HomeMy WebLinkAboutEx 2 BPC 1 9 2020 Data Distrib PoliciesExhibit z: Bozeman Parking Commission, :.lglzozoThe Bozeman Parking Commission is committed to the principles of open, accessible, efficient,and transparent government, and the use of technology to help put those principles intopractice.This policy creates a process for making City parking data available online using openstandards. The Parking Commission recognizes that making data available online for publicuse in this manner will promote civic engagement, improve service delivery, allow for moreeffective communication with the public, and increase opportunities for economicdevelopment. This Policy is also intended to make the operation of the Parking ServicesDivision transparent, effective, and accountable to the public, and to allow the public to assistin identifying innovative solutions for government.The Parking Services Division will devote its best efforts to making its data publicly availableonline, while recognizing that the division has numerous priorities and limited resources todedicate to a new open data program, and that implementation will require the assistance ofother City departments, also with limited resources.The Parking Services Department will cause to be made available online a dataset of hourlyoccupancy data of block faces, public lots, and parking structures for all areas where such datais routinely collected.ln addition, no lessthan annually, the Parking Services Division shall publish a report of thehourly occupancy of block faces, public lots, and parking structures, to include separationbetween weekday and weekend utilization, and monthly average occupancies within allparkin g enforcement areas.ln permit restricted areas, the Parking Services Division will repoft the number of permitsissued, the number of available parking spaces, the total occupancy by hour, and the permit-holder occupancy by hour.Occupancy data will be published in realtime or as timely a manner as reasonably andtechnically possible. Occupancy data will be published to the public internet and available byan Application Program lntedace (APl) or in a standardized tabular format, such as a CommaSeparated Value file.
Exhibit z: Bozeman Parking Commission, :.lglzozow/Meece edits)The Bozeman Parking Commission is committed to the principles of open, accessible, efficient,and transparent government, and the use of technology to help put those principles intopractice.This policy creates a process for making City parking data available online using open standards.The Parking Commission recognizes that making data available online for public use in thismanner will promote civic engagement, improve service delivery, allow for more effectivecommunication with the public, and increase opportunities for economic development. ThisPolicy is also intended to make the operation of the Parking Services Division transparent,effective, and accountable to the public, and to allow the public to assist in identifying innovativesolutions for government.The Parking Services Division will devote its best effofts to making its data publicly availableonline, while recognizing that the division has numerous priorities and limited resources todedicate to a new open data program, and that implementation will require the assistance ofother City departments, also with limited resources.The Parking Services Depaftmentwill make available, online, +dat+sæef ccupancy dataef b+,oek-faees-for public lots and parking structures for all areas where such data is routinelycollected.ln addition, no less than annually, the Parking Services Division shall publish a report of theheu+ly occupancy of bloek-faees, public lots, and parking structures, te+neUae-sepa+a+ieno the extent that additional on-street, or off-street, occupancy data isavailable for the B-3, or other areas underthe jurisdiction of the Bozeman Parking Commission,the Parking Services Division will include such information in the annual report. ln permitrestricted areas, the Parking Services Division will report the number of permits issued, thenumber of available parking spaces, the total occupancy by-h€urr and the permit-holderoccupancyåy+€u+'Occupancy data will be published in real time or as timely a manner as reasonably andtechnically possible. Oeeupaney data will be published te the publie internet and available by an@