HomeMy WebLinkAboutattachments for 2993 .. ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF NOTICE COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2993 STATING THE INTENTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION TO ANNEX 12.333 ACRES GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE INTERSECTION OF GRIFFIN DRIVE AND MANLEY ROAD IN THE COUNTY OF GALLATIN, STATE OF MONTANA A~f.1 tv<. H\effllJ ,VIV. ~A~~ for Montana Power Company does hereby acknowledge that on the \'2- day of August, 1994, (s)he received a copy of said Notice and hereby waives any requirement for personal service of said Notice. And, further, that (s)he presently resides in 6A1 J A.,./).j County, State of Montana. DATED this / j7Iv day of August 1994. t2uuVl(. ~ NOT ARY PUBLIC State of Montana ) County of GALU:1"'1 U ) On the t 'Z -1'~ day of August, 1994, before me, a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared A....'" tv{. hl ~u , D/Y. MA!\JA&~ of Montana Power Company, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that (s)he executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal on the day and year first written above. "" , ~kF~~,~ ~~ - - -- ...... '. ..... Notary PubHc for the St3te of f\l1ontana ~ ".,'" - -" .'- Residing at \A.AL)~"\T.Ak) - - " . '" ", My commission expires: ~\L", ,qqG:. ~ ..J>-. .... ...'.,- --- ------.., ___,n.., U~/IVI:l4 u~:ua 'U'4Uij5~tSa51:1~ AI.EKGJ:::NTHALJ:;1{ tS Z 1 ......-1' A IfZjUO~ ACKNOWLEDGE RECEiPT OF NOTICE COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2993 STATING THE INTENTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION TO ANNEX 12.333 ACRES GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE INTERSECTION 'OF GRIFFIN DRIVE AND MANLEY ROAD IN THE COUNTY OF GALLATIN, STATE OF MONTANA -J€RR" 1). /Y) 02 q,ff) TH III ~ J<t for Mergenthale~ Transfer does ~-- hereby acknowledge that on the /J.. 1:A.. ~ day of August. 1994. {s)he rec~jved a copy of said . Notice and hereby waives.any requiref1,1ent for personal service of sa,id .Notice.. And. f~J('ther, that (s}he presently resides InkwlS f{}.AA'<.. County, State of Montana. DATED this 6/h day of August 1994. .,., :i NOTARY PUBLIC State of Montana ) . . County of L~\).')\:.,,<>\-(.\~~\<. ) I On the \L~ day of August. 1994. before me, a Notary Public for the State of Montana. personally appeared ~9.\\:i \) '\\\<('~('..<;'90\W:\\..@.. . ~~ ~.:::.\ ~~\\- of . Mergenthaler Transfer, known to me to be the ,person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and aCknowledged to me that {s)he executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal on the day and year first written above. .... ~~ Notary Public fot he State of Montana Residing at ~~\~~~ ........ ,..",.- My commission expires: ~~~~" \C\, f\C\b ..'. ou___ .- , ~ _,__",--_'_.n'~ ~_._'" ~ .'-,~I .........-.- I.........,...."~- '.".,"-."." ,., ..._ .'~..~.____.0iiiI,11I"1.1_" -----1 ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF NOTICE iCOMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2993 STATING THE INtCNTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION TO ANNEX 12.333 ACRES GENERALL Y LOCATED A r THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE INTERSECTION OF " GRIFFIN DRIVE AND MANLEY ROAD IN THE COUNTY OF GALLATIN, STATE OF MONTANA -...........-.. _._ ~fltfft'"1ttb.~g_ for Mergenthaler Transfer does Ttf ~by ackr dge that on the ~ day of August, 1994, (s)he receiver! ~:(}py of said Notice and hereby waives any requirement for personal s... Vice of sa;dNGti~e. And, further, that (slhf; pr(:c,,;enrly reside::; in hllw;3::&& C>II'Jlly, . "i!:! of Montana. i'tt lJA, :., . J~\____ day ot Augu' (',JO I,AHY I-'LJl:)lIC ( 'I ~ ) <"): !!f Cow j: f \...~\::, ~ c,,\\\~'A. On the \Z- ~ \\ day of Aunllst, 1994, hetcHH mp" n Not<'JIY Public for the State of rv~1 CHJrsonally appeared ~,. \..~ ~_.."-_.--_. of Mer\;;; ,',;ter, known ~(' , to be the person whose name is subscribed to the VIi i I: iJ.' ,:nd <!.d:.r1\IWIE',:,j .; 7G rne that (s)he executed HIe same. !! .; ; ~fSS WI H ,'t ,.:1 , I have hereunto set my hand and affixed Iny $eal on the d<:ty . r firsT wrjtt~... ,,'IV~. Notary Pubiic ~~rla- Residing at ~8.Th"~,~ . ..~ My LOIrllnission expires~ __~~\ 'P,.(S.\{ \C\ .~6. \ " ", 'v .. ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF NOTICE COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2993 STATING THE INTENTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION TO ANNEX 12.333 ACRES GENERALLY lOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE INTERSECTION OF GRIFFIN DRIVE AND MANLEY ROAD IN THE COUNTY OF GALLATIN, STATE OF MONTANA Patricia Hash, does hereby acknowledge that on the / (P day of August, 1994, he received a copy of said Notice and hereby waives any requirement for personal service of said Notice. And, further, that she presently resides in Lu~ County, State of Montana. DATED this / ~ day of August 1994. (!~~. NOTARY PUBLIC State of Montana ) County of l!~ ) -- On the / {P day of August, 1994, before me, a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared ()a1J7J"rp ~ , 1~ ' known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that she executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal on the day and year first written above. aJJ~d... ~a:r ~ Notary Public ~t Montana Residing at My commission e ires:~ III }99~ --- .--