HomeMy WebLinkAbout19- Affidavit - Resolution 5102 - Public Hearing Notice AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION 366784 1959793 STATE OF MONTANA ) )SS. CITY OF BOZEMAN BRENDA SWEENEY County of Gallatin ) PO BOX 1230 BOZEMAN MT 59771 J being duly sworn, deposes and says; that he/she NOTICE is legal ad clerk of the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, HEARING ON THE ADOPTION a newspaper of general circulation, printed and OF COMMISSION published in Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana; RESOLUTION NO.5102, and that the notice here unto annexed ESTABLISHING RATES FOR #103200 - RES NO. 5102 GARBAGE AND RECYCLING GARBAGE&RECYCLING CHARGES FOR THE CITY OF has been correctly published in the regular and BOZEMAN. entire issues of every number of said paper for NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, 2 insertions. That said Commission Reso- lution No. 5102 is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, subject to inspec- tion of all persons interested, for a period of six (6) days from the date of first publica- Said notice was published on: tion; that Monday, November 10/27/2019 11/03/2019 4,2019,at 6:00 p.m. at a reg- ular session of the Commis- sion of the City of Bozeman, in the Commission Room, City Hall, 121 N Rouse Av- enue, Bozeman, has been �(! designated as the time and -� place when and where the Commission will hear and Subscribed 6d sworn to before me this pass upon any and all objec- 4th day of November , 2019 tions that may be made to the final passage and adoption of Commission Resolution No. 5102; and that said Resolu- tion will be finally passed and adopted at said regular ses- Notary Public for the State f Montana Residing at Belgrade, Moon a KE ,9L'Y LOVEC N 5GY Cp`�, S I i s p ottary Public .'ROTAA�q�. =-for the State of Montana Residing at: = •_�` Belgrade, Montana TfiOF' 0�?°` My Commission Expires: January 31,2023 j i