HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 3936 Intent to Vacate part of the ROW of Old Highland Blvd. COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 3936 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, DECLARING IT TO BE THE INTENTION OF SAID COMMISSION TO DISCONTINUE, ABANDON AND VACATE A PORTION OF THE RIGHT-OF-WAY OF OLD HIGHLAND BOULEVARD AS SHOWN ON CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY No. 2047 LOCATED IN THE EAST ONE-HALF OF THE EAST ONE-HALF OF SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH, RANGE 6 EAST, PRINICIPAL MERIDIAN MONTANA, GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA. WHEREAS, a petition to vacate a portion of the street nght-of-way for Old Highland Boulevard, has been filed with the City Clerk by Bozeman Deaconess Health Services on behalf of Bozeman Deaconess Foundation, owner of the property abutting the street right-of-way, as shown In Exhibit "A" attached hereto, and WHEREAS, it appears to the City Commission that the subject street right-of-way can be vaeated without detriment to the publie interests, and WHEREAS, it appears to the City Commission to be in the best interests of the City of Bozeman and the inhabitants therein that said right-of-way be vacated, provided that said vacation does not affect the right of any public utility to continue to maintain its plant and equipment in said right-of-way NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana. Section 1 Declaration of Intention It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, to vacate the street right-of-way for a portion of Old Highland Boulevard, more particularly described as follows BEGINNING at a calculated point on the westerly Right-of-Way of Old Highland Boulevard from which the northwest corner of said Section 18, a 1" 0.0 iron pipe, bears North 080 39' 23" East a distance of 1611 86 feet; thence South 780 12' 40" East a distance of 91 87 feet to a ealculated point; thence South 000 03' 26" West a distance of 6.53 feet to a ealculated point; thence south a distance of 163.94 feet along a non-tangential curve concave east having a radius of 396 34 feet, a eentral angle of 230 42' 00", a chord bearing of South 110 49' 18" East and a chord length of 162.78 feet to a found Morrison-Maierlie yellow plastic cap, thence southeast a distanee of 201.26 feet along a non-tangential curve concave southwest having a radius of 486.34 feet, a central angle of 230 42' 37", a chord bearing of South 11048' 19" East and a chord length of 199,82 feet to a found Morrison-Maierlie yellow plastic cap; thenee South 000 03' 40" West a distance of 235.59 feet to a Morrison-Maierlie yellow plastic cap; thence south a distance of 71.93 feet along a non-tangential curve concave east having a radius of 150.94 feet, a central angle of 2r 18' 11", a chord bearing of South 130 36' 31" East and a chord length of 71.25 feet to a Morrison-Maierlie yellow plastic cap; thence South 030 26' 15" West a distance of 187.72 feet to a 5/8" Rebar; thence north a distance of 107.76 feet along a non-tangential curve concave west having a radius of 150.94 feet, a central angle of 400 54' 16", a ehord bearing of North 200 22' 51" West and a ehord length of 105.48 feet to a calculated point; thence northwest a distance of 172.05 feet along a non-tangential curve concave northeast having a radius of 240.93 feet, a central angle of 40054' 51", a chord bearing of North 200 24' 44" West and a chord length of 168.41 feet to a found Morrison-Maierlie yellow plastic cap; thenee North 000 02' 38" East a distance of 235.60 feet to a to a found Morrison-Maierlie yellow plastic cap; thenee north a distance of 163.98 feet along a non- tangential curve concave west having a radius of 396.26 feet, a central angle of 23042' 37", a chord bearing of North 110 48' 24" West and a ehord length of 162.81 feet to a calculated point; thence northwest a distance of 201 .20 feet along a non-tangential curve concave northeast having a radius of 486.34 feet, a central angle of 23042' 11", a chord bearing of North 110 47' 39" West and a chord length of 199.77 feet to a calculated point; thence North 000 03' 26" East a distance of 25.21 feet to the Point of Beginning containing 1.603 acres, more or less. The vacation shall not affect any existing rights-of-way or easements of any property owners or the right of any public utility to continue to maintain existing plant and equipment in the street right-of-way. Section 2 Notice That the City Clerk of the City of Bozeman is hereby directed to publish notice in Bozeman Daily Chronicle per Section 7-1-4127, Montana Code Annotated, and mail notice to the affected property owners, which notice shall state the time and place at which objections will be heard. Seetion 3 Time for Obieetions That the regular session of the City Commission of the City of Bozeman to be held at the Community Room in the Gallatin County Courthouse, 311 West Main Street, Bozeman, Montana, on Tuesday, the 5th day of September 2006, at the hour of 6:00 p.m. of said day is the time and place where and when the City Commission will hear all objections to the vacating of said alley right-of-way. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, at a regular session thereof held on the 7th day of August, 2006. ATTEST: ~~\W BRiT FONTENOT City Clerk ~~ La~ JEFE EY RftlJSS, Mayor APPROVEDp,s TO FORM: - 3- 881=a.pr= OL,II.JJlf.3t,r.LA!'IJ?..!)OUU~,~AR[I TO !3.E AE!~NqO~~ A J'lortlon of .h~ 010 HlflhlRnd Roulp.v:=Jrd Rlght-of~W3Y 3S shown Certlflcalu- of SlJrv~y No, 2041 on rp.florrl wtth thp. Gallatin County, Clerk 3ncl He~onjur IOcaled In the E~st One.Half olllle Ea5t One-Half (Elf..EY2) of Section 1U, luwm;tllp 2 South, RAnqp. G F.l'I!7lt, Prlnclp~t MerIdIan Montan<3 (P.M.M), Gallatin County, Montalla belnq , more partlclJll'Ir1y oe5crlbed RR follnw!l: RFGINN1NG at a calculated point On the westerly Rlght.of.W~y of Old Hlgl,land BoulevcHd from wtllch HIp. mJrlhwesl COrf1~r ()f 5<11d Sec!lorl lA, R 1" 0,0, Iron pipe, hears Nortll (I8~ 39' 23" East <3 dlst<lnce of 16'11.86 (cet, thence South 78" 12' 40" East a distance of 91.87 feet to a calcul<3ted poInt; thence South 00" 03' 26" West a dIstance of 6.53 feet to a calculated polnl ; thence south a dIstance of 163.94 feet along A non-tRngentll'll CLlrv~ CQnCflVe ellst hl)lIlng a radius of 396.34 feet, a central <3nglo of 23~ 42' 00", a chord boa ring of Snuttl 11" 49' t8" F.;ast and a chord lenglh of 162.18 feet to a found Morrrl~on-MaIDl"IIQ yellow pli'isUf: r:Ap: thence southeast ::I distance of:;10 1,:1.6 fp.et along a non~langenllal curve concaVI:l souUlwesl hl'lvlnq R rRdill501 4Afl,34 fRet, A flp.ntrl'll F1nqlp. of 23" 4?' 37", FI f:hord bearing of Soulh 1.1046' 19" East and a ctlOrd lengUl of 199.62 root 10 i:l found MOr'rr'lson-Mal~rlla yellow plastic cap; thence Soulh 00" 03'10" Wesl a djslnl1C:e of 235.fi9 fep'1 to FI Morrrlson-Malerlle yellow plastIc cap: mOnCO south a &;;Ianca of 71.93 feel along a non-tangential {';UrvA r:DrH:;l'lVe eflRt having fi radius of 150,94 feet. a centr:11 :'Inglp- of}JO 16' 11", ~ chord beorlng of South 13" 36' .3'"1" tast amI a chord leng!h of 71.25 feet to <3 Morrrlson-Malcrllc yellow plclsllc C.::lP: thence South 03" 26' 15" West a dlstfillce of 187.72 feet to a 5/8" Rebar: thencs l1urltJ ii distance or 107.76 feel C1long a nun-tangential curve COIlCRVS wP.~t h:.wlng l'I radius of 11)0,94 fp.~t, R Gp.ntrl'll RngleQf 40" 54' 16", \:I c:hord bearing ul Nurth 20" 22' 51" WI::IS( emu i1 chord h:mgU'l (ll 105.48 f88t tu I:l cak:utalHd point; thence northwest a dlst;)nce 01172.05 feet ~Iong [I non-tangenflal curve concave nc,rthas5t hi:lvlnq l'I rl'lohJ5 of 2,10.93 feflt, l'I cp.l1\rl'll anqle of 40' 54' 51", \:I chord bQ,}r1ng of Nom'; zu" L4' 44" West and a chord Icnglh of 1!::i8.41 leel to clltJUlld Morrrison~M[llerlle yellow pl::lstlc cap; thp.llce Nmth 00" 02' 3R" E8Rt a distnncs of 23fi,60 fp.p.t to a tn R found Morrrlson,.Malcrlle }li7!ltow plastic cap; 1I1(!!'ICG norlh a tJlsti:lnce of "1t:i~1.0B fael ~Iong CI tlOtl-trlrlgantlClI eul'Ve (~unCl"lVe west h<lvlng a radius of 396.26 feel, a central angle of 23" 42' 37", a cho(d bearlnQ of Nortl1 11" 48' 24" West and ;;I chord lenf.lth of 16tl.81 fep.t 10 a calcul~ted polnl: Ih~IIC.O northwest CI dk;l.anee of l01.2U leet Cilollg a norl-lang~)rJUr.d CW"Vfl r;nncl"lVp. northeast hLlvlng a mdlus of 486.34 foct, ~ central angle of 23042' 1'/", a chold bemlng of Nonh 1'1" 47' 39" West C'lnd a chord length of 199.77 feet to a calculated point: thf:!'nc;:s Nmltl 00" 03' 20" Easl !:I dlsta!1C8 Dr 25.21 fep.! to the Point of Bp.glrmJnq cont~lnlng 1.603 acres, more or less. ! ! ~~~-g~~r?IIJT.G.tJR~E i r).100~4'31" ~j L ~ 7RZ,~fi' I CH.I::!IW.IE N U&O 2u' 41" r. . CH. L.:::I 281.86' : ! I 9[1'OI.o111mHANI") __,.: BOULEVARD RNV f $ 1(- 0 I .of'[. : --.\S/1 00 PO B ! OIl) . . ., NOD" 03' 2G" E .......---. , -~ UNDERGROUND TElEPHONE LINE SI JBJF.CT to :;III p.:;I5f:!m~nI5 of r~CQrd or AppRrp.tlt from fI vl~\lal IflspectJOrl ullhe prulJerly. NON-TANGENT CURVE R 486.34' D rr 2~~" 42' 1 I" L=?0I.20' CII, I1RG,:I:I N 11" 47' 39.' W CH. L. c '199.11' NON-TANGENT CURVE R 39fl.2fl' LJ 11I230 42' 3r" LI';! 163.98' CH. BRO.:o N 1'1" -lA' 2.-1" W CH.1.. = 162.1:11' OLD HIGHLAND ~OlJlr:VARO RfW 10 SI: ABANllONI::[) lJN[Jtl~Gl~OlJND I Elt:flHONE LINE TRAGT 1 . C_O.S. 2047 BOZEMAN DEACONESS f-OUNDAftON 915 HIGHLAND ~LVO BOZEM^N. M I 59715.6902 ~~~~~t~.l,.~.jJ!,~,v.[. D =40" 54' 51" I. = 112.0~' CH. BtW. II' N 20" 24'"'''' W CH.L.e 1fi8A1' Leqenr;! ~ Boundary Of ArSn To Be Ahnndorled - AdjoInIng Property L1np. E!l.lsllng Right-Of W['lY Round~fY (!J ~ound Riyl1t-ul-Wi'iy Monulllonl o Calcul:;ltp.d Position (Nothing Found Or Set Fly Thi!': Survey) ! ! i ~ ! ! ! ! i lJ!i ! ! f n ~ i~ ....l :J o (p Q 7:1 :.JL G! ~T c:1! c-l. o NON-TANGENT Clmvr: R = 1430.37' D= 10' 3-4' 31' L=265.G7' CH. BRG. = N OG' 20' -13" E \'~'i. l... a: 2fi~.?!=I' !/ ./ ! ! j ~ 'F:0;O> 1"".-'). ,~~ (?~v~~~ ~Q~~l ~''[..' ~Q0 {-" f) Q} .....~ yJ~';: ';$,-f>.~ ~~'\ ,,<< ~<,; ~O /1 '.t <f? "X' -l C!)~0"<}. 091' ~ .,... ",,0 I.c; !j ,€ p ,,< ~i :-J .z: ~ ::r: NON-TANGo~E.) I CUHVf.:,__ R 486.34' D=~~"42'1 ' L = 201.26- I CH.BRB.=S 11'4e'1O"E CH.1.. - 19!=1, J;" ~ j<- 0 ..", "'0 :'0 ~~ j ~w ~ -- '" WZ 0:% -,0 ~B :00 ~m Q~ Qz "'<( En U:o ~r ~~ 0 ~cD z.: :5", ~ I--~ IO U:5 c!)>- ;:;:0 l' >-c!) 'J E 0 ~~ oS; ~~ ~~ ~8Q~~ O<::(I--ZU") {~~~~~ 2~6~Z: OaJlL~~ 5" ~W 1=0 olN '" 0 '" NON-TANGENT CURVE R= 150.94-- D = 40" 54' 16" l"''I07.7fi' CH. BHG. II.: N 20' 22' 5.1 W CH. L.::c 105.18' ~.--~. Ci 0;:: ...; >- IJ.< ....l :J o Cl.l Ci I: < ..J J: II X .- Mffi.Qf_~.Ep..I3,IN.G Genrlp.llc North ~t Lot N 45' 39' 56.10264" Long_ W "1110 01' .26.38512/1 (NGS oPUs Solution) UNDEf~GROUN[) T'=LEPHONE LINE OLD HIGHLAND BOULEVARD PROPOSED ABANDONMENT D~AWN BY: OATf: PROJECT NO. FIL[ NAM[: TG 4-2.7-OB Oll{1! O:.!1.o1.!IlGIllANIJ I >>.AbPv!ti~ I EXljJHJI ^ // ~~~~ ~I>".I~"" fir"'... (lQ!IJ'TlIIU1, IoAT ~~Il~ ~~.1:~~ ~:';:M ----i S(:~'Eo 1". 100' NOTICE OF INTENT TO VACATE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, at its regular meeting held on the 7th day of August 2006, the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, duly and regularly passed and adopted Commission Resolution No. 3936, entitled: COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 3936 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, DECLARING IT TO BE THE INTENTION OF SAID COMMISSION TO DISCONTINUE, ABANDON AND VACATE A PORTION OF THE RIGHT-OF-WAY OF OLD HIGHLAND BOULEVARD AS SHOWN ON CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY No. 2047 LOCATED IN THE EAST ONE-HALF OF THE EAST ONE-HALF OF SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH, RANGE 6 EAST, PRINICIPAL MERIDIAN MONTANA, GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA. NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that Tuesday, the 5th day of September 2006, at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Room in the Gallatin County Courthouse, 311 West Main Street, Bozeman, Montana, is designated as the time and place to hear objections to the vacation of the street right-of-way more particularly described in the Resolution of Intention, and is the time and plaee for any person whose property abuts upon the portion of the street rights-ot-way affected by the proposed vacation to appear and object, it they wish to do so, DATED this 7th day of August 2006. City Clerk Legal Ad Publish: Sunday, August 13, 2006 Sunday, August 20, 2006