HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-18-19 City Commission Packet Materials - C3. Building Inspection CIP for FY21-25 Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Kristin Donald, Finance Director SUBJECT: Adopt the Building Inspection Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for Fiscal Years 2021-2025. AGENDA ITEM TYPE: Consent MEETING DATE: November 18, 2019 RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the Building Inspection Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for Fiscal Years 2021-2025. BACKGROUND: Each year, the City Manager is required to prepare a 5 Year Capital Improvements Plan and submit it to the Commission by December 15th. The Building Inspection, City Manager, and other city staff met in October & November to develop the attached Capital Plan for the equipment and capital needs of the Building Inspection Division. Similar to recent years past, we are bringing the various parts of the plan forward as items on the Consent agenda. We will be prepared to address questions, if they arise, at the public meeting. Stiff Building Remodel FY20 Project Changes The FY20 Approved Budget contains a total of $656,116 for the Stiff Building Remodel, funded from the General, Community Development, and Building Inspection Funds. This estimate was made from initial information developed more than 5 years ago, prior to Phase 1 of the project (basement conference room, etc.). After we completed the final programming on this next phase, the project has expanded to include other departments within the building with a focus on 11 centralizing customer service, accommodating future staffing needs, and improved safety. The project is in final design stages and will be bid in mid-November. Our most recent estimates show the project could total between $1.2- $1.5 Million. These increased costs have not been added to the CIP or reflected in the FY20 amounts shown. Once bids are received, we will likely recommend making adjustments to the FY20 Budget by delaying or canceling current projects, using budget or vacancy savings, and/or possibly budget amendments. UNRESOLVED ISSUES: None. ALTERNATIVES: As suggested by the City Commission. If the Commission does not wish to adopt this schedule tonight, it can be scheduled for approval on a later agenda. FISCAL EFFECTS: This step in the process has no fiscal effect. Once adopted, the Capital Improvements Plan becomes the basis of the City Manager’s Recommended Budget for FY21. Report compiled on: October 31, 2019 Attached: Building Inspection CIP Section 12   BUILDING INSPECTION FUND FINANCIAL SUMMARY  Financial Summary Current YearFY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 FY24 FY25 UnscheduledProjected Beginning Reserve Balance Dedicated to CIP 235,302$            30,472$              42,679$           55,252$       68,202$        81,541$         Plus:  Building Inspection Revenues Dedicated to CIP 11,851$              12,207$              12,573$           12,950$       13,339$        13,739$        ‐$               Less:  FY 19 Carryyforward  CIP Project Costs (216,681)$           ‐$                    ‐$                 ‐$             ‐$              ‐$             (357,500)$        Projected Year‐End Cash Dedicated to CIP 30,472$              42,679$              55,252$           68,202$       81,541$        95,279$       Assumptions Made for Revenue Estimates: Current YearFY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 FY24 FY25Estimated Annual Building Inspection Revenues 1,975,200$             1,975,200$              2,034,456$         2,095,490$     2,158,354$      2,223,105$       Estimated Growth in Revenues 0% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3%Total Estimated Revenues 1,975,200$             2,034,456$              2,095,490$         2,158,354$     2,223,105$      2,289,798$     Current Revenues Dedicated to CIP % 0.6% 0.6% 0.6% 0.6% 0.6% 0.6%  Plus:  Increase Dedicated to Capital Improvements % 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%  Total % Dedicated to CIP 0.6% 0.6% 0.6% 0.6% 0.6% 0.6%Total Estimated Revenues Dedicated to CIP 11,851$                  12,207$                   12,573$               12,950$          13,339$            13,739$          ProjectedProjectedCURRENT$‐$‐$‐$‐$‐$(357,500)FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 FY24 FY25 UNSCHEDULEDBUILDING INSPECTION PROJECTS & EQUIPMENT13   BUILDING INSPECTION FUND PROJECT SUMMARY      Project # Project Name FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024 FY2025 UnscheduledBI03BUILDING INSPECTION STAFF VEHICLES    ‐                     ‐                     ‐                     ‐                     ‐                     357,500            Fiscal Year totals  ‐                     ‐                     ‐                     ‐                     ‐                     357,500           14   BUILDING INSPECTION FEE FUND DETAIL BACKGROUND The Building Inspection Fund is a special revenue fund and is supported entirely by the revenue from building fees and permits.  Revenues and expenditures are statutorily restricted to amounts that support the division. This fund is dependent on construction in the City and therefore is monitored based on economic conditions.   CAPITAL PLAN SUMMARY The replacement of Building Inspection vehicles are unscheduled. $1,539,622.00 $1,843,206.44 $1,784,665.00 $1,782,769.00 $1,783,700.00 $1,746,792.49  $1,350,000.00 $1,400,000.00 $1,450,000.00 $1,500,000.00 $1,550,000.00 $1,600,000.00 $1,650,000.00 $1,700,000.00 $1,750,000.00 $1,800,000.00 $1,850,000.00 $1,900,000.002015 2016 2017 2018 Budget 2019 Average FY15‐FY19Buildng Inspection Revenue15 Project Name: Year DESCRIPTION:                                       Amount Total Project #BUILDING INSPECTION STAFF VEHICLES                 357,500   DESCRIPTION:                                      ‐            THIS ITEM IS FOR THE SCHEDULED REPLACEMENT OF      ‐            BUILDING INSPECTION VEHICLES BASED ON AGE AND USE  ‐            THE VEHICLE. VEHICLES WILL BE REPLACED ACCORDING   ‐            TO THE CITY'S VEHICLE REPLACEMENT POLICY;          ‐            GENERALLY, 150,000 MILES/20 YEARS BEFORE           ‐            REPLACEMENT OF NON‐EMERGENCY VEHICLES.             ‐            ALTERNATIVES:                                     ‐            USE VEHICLES LONGER                                ‐            ADD OPERATING:                                    ‐            AGING VEHICLES GENERALLY REQUIRE MORE              ‐            MAINTENANCE SO NEW VEHICLES SHOULD HAVE            ‐            MAINTENANCE SAVINGS.                               ‐            BUILDING INSPECTION STAFF VEHICLES          UNSCHEDULED357,500    BI0316