HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-05-19 Public Comment - B. and B. Sinnema - HRDC Warming Center SiteFrom:Beth Sinnema To:Sarah Rosenberg; Agenda Subject:Comment on SUP for 3025 Westridge Drive Date:Tuesday, November 05, 2019 9:27:40 PM Attachments:Comment re Special Use Permit Application 11-05-19.pdf Please see attached Comment re Special Use Permit Application No. 19438 Transitional Housing at 3025 Westridge Drive I have reviewed all the materials from the application by HRDC. As background, we bought our house at 3018 Westridge Drive in 1983. We live across the street and one house down. When we first lived here, 3025 Westridge was a private residence. The gentleman who owned the house put in all the bedrooms downstairs as illegal apartments. Consequently we had vehicles parked all over the street all of the time. There was no garage at that time. The apartment dwellers would come to our door all hours of the day and night requesting to use our phone. We complained to the city about the parking issues. Nothing was ever done about it. Then a shelter care wanted to open there. We went to the meetings the city held to voice our concerns about traffic and parking, in particular. The city officials said that our complaints “must have fallen through the cracks”. The shelter care was required to put in off-street parking. (They were also ordered to build a fence, I believe but that never happened.) They built a garage. It was filled it with stuff for a garage sale which as far as I know, was never held. At one time they put a donated drum set in the garage which the kids were then allowed to pound away on. I don’t believe that they ever parked a car in the garage, only on the driveway and the staff always parked on the street, often blocking mailboxes. You can see why we have concerns about “plans” because they often are not enforced. My husband and I have the following concerns: 1. From the Introduction: “The Warming Center may utilize additional locations as necessary in an effort to accommodate everyone who seeks shelter.” While there are many references in the documentation from HRDC that the Westridge Warming Center “serves women and families experiencing homelessness”, there is nothing in the application materials which state that it will always be used for women and families only. If next year, there is more of a demand for housing for men, will the residence be used for that purpose? In a document with the paragraph heading “Executive Summary”, it states, “. . . A detailed management plan is required to be submitted with the SUP request. The management plan is the set of rules the organization must follow in order to continue using the property in the proposed manner. A deviation from the submitted management outside the management plan, a new SUP must be submitted or the use must conform to the City’s list of permitted R-1 uses including household requirements.” Does this mean that if a decision was made to use this residence for housing for men, there would be a new SUP request? Or would that not be considered a deviation from the submitted management plan, even though the materials all state that this is for women and families? 2. Nightly Operational Procedures: “There must be at least one staff member(s) and/or volunteer(s) present at all times during Warming Center operational hours. The center can only open when two staff/volunteers are present.” Under the Nightly Schedule at 10:00 p.m. it states that “volunteers depart”. Does this mean that if one staff and one volunteer open the warming center, there will only be one staff person left after 10:00 p.m.? What exactly will the staff/volunteer to guest ratio be? I don’t believe that it is mentioned in the materials. Comments on 3025 Westridge Drive Ben & Beth Sinnema 3. Vehicles: From our past experiences with this property, this is one of our main concerns. There are numerous references in the materials which state that there will only be vehicles from staff and volunteers (two in the garage, one on the driveway, and one on the street). The guests’ vehicles, if any, will be left at HRDC overnight. There are several inconsistencies in your materials: a. Under Intake Guidelines, it states “Guests may not drive directly to the Westridge Warming Center without prior permission.” Does this mean that permission could be given? Under the rules, there shouldn’t be permission given. b. Also, under Trespassing and Vehicles on Property, it states, “Guest vehicles are not allowed at Westridge Warming Center, and must be parked at the HRDC Main Offices unless an employment exemption is provided.” This leads us to believe that guest parking could also be allowed although under the manual, there won’t be guest vehicles parked at the Westridge Warming Center. c. Under Service Animal Accommodations, it is stated, “If the animal is not behaving . . ., the guest will be asked to place the animal inside his or her vehicle. If a vehicle does not exist, the guest and his or her animal will be asked to leave. The guest may return to stay in the Warming Center without the service or companion animal.” But if there is no vehicle to put the animal in, which under the rules, there shouldn’t be, then what does the guest do, set their animal free to roam? Will we have to listen to a dog howling during the night? 4. Smoking and smoke breaks: Understanding that there are “smoke breaks” three times during the evening and in the morning, we have these concerns: a. Where exactly are they going to be smoking? The view from my desk is mostly of the garage area of 3025 Westridge Drive. Will I look up from my computer to see multiple glowing cigarettes every evening? Will containers be provided for cigarette butts? b. Under the section entitled Trespassing and Vehicles on Property, it states “No loitering or trespassing is allowed outside of the Warming center in order to protect guest confidentiality and safety.” How is confidentiality going to be maintained when the smokers need to stand outside to smoke? Anyone driving by or walking by or, as in my case, looking out their window will be able to see the smokers. c. Why do the smokers need to be monitored/supervised in the evening but the 6 a.m. smoke break does not require supervision? 5. Emergency Protocols: The Operations Handbook states that “When the building alarm sounds or an evacuation order is given, do the following: . . . Staff should ensure that all persons remain calm, exit the building, and take jackets or other clothing needed for protection from the weather.” In reviewing the Operations Handbook under Nighttime Storage, Bedding, & Bunk Room Procedure, I note that the guests have all placed their jackets in their assigned bin which only the designated volunteer or staff members will have access to (behind the desk). The staff will also be assisting evacuation with any guests who have a disability. How will the guests be able to get their “jackets or other clothing” when they are not allowed access to the bin area. We just think there needs to be more thought put into the guests, especially children, being able to access warm clothing in the Comments on 3025 Westridge Drive Ben & Beth Sinnema case of an emergency. Especially since, if they are to evacuate, they are to go stand on the sidewalk on our side of the street. 6. Registered Sex Offenders: From the document containing the Executive Summary, it states that Level 3 sex offenders will strictly be prohibited from staying at the Women and Family location. Regardless of Montana law regarding prohibitions for living, etc., what exactly is the percentage of transient Level 3 sex offenders who actually register much less report monthly or provide information on where they have stayed or will stay? Since your forms provided in the Appendix do not ask about being a sex offender, how will you know? There must be more stringent screening that could be done considering that there may be children present in the Warming Center. Many of our neighbors are concerned for the safety of their children. Because the Center’s hours of operation begin after 7 p.m. and end at 7 a.m., we don’t think it will impact the children of the neighborhood as much as the parents of the children fear. But the children and the women at the Warming Center deserve just as much protection as the residents do. 7. Guests who are asked to leave the Warming Center: When a guest is asked to leave the Warming Center, where exactly do you expect she will go? There is no bus service at this end of the neighborhood or in the middle of the night. Are we expected to put up with people roaming the neighborhood at all hours of the night? This neighborhood is pitch dark, no street lights. We personally leave our front lights on all night every night of the year for safety’s sake, because it is so dark. In winter, the sidewalks are treacherous, the streets even more so. Will the police be asked to make extra patrols of the neighborhood when someone is asked to leave (and leaves without an argument)? If the person is agitated enough to be asked to leave, what kind of havoc can she create in the neighborhood in the dark? We think there should be more thought put into that end of the “asked to leave” equation. In general, my husband and I don’t object to the use of the residence at 3025 Westridge Drive being used as a warming center for homeless women and their families. We object to being told (lied to) that this is “temporary” when we all know that as long as it is needed, it will be used. We do object to any attempt to change the center from women and families to men only. We also believe that certain aspects of the management plan need more thought / work, as referenced above before being the application is approved. We just feel there are aspects of the Handbook which haven’t been totally thought through, such as the evacuation and the warm clothing. Thank you for your consideration of our comments. Please contact either Ben or Beth Sinnema if you have any questions. Ben Sinnema 406-570-9629 Beth Sinnema 4026-570-1174 beth.sinnema@gmail.com