HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-07-19 City Commission Packet Materials - A4. Joint Meeting of the City Commission and ASMSU - SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALS (2)Academic Year 2018-2019 MSU-City of Bozeman project collaborations: 3 classes & projects 18 students 3 faculty members 4 disciplines GIS – Public Art Map Web Overlay (Geography 358: GPS Mapping Service Learning; 7 students; Faculty lead: Nick Fox; COB project lead: Chris Kangas, GIS) City GIS staff worked with three MSU student groups (seven students total) from a senior level Geography course in Fall 2018 to gather the clean spatial data needed to add public art installations around town as a layer on the City’s public interactive mapping application. The data layer collected by the students is hosted on the City’s interactive mapping page, allowing members of the public to view public art installation locations and descriptions. The City mayor, Cyndy Andrus, and City project lead, Chris Kangas attended final student presentations to recognize the students’ good work and service to the City. Reference: https://gisweb.bozeman.net/Html5Viewer/?viewer=planning Architectural Design – Accessory Dwelling Units (Architecture 451: 8 students; Faculty lead: Ralph Johnson; COB project leads: Danielle Garber, Courtney Johnson, Community Development) The City of Bozeman’s Community Development staff worked with eight students enrolled in a graduate community design course in the MSU School of Architecture to design six ADUs for community use. Students created ADU design options and developed helpful resources for community members interested in adding an ADU to their property to assist them in getting started. Six community members offered their own residential properties as design sites. Students developed: - ADU design proposals for 6 sites that meet zoning and building requirements in Bozeman based on homeowners’ needs; - Construction documents for each site and cost estimates; - Models of designs for each site; - Community outreach materials & presentations (Design Review Board presentation; City Commission meeting presentation and public open house; “Is an ADU for You?” flyer, an ADU Buyers Guide; and production of an ADU informational video (in collaboration with students from the MSU School of Film and Photography). Reference: https://www.bozeman.net/government/planning/msu-adu-project Education – Developing Youth Understanding of Street Design for Traffic Calming & Safety (EDCI 588: Science Assessment Principles; 2 students; Faculty lead: Marcie Reuer; COB project lead: Tanya Andreasen, Neighborhoods Coordinator) Bozeman is encouraging neighborhood-based efforts to address traffic safety concerns by supporting the installation of low-cost temporary pop-up traffic calming projects. Secondary school teachers enrolled in an MSU graduate education course assisted the City in adding to its public outreach and awareness materials on traffic calming by developing lesson plans that can be implemented in STEM classrooms at the middle school level. The lesson plans introduce students to the purpose of traffic calming and to a variety of traffic calming strategies. Students apply this knowledge to develop solutions to a specific transportation scenario using creativity and the engineering design process. The course also explored a variety of performance evaluation and data analysis techniques to measure the effectiveness of traffic calming measures, which were incorporated into the lesson plans as well as into a “Pop-Up Traffic Calming Guide” and other public information and resource materials produced for the City. Reference: website in development by City to host resources (See WTI in this document) [In progress] Fall 2019 MSU-City of Bozeman project collaborations: 5 classes & projects 27 students 5 faculty members 5 disciplines Film – Visual Media production for Fire Safety Awareness & Public Education (Film 301: Issues in Lens-Based Media; 5 students; Faculty lead: Lucia Ricciardelli; COB project lead: Josh Waldo, Fire Chief) MSU film students will develop visual media to improve fire and accident prevention awareness among Bozeman community members. These students have partnered with Bozeman Fire to capture local footage that is relevant and recognizable to our community. Environmental Health – Research and Documentation of Environmental Health Issues for Students Living in Off-campus Housing (BIOM 210: Principles of Environmental Health Science; 5 students; Faculty lead: Mari Eggers; COB project lead: Tanya Andreasen, Neighborhoods Coordinator) The tight housing market and the widespread lack of adequate literacy about environmental health issues associated with housing and with independent living, put students at potential risk from environmental health hazards. The goal for this course project is to research and document a variety of environmental health issues related to off-campus housing (e.g. radon, lead paint, well water safety, asbestos, etc.) and recommended responses. The material will be compiled for incorporation as sections or chapters in a handbook, social media, and web content for student renters. Environmental Engineering – Stormwater Testing and Treatment Designs (EENV 341: Physical and Chemical Processes; 10 students; Faculty lead: Ellen Lauchnor; COB project lead: Frank Greenhill, Stormwater Specialist) Students will test stormwater samples provided by the City of Bozeman Stormwater Division. Based on laboratory findings, students will develop stormwater management design ideas to assist the City in implementing its stormwater management plan. OR…in Frank’s words: “Conduct analyses of pollutant concentrations and particle size distributions from an urban stormwater discharge treated by a Contech hydrodynamic separator treatment unit best management practice (BMP) and from an urban stormwater discharge lacking a treatment BMP”. Planning – Urban Design Manual Inputs (GPHY 520: Land Use Planning; 2 students; Faculty lead: Sarah Church; COB project lead: Sarah Rosenberg, Planning Department) Students will work with the City of Bozeman to provide two different reports based on policy and code. The first project will be analyzing a portion of the Bozeman Municipal Code that can be included in an Urban Design Manual. The second will be a policy brief that analyzes a topic and demonstrate how tools can be used to handle the issue. Design – Traffic Calming Pop-Up Project Design (Honors 494: Design Thinking for the Community; 5 students; Faculty lead: Brad Stanton; COB project lead: Tanya Andreasen, Neighborhoods Coordinator) Students will develop and utilize a process for student body engagement to develop an effective pop-up traffic calming design to implement on College between 8th and 11th to improve bike and pedestrian safety through the corridor.