HomeMy WebLinkAbout19- City Grant #2019-11 - Combating Opiod Overdose through Community-Level Intervention Initiative - VETS Court City of Bozeman Grant Routing Cover Sheet This form is used in conjunction with Administrative Order 2014-01, adopting the Grant Application and Reception Policy. When a Department Director signs grant documents under this provision, they are certifying that they understand and will carry out the provisions of the grant and its impact on city operations and finances. All the required boxes must be initialed by the appropriate departments. Use a separate routing sheet for each phase of the grant process. Utilize assigned grant number for each phase for tracking purposes. Grant Document Title: C.,Q CL ( Grant#(issued by City Clerk): CFDA#(applies to Federal grants) Grant Total: M Grant Match: r p Department: — �dVVY E/-llofC "0 Grant Project Manager: �P �d�lti Phase of Process: ❑Notice of Intent ❑Application card/Contract Date Document Signed: For all grants under$20,000 in Department Finance Office City Manager Original Signed value. Director Grant Documents to City Clerk Does not require approval on Commission meeting agenda For all grants over$20,000 in Department Finance Office City Manager Original Signed value. Director , ) J"',e ;�`'I`r&( Grant Documents Svh" &War( to City Clerk *Department Director initials need 40.tP ;f13 5 verify notification to City t 9 Commission and City Manager n c e— within 30 days of grant application. REQUIRES City Commission Approval DATE of COMMISSION MEETING: Presented by: ®Consent ❑ Action Revised 10/27/2014 UNIVF I?1iI { Y 0FBALTIMORE C t-ntCr fe.r 11(119 Policy andn(urcer,l'nt. College of Public Affairs • 1420 N.Charles St. Baltimore, MD 21201 • (410)837-5846 November 25, 2019 Renee Boundy City of Bozeman PO Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771 Dear Ms. Boundy, I am pleased to inform you that your subaward application entitled, Alternative Therapies Pilot Program, in the amount of$149,002 has received approval under the Combating Opioid Overdose through Community-Level Intervention Initiative. The Subaward Agreement containing information and forms necessary to initiate the project is attached. Enclosed also are the project commencement, programmatic forms, and budget details. Please pay particular attention to the instructions included on the Subaward agreement. It is important that you carefully review all Special Conditions attached to this award. The Chief Elected Official, or another legally authorized official of the jurisdiction, state agency, or 501(c)(3)receiving the Subaward Agreement, must sign the Subaward Acceptance form and email it to OSR(-,ubalt.edu by December 18, 2019. Should the acceptance form not be received, requests for reimbursement will not be honored. The Project Director is responsible for completing these and other required forms now and at the end of each reporting period. If the Project Director changes,we must be notified immediately to avoid potential reporting problems. Projects may commence as soon as the Subaward Agreement is signed and you have reviewed and accepted all of the General and Special Conditions.No funds may be encumbered or expended prior to this time. If you have any questions or need any clarification regarding this Subaward agreement,please contact the CDPE Associate Deputy Director, Sherae Lonick, at(301) 489-1711 or via email at slonick(a,ubalt.edu OR, or the UB Assistant Provost for Sponsored Research, Margarita Cardona, at(410) 837-6191 or via email at mcardona(a)ubalt.edu. We look forward to working with you on this project and anticipate its success in helping to address our nation's opioid epidemic. Sincerely, Thomas H. Carr Executive Director College of Public Affairs - 1,1.1() N. (.hirlos St. Ba1t I I-I)or e, M I) 21101 • ('110) K Y"'10 Subaward Acceptance Form Subaward Number: 038 Sub-recipient: City of Bozeman, MT Project Title: Alternative Therapies Pilot Program Award Period: 12/2/2019 — 11/30/2020 This Subaward is hereby made for financial assistance by the University of Baltimore in accordance with the Combating Opioid Overdose through Community-level Intervention Notice of Funding Availability. This Subaward is subject to the General Conditions and any Special Conditions attached to this award, as well as all statutes and requirements of the Office of National Drug Control Policy. This Subaward incorporates all the information, conditions, representations and certified assurances contained in the subaward application. The Subaward shall become effective as of the start date of the Subaward, unless otherwise specified, and upon submission via email to OSRP_ubalt.edu, no later than December 18, 2019, of a fully executed copy of this document signed by the duly authorized official of the sub-recipient unit of government or sub-recipient agency receiving this Subaward. Copies and faxes are acceptable. For the Center for Drug Policy and Enforcement: SUIR-RECIPIENT ACCEPTANCE iSignature of Authorized Official Executive Director Center for Drug Policy and Enforcement Printed/Typed Name Date FDP Cost Reimbursement Research Subaward Agreement Federal Awarding Agency: Other[Type in Agency] Office of National Drug Control Policy Pass-Through Entity (PTE): Subrecipient: University of Baltimore ECity of Bozeman PTE PI: Thomas H. Carr Sub PI: Renee Boundy PTE Federal Award No: G19990NDCP06A Subaward No: 038 Project Title:IAlternative Therapies Pilot Program Subaward Period of Performance (Budget Period Start: 12/02/2019 End: 08/31/2020 Amount Funded This Action (USD): $ 149,002.00 Estimated Protect Period if incrementally f Incrementally Estimated Total (USD): $ 149,002.00 Start: 12/02/2019 End: 11/30/2020 Terms and Conditions 1. PTE hereby awards a cost reimbursable subaward, as described above, to Subrecipient. The Statement of Work and budget for this Subaward are as shown in Attachment 5. In its performance of Subaward work, Subrecipient shall be an independent entity and not an employee or agent of PTE. 2. Subrecipient shall submit invoices not more often than monthly and not less frequently than quarterly for allowable costs incurred. Upon the receipt of proper invoices, the PTE agrees to process payments in accordance with this Subaward and 2 CFR 200.305. All invoices shall be submitted using Subrecipient's standard invoice, but at a minimum shall include current and cumulative costs (including cost sharing), Subaward number, and certification, as required in 2 CFR 200.415 (a). Invoices that do not reference PTE Subaward number shall be returned to Subrecipient. Invoices and questions concerning invoice receipt or payments shall be directed to the party's Administrative Contact, shown in Attachment 3A. 3. A final statement of cumulative costs incurred, including cost sharing, marked "FINAL" must be submitted to PTE's Financial Contact, as shown in Attachment 3A, not later than 60 days after the Project Period end date. The final statement of costs shall constitute Subrecipient's final financial report. 4. All payments shall be considered provisional and are subject to adjustment within the total estimated cost in the event such adjustment is necessary as a result of an adverse audit finding against the Subrecipient. 5. Matters concerning the technical performance of this Subaward shall be directed to the appropriate party's Principal Investigator as shown in Attachments 3A and 3B. Technical reports are required as shown in Attachment 4. 6. Matters concerning the request or negotiation of any changes in the terms, conditions, or amounts cited in this Subaward, and any changes requiring prior approval, shall be directed to each party's Authorized Official Contact, as shown in Attachments 3A and 3B. Any such change made to this Subaward requires the written approval of each party's Authorized Official, as shown in Attachments 3A and 3B. 7. The PTE may issue non-substantive changes to the Period of Performance and budget Unilaterally Unilateral modification shall be considered valid 14 days after receipt unless otherwise indicated by Subrecipient when sent to Subrecipient's Authorized Official Contact, as shown in Attachment 3B. 8. Each party shall be responsible for its negligent acts or omissions and the negligent acts or omissions of its employees, officers, or directors, to the extent allowed by law. 9. Either party may terminate this Subaward with 30 days written notice to the appropriate party's Authorized Official Contact, as shown in Attachments 3A and 3B. PTE shall pay Subrecipient for termination costs as allowable under Uniform Guidance, 2 CFR 200, or 45 CFR Part 75 Appendix IX, as applicable. 10. By signing this Subaward, including the attachments hereto which are hereby incorporated by reference, Subrecipient certifies that it will perform the Statement of Work in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Subaward and the applicable terms of the Federal Award, including the appropriate Research Terms and Conditions ("RTCs") of the Federal Awarding Agency, as referenced in Attachment 2. The parties further agree that they intend this Subaward to comply with all applicable laws, regulations and requirements. By an Authorized Official of Pass-through Entity: BD Authorized Official of Subrecipient: Name: Margarita M. Cardona, CRA Date Name: h l5 Date Title: Assistant Provost for Sponsored Research Title: ( ( FDP Sept 2017 FDP Cost Reimbursement Research Subaward Agreement Federal Awarding Agency: Oilier[Type in Agency] _ -1 Office of National Drug Control Policy Pass-Through Entity (PTE): Subrecipient: University of Baltimore City of Bozeman PTE PI: Thomas H. Carr Sul,Pl: Renee Boundy PTE Federal Award No: G19990NDCP06A Subaward No: 038 Project Title: Alternative Therapies Pilot Program Subaward Period of Performance(Budget e0od End: 08/31/2020 Amount Funded This Action(USD):$ 149,002.00 Start: P��5�519 Eslim7ted_Prow. t Peilod if Incrementally t Incrementally Estimated Total(USD): $ 149,002.00 Start: 12/02/20i9 1 End: 11/30/2020 _ Terms and Conditions 1. PTE hereby awards a cost reimbursable subaward, as described above, to Subrecipient.The Statement of Work and budget for this Subaward are as shown in Attachment 5. In its performance of Subaward work, Subrecipient shall be an independent entity and not an employee or agent of PTE. 2. Subrecipient shall submit invoices not more often than monthly and not less frequently than quarterly for allowable costs incurred. Upon the receipt of proper invoices, the PTE agrees to process payments in accordance with this Subaward and 2 CFR 200.305. All invoices shall be submitted using Subrecipient's standard invoice, but at a minimum shall include Current and cumulative costs (Including cost sharing), Subaward number, and certification, as required in 2 CFR 200.415 (a). Invoices that do not reference PTE Subaward number shall be returned to Subrecipient. Invoices and questions concerning invoice receipt or payments shall be directed to the party's Administrative Contact, shown in Attachment 3A. 3. A final statement of cumulative costs incurred, including cost sharing, marked"FINAL_" must be submitted to PTE's Financial Contact, as shown in Attachment 3A, not later than 60 days after the Project Period end date. The final statement of costs shall constitute Subrecipient's final financial report. 4. All payments shall be considered provisional and are subject to adjustment within the total estimated cost in the event such adjustment is necessary as a result of an adverse audit finding against the Subrecipient. 5. Matters concerning the technical performance of this Subaward shall be directed to the appropriate party's Principal Investigator as shown in Attachments 3A and 3B. Technical reports are required as shown in Attachment 4. 6. Matters concerning the request or negotiation of any changes in the terms, conditions, or amounts cited in this Subaward, and any changes requiring prior approval, shall be directed to each party's Authorized Official Contact, as shown in Attachments 3A and 3B.Any such change made to this Subaward requires the written approval of each party's Authorized Official, as shown in Attachments 3A and 3B. 7. The PTE may issue non-substantive changes to the Period of Performance and budget Unilaterally Unilateral modification shall be considered valid 14 days after receipt unless otherwise indicated by Subrecipient when sent to Subrecipient'S Authorized Official Contact, as shown in Attachment 3B. 8. Each party shall be responsible for its negligent acts or omissions and the negligent acts or omissions of its employees, officers, or directors, to the extent allowed by law. 9. Either party may terminate this Subaward with 30 days written notice to the appropriate party's Authorized Official Contact, as shown in Attachments 3A and 3B. PTE shall pay Subrecipient for termination costs as allowable under Uniform Guidance, 2 CFR 200, or 45 CFR Part 75 Appendix IX, as applicable. 10. By signing this Subaward, including the attachments hereto which are hereby incorporated by reference, Subrecipient certifies that it will perform the Statement of Work in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Subaward and the applicable terms of the Federal Award, including the appropriate Research Terms and Conditions("RTCs")of the Federal Awarding Agency, as referenced in Attachment 2.The parties further agree that they intend this Subaward to comply with all applicable laws, regulations and requirements. By an Authorized Official of Pass-through Entity: B� Authorized Official of Subrecipient: Name; Margarita M.Cardona,CRA Date Name: rah I S M •Ta V Date - - - -- - - Title: Assistant Provost for Sponsored Research Title: v1 {V) r7 FDP Sept 2017 Subaward Number: Attachment 1 038 Certifications and Assurances Certification Regarding Lobbying (2 CFR 200.450) By signing this Subaward, the Subrecipient Authorized Official certifies, to the best of his/her knowledge and belief, that no Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of the Subrecipient, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any Federal contract, the making of any Federal grant, the making of any Federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement in accordance with 2 CFR 200.450. If any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or intending to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with this Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement, the Subrecipient shall complete and submit Standard Form -LLL, "Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying,"to the PTE. This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was made or entered into. Submission of this certification is a prerequisite for making or entering into this transaction imposed by 31 U.S.C. 1352. Any person who fails to file the required certification shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000 and not more than $100,000 for each such failure. Debarment, Suspension, and Other Responsibility Matters (2 CFR 200.213 and 2 CFR 180) By signing this Subaward, the Subrecipient Authorized Official certifies, to the best of his/her knowledge and belief that neither the Subrecipient nor its principals are presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction by any federal department or agency, in accordance with 2 CFR 200.213 and 2 CFR 180. Audit and Access to Records Per 2 CFR 200.501-200.521, Subrecipient certifies that it will provide notice of any adverse findings which impact this Subaward and will provide access to records as required by parts 2 CFR 200.336, 200.337, and 200.201 as applicable. If Subrecipient is not subject to the Single Audit Act, then Subrecipient will provide notice of the completion of any required audits and provide access to such audits upon request. Program for Enhancement of Contractor Employee Protections (41 U.S.0 4712) Subrecipient is hereby notified that they are required to: inform their employees working on any federal award that they are subject to the whistleblower rights and remedies of the pilot program; inform their employees in writing of employee whistleblower protections under 41 U.S.0§4712 in the predominant native language of the workforce; and include such requirements in any agreement made with a subcontractor or subgrantee. The Subrecipient shall require that the language of the certifications above in this Attachment 1 be included in the award documents for all subawards at all tiers (including subcontracts, subgrants, and contracts under grants, loans, and cooperative agreements) and that all subrecipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. Use of Name Neither party shall use the other party's name, trademarks, or other logos in any publicity, advertising, or news release without the prior written approval of an authorized representative of that party. The parties agree that each party may use factual information regarding the existence and purpose of the relationship that is the subject of this Subaward for legitimate business purposes, to satisfy any reporting and funding obligations, or as required by applicable law or regulation without written permission from the other party. In any such statement, the relationship of the parties shall be accurately and appropriately described. Attachment 2 Subaward Number Federal Award Terms and Conditions 038 1 Required Data Elements The data elements required by Uniform Federal Award Issue Date FAIN CFDA No. Guidance are incorporated as entered. 69/16/19 G1999ONDCP06A 1 95.007 CFDA Title This Subaward Is: Research and Data Analysis ❑■ Research & Development ❑■ Subject to FFATA Key Personnel Per NOA Thomas H. Carr General Terms and Conditions By signing this Subaward, Subrecipient agrees to the following: 1. To abide by the conditions on activities and restrictions on expenditure of federal funds in appropriations acts that are applicable to this Subaward to the extent those restrictions are pertinent. This includes any recent legislation noted on the Federal Awarding Agency's website: http://www.whitehouse.gov/ondcp/grants 2. 2 CFR 200 3. The Federal Awarding Agency's grants policy guidance, including addenda in effect as of the beginning date of the period of performance or as amended found at: I-http://www.whiteouse.gov/ondcp/grants 4. Research Terms and Conditions, including any Federal Awarding Agency's Specific Requirements found at: http://wwwmhiteouse.gov/ondcp/grants except for the following a. No-cost extensions require the written approval of the PTE.Any requests for a no-cost extension shall be directed to the Authorized Official Contact shown in Attachment 3A, not less than 30 days prior to the desired effective date of the requested change. b. Any payment mechanisms and financial reporting requirements described in the applicable Federal Awarding Agency Terms and Conditions and Agency-Specific Requirements are replaced with Terms and Conditions (1)through (4)of this Subaward; and c. Any prior approvals are to be sought from the PTE and not the Federal Awarding Agency. d. Title to equipment as defined in 2 CFR 200.33 that is purchased or fabricated with research funds or Subrecipient cost sharing funds, as direct costs of the project or program, shall vest in the Subrecipient subject to the conditions specified in 2 CFR 200.313. e. Prior approval must be sought for a change in Subrecipient PI or change in Key Personnel (defined as listed on the NOA). 5.Treatment of program income: Other[enter text] Not Applicable This section intentionally left blank Special Terms and Conditions: Copyrights: Subrecipient Grants to PTE an irrevocable, royafty-free, non-transferable, non-exclusive right and license to use, reproduce, make derivative works, display, and perform publicly any copyrights or copyrighted material(including any computer software and its documentation and/or databases)first developed and delivered under this Subaward solely for the purpose of and only to the extent required to meet PTE's obligations to the Federal Government under its PTE Federal Award. Subrecipient grants to PTE the right to use any written progress reports and deliverables created under this Subaward solely for the purpose of and only to the extent required to meet PTE's obligations to the Federal Government under its Federal Award. Data Rights: Subrecipient grants to PTE the right to use data created in the performance of this Subaward solely for the purpose of and only to the extent required to meet PTE's obligations to the Federal Government under its PTE Federal Award. Data Sharing and Access (Check if applicable): Subrecipient agrees to comply with the Federal Awarding Agency's data sharing and access requirements as reflected in the NOA(or in the special terms below)and the Data Management/Sharing Plan submitted to the Federal Awarding Agency and attached. Promoting Objectivity in Research(COI): Subrecipient must designate herein which entity's Financial Conflicts of Interest policy(COI)will apply:I Subrecipient If applying its own C01 policy, by execution of this Subaward, Subrecipient certifies that its policy complies with the requirements of the relevant Federal Awarding Agency as identified herein: Other Sponsor Agency: I Office of National Drug Control Policy Subrecipient shall report any financial conflict of interest to PTE's Administrative Representative or COI contact, as designated on Attachment 3A. Any financial conflicts of interest identified shall, when applicable, subsequently be reported to Federal Awarding Agency. Such report shall be made before expenditure of funds authorized in this Subaward and within 45 days of any subsequently identified COI. Work Involving Human or Vertebrate Animals (Select Applicable Options) ElHuman Subjects ❑ Vertebrate Animals ❑ No Human or Vertebrate Animals Subrecipient agrees that any non-exempt human and/or vertebrate animal research protocol conducted under this Subaward shall be reviewed and approved by its Institutional Review Board(IRB)and/or its Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee(IACUC),as applicable and that it will maintain current and duly approved research protocols for all periods of the Subaward involving human and/or vertebrate animal research.Subrecipient certifies that its IRB and/or IACUC are in full compliance with applicable state and federal laws and regulations.The Subrecipient certifies that any submitted IRB/ IACUC approval represents a valid,approved protocol that is entirely consistent with the Project associated with this Subaward. In no event shall Subrecipient invoice or be reimbursed for any human or vertebrate animals related expenses incurred in a period where any applicable IRB/IACUC approval is not properly in place. Human Subjects Data (Select One) I Not Applicable This section left intentionally blank Additional Terms Submit requests for reimbursement(RFR)on a monthly basis 15 days after the end of the prior month to OSR@ubalt.edu. ONDCP requires back-up documentation for all expenses and supplanting is unallowable.The following is a list of required documentation to be submitted with your monthly RFR: 1. Personnel-Refer to the requirements of 2CFR200.430. Documentation may include time sheets (hourly employees), statement of payroll charges, effort reporting, or any other documentation that shows actual time and effort worked on the grant and the approved pay rate. For salaried employees(including faculty),this includes a short description of the work done and the%effort employed during the reporting period. 2.Equipment-Approved equipment purchases of$5,000 or more require a copy of the invoice, packing slip and 3 quotes. 3.Supplies-Approved supplies purchases of$10,000 or less require a copy of the invoice and packing slip. 4. Services&subawards-If applicable, please forward a copy of all contracts for services and any subaward agreements before the first RFR.Approved expenses for services and subawards require a copy of the invoice and supporting documentation. 5.Travel -Submit a link or copy of your agency's travel policies,along with receipts for all expenses, except meals. If your agency does not have written travel,policies, please refer to http://www.gsa.gov/travel for policies and allowable rates. Any request to purchase software and/or licenses requires pre-approval from the University of Baltimore Administrative Contact. The duration of said license must coincide with the award dates, (12/2/19- 11/30/20), unless they don't expire. Budget amendments of more that 20%of a budget line requires a request for budget modification through the University of Baltimore. Subrecipients are subject to monitoring site visits and/or audits during the period of performance. Subaward Number: Attachment 3A 038 Pass-Through Entity (PTE) Contacts PTE Information Entity Name: University of Baltimore Legal Address: Office of Sponsored Research 1420 N. Charles St. Baltimore, MD 21201 Website: http://www.ubalt.edu/grants PTE Contacts Central Email OSR@ubalt.edu Principal Investigator Name: 'Thomas H. Carr Email.- tcarr@wb.hidta.org Telephone Number: 301-489-1700 Administrative Contact Namel Amy Johnson Email: ajohnson@wb.hidta.org Telephone Number: 301-982-7531 COI Contact email (if different to above): Financial Contact Name: Sherae Lonick Email slonick@wb.hidta.org Telephone Number: 301-489-1711 Email invoices? � Yes 0No Invoice email (if different): OSR@ubalt.edu Authorized Official Name: Margarita M. Cardona Email: mcardona@ubalt.edu Telephone Number: 410-837-6191 PI Address: Washington-Baltimore HIDTA 9001 Edmonston Road, Suite 300 Greenbelt MD, 20770 Administrative Address: Office of Sponsored Research 1420 N. Charles Street, AC 340 Baltimore, MD 21201 Invoice Address: Office of Sponsored Research 1420 N. Charles Street, AC 340 Baltimore, MD 21201 Attachment 3B Subaward Number Subrecipient Contacts 038 Subrecipient Information for FFATA reporting Entity's DUNS Name: EIN No.: ��_ �. �a Institution Type: r c_I c,_ ove r r DUNS: 1— Currently registered in SAM.gov: 0 Yesp No f�� da'�o2 q �� npt from reporting executive compensn:OYes 0No (if no,complete 38pg2) Parent DUNS: This section for U.S. Entities: Zip Code Look-up Place of Performance Address Congressional District: f_4a Zip Code+4. S q :21 130-%P 6>(—r4 615- 5 16�, She ld__� 8 o�ew•AK, /t►r s 5 I S— Subrecipient Contacts Central Email m"n r U a) 6ceew.ah, "I Website: Principal Investigator Name: Renee Boundy Email: Telephone Number: Administrative Contact Name: Email: , Telephone Number: 4; Financial Contact Name: Email: W0,Ktx-0_ h. �}- Telephone Number: y 'S�foZ_aZ Invoice/Payment Email: (VI, em ko., ap 62 e-lKah Authorized Official Name: A Su�rr`A Email: A 15 Lk r Mj+6> Telephone Number: yO6�S—`da—a�o1 Legal Address: C, 6d �eW�0.►'r a 1 N 0,L Administrative Address.- {3o�evY� (J TS Coc�r 6� o 6155 I1dV ► 51e- Ia3 130 v ew-OL-►x M T Payment Address: Ci1-� d� �o�eww✓t -- --Po Id3a OeN V�r`� A"I Subaward Number. Attachment 3B-2 038 Highest Compensated Officers Subrecipient: Institution Name: City of Bozeman PI Name: Renee Boundy Highest Compensated Officers The names and total compensation of the five most highly compensated officers of the entity(ies) must be listed if the entity in the preceding fiscal year received 80 percent or more of its annual gross revenues in Federal awards; and $25,000,000 or more in annual gross revenues from Federal awards; and the public does not have access to this information about the compensation of the senior executives of the entity through periodic reports filed under section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. §§ 78m(a), 78o(d)) or section 6104 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. See FFATA § 2(b)(1) Internal Revenue Code of 1986. Officer 1 Name: Officer 1 Compensation: Officer 2 Name: Officer 2 Compensation: Officer 3 Name: Officer 3 Compensation: Officer 4 Name: Officer 4 Compensation: Officer 5 Name: Officer 5 Compensation: Subaward Number: Attachment 4 1038 Reporting and Prior Approval Terms Subrecipient agrees to submit the following reports (PTE contacts are identified in Attachment 3A): Technical Reports: ❑ Monthly technical/progress reports will be submitted to the PTE's Administrative Contact within 15 days of of the end of the month. ❑ Quarterly technical/progress reports will be submitted within 30 days after the end of each project quarter to the PTE's Administrative Contact ❑ Annual technical/progress reports will be submitted within 60 days prior to the end of each budget period to the PTE's Administrative Contact . Such report shall also include a detailed budget for the next Budget Period, updated other support for key personnel, certification of appropriate education in the conduct of human subject research of any new key personnel, and annual IRB or IACUC approval, if applicable. A Final technical/progress report will be submitted to the PTE's Administrative Contact within 30 days of the end of the Project Period or after termination of this award, whichever comes first. Technical/progress reports on the project as may be required by PTE's Administrative Contact in order for the PTE to satisfy its reporting obligations to the Federal Awarding Agency. Prior Approvals: Carryover: Carryover is automatic Other Reports: In accordance with 37 CFR 401.14, Subrecipient agrees to notify PTE's Administrative Contact 60 days after Subrecipient's inventor discloses invention(s) in writing to Subrecipient's personnel responsible for patent matters. The Subrecipient will submit a final invention report using Federal Awarding Agency specific forms to the PTE's Administrative Contact within 60 days of the end of the Project Period to be included as part of the PTE's final invention report to the Federal Awarding Agency. A negative report is required: No Fil Property Inventory Report(only when required by Federal Awarding Agency), specific requirements below. Other Special Reporting Requirements: Quarterly technical/progress reports include the Performance Measures and Progress Report Questions provided herein, to be submitted via email to OSR@ubalt.edu. Subaward Number: Attachment 5 1038 Statement of Work, Cost Sharing, Indirects & Budget Statement of Work OBelow OAttached, pages If award is FFATA eligible and SOW exceeds 4000 characters, include a Subrecipient Federal Award Project Description The Bozeman Veteran Treatment Services (VETS) Court is a specialty court under the jurisdiction of the City of Bozeman Municipal Court The Alternative Therapies Pilot Program is a community based collaborative approach to combating the opioid epidemic designed to mitigate some of the boundaries to treatment found in rural states. This project is designed to offer non-traditional therapeutic activities such as Yoga,hiking, skiing, eastern medicine, meditation, physical fitness, acupuncture, massage, and equine therapy in conjunction with traditional substance use treatment and, where indicated, Medication Assisted Therapy (MAT) and mental health therapy to support recovery and lessen recidivism in the Bozeman treatment court population. The budget supports a .5 FTE case manager to coordinate care for the participants, a .25 FTE to manage the administration of the funds, training for staff and community partners, and funds for the activities and equipment for participants use during the approved activities. Budget Information Indirect Information Indirect Cost Rate (IDC) Applied 0 % Cost Sharing No Rate Type: Other(add in blank box) None If Yes, include Amount: $ Budget Details Below O Attached,Elpages Personnel - $35,131 Fringe - $8,251 Travel/Training $8,140 Budget Totals Services - $86,550 Direct Costs $ ;149,002.00 Contractual Services - $2,550 Supplies - $1,200 Indirect Costs $ o.00 ,Equipment $7,180 Total Costs $ 149,002.00 All amounts are in United States Dollars �uuawatu rvuniuei. 638 Attachment 6 Notice of Award (NOA) and any additional documents O The following pages include the NOA and if applicable any additional documentation referenced throughout this Subaward. ONot incorporating the NOA or any additional documentation to this Subaward. Uniwisity of Baltimore—Center for Drug Control Policy&Lnforcement Monitor:Thomas H.Carr Combating Opioid Overdose through Community-level Intervention Fiscal:Sherae A.Lonick Programmatic Reporting Grant Award Number: G19990NDCP06A Sub-Contract Number: 038 Sub-recipient: City of Bozeman Project Title: Alternative Therapies Pilot Program Implementing Agency: Bozeman Veteran Eligible Treatment Services Court, Bozeman Municipal Court Award Period: December 2, 2019— November 30, 2020 The information collected on this form helps us measure the progress you are making in achieving your project's goals and objectives. It also helps us determine what,if any,technical assistance you may need in implementing your project. MEASURES DUE ON QUARTERLY BASIS CIRCLE APPROPRIATE QUARTER QUARTER 1-12/2/19-2/28/20 QUARTER 3 —6/1/20—8/31/20 QUARTER 2 —3/1/20-5/31/20 QUARTER 4—9/1/20-11/30/20 Performance Measures 1. Number of team members trained on alternative therapies? �_ W 2. Types of alternative therapy referrals provided. 3. Number of clients referred to each therapy type. 4. Number of clients graduated from the program? Progress Report Questions 1. If no funds or funds less than 25% expended during this reporting period, please provide an explanation as to why and when you anticipate requesting funds. Your detailed explanation should include each budget category. 2. Every quarterly report should provide a brief narrative assessment to the projects effectiveness thus far.The brief narrative should include qualitative and quantitative evidence, as available, and highlight factors that the author considers to have facilitated or impaired the project's effectiveness. 3. Please list any successes and/or best practices developed through this University of Baltimore funded program. 4. Please explain how this award helped combat opioid overdose through community level intervention. 5. Describe any barriers/challenges to implementing or completing any of the objectives. Include a corrective action taken or planned to overcome describes barriers (include timeline). 6. Are there any obstacles or barriers that will prevent you from spending all grant funds? 7. Summarize the progress of completed goals for the quarter, including program highlights or strategy activities (special events, program achievements, etc.) and dates of completion, if applicable. Also, highlight the status of any objectives that were delayed the previous quarter. 8. Describe, in general, the level of cooperation and collaboration between partner agencies affiliated with this program. 9. Provide any additional information that you feel is relevant. Budget Certification Non-Supplanting T'he�U`t +CoGlydiy�fb►- _1v position does not supplant any part of the �1L 1 f�� �Sjp yy�� (applicant or implementing organization) budget. ONDCP funds for this position(s) do not replace funds that have been appropriated for the same purpose. Each of these positions is exclusively dedicated to the Combating Opioid Overdose through Community-level Intervention project and a position description is on file and will be made available on request. The ONDCP-funded position(s) would be terminated if the funding were not available. There is no alternative funding available to support the salary(ies) and benefits for these positions. k �� k 1;� = I Z Z-0 Signature ate Title: `- G.f"- Cs- e V '_ t