HomeMy WebLinkAbout06- Sunfish Park Minor Subdivision Improvements Agreement "1INOR.385 . . In ter-c'.ffi.~:_e.( ~J:1gID_al t\ ). Cltv uf B07ematl Plat11llng IJepa1"t111Cllt 2() East Ultve StlUt Sunfish Park i\ft1lur Suhdlnsh ,n #P-()W;3 I IMPROVEMENTS AGREEMENT FOR SUNFISH PARK MINOR SUBDIVISION, BOZEMAN, MONTANA THIS AGREEMENT IS made and entered 111to this ... I"" I:) - day ()f --T- V\, ""\. ( , 20() L.: , bv and hetwLen H, ,?~:nun BUlldlllg '1'racl1t1uns, P (J Bu.\: 44~O, BULenla1l 1\1' I' 5()'7~'.2 44f;(), hereInafter called the "SubdIvIder", ;tnd the CllY ufBun:1l1.1n, ;j l\fu1ltctpal ( ()rpurath ,n and P( ,lttlcal <;uhdlvtstl III l)f thl State of !\1(lntalu, \\,lth office<; at 411 East ]'vla111 Street, P U Box 12;0, Bozeman, \1'1' 5(r;'71 123(), herC'lnafter called the ''( :1ty " WIIEREAS, H IS t-he 111tent and pUl']J'ISl- (If the Subdlvllkr 1''-' meet thl cundltlom' ,f appruval of a mHlOr <;Uhl!lvlslOn prdmunary plat appltcatlon tl) subdlVldll tl4 acres lucatul at 7::;U i\Ltnlcy Ruad lllt() flve (5) resldentlallots and une (') '-4250:!~_<;.pas:c,.t;E)mm~}]_~ area, and WHEREAS, 11' IS the llltent of the Subcl1nder t(, "htalll hlUll'lat appro\al, and WHEREAS, It IS the lllte11l. and purpose of both the Sulxh\1der and the City to hereby enter 111to ilnL\gJ"ccment whlCh w1l1 guararllee the full and satlsfactorv cOlllpldH ,n of the rel.llllred Improvements U1l the PI" 'pert\ herelllaft.cr descnbed, and 11, IS the llltcnt of this ,\grecrnent, and of the partles heret( " t, , sa tIS f\- 1'h( 1"<'LIUlrL ments ;tnd guarantee Impr, '\-Lmenr<; f, ,r the L< l11Ll1tl' >1ul ;11'1'1'( l\ ;tl "f saId 11lilJur suhdl\'lSl' In ;lppltCltll )ll. NOW, THEREFORE, III Lonslderal1on of the lllutual u,\cnants and c"nc!ltlllns L<J/1tallled here111, It IS hereby agrl-Ld as f, ,ll()\\; <;; v [f\Arn~1 111111111111 IIIII IIIII IIIIII IIIII 111111 III 11111 III! \111 Shelley Vance-Gallatin Co MT MISC 69 00 2232755 Page 1 of 7 06/2812006 12 24P r---i~~lp~'ovcmcnts Agrccmcnt Pagc 1 . . 1. Property Description ThIS ,\grccmcnt pcrta1l1s tn and includes thusc propu'nes \vhlCh arc dC'iI.(:';tLltcd and Identltled as full, I\\"S that part uf the ~W'_l:-, uf Scctlun _) 1. '1'1:-', HJIE, pj'vI~L (;allatJn C uunt:"- ;\funtan'lL~_ksc~l'lhelL;!~J( >lh'\\"s commeJl(~!Q,(;'_;l.t the: \\1,4 Lurncr of said ~ect1un 31, thence suutherly17T_4C;'_,~2_::,AS_'iLln_1e:~1 ;\I~lmuth_ /-rum nurtb_L2_~() l) feet ,dun!=, the \vcst I1I1e uf the S\,\'l, '.If s;l1d ~lctlun 1I,_t, I th_~,l" ~Int, ,f hegInDIng (If the prupcrty t" be dC'i.~ubc:d, thence ea"terlv U8~0 4(1' 4:)" azimuth _1')() 1:\2 feet; thcnc_~_ ~( '_l1thlJbJ_==_~ --1- ~, 35" aZllnuth 2UU UU fClt;thencc ~veslerh HIT) 4(1' 4::-;" anllluth .)C) ().----' 1 feet; thence lwrtherh' _15704.5' 52" a7Imuth_~1!(1( Ii ~_;dung smd \v cst Illle tu the pUln t uf bcgIllnlng 2. ltnprovements TIlls .-\.greelll111t ~pl Clficalh- Include'i sIde\valks.landscap1l1~, and <.>ne strel't k.>:ht, as 1l1u~rratCll "11 the plan'i and 'i]JCclficatllln'i Lllllla1l1ed 111 the Litv Fllglnccl'l11g Dcpart11wnt ;l1ld PLullllng Department rIles. The cstllnated CU'it uf the'ic 11111'1'0\ elllents is $14,C)37 '7U x 1 5 = $22,4U6 55 3. Financial Guarantee, Time for Completion of Improvements It IS the SubdIVIder's 111tent tu file the final 'iuhdlvlst<.n plat pnnr III tile cr ,rnpldton uf s;ud Impro\ eruents Theref< Ire, thlS \grccmcnt shall be secured b\ a tlnanClal guarantee 111 rhe f( 11'111 < ,f a Letter (If CredIt, Nu (1 I 0 G?_UO ({. () (C, IS'iued hv V-r-.-KS r (~( (' (II, 11 f . dated G-- /D k~{ WIth a tlutuntv date of -------L;+A+lll the aITl( ,unt"f ')22.-111(,.55. \v hlc h IS (lne and, HIe half tunes the c'itllluted cost of the lllstalla tIC 11l 'Jf all rel] ulred llUpr< 1\ eluent." The Subdn'lder herein agrees that. the street l1;;ht shall be In <;taUc;,d pJ:}~_11:1(1};SSU;1l1ce (lfbJuldIUgpcrllllts, tlut the IandscaPlllg shall Ix completed \Vltlun unc_y_(~~r.,}f~~1h' ( '1fl.l!lllSS1' ~:L:.!Pllt,,-!y;tl 'If thebD;!JJ~1H and that SIdewalks shall be cunlpktu! wlthll1J:hree n) veal'S of (:tty (:U111r111SSlun apprm al of tile 1. -'lllal Plat ur pnur tu uccupan~:y,~~"jlKhevcr occurs first In any event, all rCljUlted lmprUVCtlll'nts shall be c()lnpktlll WIthIn the nlllL fLlllle pr(,\ Ided herem fur the c<lmj)l<:tl<ln of the Impr()Vl'!llCnts In urdn t'l a\ <lId clefault (.n the 11lcth,-,d uf SlTunt\ 4. Inspection Repn:sentauve" uf t.he City shall have the nght t<) enter upon the property at any reas()luble tIme III order t.o lllspect. It and t() determIne I f the ~uhdl\'1der IS III cUlTlplunce \Vllh dl1S \greelTlent, and the Subdl\ Ider shall penll1t the ( ,it)' and Its teprescnLttl\ e'i t< I enter upon and tn'i]JCct the prr Jpert\ ;It an\ reasc .Iuhk tInle lJ_~~p r~~-~r!I_~r~!sAg~~~!!I~~~___ --------------.---------. __..___._._._..______m_._________________.___.____________I __ Page 2 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ~~81~!~7:p Shelley Vanoe~Gallatln Co MT MISC 69 00 . e 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ~~,1~?;~:p 5. Default Shelley Vance-Gallatin Co MT MISC 69 CICI Time IS ,)f the essence fut" thIs ,\greement 1 f the SubchV1ckr shall default 111 ()r fall tu fully pet"f()rm ;In:- of Its nbl1gatluns 1n cunf, ,rmance With the tIme ,;cheduk under this ~\grc.elnent, and ,;uch default or faIlure ,;hall contlnue for a penod of thuty (it)) cla\,; after wntten nutlce speClf\'lng the default IS ckroslted 111 the l11l1ted States mall addlT,-;,-;ed to the developer, lk'7Cl1un l'hl1ld1l1i;.J'LLl,llJE!.n~hY()' Bu,,- 44HO. BOLeman )\fJ' SIr!} 2-44HO, ()r such ()ther ;tddre,;s as the Subtl1ndcr ~hall pn 'Ylde t(, the ('It\ fr, '111 tIme to tllne, 'wlthout belllg completely lTll1edIed, sal1sfied, and dlschargu.l, the ( Ity 111;1\ dect to enf, ,ITe any of the f~)llo\V111g spec I fled rU11etlles, \) The ("It\, n1ay, at It'; "ptl' ,n, declare the fin.mcLtl gluLlntee tr, be f'lrfuted and ,;u:ure the complete C( HhtructlC,n and 111sptCtl( ,n' ,f thl. 1ll1pr, ,\ ell1ent'o de'-.cnbed here111, The (:ltv '..; representatlYe, contractors, and eng111eers shall have the nght tl' enter up' ,n the propert:- and perf, >1:111 such \VI ,rk and lIlSpectlOn, and the Deyel, )per ,;Iull perll11t ;111d secure any addltlunal pernllsslun reelu't"ed t(, enabk thern to tl.-) S(" B) I'he CIty 111a\ enforce any other ITll1elh pro\ Ided b\ Lm 6. Indemnification The Developer herd)\ expressly agree,; tu lIldem111fv and huld thl. (:It\ lurmk,;s for and agalll'-.t all clauns, cc'sts ;11)(1 halnht\ of e\'el"V kind ;lnd nature, fnr lIl]ury or dam,1gl. n:celyed "r ,;usLnned by an\ person ()r entIty In cunnectIon with, ur un ;H:cr lUllt uf the perfonnance "f wurk at the deye lopll1ent ,;Ite and elsewhere pursuant j(, tIllS Agreell1ent The Developer further agree,; to ;nd and de fend the (,It\ 1Il the event that It IS nallwd ,1S a de fendant 111 an actl' Hl cuncCl"l11ng the perf( ,nnance of work pur<.;uant t(, thIS ,\greement except whelT ,;ueh SUIt IS br, mght hy the l)e\ ell 'per 'l'he Devel( )per .IS Il( Jt an ,lgcnt ()r empluyee of the CIty. 7. Warranty The SubdlYIlkr "hall \\arrant agalnst defect,; 1ll these unprnyenll'nh for ,:\ penoel uf one year from the date uf thur wntten acceptance by the (;0\ et1ung B( )dv 8. Governing Law and Venue ThiS Agreement ,;hall be construed unekr ;lI1d governed by the laws of the St;ltc of l\!"ntana. In the event IIfl.ttlgatwn cullcermng thIS Agreement, venue IS 1ll the I <:IghIlTnth J ucl1C.lal U.lstnct Cuurt, l.;aUatl1l Cuunt\, Stal.e ,)f :t\1( >11tana. [i~l provcment~,Agreemen-t--' Page 3 . . 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ~~BJ~?~7:p 9. Attorney's Fees Shelley Vance-Gallatin Co MT MISe 69 00 In tllc- eVcllt It becurncs necessary for ett11el" partv to thls J \greerne11t to retau1 an ,:ltlf >rnc} t{,) enfurcc an\' of the t.erl11S or cOl1chtlon.;; C)[ thIS ..-\greCJ1H:ntl then the ptevalbng part\ ~hall be entJtled fn rea ~(lll~lbJc attornev's fees aJld CUl..its, to J11c.ludc tl1c ,-;alary and C()"t~ of in hnuse COU11S<.J lncluchng l J1t\ \ trntnt.~\ 10. Modifications ()r AltcratlollS Nt) 111o(hfications ur alnendn1cnt of thlS \gree.nlcnt shall be \ aJtd, unle~'-\ agreed to 1n \Yftnng bv rhe palttes beret-) 11. Invalid Provisiotl L"'hc lnvaltcht\ or ullcn6 ~rc.eal)(lttv of an v prc>\.-tSl()O (J f rhi~ L\r~rcen1en t shan 11 ut a ffcc t the (,ther ptt ~\ 1t.;.1011<.; hcrl'()t-~ and thls ..\grecl1')ent shaH be cnn'nrucd 111 all respects as If I.,uch Hl\-ahd (If une11furccal}lc l)rnvJ~.lnn \vere on11ttcd. 12. No Assignmetlt [t is e~'~r\resslv agreed tbat the S'ubcl1v"lder shal1l1<Jt asslgn t hl~ \grcC1Jlcnt 1n \vbolc., 01' In part, \vlthout priur \Vflttcn cnll~cnt of t]1C (~lt\ 13. SLl.cceSS()ts r~xccpt as J)r(lvJdcd 111 T)alaglaph J 2, t.hJS /\green1cnl ~haL1 hl blllth'ng UP{H1~ erlure to the l)cncfit. or~ ilrH.l he c:nfutceabh~ by the l)Llrtlc" heretu and theu' te~pcctl\ c helr", sUCCCSSC>lS and assigns. 1)~p~~~~~~~~~~~~C===========_= = ===== = =-=-================-=--=- __ -_-=-~-!~~__1 . . 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ~~81~?;~:p STAfF ()\. J\IUNT,\N"-\ ----....-y.:.: ' LANDOW~' . " ~ .---?~i~~R / .- .' ". 4,,;..... :: / ~? ~ -/ r ': Lt. .'~~anlS( 111--' hco.;ldcnL BrlZt'm:lnJhllld1llj! '1 rat.!1tlun-:; Shelley Vance-Gallatin Co MT MISC 69 00 ~" ( flll11t\" r,f (;~tlhttn ()n L11h.~_ ela\ oj ~ '\...;t._~ _ , 2()()-L:, hefflrt' me, the undt'1""lgnu.l, ;l NoLan Pubhc for Lhe State nfTVfontana, pero.;(lnallv appeared I ':d" \danlo.;r))1, kno\\ n tu me to he the Presldent~)f li~)zeman Ihllldmg TrALbtlons, the cnrpuratlOn that executed the \V1th111 Instrument, and acknr ,,:vlcdgCLI to lTlt. that he L'.,ccuted the same for and un he half of S;llt! cr ,rpOLlLFll1 IN \X'ITNESS \X'lll~RFUI , I have hereunto "et 111\ Jund ,llld Yfi'{ll.lm\ NoLma] SU11 thL el,t\ ,tlld Veal' first above \\t1ttell -/ttt'.l /) 1l" I' (SJ:, \1,) .__~. ~.c. .__1 'U\lll~~l/<'~>I: - ~ .\ \. I ~J, I \ ~\,:;\,~~!U1r" Il'nlltnl Name Hnv) ,,'" \An~'~,,,, "\ N"tan Publw frlr till ~t;ltl' "j ;\f"ntana l~O 1 ....-. " ]{l'~ldlllg at : '. c ( 1\ ,., \ , i\["qLllU, I c: ! ~ Mv (,"!1l1ll1, ;11111 Ji'.plrl'S_____ r / J)l!_iL .. \ , 1",..1 ,. . iE \ ; J '" .! ~ <P,;-.~.. .... ~ f "1 t"i-" 54 .. .. .. '\ ~~~$ <'::CfMOI:4.;# DlB~' [i-~lprovem~nts Agrecl~~'~t Page 5 ~ . . 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ~~81~?~7:p Shelley Vance-Gallatin Co MT MISe 69 00 THE QITY OF BOZEMAN /'. 7 L"> J;dvtC"(cfl k _\nclre\\- ( 1 ppk I )Ircl. tc ,r c ,1 j'l.\nnlng iv ( c '1l1Il1un1t\ Un ek\j.HTll'"1 STXn'~ (H,':\1< )NT.\N \) ss (.l )utH, l)f c; \ J J ,,\TIN ()l1tht'icla\ ;') e,f '-Ye-I\t .._ _.._,2(1I11cl)(h'l'l.Il1L,a\,(,un-T'llhl1cf(,rthe StaLl' uf [,fontana. pC1'<;olully appeared ,\ndrew C lipp1c, known t() me to he tIle pcr~()n dC'ienhed 11l and \v hI) (xl'Cutcd the fureglll1lg 1flstrument. a~ Duectur (,f Planl1lng ( _ (,nlnlulIlt\ I k\ dOpn1l'llt fur the CIty uf Btveman, \\, hose name IS ,>ubscnbed t() the \vltll1n Instrument and acknowlcdvnllo me that ~he , " e.>>.ccuted the same fur and 1>11 belulf of said Cltl' TN \V1TNl(~S \X/HEKE( Hi, I ha\ e hereunt() 'ict m\ hancl and arfi"ed ml' Notanal ~cal the day and year fir'it ,lb()ve ,vnt/en. - '\ ' ~(\c':.("~ 'II" .." /-../.:,... .: I, \ "";;(' < ) \0 \ V\r".:o _~~.,.(~.~~/;" ~i~.'R (S~i.'i\\Jlj),JJ //1' \\\\' \ 1//,/, ::f- ~., L. S L 0 ./// " C\ r . ' z, ,$' ..:::..Y . .' '. /"~ ~ ,. . A_~ ~ O. . -Y ~ II:J: : ~OT I~R/"'i ,', ~ '% =0:. ,.W::: - C/)~ %* ". SEAL .: *ff ~~ --'.~..:::- ~-<7' .~O;;;: ~ 'J}.., . ". .' .... t>- ,.::::- "/ ,- '") ~ ~.\ \ ' ;/"1 \. 1- ~J\: :' ,. ':/1/;". I!~I 'i\ \\\ \\ \PnntcLI ~dllll I It IT) N Cltan Pllhl1( ((>1' rhL Statc uf T\fClIlI;UIa Re\1(l1llg at -?\f> (O_"Vl. \ .__, iI!ClllUIlJ 1\11- ( ClllltTlh,IClfl I"'l'lrc,~-,---,--"l\ ,,(c. ,1(.'c', l!.lllp~o~~rnellts _Ag~eemellt _ Page 6 " . . I i.,:hlhlt.\ ( Oc,( I ;\~tllll;ttc 111111111111 1111111111 111111 11111111111111 11111 11111111 ~~j~:~~:p Shelley Vance-Gallatin Co MT MISC 69 00 SUNFISH PARK MINOR SUBDIVISION ITEMS REMAINING May 12, 2006 ~:rEM IJ_E_M I,)ESCRIPTION _ _~~__~_._~_~!.JnLlJ_~_IT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 4-1 STREET IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCT SIDEWALK 1,713 SF ~~_~__$2.90 $4,967.70 5-1 LANDSCAPING IMPROVEMENTS TRFES, SOD, AND IRRIGATION IN BOULEVARD 11,350 SF $0 70 $7,945.00 f)-I STREET LIGHT IMPROVEMENTS INS !"ALL STREE r LIGHTS 1 EA $2,025.00 $2,0~5.Q~ STREET TOTAL LANDSCAPING TOTAL STREET LIGHT TOTAL $4,967.70 $7,945.00 $2,025.00 TOTAL _-1~}..?~.~O_. TOTAL X 1.5 $22,406.55 I III prO~.c_I~~-'lts Agn~CIll_l?II~______u____ -------------------- j Page 7 n__.__________:::...-._..___._ ,,__no.