HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-07-19 City Commission Packet Materials - C4. Access Easement and Agreement with Gallatin Center LP for the Crestview Condos Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Anna Russell, Engineer II Shawn Kohtz, City Engineer SUBJECT: Authorize the City Manager to sign a Sanitary Sewer Pipeline and Access Easement and Agreement with Gallatin Center LP for the Crestview Condos project on Thomas Drive. MEETING DATE: October 7, 2019 AGENDA ITEM TYPE: Consent Agenda RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the City Manager to sign a Sanitary Sewer Pipeline and Access Easement and Agreement with Gallatin Center LP for the Crestview Condos project on Thomas Drive. BACKGROUND: Attached is a copy (original to City Clerk) of the partially executed agreement. Engineering staff reviewed the document and found it to be acceptable. FISCAL EFFECTS: N/A ALTERNATIVES: As suggested by the City Commission. Attachments: Sanitary Sewer Pipeline and Access Easement and Agreement Report compiled on: 9/17/19 71 s\•sl•S]I8)II-I'^iuQi&l^ili^sfflS x0^lffll.^tolQ &< fflgINI^IgIiiVI(/2Ku^IIwp^(^rtIwi/2s<Ii11§ffll11d"35 .&iib^'-o Gl1,5^ ^U "3 2I i I ^I ^ s ^^ si I i I^ -I 3 ^!'11 itlUHINJIss^1S|:I^ ^0 5-g ^•2^uIll 1.1iII II 115"i "^3 ^ Sli^il5 - i. i^1.111111 IIM .-5 yG" <uOfl ^0-^^gl!lisII i| It-S ^3s ^11il til'S3'^ISIIillil5::ltoS S ^1 8 -s'^1^111ulr"313"!•;I ?, I'i5 MI!Itri^^IHt^ &I ^ 11^ I>U c^<^ 0 &<I:winu^ ^!S^s^^ti^.lII•-i3B S_" s^11^.l.^•^a2 s^ ^I•Im^^i^ "3'II^ a>^^ s< riII02 v^I-'£|i!u•s wiSII^>si^I"'-g ^H<^t/3&s1^.^Qi!ii.Ill^—f (UF-i &. -c1w<uIs<4-10§1111E353 <u <u u5II.1s s Illi^^^T3racc3^u"Ullu^s>-s? u uPL,&2^ubfl ^="300% us^(UsuM>^0stfsMHBa%^)0?>^cn(U's^S .E•3<4-<c&^s&fls ^•c^IllT3cd^!=!&<casII-s s.& ^-dsbfiu^0&*J-<u'§u^2&.^faOT3VI§1^!=!0^u&->,us^cd<u^ i •§Ill^ I0 •r-j1~^ s ss"'iils 11^1§ tiiytilltillliii11 yI! 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