HomeMy WebLinkAbout95- DES Coordinator Contract, County 3. ..- " t ~ ... DES COORDINATOR CONTRACT This agreement is made and entered into on the 1st day of July, 1995, by and between Gallatin County, Montana, a political subdivision of the State of Montana, hereinafter referred to as "County" and the City of Bozeman, Montana, hereinafter referred to as "Contractor." Whereas Title 10, Chapter 3, Parts 1 through 4 MCA provide counties with the authority and responsibility to provide disaster and emergency services; Whereas, the Bozeman Fire Chief and his staff are trained in emergency response, and have equipment necessary to respond to natural and manmade disasters; Whereas the County desires to enter into a contract with the Ci ty of Bozeman for the Bozeman Fire Chief to be the Gallatin County Disaster Emergency Services Coordinator and to provide di.saster and emergency related services to the County; and Whereas the County and the Contractor agree to perform the services contained in this agreement. NOW THEREFORE, IN MUTUAL CONSIDERATION OF THE COVENANTS CONTAINED HEREIN, the County and the Contractor agree as follows: 1. TERM. This agreement shall take effect on July 1, 1995, and shall remain i.n effect until June 30, 1996, unless sooner terminated as provided in this agreement. 2. COMPENSATION. The Contractor will be com~en~ed~in~~~4?/~ mutually agreed upon each year, to be pald ~n 'cPt r ~ each year this agreement is in effect. This mutually agreed upon amount will be equal to or greater than the sum of 50 percent of a Bozeman Fire Department Captain's current annual salary and 25 percent of a City of Bozeman clerk-typist' s annual salary, excluding benefits and longevity. The parties agree that the contractor, based upon experience in meeting the requirements of this agreement, may be entitled to additional compensation over and above the agreed upon amount because of extenuating circumstances and demands placed upon the contractor. This additional compensation shall be mutually agreed upon by the parties. TERMINATION. This agreement may be terminated upon mutual agreement of the parties, upon failure of the Contractor or County to perform its duties as specified in this agreement, .. .... .I or by either party upon thirty (30) days written notice to the other. In the event that termination under this paragraph occurs prior to the expiration of the term of this contract, the Contractor shall refund unexpended funds. 4. CONTRIBUTIONS AND TAXES. The parties agree that this agreement does not create in the Contractor designated herein, any rights to benefits, health insurance, or retirement provided by the County. Further, the parties agree that the County will not withhold taxes and social security payments or make contributions to these programs. 5. DUTIES OF CONTRACTOR. The Contractor shall have the following duties: A. Maintain a realistic county-wide Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) . B. Provide yearly exercises of the EOP and EOC. C. Store radiological instruments and be trained in their use. D. Facilitate critiques of large emergencles and disasters within the county. E. Identify shortcomings in the local communities' response capabilities, and facilitate solutions. F. Provide training opportunities to county commissioners, managers, general public and responders for all risk emergencies. G. During emergencies and disasters, staff the Emergency Operations Center and establish procedures for effective response. H. Coordinate with the private sector, including but not limited to: Gallatin Airport, Bozeman Deaconess Hospital, the Ham Radio Operators Volunteer Association, the American Red Cross, and the Search and Rescue Volunteers. The Contractor shall also coordinate with public sector entities, including but not limited to: Department of State Lands, the United States Forest Service, the Gallatin County Sheriff's Department, and Montana State University. I. Assist and advise Gallatin County on compliance with the requirements of Title 10, Chapter 3, Parts 1 through 4, MCA. '" .... ~ . J. Assist and advise Gallatin County on compliance with the requirements of SARA subtitle III (this will be clarified) . K. Participate in the annual Governor's Conference on Disaster and Emergency Preparedness, and continue with ongoing training as may be required of Disaster and Emergency Coordinators by the State of Montana. 6. DUTIES OF THE COUNTY. duties: The County shall have the following A. Provide and maintain an Emergency Operations Center (EOC) equipped with phone lines, office supplies and equipment mutually agreed upon between the Contractor and the County. B. Participate in a minimum of one (1) emergency response exercise per year. C. Assist with resources and personnel as needed for an emergency response. D. Respond to calls to the Emergency Operations Center when requested by the Contractor during an emergency response. E. Pay for the registration and travel costs of the Contractor for the annual Governor's Conference on Disaster and Emergency Preparedness, and for any other training required by the State of Montana for Disaster and Emergency Coordinators. F. Maintain an operations budget covering the costs and anticipated costs of rendering disaster and emergency services. 7. CHAIN OF COMMAND. The Contractor represents that there is a chain of command in place within the Bozeman Fire Department, and the parties agree that the chain of command will determine which individual or individuals will assume the same duties and powers of the Disaster and Emergency Services coordinator under this agreement in the absence of the Bozeman Fire Chief. 8. SUPERVISION. The Bozeman Fire Chief is responsible for the administration of this agreement, and is responsible to the Board of County Commissioners of Gallatin County for the performance of this agreement. The Contractor does not have the authority to obligate the County in any matter other than as specified in this agreement. Any action requiring approval of the County must be formally approved and entered into by /' . .. ,. ~..i .. the Board of County Commissioners of Gallatin County. 9. INSURANCE. The County shall provide liability insurance for the Contractor and the County while they are performing duties specified in this agreement, including operating any county vehicle assigned to them. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands the date of this agreement. GALLATIN COUNTY COMMISSION: JL~I~ Kris Dunn, Chairman CITY OF BOZEMAN: CL52W- Aaron E. Holst, Fire Chief Not available for siqnature Jane Jelinski, Member ~~ hll Olson, Member ATTEST: ATTEST: $~y <711. .~~f.. ~ Shelly Chen y 'Ve(:Jv17' Clerk and Recorder r;~ J ~ RODln L. Sullivan Clerk of the Commission Approved for Legal Content: Approved as to Form: Mike Salvagni, County Attorney Date July 17,1995 Date