HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-13-20 City Commission Packet Materials - A2.5. CM Recommendations from Comm. Housing Action Plan - SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALS 2Community2020 Housing Monday January 13, Strategic Plan • 4.5.b Develop a Comprehensive Affordable Housing Action Plan that includes but is not limited to: 1. Mandates the creation of affordable housing across all dwelling unit types. 2. Provides the prescribed flexibility in the manner in which the mandate can be accomplished. 3. Provides a substantial, broad-based and reliable source of funding for the construction of affordable housing and for affordable housing loans. 4. Actively encourages Bozeman’s major employers to develop workforce housing programs for their employees. Action Plan Structure • Community Housing Objectives • Action Strategies • Proposed Action Items • Core Components Three Objectives 1. Income Levels. Community housing should serve the full range of incomes without losing sight of safety net programs. The primary focus should be on: • Ownership housing from 80% to 120% AMI, while also incentivizing the production of missing middle housing up to 150% AMI; • Additional resident and employee rentals up to 80% AMI; and • Safety net rentals below 30% AMI 2. Jobs-Housing Relationship. Produce community housing at a rate that exceeds, or at least matches, job growth at income levels and ratios being earned by Bozeman employees 3. Community Housing Built and Preserved. Strive to produce community housing at a rate that matches the spectrum of community housing needs, while also preserving what we have through a target of no net loss of existing community housing stock. 19 Action Strategies 1. General Funds 2. Tax Increment Financing (TIF) 3. Community Land Trust 4. Deed Restricted Housing (permanent) 5. Inclusionary Zoning 6. Public / Private / Institutional Partnerships 7. Home Buyer Assistance 8. Permanent Supportive Housing & Transitional Housing 9. Fee Waiver / Deferral 10.Co-op Housing (mobile home parks) 11.Land Banking 12.Employer Assisted Housing 13.Removal of Regulatory Barriers 14.Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU) 15.Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) 16.Taxes Dedicated to Housing 17.Commercial Linkage 18.Pre-Approved Planned Unit Development* 19.Up-Zoning* * Added by City Commission Core Components The Community Housing Action Plan identifies three areas of work to advance the Action Plan’s Objectives: 1. Action Plan Administration 2. Partnership Coordination 3. Community Housing Program Management Associate Action Items with Commission added Action Strategies Pre-Approved Planned Unit Development Up-Zoning 1. Evaluate past PUD relaxation approvals 2. Explore changes in the UDC and other City standards to minimize the need for PUD relaxations 3. Develop a pattern book and template for PUD approval when providing Affordable Units 1. Align growth policy recommendations with the density goals supporting up-zoning. 2. Develop expanded criteria to be used for evaluation of up-zoning applications. 3. Develop appropriate transition standards when up-zoning existing parcels. 4. Identify areas ripe for up-zoning. Context for discussion • Community need • City resources and capacities • Success is measureable and reasonable and can be built upon • We aren’t working on everything…yet 13 City Lead Strategies 1. General Funds 2. Tax Increment Financing (TIF) 3. Community Land Trust 4. Deed Restricted Housing (permanent) 5. Inclusionary Zoning 6. Public / Private / Institutional Partnerships 7. Home Buyer Assistance 8. Permanent Supportive Housing & Transitional Housing 9. Fee Waiver / Deferral 10.Co-op Housing (mobile home parks) 11.Land Banking 12.Employer Assisted Housing 13.Removal of Regulatory Barriers 14.Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU) 15.Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) 16.Taxes Dedicated to Housing 17.Commercial Linkage 18.Pre-Approved Planned Unit Development 19.Up-Zoning Strategies & Action Items Recommendation 1 Action Item: Audit and revisions to the UDC and other City codes and standards. (strategy 13, items 3, 4 &5, strategy 18, item 2) Timeframe: 24 months beginning spring 2020 Resources Needed: STAFFING: Project Management – • Community Development Dept. (1/5 FTE Time or 1 day per week or 750 hours) Other Departments Involved – • City Attorneys Office • Engineering Department FUNDING: Consultant Work – • 2 to 4 parts • 24 Months • ~$200,000 Recommendation 2 Action Item: For free, pre-approved ADU construction document sets (strategy 14, item 3) Timeframe: Spring/Summer 2020 (~4 Months) Resources Needed: STAFFING: Project Management – • Community Development Dept. (Approx. 50 hours over 16 weeks) Other Departments Involved – • Building Division • Engineering Department FUNDING: Design Professionals Work – • 5 plans approved & reviewed • ~$5,000 per approved plan set = $25,000 Recommendation 3 Action Item: Align regulations and zoning with Qualified Census Tracts to encourage LIHTC development (strategy 15, item 3) Timeframe: Summer 2020 (~2 months) Resources Needed: STAFFING: Project Management – • Community Development Dept. (Approx. 40 hours over 8 Weeks) Other Departments Involved – • City Attorneys Office • Strategic Services /GIS • Economic Development FUNDING: Consultant Work – • Zone Map Amendments ~$5,000 • Site Analysis ~$5,000 Recommendation 4 Action Item: Develop a pattern book and template for PUD approval when providing Affordable Units (strategy 18, item 3) Timeframe: Winter 2020/2021 (6 months) Resources Needed: STAFFING: Project Management – • Community Development Dept. (Approx. 100 hours over 25 weeks) Other Departments Involved – • Building Division • City Attorneys Office • Engineering Department FUNDING: Consultant Work – • Writing & design of pattern book ~$5,000 • Review & creation of template ~$5,000 Recommendation 5 Action Item: Align growth policy recommendations with the density goals supporting up-zoning (strategy 19, item 1) Timeframe: Spring 2020 Resources Needed: STAFFING: Project Management – • Community Development Dept. (20 hours) Other Departments Involved – • City Attorneys Office FUNDING: No Additional Funding Needed Recommendation 6 Action Item: Develop expanded criteria to be used for evaluation of up-zoning applications (strategy 19, item 2) Timeframe: Fall 2020 (2 months) Resources Needed: STAFFING: Project Management – • Community Development Dept. (Approx. 60 hours over 8 weeks) Other Departments Involved – • City Attorneys Office FUNDING: No Additional Funding Needed Recommendation 7 Action Item: Develop appropriate transition standards when up- zoning existing parcels (strategy 19, item 3) Timeframe: Fall 2020 (2 months) Resources Needed: STAFFING: Project Management – • Community Development Dept. (Approx. 60 hours over 8 weeks) Other Departments Involved – • City Attorneys Office • Building Division • Engineering Department FUNDING: Consultant Work – • Development of Code Illustrations ~$2,500 Resources Needed: Additional Staff Commitments 1. Research and report to the Commission regarding the costs and benefits of permanent deed restriction requirements by July of this year. (strategy 4, item 1 & 3, strategy 5, item 5) STAFFING: Project Management – • Community Development Dept. (Approx. 25 hours) Other Departments Involved – • City Attorneys Office • Finance Department Resources Needed: Additional Staff Commitments 1. Research and report to the Commission regarding the inclusion of rental and multifamily projects in the inclusionary zoning ordinance by October of this year. (strategy 5, item 2) Resources Needed: STAFFING: Project Management – • Community Development Dept. (Approx. 25 hours) Other Departments Involved – • City Attorneys Office • Finance Department Going Forward 1. Finish the Plan – Agree on final action Items for 18 & 19 2. Agree apron actionable priorities – clear direction regarding recommendations presented today. 1-7 3. Strategy for future facilitation / stakeholder conversation