HomeMy WebLinkAboutEsper, James (2) BOZEMAN p'OLlCE DEPARTMENT f(O~LB02~~.,. Law & JUSTlce CenTeR (~.~rtJ~._.,f-[_~7~.~.~s. 615 SOUTh 16Th Avenue ';;~~;;l-~--o~{l Bozeman, MT 59715 ';:' !V co. ~.j..j. <-.,-.."" (406) 582-2000 roD/TTY 582-2001 FAX 582-2002 Police.Orricer- Oath or Orrice State of Montana ) County of Gallatin) 55 City of Bozeman ) I, TPAViS- L (Y\\A.....\1i'~ , do solemnly swear (or affirm) tha t I w~ll support, protect and defend the consti tution of the Uni ted Sta tes and the consti tut~on of the Sta te of Man tan a and that I w~ll discharge the dut~es of my office as Police Officer w~ th f~deli ty; that I have not paid or contributed, or promised to pay or contr~bute, either directly or ind~rectly, any money or other valuable thing for the performance or non-performance of any act or duty pertaining to my office other than the compensation allowed by law. So help me God. - I.' ..J'~OA-1.'J ,t- /Jl{A,~t Officer Signature SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 19th day of June , 19~ 1~1j '11/ l~:--------- NOTARY PUBLIC FOR MONTANA Residing at Bozeman, MT My commission expires: Jan 11. 2000 SeRVinG SInce ApRZL 12, 1883 . . .. ' .. The Law Enforcement Code or Ethics As a law enforcement officer, my fundamental duty is to serve the communi ty; to safeguard lives and property; to protect the ~nnocent against deception, the weak against oppression or intimidation, and the peaceful against violence or disorder; and to respect the constitut~onal rights of all to liberty, equality and justice. I will keep my private life unsullied as an example to all and will behave in a manner which does not bring discredi t to me or my agency. I will maintain courageous calm in the face of danger, scorn, or r~dicule; develop self restraint; and be constantly mindful of the welfare of others. Honest in thought and deed in both my personal and official l~fe, I will be exemplary in obey~ng the law and the regulations of my department. Whatever I see or hear of a confidential nature or that ~s confided to me in my official capac~ty will be kept ever secret unless revelation is necessary in the performance of my duty. I will never act officiously or perm~t personal feelings, pre] ud~ces, poli tical beliefs, aspira tions, animosi ties or fr~endsh~ps to influence my dec~s~ons. With no compromise for the crime and with relentless prosecution of criminals, I w~ll enforce the law courteously and appropriately without fear or favor, malice or ill will, never employing unnecessary force or violence and never accepting gratuities. I recognize the badge of my office as a symbol of public fai th, and I accept it as a public trust to be held so long as I am true to the ethics of police service. I will never engage in acts of br~bery nor w~ll I condone such acts by other police officers. I will cooperate with legally authorized agencies and the~r representat~ves in the pursuit of justice. I know that I alone am responsible for my own standard ot- professional performance and will take every opportunity to enhance and improve my level of knowledge and competence. I w~ll constantly strive to ach~eve these objectives and ideals, dedica ting myself before God and my chosen profession Law Enforcement. Adm~n~stered this ~ day of \ ,J~C<<'1- / i /71VVVL12' Off~cer Signature ~. /~ ' 191;{ /