HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-02-19 City Commission Packet Materials - A6. Res 5053, Question of a City-Wide Parks and Trails Special District1 Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Greg Sullivan, City Attorney Andrea Surratt, City Manager SUBJECT: Adoption of Resolution 5053 Submitting the Question of Creation of a Citywide Parks and Trails Special District to the Voters on May 5, 2020. MEETING DATE: December 2, 2019 AGENDA ITEM TYPE: Action STRATEGIC PLAN: This project aligns with Vision Statement 4, A Well Planned City which states, “We consistently improve our community’s quality of life as it grows and changes, honoring our sense of place and the ‘Bozeman feel’ as we plan for a livable, affordable, more connected city.” Strategy 4.3 Strategic Infrastructure Choices – Prioritizing long-term investment and maintenance for existing and new infrastructure, lists Action Item: “a) Develop a Comprehensive Parks Maintenance and Facilities Funding Program.” CITY MANAGER’S RECOMMENDED MOTION: I move to adopt Resolution 5053 submitting to the voters on May 5, 2020, a referendum on creation of the Parks and Trails Special District. BACKGROUND: Over the past several years, the Commission has discussed the efficacy of creating a special district pursuant to Montana law for the operation and maintenance of parks and trails. This memorandum does not address the underlying basis for creating the parks and trails special district (the “District”) or the budget issues that arise from creating the District. Those issues have been previously discussed in numerous meetings and the budget implications will be discussed in more detail on December 9, 2019 when the Staff will introduce Capital Improvement Plans for the General Fund and the Parks and Trails District Fund. For more information on the background of the District we encourage the Commission and public to review the meetings of March 4, 2019 and June 3, 2019. The video minutes are available on the Commission’s website here. 197 2 On September 16, 2019, the Commission adopted Resolution 5093 vacating a previous decision to seek to create the District by resolution and protest and determined rather to seek to create the District through a voter referendum. Resolution 5093 required us to bring this Resolution to you at this time to select a date for the election and to adopt a resolution calling for the election. If adopted, this resolution will place the question of creating the District on the May 5, 2020 mail ballot. Should the Commission choose to refer creation of the District to the voters, the only question remaining for the Commission prior to doing so is the date of such an election. The memorandum provided by us for the June 3, 2019 meeting contains background on the election procedures (see pg. 436 of the June 3, 2019 Commission packet). CITY MANAGER RECOMMENDATION ON DATE OF ELECTION: The City Manager recommends the Commission adopt this Resolution referring the question of creation of the District to the voters on May 5, 2020 as opposed to a special mail ballot election to be conducted on March 3, 2020 (see discussion below). BALLOT RESOLUTION COMPONENTS: Attached to this memorandum is Resolution 5053. Resolution 5053 contains important statutorily required components. See 7-11-1011, MCA. Please refer to the language of the ballot resolution for specific details. Here are the highlights: • Section 1: contains legislative findings and succinctly discusses the necessity for the District. • Section 2: provides the order for the referendum on creating the District and lists the date of May 5, 2020 as the date of the election. • Section 3: establishes the methodology for annual ongoing assessments. The assessment rate is based on previous commission action. On July 23, 2018, the Commission voted to finance the District with a standard level of service (Silver/National Average) for all parks and trails. At the March 4, 2019 meeting, the City Commission voted to implement this level of service over a 5-year period. The work-order and asset management data the Parks Department collected over the prior four years enabled staff to project an annual cost to implement the “Silver” level of service over the five-year period, addressing maintenance, operations, capital and deferred maintenance. The methodology for annual assessment is proposed to be based on a combination of the square footage of lots and the applicable zoning. The Staff propose to use the same methodology the Commission has adopted for the Street, Tree, and Arterial & Collector District assessments. • Section 4: describes how the City will use the assessments for maintenance of parks and trails currently maintained by the City and for parks and trails maintained by property owners associations. This section also makes it clear the City will not use District funds for maintenance of recreation facilities such as Bogert Pool or the Story Mansion. 198 3 • Section 5: describes the properties in the City that will be benefitted by the District and therefore obligated to pay the assessments. Exhibit A of the resolution includes a map of the City and Exhibit B is a legal description of the City. • Section 6: similar to section 5 and establishes the boundaries of the District. • Section 7: discusses how the District will be administered. The ultimate authority over the District resides with the City Commission as its role is defined by the City Charter. • Section 8: describes how the election will occur. • Section 9: provides the ballot language. The opening phrase of the ballot language is required by state law. See 7-11-1011(4), MCA. The language after the yes/no question is explanatory only. It cannot be persuasive but merely can help voters understand the implications of a yes/no vote. • Section 10: provides information on who may vote. A special district election broadens the electorate to more than just city residents. It includes owners of property in Bozeman who are also registered voters in Montana. A person who may qualify as a non-resident property owner must affirmatively contact the Elections Administrator to request a ballot. • Section 11: lists steps the City must take after the election if the proposition to create the District is approved by the voters. • Section 12: indicates the District will exist until it is formally dissolved. • Exhibit C contains the notice of the election the Elections Administrator must publish. If the Commission desires to consider a date other than May 5, 2020, the Commission is limited to March 3, 2020 (see below). To choose this date, the Commission must take certain steps as shown in the following recommended additional (and optional) motions: 1. I move to amend all references to the May 5, 2020 election in Resolution 5053 to March 3, 2020 including Exhibit C (notice of election); 2. I move to include references to a special election as appropriate including references that clearly indicate the City will ask a question affecting District funding; and 3. I move to replace Section 9 with the ballot language identified in the Staff memorandum for a mail ballot special election to occur on March 3, 2020. If the Commission makes the above motions, we will incorporate them into a final version of Resolution 5053 for the Mayor’s signature. As explained below, because of the timing of this agenda item, this meeting is the last opportunity for the Commission to choose to conduct a special election on March 3, 2020. After discussions with Eric Semerad, Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder and Elections Administrator, the only date for a special mail ballot election his office is willing to run for the City is March 3, 2020. A few key points on conducting a special mail ballot election this winter: • The election must include language related to funding of the District (see discussion below) whereas an election conducted on May 5, 2020 does not require additional ballot language regarding funding. 199 4 • A mail ballot special election will be more expensive as the City will not be able to share costs of the election with Bozeman School District No.7 (BSD7). Previously on June 3, 2019, we provided information on the cost of a special city-only mail ballot election to be held during the winter indicating it could cost the City upwards of $100,000 while an election held in conjunction with BSD7 will cost approximately $50,000. See pg. 438 of the June 3, 2019 packet materials. • If the Commission desires to conduct a city-only special election this coming winter the election date must occur on March 3, 2020. This date is the Elections Administrator’s date that is open to the City for this election. For this date, ballots will be mailed on or about February 11, 2020. For the May 5, 2020 election, ballots are mailed on or about April 20, 2020. • State law requires the resolution calling for an election be provided to the Elections Administrator no later than 85 days prior to the election. See 13-1-504, MCA. As a result, should the Commission choose a March 3, 2020 date the City must transfer the Resolution to the Elections Administrator no later than Tuesday December 10, 2019. Should the Commission decide to call an election on March 3, 2020, we provide you with alternative ballot language for a March 3, 2020 special mail ballot election below. You must, as noted above and by motion, amend Resolution 5053 to replace Section 9 of the Resolution with the following: “Section 9 Required Ballot Language. The question to be placed on the March 3, 2020 ballot, shall read as follows: Shall the proposition to organize the City of Bozeman Parks and Trails Special District be adopted and in doing so shall the City of Bozeman be authorized to permanently levy annual assessments against real property for the costs and expenses of the District in an amount not to exceed $0.018 per square foot for Fiscal Year 2021 ($90.00 for a 5,000 square foot parcel) (approximately 0.000717 mills), $0.0207 per square foot for Fiscal Year 2022 ($103.50 for a 5000 square foot parcel) (approximately 0.0000825 mills), and annually thereafter in an amount to be determined each year by the City Commission? ○ Yes ○ No (By voting yes, you support creation of City of Bozeman Parks and Trails Special District and authorize the City to annually levy assessments for the purpose of providing maintenance, purchasing, and improving services for City-owned or managed park related facilities, land, personnel, supplies and equipment under the 200 5 responsibility and care of the City of Bozeman Parks & Recreation Department and providing for other matters properly relating thereto.)” FISCAL EFFECTS: The effects of adopting this resolution will obligate the City to pay election costs of approximately $50,000 (for the May 5, 2020 election) to upwards of $100,000 (for the March 3, 2020 election). The FY20 budget contains $50,000 for election costs. If the Commission chooses the March 3, 2020 election, the Commission must identify a funding source for the $50,000 cost difference. In addition to funding the election costs, we plan to develop a public education campaign to explain the effects of the District creation to voters. We have $27,000 in the FY20 budget for these expenses. The fiscal effects on the City of the voters approving the District are far-reaching and have been discussed in the previous Commission Memoranda cited above. We are scheduled to have a discussion on December 9, 2019 related to the budget implications of creating the District when the Staff will introduce Capital Improvement Plans for the General Fund and the Parks and Trails District Fund. NEXT STEPS: If the Commission adopts the recommended motion, we will transfer the resolution to the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder to have an election conducted pursuant to the timing as adopted by the Commission. The City Manager will develop and implement an educational campaign including website and educational materials. If the voters approve the referendum, the City will assess properties beginning in the fall of 2020. To do so, the Commission must adopt a resolution assessing the properties at the same time the Commission does so for the Arterial & Collector Special District and the City’s street and tree districts. Regardless of which date the Commission chooses to conduct the election, if the City is going to spend public money or resources (including personnel) on an educational campaign, the City must form an incidental political committee. This will need to be done as soon as possible. In addition, the City must report all expenditures including the costs of staff time for the educational effort. We will follow a similar approach as with the Bozeman Public Safety Center bond election. Next, we will educate staff and elected and appointed officials, including the Recreation & Parks Advisory Board on the prohibitions on using public time, resources, or money in support of or opposition to creation of the District. UNRESOLVED ISSUES: The City Manager is developing specific implementation plans including staffing, operating, and capital plans for the District. In addition, a key component of the public education campaign will be the larger budget implications for the General Fund that come with creation of the District. Specifically, on December 9, 2019 staff will describe some of those fiscal effects when staff introduces Capital Improvement Plans for the General Fund and 201 6 the Parks and Trails District Fund. As for adoption of Resolution 5053, there are no other identified unresolved issues. ALTERNATIVES: As suggested by the City Commission. Attachments: Resolution 5053 (including Exhibits A, B, and C) 202 RESOLUTION NO. 5053 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, ORDERING A REFERENDUM ON THE QUESTION OF CREATING A PARKS AND TRAILS SPECIAL DISTRICT WITHIN THE INCORPORATED LIMITS OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, as follows: Section 1 Legislative Findings/Necessity for the District: In addition to oral findings made by the City Commission during adoption of this Resolution, the Commission hereby finds: 1. The City of Bozeman, Montana (the “City”) is a self-governing municipality organized and existing pursuant to its Charter and the laws of the State of Montana. 2. The Bozeman City Commission (the “Commission”) is authorized by Montana Code Annotated (“MCA”) Title 7, Chapter 11, Part 10, to create special districts to serve the inhabitants of the special district. 3. Pursuant to 7-11-1003(1)(a)(ii), the Commission may order a referendum on the question of creation of a special district. 4. On December 2, 2019, the Commission conducted a public hearing to hear comment on the question of whether to order a referendum on creation of a Parks and Trails Special District (the “District”). 203 Resolution 5053, Calling for a Referendum on the Creation of the City of Bozeman Parks & Trails Special District Page 2 of 10 5. The Commission determines the public convenience and necessity require the creation of the District because the funding requirements for city park and trail maintenance exceeds available funds in the General Fund, significant new park and trail facilities come on-line in fiscal years 2019 and 2020 and with the construction funded by the voter approved Parks and Trails Bond of 2012, no funds were allocated for maintenance of facilities funded by the Parks and Trails Bond. The District will address park and trail deferred maintenance currently valued at over $6.8 million. Finally, the District creates one consistent level of service and point of contact for all city-owned parks and trails, thereby eliminating over time the need for individual homeowner associations to maintain city parks and trails. Section 2 Ordering of Referendum/Name of District. The City Commission hereby orders a referendum be conducted on the question of creating the District with such referendum to be held on May 5, 2020. The Gallatin County Elections Administrator is hereby requested to take all steps necessary to place the ballot language as provided for in Section 9, below, on said election ballot. Section 3 Type and Maximum Rate of Assessments. Beginning in fiscal year 2021, the cost of the services to be performed in the District is estimated to be $3,920,799. The costs of the District in Fiscal Year 2022 is currently estimated to be $4,546,639 and in Fiscal Year 2023 costs of the District are estimated to be $4,781,017. If approved, the City will continue the District beyond Fiscal Year 2023 with costs for each year to be determined by the Commission during its annual budget process. Notwithstanding the above estimates, each year, as part of its regular budget process, the City will estimate the total costs of the District for the following fiscal year. In establishing the annual assessment of costs to property 204 Resolution 5053, Calling for a Referendum on the Creation of the City of Bozeman Parks & Trails Special District Page 3 of 10 owners, the City will incorporate any other District revenues that may be available, including those from fees for park rentals, etc. The City will annually assess the costs of the District to all owners of real property within the incorporated city limits upon the assessable area of each lot or parcel, expressed in square feet. The lot or parcel area will be limited to the maximum square footage assessed for the zoning designations as listed in the table below. This is the same method of assessment as is used for the City’s existing Street Maintenance District and Arterial and Collector District assessments. The following table demonstrates the assessment methodology the City will use upon creation of the District: Zoning Maximum assessment square footage (Cap) R-1 15,000 square feet R-2 15,000 square feet R-3 15,000 square feet R-4; R-5 15,000 square feet RMH 8,250 square feet/unit RS 15,000 square feet RO No Cap on developed parcels. Cap of 15,000 square feet on undeveloped (parcels that have no structures and have not received subdivision review.) PLI (including MSU, Schools, Govt, Hospital, & Public Owned property) 25% of total square footage REMU; NEHMU; UMU No Cap on developed parcels Cap of 15,000 square feet on undeveloped (parcels that have no structures and have not received subdivision review.) All Business Zones No Cap on developed parcels Cap of 15,000 square feet on undeveloped (parcels that have no structures and have not received subdivision review.) All Manufacturing Zones No Cap on developed parcels Cap of 15,000 square feet on undeveloped (parcels that have no structures and have not received subdivision review.) 205 Resolution 5053, Calling for a Referendum on the Creation of the City of Bozeman Parks & Trails Special District Page 4 of 10 For non-conforming residences located in business and manufacturing zoning district without any business or manufacturing use attached, there shall be a maximum of 15,000 square feet assessed. This method of assessment shall be made pursuant to 7-11-1024(3)(a)(i) and (vii) which states: (i) The governing body shall assess the percentage of the cost of the program or improvements (a) against the entire district as follows: (i) each lot or parcel of land within the special district may be assessed for that part of the cost that its assessable area bears to the assessable area of the entire special district, exclusive of roads, streets, avenues, alleys, and public places; and (vii) any combination of the assessment options provided in subsections (3)(a)(i) through (3)(a)(vi) may be used for the special district as a whole. In accordance with 7-11-1021, MCA, and 7-11-1025, MCA, prior to annually levying assessments necessary to carry out the services to be performed in the District, each year the City Manager shall prepare, or cause to be prepared, for Commission approval, a budget, and estimate of expenses for the work and services to be performed in the District and the Commission shall specify the method of assessment for the lots and parcels of land located in the District, provide for any methods of financing such services, publish notice and conduct a public hearing on such assessments before finally adopting a resolution levying assessments against the lots and parcels of land in the District. The Commission must annually adopt a resolution establishing the annual assessment for the District. The City Commission may change the method of assessment during the annual budget process to a different method or combination of methods that comply with Montana law. The special assessment for the costs of providing services in the District shall be payable as provided in 7-11-1024, MCA through 7-11-1028, MCA. Section 4 Types of Activities Proposed to be Financed. The activities proposed to be financed by the District include maintenance of existing City-owned 206 Resolution 5053, Calling for a Referendum on the Creation of the City of Bozeman Parks & Trails Special District Page 5 of 10 or maintained parks and trails including those currently maintained by private entities such as a property owners association. This includes but is not limited to parks and park facilities such as Bogert Park, Cooper Park, the Bozeman Sports Park, Story Mill Park, the Path to the M, Bronken Park, linear parks, and any trail or other parks owned by or managed by the City. In addition, the maintenance, repair, or construction of any other park and park related facilities owned by, managed by, or to be owned by the City, which may be managed by the City’s Parks and Recreation Department such as but not limited to park related facilities at Glen Lake Rotary Park, and park related facilities at the Sports Park may be paid for using District funds. The repair and maintenance of recreation facilities even if located within a park are not to be financed by the District. These include structures primarily serving the City’s aquatic and recreation programs, including Beall Center, Lindley Center, the Bozeman Swim Center, Bogert Pool, Story Mill Community Center, and Story Mansion. Other activities the City proposes to finance using assessments levied against properties in the District include maintenance and acquisition of City owned land, personnel, capital improvements, materials and equipment related to City owned or managed parks and trails which are or will be under the responsibility and care of the Bozeman Parks and Recreation Department. Section 5 Benefitted Property. The territory included within the limits and boundaries described in Section 6 and as shown on Exhibit A and described in Exhibit B, is hereby declared to be the territory which will benefit from and be benefitted by the types of activities proposed to be financed and will be assessed for the costs of such as described in this Resolution. 207 Resolution 5053, Calling for a Referendum on the Creation of the City of Bozeman Parks & Trails Special District Page 6 of 10 Section 6 Description of the Areas Included within the Proposed District. The limits and boundaries of the District are declared to be the incorporated boundary of the City of Bozeman as amended from time to time by annexation. The current boundaries of the City are depicted on a map attached hereto as Exhibit A and described in Exhibit B. Section 7 Administration of the Proposed District. The District shall be governed by the Bozeman City Commission pursuant to the general exercise of its duties, responsibilities, and powers as respectively set forth in the City Charter, the Bozeman Municipal Code, and Montana law. As limited by the Bozeman City Charter, the City Commission shall exercise ultimate authority over the District and may exercise all powers on behalf of the District as described in 7-11-1021(3), MCA, and any other power it determines necessary to carry out the purposes of the District not otherwise prohibited by law. The annual financial planning for the District will be carried out as part of the City’s regular annual budget processes. Section 8 Conduct of the May 5, 2020 Election and Transmittal of Resolution to Gallatin County Election Administrator. The Commission hereby requests that the City Clerk transmit a certified copy of this Resolution to the Gallatin County Elections Administrator within ten (10) days of the Commission’s adoption of this Resolution. The City Commission requests the Gallatin County Elections Administrator conduct the election called for by this Resolution by mail pursuant to 13-1-504(5), MCA, and take all necessary steps to properly notice this election pursuant to law. The notice must be in a form substantially similar to that which is attached as Exhibit C. 208 Resolution 5053, Calling for a Referendum on the Creation of the City of Bozeman Parks & Trails Special District Page 7 of 10 Section 9 Required Ballot Language. The question to be placed on the May 5, 2020 ballot, shall read as follows: Shall the proposition to organize the City of Bozeman Parks and Trails Special District No. 1 be adopted? ○ Yes ○ No (By voting yes, you support creation of City of Bozeman Parks and Trails Special District and authorize the City to annually levy assessments for the purpose of providing maintenance, purchasing, and improving services for City-owned or managed park related facilities, land, personnel, supplies and equipment under the responsibility and care of the City of Bozeman Parks & Recreation Department and providing for other matters properly relating thereto.)” Section 10 Individuals Entitled to Vote. An individual is entitled to vote if the individual is a registered elector of the State of Montana and a resident of, or owner of, taxable real property within the limits of the City of Bozeman. Section 11 Requirements if Proposition is Approved. 1. Pursuant to 7-11-1011(6), MCA, if the referendum called for in Section 2, above, is approved, the Commission requests the Gallatin County Elections Administrator: (i) immediately file with the Montana Secretary of State a certificate stating that the referendum was adopted; (ii) record the certificate in the office of the Gallatin County 209 Resolution 5053, Calling for a Referendum on the Creation of the City of Bozeman Parks & Trails Special District Page 8 of 10 Clerk and Recorder; and (iii) immediately notify the Bozeman City Clerk of the passage of the referendum. 2. The Commission also requests the Montana Secretary of State, within ten (10) days of receipt of the above described certificate from the Gallatin County Elections Administrator, issue a certificate reciting that the City of Bozeman Parks and Trails Special District has been established according to the laws of the State of Montana and transmit such certificate to and file with the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder. 3. If the referendum is adopted, the Commission must within 30 days after approval of the referendum issue an order by resolution creating the District in accordance with the terms of the referendum. 4. Within sixty (60) days after the election the City Manager must provide the following to the Montana Department of Revenue: a. A legal description of the District; b. A map of the District boundaries; c. A list of the property taxpayers or owners of real property within the District boundaries; and d. A copy of the resolution establishing the District pursuant to subsection three of this Section. The City requests upon submittal of the resolution described in subsection three of this section, that the Montana Department of Revenue review the information provided and work with the City to identify and correct any discrepancies before the information is recorded by the Department. 210 Resolution 5053, Calling for a Referendum on the Creation of the City of Bozeman Parks & Trails Special District Page 9 of 10 Section 12 Duration and Dissolution of District. The District shall endure until the time it is formally dissolved pursuant to law. Should the District be created, the District may be dissolved if the Commission determines dissolution of the District to be in the best interest of the City or the inhabitants of the City or if the purpose for creating the District has been fulfilled and the District is not needed in perpetuity. Should the District be dissolved, the Commission will deposit any assets remaining after all debts and obligation of the District have been paid, discharged, or irrevocably settled into the General Fund of the City and any such assets or funds may be spent for the purposes established herein. 211 Resolution 5053, Calling for a Referendum on the Creation of the City of Bozeman Parks & Trails Special District Page 10 of 10 PASSED, ADOPTED, AND APPROVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, at a regular session thereof held on the 2nd day of December, 2019. ___________________________________ CYNTHIA L. ANDRUS Mayor ATTEST: ____________________________________ ROBIN CROUGH City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ___________________________________ GREG SULLIVAN City Attorney 212 Service Layer Credits: Esri, HERE, Garmin,(c) OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GISuser community Service Layer Credits: Esri, HERE, Garmin,(c) OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GISuser community INTERSTATE 90 HWY S 19TH AVEDURSTON RD STUCKY RD FRONTAGE RD S 11TH AVEW MAIN ST COTTONWOOD RDGOOCH HILL RDBAXTER LN W BABCOCK ST W OAK ST N 7TH AVEHUFFINE LN DAVIS LNE VALLEY CENTER RD N19THAVES3RDAVEW COLLEGE STHARPERPUCKETTRD E MAINST SOURDOUGHRDW KAGY BLVD N ROUSE AVEBRIDGER DR HIGHLANDBLVDSPRINGHILL RDGRAF ST B R IDG E R C A N YON RD EKAGYBLVD W PEACH ST GOLDENSTEIN LNS 3RD AVEFRONTAGE RD S 11TH AVELegend Parks & Trails Special District Boundary´0 1 2½Miles Parks & TrailsSpecial District Boundary Display created by the City of BozemanStrategic Services DivisionCreated: 5/7/2019 Exhibit A 213 Exhibit B to Resolution 5053 CITY OF BOZEMAN PARKS AND TRAILS SPECIAL DISTRICT The boundary of the City of Bozeman Parks and Trails Special District is described as all land within the incorporated boundary of the City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana, in accordance with City Commission municipal annexation resolutions and municipal annexation ordinances filed in the Bozeman City Clerk’s public records as well as all properties later annexed thereto. Parcels within the boundary are the current parcels subject to City of Bozeman property taxes as shown in the tax rolls of the Montana Department of Revenue and inclusive of those parcels that are exempt from property taxes except park land, common areas and greenways, open space lands, and parcels used as a public street, and alley right-of-ways. 214 TO: Advertising, Bozeman Daily Chronicle FROM: Eric Semerad, Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder and Election Administrator MESSAGE: Please publish this notice as a DISPLAY AD on, [insert date], [insert date] and [insert date], 2020. (Please make column 2 x 3 inch or necessary.) E-mail proof to eric.semerad@gallatin.mt.gov and casey.hayes@gallatin.mt.gov. Send tearsheets and an affidavit with our invoice to: Gallatin County Election Dept., Account No. 24GCELEC. The notice below includes the heading. Thank you. NOTICE OF SPECIAL DISTRICT ELECTION CITY OF BOZEMAN, GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA May 5, 2020 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special district election will be held on May 5, 2020, for the purpose of voting on the question of whether to create the City of Bozeman Parks and Trails Special District. The boundary of the City of Bozeman Parks and Trails Special District is described as all land within the incorporated boundary of the City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana, in accordance with City Commission municipal annexation resolutions and municipal annexation ordinances filed in the Bozeman City Clerk’s public records as well as all properties later annexed thereto. Parcels within the boundary are the current parcels subject to City of Bozeman property taxes as shown in the tax rolls of the Montana Department of Revenue and inclusive of those parcels that are exempt from property taxes except park land, common areas and greenways, open space lands, and parcels used as a public street, and alley right-of-ways. All persons who possess all of the qualifications required of electors under the general election laws of the State of Montana and are residents of the proposed districts or owners of taxable real property situated within the boundaries of the proposed district or as otherwise set forth in Title 7, Chapter 13, Parts 22 and 23, MCA, shall be entitled to vote at this election. The election will be conducted solely by mail ballot. Ballots will be mailed on or about April 14, 2020, to all eligible registered voters in the County, and must be returned by each voter, by mail or in person to the County Election Administrator’s Office, Gallatin County, 311 West Main Street, Room 103, Bozeman, Montana, during regular business hours (8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.), weekdays, Monday through Friday. On Election Day, May 5, 2020, the only place for deposit of voted ballots will be the County Election Administrator’s Office, Gallatin County, 311 West Main Street, Room 103, Bozeman, Montana, which will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., and all ballots must be in that office by 8:00 p.m. in order to be counted. All ballots will be counted on May 5, 2020, in accordance with Montana law with results being released after 8:00 p.m. on that day. A qualified voter who will be absent from the District during the time the election is being conducted may vote in person in the office of the County Election Administrator as soon as the 215 ballots are available which will be Monday, April 6, 2020. All ballots to be mailed will be mailed no later than April 20, 2020. A person qualified to vote may obtain a replacement ballot if his ballot is destroyed, spoiled, lost or, not received by the elector by personally appearing at the office of the County Election Administrator and by: (a) signing an affidavit form stating the reason for the request for replacement; and (b) if the reason given for replacement is “spoiled ballot,” by returning the spoiled ballot to the office of the County Election Administrator. DATED this ____ day of ________________, 2020. Eric Semerad Election Administrator 216