HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-14-19 Correspondence- Human Rights Campaign to Andrus - 2019 Municipal Equality Index Final Scorecard E3HUMAN RIGHTS CAMPAIGN U V A 11 A l I U I Office of Mayor Cyndy Andrus P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771 October 14, 2019 Dear Mayor Andrus, Enclosed, please find your city's final scorecard for the 2019 Municipal Equality Index(MEI).As you know from our previous correspondence,the 2019 MEI is a nationwide evaluation of 506 cities on how inclusive cities' laws, policies, and services are of lesbian,gay, bisexual,transgender,and queer(LGBTQ) people. The window to submit revisions to the 2019 scorecards is now closed. As a reminder,we ask that you keep this scorecard strictly confidential.Although we are providing you with a copy of your final scorecard,scores are not official and are thus subject to change before the MEI is published and released in November. We believe that communicating fully and honestly with the cities being rated is a critical part of the project's success, and when cities compromise the confidence of the project,they do so at the expense of the other cities being rated. There are no planned changes to the MEI scorecard for 2020.Throughout the year,we will have many resources available to help you improve your city's score in 2020, including sample policy language, issue briefs, and regular webinars. Thank you for your participation in this project.The 2019 MEI will be released in November and we will make scorecards public at that time on hrc.org/mei.You will receive a final correspondence informing you of the exact release date once that is determined. Please feel free to contact us at mei@hrc.org with any questions. We look forward to working with you again in 2020! Sincerely, The MEI Team eo� Xavier Persad Senior Legislative Counsel Colin Kutney Senior Manager for State and Municipal Programs CONFIDENTIAL DRAFT- NOT FOR PUBLICATION - CONFIDENTIAL DRAFT HUMAN RIGHTS CAMPAIGN 2019 MEI Scorecard - Bozeman, Montana Max Pts. State County Municipal Earned (SO/GI) Pts. Part I.Non-Discrimination Laws SO GI SO GI SO GI A.Employment to(515) 0 0 0 0 5 5 10 B.Housing to(515) 0 0 0 0 5 5 10 C.Public Accommodations 10(515) 0 0 0 0 5 5 10 Bonus:All-Gender Single Occupancy Facilities z 0 0 0 0 Bonus:Protects Youth From Conversion Therapy 1 z 1 0 0 10 0 30(t5h5) Part I.Standard Points 30 4 Part I.Bonus Points 0 Part II.Municipality As Employer SO GI A.Non-Discrimination in City Employment 14(7i7) 7 7 14 B.Transgender-Inclusive Healthcare Benefits 6 6 6 C.City Contractor Non-Discrimination Ordinance 6(313) 3 3 6 D.Inclusive Workplace z 0 0 BONUS:City Employee Domestic Partner Benefits t 0 0 28 Part 11.Standard Points 26 1 Part II.Bonus Points o Part III.Municipal Services SO I GI SO GI A.Human Rights Commission 5 0 0 0 B.Enforcement Mechanism in Human Rights Commission z o 0 0 C.LGBTQ Liaison in City Executive's Office 5 0 0 Bonus:Youth Bullying Prevention Policy for City Services z(111) 0 0 0 BONUS:City Provides Services to LGBTQ Youth z 0 0 BONUS:City Provides Services to LGBTQ Homeless People z o 0 BONUS:City Provides Services to LGBTQ Elders z 0 0 BONUS:City Provides Services to People Living With HIV or AIDS z 0 0 BONUS:City Provides Services to the Transgender Community z 0 0 tz Part III.Standard Points 0 tz Part III.Bonus Points 0 Part IV.Law Enforcement A.LGBTQ Police Liaison or Task Force to 0 0 B.Reported 2017 Hate Crimes Statistics to the FBI z tz tz zz Part IV.Standard Points tz Part V.Leadership on LGBTQ Equality A.Leadership's Public Position on LGBTQ Equality 0-5 5 5 B.Leadership's Pro-Equality Legislative or Policy Efforts 0-3 z z BONUS:Openly LGBTQ Elected or Appointed Municipal Leaders z o 0 BONUS:City Tests Limits of Restrictive State Law 3 3 3 8 Part V.Standard Points 7 5 Part V.Bonus Points 3 Key Standard Points Total 75 SO= Sexual Orientation Bonus Points Total 3 GI =Gender Identity Total Raw Score 78 Final Score 78 CONFIDENTIAL DRAFT - NOT FOR PUBLICATION - CONFIDENTIAL DRAFT