HomeMy WebLinkAboutProject Narrative 10-01-2019 Project Summary: This is a Special Use Permit Application to allow the existing residence located at 3025 Westridge Drive to be used as transitional housing for woman and families as part of the HRDC’s Warming Center. The subject property is located just north of where South 3rd Avenue Ts into Graf Street. The two-level home was constructed in 1981 and contains nine bedrooms. The large lot is 14,244 square feet in area including a portion of vacated railroad right of way to the west. There is a two-car garage accessed from the driveway off of Westridge Drive. The property is zoned “R-1” Residential Single Household District. Transitional Housing is permitted as a Special Use Permit (SUP) in this zone. Transitional housing is defined in the Unified Development Code as: “The use of a site by a government or non-profit agency for individuals and/or households who are making the transition from homelessness to community living or who are in need of emergency housing. Other names for this use include warming center, transitional shelters, transitional living programs and transitional housing programs. This type of use may include on-site related services and facilities for residents and may also include services and facilities for non-residents if permitted by the underlying zone.” One any given day, HRDC estimates 100-150 neighbors are experiencing homelessness in Gallatin County. 263 individuals accessed a warm, safe place to sleep during the 2018-2019 winter season. Due to the graciousness and generosity of Christ the King Lutheran Church, HRDC was able to host 61 women and 9 families this past winter. This location, while certainly appreciated, can be problematic, especially for families with young children, due the limited hours of 9pm-6am that are required for the church to also be able to function. The proposed location would better serve these woman and families by providing better hours and more consistency combined with on-site services to help with employment and finding permanent housing. Responses to Section 38.360.135: 1. Transitional and emergency housing may be provided in: a. A shared structure on any level where residential use is allowed; b. A mixed-use structure on any level where residential use is allowed; c. Detached ground-level units only if the units include individual bathrooms. The proposed use would be located in the existing structure. Residential uses are allowed on all levels in the R1 zone. 2. The structure must be on a permanent foundation. The structure is located on a permanent foundation. 3. The tract or parcel of land on which the use is proposed must be under single ownership, or the application for the use must be filed jointly by all of the owners of the property to be included in the development. The property will be solely owned by the HRDC. 4. On-site facilities and related services are provided only for the residents of the transitional and emergency housing unless the provision of such services to non-residents is permitted in the applicable zoning district. Proposed on-site services are limited only to those staying at the property. 5. This use is exempt from parkland dedication requirements. Open-space requirements per section 38.520.060 apply. 37 SF of open space per maximum occupant is required. 36 (occupancy maximum) x 37 = 1,332 SF. The existing landscaped yard space is more than adequate to meet this requirement. See SP-1 in the drawing set. 6. A management plan from the applicant addressing the following factors: a. Provision for continuous on-site management from an employee or volunteer during all hours of operation. b. Staff training. c. Intake screening of clients to ensure compatibility with services provided at the facility. d. Client code of conduct. e. Provision of on-site storage for clients' belongings. f. Security measures to be adopted. A draft Management Plan is included in the submittal. Additional criteria. The review authority may, in its sole discretion, apply additional criteria the review authority deems necessary to mitigate impact(s) of the proposed use as a condition of approving a special use permit, including but not limited to: 1. The site where such use is proposed is within ¼ mile of a sheltered public transit stop. 2. Limitation on the maximum occupancy and/or number of beds provided by the facility. HRDC will use a shuttle to transport guests to a from key locations as noted in the Management Plan. The existing bedrooms are proposed to be used for 1-4 beds depending on the overall needs and configuration of woman and individual families needing shelter. The total number of occupants would not exceed 36; however, the nightly average is anticipated to be much lower. Please refer to the proposed floor plans in the Drawing Set for additional detail. Required Narrative Responses: 1. Project Narrative providing a thorough description of what uses are being proposed and how they will function on the site and including detailed responses to the following: a. Response to the requirement that requires that the site for the proposed use is adequate in size and topography to accommodate such use, and all yards, spaces walls and fences, parking loading and landscaping are adequate to property relate such use with the land and uses in the vicinity The site is well-suited and adequate in size to support the proposed use and number of occupants. With 14,244 square feet, the existing structure as well as the existing parking, yard area and vegetation all support the proposed use. In fact, minimal changes are needed to utilize this property for transitional housing. Topography is not an issue as the site is relatively flat and already developed. In terms of parking, please see the detailed narrative under Number 6 below. b. Response to the requirement that the proposed use will have no material adverse effect upon the abutting property. Persons objecting to the recommendations of review bodies carry the burden of proof Transitional housing for woman and families in this location will help to satisfy a demonstrated community need. Management by the HRDC will ensure no material adverse effects on the abutting properties. A key element is that the on-site parking spaces are only allowed to be used by volunteers and staff. Guest vehicles are not allowed at the Westridge location per the Management Plan. Woman that have a vehicle can park at the HRDC Main office at 32 S. Tracy. A shuttle will provide transportation between the HRDC and the Westridge location. c. Response to the requirement of any special conditions of approval necessary to protect the public health, safety and general welfare. No such additional conditions have been identified. 2. Location/vicinity map, including area within one-half mile of the site. A location and vicinity map have been provided both on Form A1 and in the Drawing Set, Sheet SP-1 as required. 3. Site plan with north arrow showing property dimensions, location of buildings, parking, driveways, off street loading, landscaping, location of utilities, access, pedestrian facilities, and use location. Suggested scale of 1 inch to 20 feet, but not less than 1 inch to 100 feet. See SP-1. 4. Floor plans showing floor layout including square footage and proposed use for each room and area within the building. Suggested scale of ¼ to one foot. See FP-1 and FP-2. 5. For alcohol production sales and serving and gaming uses the floor plan shall show complete floor layout of restaurant with production/manufacturing/kitchen uses, gaming area and restaurant serving areas (seating) by location and square footage. Non-applicable. 6. Parking calculations for all uses, including detailed calculations of deductions, if proposed. The code requires 0.25 parking spaces per resident at maximum occupancy. 0.25 x 36 = 9 required parking spaces. There are 3 on-site spaces and 1 on-street space. As noted in the attached Management Plan guest vehicles are not allowed at the Westridge location. Only volunteer and staff vehicles allowed during Warming Center operational hours. Guests of the Westridge location can park at the HRDC Main office at 32 S. Tracy during the evenings and overnight. A shuttle will transport guests back and forth between locations. Please refer to the Management Plan for additional details.