HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-07-24 THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA AGENDA July 24, 2006 A.Executive Session - Litigation - 5:30 pm - City Hall Commission Room, 411 West Main Street Call to Order - 6:00 p.m. - City Hall Commission Room, 411 West Main Street B. Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence C. Public Service Announcement D. Minutes E. Outstanding - June 12, July 10 and July 17 Consent F. 1.Authorize payment of claims (LaMeres) 2.Authorize City Manager to sign an agreement with Greenwing Teal, LLC for the Durston Road SID Project (Stodola) 3.Approve Recommendation of Award for 2006 Curbing and Sidewalk Improvements (Kerr) 4Approve Resolution No. 3933 - Resolution of Intent to Create West Winds Subdivision Phases I - II SILD #691 (Shannon) 5.Authorize City Manager to sign the Cornerstone Condominium Public Access Easement (Heaston) 6.Authorize City Manager to sign a Water Rights Acquisition Contract (Hixon) 7.Approve Ordinance No. 1669, text amendment to the Unified Development Ordinance (Cooper) approve/deny *Motion and Vote to Consent items 1 - 7 as listed above. Public comment G. - Please state name and address in an audible tone of voice for the record. This is the time for individuals to comment on matters falling within the purview of the Bozeman City Commission. There will also be an opportunity in conjunction with each agenda item for comments pertaining to that item. Please limit your comments to 3 minutes. Public Hearings H. 1.Shute Residence Renovations, Conditional Use Permit/Certificate of Appropriateness/Deviations at the residence located at 603 South Willson Avenue, continued from July 10, 2006. Zoning Application #Z-06111, (Bristor) approve/deny/approve conditionally *Motion and Vote to the Shute Residence Renovations, Conditional Use Permit/Certificate of Appropriateness/Deviations at the residence located at 603 South Willson Avenue, Zoning Application #Z-06111. 2.Request for one-year extension of Preliminary Plat approval from Laurel Glen opened and continued from July 17, 2006 Subdivision, Phase III, #P-02012, (Epple) approve/deny *Motion and Vote to a request for one-year extension of Preliminary Plat approval from Laurel Glen Subdivision, Phase III, #P-02012. 3.Carlson/Ruggles Site Plan (SP), Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) with deviations #Z- continued from July 17, 2006 06041, (Bristor) approve/deny/approve conditionally *Motion and Vote to Carlson/Ruggles Site Plan (SP), Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) with deviations #Z-06041. 4.Knolls at Hillcrest, Preliminary Plat Review (Sanford) approve/deny/approve conditionally *Motion and Vote to Knolls at Hillcrest, Preliminary Plat. 5.West Winds III, Major Subdivision, Preliminary Plat Review (Windemaker) approve/deny/approve conditionally *Motion and Vote to West Winds III, Major Subdivision, Preliminary Plat. 6.5% increase to Tree Maintenance District rates (Rosenberry) approve/deny *Motion and Vote to a 5% increase to Tree Maintenance District rates. 7.5% increase to Street Maintenance District rates (Rosenberry) approve/deny *Motion and Vote to 5% increase to Street Maintenance District rates. Action Items I. 1.Solid Waste Disposal Options (Johnson/Arkell) pursue/not pursue/conditionally pursue *Motion and Vote to staff recommended options for solid waste disposal. deferred from July 2.Commission to appoint members to the Northeast Urban Renewal Board, th 17 (Brey) *Motion and Vote to appoint members to the Northeast Urban Renewal Board. th deferred from July 17 3.Ratify Mayor’s appointment of member to the Parking Commission, (Fontenot) * Motion and Vote to ratify the Mayor’s appointment of member to the Parking Commission. 4.Commission to appoint members Design Review Board *Motion and Vote to appoint members to the Design Review Board. 5.Commission to appoint members to the Community Affordable Housing Advisory Board (CAHAB) *Motion and Vote to appoint members to the Community Affordable Housing Advisory Board (CAHAB). 6.Commission to appoint members to the Community Development Block Grant Committee (CDBG) *Motion and Vote to appoint members to the Community Development Block Grant Committee (CDBG). 7.Commission to appoint members Library Board of Trustees *Motion and Vote to appoint members to the Library Board of Trustees. 8.Commission to appoint members Downtown Bozeman Improvement District Board (IDB) *Motion and Vote to appoint members to the Downtown Bozeman Improvement District Board (IDB). 9.Commission to appoint members Tree Advisory Board *Motion and Vote to appoint members to the Tree Advisory Board. 10.Commission to appoint members Beautification Advisory Board *Motion and Vote to appoint members to the Beautification Advisory Board. Non-Action Items J. 1.Update of Mandeville Farms Business Park (Nelson, ThinkTank Design) 2.Farmhouse Minor Subdivision Pre-application (Krueger) 3.FYI/Discussion Adjournment K. *Mayor Krauss to adjourn the meeting City Commission meetings are open to all members of the public. If you have a disability that requires assistance, please contact our ADA Coordinator, Ron Brey, at 582-2306 (TDD 582-2301). For further information please see the City of Bozeman webpage at www.bozeman.net