HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-16-19 City Commission Packet Materials - C10. TO 10 to PSMTO with AE2S for Engineering Services for Water Treament Plant Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Brian Heaston, Senior Engineer Mitch Reister, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Authorize the City Manager to execute Task Order No. 10 of the Professional Services Master Task Order Agreement with the firm of AE2S, Inc. providing professional engineering services for the Bozeman WTP – Sourdough Raw Water Influent Metering Improvements 2019 project. MEETING DATE: December 16, 2019 AGENDA ITEM TYPE: Consent RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the City Manager to execute Task Order No. 10 of the Professional Services Master Task Order Agreement with the firm of AE2S, Inc. providing professional engineering services for the Bozeman WTP – Sourdough Raw Water Influent Metering Improvements 2019 project. BACKGROUND: AE2S, Inc. provides professional engineering services on as on call basis for the Bozeman Water Treatment Plant facility (WTP) under a Master Task Order Agreement entered into on April 24, 2017. Task Order No. 10 attached provides professional engineering services for the Bozeman WTP – Sourdough Raw Water Influent Metering Improvements 2019 project. Services include pre-design alternatives analysis for automated flow control and metering improvements on the Sourdough raw water supply line between the Sourdough intake and Sourdough water treatment plant. Once a preferred automated control and metering alternative is selected, 30% design documents and construction cost estimates will be produced. Currently, there is no automated flow control on the Sourdough raw supply. Raw water supply is instead manually controlled by operators at the Sourdough diversion dam itself, located approximately 0.5 miles past the gate at Sourdough Canyon trailhead. There is no automated meter registering Sourdough raw water flows into the treatment plant. Instead, diverted flow measurements are taken manually at a parshall flume installed at the Sourdough diversion dam. Task Order No. 10 will produce preliminary design documents (30% design) to meter and automate diversion of Sourdough raw water supply into the treatment plant. So doing will provide the Sourdough raw water supply infrastructure with similar and complementary control/metering capabilities to that of the Hyalite raw water supply infrastructure. 160 FISCAL EFFECTS: The approved FY20 Water Fund CIP contains item W96, funded at $300,000, for the Sourdough Raw Transmission Main Flow Control Valve and Meter project. Task Order No. 10 contains a negotiated fee not to exceed $39,150 to complete alternatives analysis, preliminary design, and preliminary construction cost estimate tasks for the project. After debiting Task Order No. 10 from the W96 funding allocation, an unobligated project fund balance of $260,850 remains for final design and construction. ALTERNATIVES: As suggested by the Commission. ATTACHMENTS: Task Order No. 10 Hyperlinked: Professional Services Master Task Order Agreement Report compiled on December 5, 2019 161 EXHIBIT B to Professional Services Agreement Dated April 24, 2017 TASK ORDER NUMBER 10 Issued under the authority of Professional Services Agreement between the City of Bozeman and Advanced Engineering and Environmental Services, Inc. for: A range of professional and technical services related to operations and maintenance of the City of Bozeman Water Treatment Plant and support facilities, including but not necessarily limited to engineering design, preparation of construction documents, project bidding, and construction administration services for various improvement projects. This Task Order is dated , 2019 between City of Bozeman (City) and Advanced Engineering and Environmental Services, Inc. (Contractor). The following representatives have been designated for the work performed under this Task Order: City: Brian Heaston, PE, Project Engineer Contractor: Advanced Engineering and Environmental Services, Inc. (AE2S) Brian Viall, PE, Project Manager SCOPE OF WORK: (attach additional sheet(s) as required) This Task Order is for a feasibility study and technical report with recommendations in association with improvements generally described as: Bozeman WTP – Sourdough Raw Water Influent Metering Improvements 2019 Contractor’s Project Number: P05097-2019-014 The scope for which is generally described as follows: Engineering 1. Review record drawings of the influent pipelines from Bozeman Creek in Sourdough Canyon and Hyalite Creek as they enter the “Hyalite Connection Building/Sourdough Flow Control Building.” 2. Conduct field investigations at Bozeman Water Treatment Plant (WTP) of surface conditions to identify critical valves, potential tie-in locations, existing utilities and other appurtenances. Does not include field-verification of subsurface conditions by exploratory excavation. 3. Draft record drawings of raw water process. Two drawings will be produced: 1) A process flow diagram (PFD) and 2) conceptual site layout with raw water pipeline alignments. Existing drawings will be utilized to the maximum extent possible, augmented with field investigation. 4. Review alternatives for installation of flow metering on the raw water influent pipeline from the Sourdough Creek Intake. The following alternatives will be evaluated: a. Multi-point insertion ultrasonic system on the Sourdough raw water pipeline elbow in the Raw Water Control Building. Evaluate the accuracy of this approach. b. Magnetic Flow Metering in an expansion of the existing Raw Water Control Building. c. Hydraulic Flow Control Valve (Cla-Val) with upstream screening (see flow control valve alternatives, below. 5. Evaluate flow control valve installation alternatives for Sourdough raw water. 162 a. Automatic Backwashing Strainer (ABS) ahead of modulating butterfly valve or hydraulic flow control valve (Cla-Val) 6. Evaluate the impact (if any) of metering and flow control alternatives on Hyalite flow control and flow measurement. 7. Draft conceptual drawings of piping modifications to accommodate proposed improvements. 8. Meetings a. Kickoff Meeting b. Technical Memorandum Review Meeting. Documentation 1. Technical memorandum of recommendations, including the following: a. Existing raw water system evaluation. b. Summary review of flow metering alternatives with Engineer’s recommendation of best alternative. c. Summary review of control valve alternatives with Engineer’s recommendation of best alternative. d. 30% drawings of process and site-work modifications to accommodate recommended improvements. e. Engineer’s Opinion of Probable Construction Cost (EOPCC) to complete work. f. Estimate 15 to 20 pages total document length. Includes drawings, tables, opinions of cost, etc. 2. Revised record drawings of raw water process to show the following: a. Process flow diagram (PFD) of raw water process. b. Site piping alignments on site background. COMPENSATION: The total cost for the engineering, documentation, and materials associated with this Task Order is $39,150.00. Contractor shall be reimbursed on a Time & Materials basis, as detailed in Attachment A – Hour and Fee Estimate by Phase and Task. Contractor shall invoice no more often than monthly for services provided in the prior month. The provisions of the Professional Services Master Task Order Agreement and any Special Terms and Conditions and/or Exhibits or Attachments to this Task Order shall govern the Work. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties authorized to commit resources of the companies have executed this Task Order: City of Bozeman Contractor By: By: Title: Title: Date: Date: Fed. ID. No. 163 Attachment A – Hour and Fee Estimate by Phase & Task: 164 Exhibit B | Attachment A - Hour and Fee Estimate by Phase & Task City of Bozeman WTP Operations and Maintenance: Task Order 10 - Sourdough Raw Water Metering Improvements 2019Buecker Viall Hintz Hohn AE2S Expenses TotalAE2S Contract No.: ENG VI ENG IV ENG IV TECH IVLabor$221 $187 $187 $173010 - Project Development$884 $1,870 $0 $0 2,754$ 1.00 - Project Management4 10020 - Study & Report$0 $8,228 $16,830 $11,072 36,130$ 2.10 - Record Drawing Review6 42.11 - Field Investigations42.12 - New Record Drawings (PFD & Site Piping Alignments)12 242.20 - Technology Review - Meters (3 Alternatives)2 162.21 - Technology Review - Control Valves (2 Alternatives)2 162.30 - 30% Design Drafting2 12 402.40 - Report & Recommendation12 402.41 - Meetings4 2030 - Preliminary EngineeringNO SCOPE040 - Final DesignNO SCOPE050 - Bidding/NegotiationsNO SCOPE060 - ConstructionNO SCOPE070 - Post-Construction/WarrantyNO SCOPE080 - I&C System ServicesNO SCOPE090 - Additional / Continuing ServicesNO SCOPEReimbursable Expenses1. Auto Travel ($.65/mile)$1202. Plotter / Printing$146Subtotal Hours4 54 90 64Subtotal Fees$884 $10,098 $16,830 $11,072 $38,884 $266 $39,150Total$39,150 AE2S Labor 2020 Rates165