HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-28-19 City Commission Packet Materials - C5. MOU with Gallatin County and City of Belgrade for Common Vertical Datum Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Chris Saunders, Policy and Planning Manager Martin Matsen, Director of Community Development SUBJECT: Authorize the Mayor’s signature on a Memorandum of Agreement between the City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, and City of Belgrade establishing use of a common vertical datum. MEETING DATE: October 28, 2019 AGENDA ITEM TYPE: Consent RECOMMENDATION: The City Commission authorize the Mayor’s signature on the Memorandum of Agreement. SUGGESTED MOTIONS: If removed from the consent agenda, Staff suggests the following motion: “Having considered the information provided by staff, considered public comment, and the Memorandum of Agreement, I hereby move to authorize the Mayor’s signature on the Memorandum of Agreement between the City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, and City of Belgrade to establish a common vertical datum.” BACKGROUND: The City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, and City of Belgrade coordinated on the Gallatin Triangle Planning Study. The report was prepared by Sanderson Stewart. It was completed in September 2014. The purpose of the study was to consider opportunities and alternatives for coordination between the three local governments. The report identified numerous existing interlocal agreements and other cooperative measures in the section on Intergovenmental Cooperation, beginning on page 5. The report identified several benefits from local governments cooperating. One of the recommendations was the creation of a Planning Coordinating Committee (PCC) modeled on the Transportation Coordinating Committee. The purpose of the PCC is to provide a regular forum for the three local governments to exchange information and discuss issues of common interest. The PCC has discussed means and methods of improving coordination between the entities. One identified option is the establishment of a coordinated vertical datum. The City relies upon the vertical datum to set how any point in an infrastructure project relates in the third dimension of height to other locations throughout the City. This is especially critical for water related projects where accurate grades determine whether a project functions as intended or not. As the City has more intensive development, accurate computer modeling of the existing and future utility systems will play an increasing role. Such computer models are essential in providing accurate 118 maintenance investments, scheduling expansion and upgrades of existing facilities, and determining where development potential may be limited. The existing bench marks in Chapter 34 of the municipal code were established many years ago. All three of those bench marks have been destroyed and are no longer available. Therefore it is necessary to update the City’s benchmark. An ordinance is being prepared to enact this change. The ordinance will have a public hearing on October 28, 2019. Today’s professional best practice for surveying and engineering is to use the vertical datum established by the US National Geodetic Survey. The current version of that datum is referred to as NAVD88. A vertical datum is a base measurement point (or set of points) from which elevations are determined. Historically, the standard datum used by the federal government was the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD 29). However, the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88) is now the national standard. NAVD88 is more compatible with modern surveying and mapping technologies like Global Positioning Systems (GPS). It also is more accurate than the previous national vertical datum, NGVD29. Coordination of all three jurisdictions on the same datum will simplify engineering design for infrastructure, improve record keeping consistency, and reduce the likelihood of conflicts such as road misalignments. Adoption of this standard has been discussed with representatives of the surveying and professional engineering professions and they support its adoption. ALTERNATIVES: 1) Accept the MOA as written. 2) Reject the MOA. 3) As suggested by the Commission. FISCAL EFFECTS: There is no specific budget assigned to this MOU. Attachments: Memorandum of Agreement Report compiled on: October 15, 2019 119 Page 1 of 5 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF A COMMON VERTICAL DATUM FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUPPORTING INFRASTRUCTURE PLANNING AND DATA EXCHANGE CAPABILITY IN THE BOZEMAN/BELGRADE/FOUR CORNERS TRIANGLE This Memorandum of Understanding is entered into this ________ day of __________________, 2019 by and between the City of Bozeman, hereinafter called Bozeman; Gallatin County, hereinafter called the County; and the City of Belgrade, hereinafter called Belgrade. WHEREAS, between 2000 and 2010, the population of Belgrade and Bozeman increased by 29% and 36% respectively, and the population of Gallatin County increased by 32% over the same decade and rapid growth has continued; and WHEREAS, the "Triangle" area of the Gallatin Valley, an area loosely described as the portion of the Valley within and between Bozeman, Belgrade, and the unincorporated community of Four Corners, has experienced a tremendous amount of growth and development in recent decades, with such activity expected continue into the future; and WHEREAS, when growth and development affect multiple jurisdictions, cooperation among those affected communities in planning for land use, infrastructure, and public services can have positive results in governmental effectiveness and improved service delivery to citizens; and WHEREAS, the parties to this Memorandum of Understanding acknowledge that coordination between all three entities is an integral part of continuing comprehensive planning, and desire to cooperatively plan for future development, infrastructure, and other planning projects and processes in the Triangle area; and WHEREAS, the parties undertake various street, water, sewer, stormwater and other infrastructure projects that abut or cross the jurisdictions of the others; and WHEREAS, the cost of engineering design is a substantial public investment and establishment of a common working design standards for a vertical datum will enable 120 Page 2 of 5 efficient exchange of information and coordination of projects between jurisdictions as well as with private parties and other agencies; and WHEREAS, the U.S. National Geodetic Survey establishes common standards for establishing the elevation basis used in engineering design and surveying; and WHEREAS, the County, Bozeman, and Belgrade see value for themselves and others in coordinating their engineering design and surveying of both public and private projects. NOW, THEREFORE, IT BE RESOLVED that the parties herein do mutually agree as follows : I. Establishment of Common Datum. Bozeman, Belgrade, and the County hereby establish as a common standard the North American Vertical Datum 1988 (NAVD88) elevation standard. II. Use of the Standard. Bozeman, Belgrade, and the County will require use of the NAVD88 standard in all engineering design and surveying projects that they sponsor. If necessary, such as to comply with approval requirements by state or federal agencies, an exception to use of the standard may be granted by the City Engineer or the person designated by Gallatin County for projects overseen by the entity granting the exception. If an exception is granted a conversion between the standard used and the NAVD88 standard should be provided. The use of the NAVD88 standard by all persons preparing infrastructure plans is encouraged. III. Updating of the Standard. The County, Belgrade, and Bozeman will accept and use the North American Vertical Datum 1988 (NAVD 88), or the most current adopted NGS Vertical Datum for the United States and Territories subsequent to the adoption of an updated vertical datum by the U.S. National Geodetic Survey. IN WITNESS whereof the parties hereto have set their hands and affixed their seals. *** End of Agreement Except for Signatures *** 121 Page 3 of 5 GALLATIN COUNTY COMMISSION DATED THIS __________ DAY OF ________________________, 2019 _______________________________ JOE P. SKINNER CHAIRMAN ATTEST: ____________________________________ ___________________ ERIC SEMERAUD, CLERK AND RECORDER DATE 122 Page 4 of 5 CITY OF BELGRADE DATED THIS __________DAY OF ____________________, 2019 _________________________________ RUSSELL C. NELSON MAYOR ATTEST: ________________________________ _____________________ SUSAN CALDWELL DATE CITY CLERK 123 Page 5 of 5 CITY OF BOZEMAN DATED THIS DAY OF ________________________, 2019 ____________________________________ CYNTHIA L ANDRUS MAYOR ATTEST: ___________________________________ ______________________ ROBIN CROUGH DATE CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: _________________________________ GREG SULLIVAN City Attorney 124