $ 210,000 $ 75,000 $ 11,100 $ 117,654 $ 90,000 Subtotal $ 503,754 Subtotal s 1,977,880 Mobilization , Bonds & Insurance Contractor's Overhead and Profit Subtotal Montana Public Work's Tax Subtotal Miscellaneous Items and Contingencies Total Estimated Project Cost 8% 15% 1% 20% $ $ $ $ $ $ 158.000 297,000 $ 2,433,000 24,000 2,457,000 491,000 2,948,000 80 30,000 17,500 Subtotal $ 54,000 Division 7 - Thermal and Moisture Protection Sealants and Caulking Interior Vinyl Siding Rigid Insulation Drywall LP CanExel Exterior Siding 1 4000| LS SF $ 3,000 $ 3 4400| 3200| 3000| SF SF SF $ 4 $ 3 $ 4 $ $ $ $ $ 3,000 12,000 15,400 9,600 12,000 Subtotal $ 52,000 Division 8 - Openings |Double Door Pump Building IWetwell Hatches 2 6 EA EA $ 5,000 $ 3,500 $ $ 10,000 21,000 Subtotal 31,000 Division 9 - Finishes |High Performance Wetwell Coating 3000| SF $ 20 $ 60,000 Subtotal $ 60,000 Division 10-Specialties I Hoist IGantry IBridge Crane 1 1 1 EA EA EA $ 5,000 5,000 50,000 $ $ 5,000 5,000 $ 50,000 Subtotal $ 50,000 Division 23 - HVAC HVAC Equipment and Piping 1 LS $ 50,000 $ 50,000 Subtotal $ 50,000 Division 26. Electrical Electrical WorK -SCADA Connections 1 LS $ 276,877 1 LS $ 193,814 $ 276,877 $ 193,814 Subtotal $ 470,691 Division 31 - Earthwork ILandscape/Site Restoration AC Paving Wetwell Excavation Shoring Pump Building Excavation 1 LS $ 15,000 500 700 SY CY $ 60 $ 15 1 75 LS CY $ 15,000 $ 15 $ $ $ $ $ 15,000 30,000 10,500 15,000 1,125 Subtotal $ 71,625 Division 40 - Process Interconnections 12"90"Elbow 12" 45° Elbow 15; EA $ 500 9: EA $ 450 $ $ 7,500 4,050 79 23 57 Figure 1-2. Project Area Wetland Delineation Development of a full wetland and stream delineation report is underway, the results of which will be incorporated into the design documents for the proposed project. 11 45 41