HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-07-19 City Commission Packet Materials - C12. Res 5105, CO 2 with Knife River-Belgrade for the Cottonwood Road Project Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Bob Murray, Project Engineer Shawn Kohtz, City Engineer SUBJECT: Resolution 5105 authorizing Change Order No. 2 to the Cottonwood Road from Babcock to Durston Project. MEETING DATE: October 7, 2019 AGENDA ITEM TYPE: Consent RECOMMENDATION: Approve Resolution 5105 authorizing Change Order No. 2 to the Cottonwood Road from Babcock to Durston Project. BACKGROUND: Attached is a copy of resolution 5105 and change order number 2 for the above referenced project. The project as bid had a unit price item to import borrow material because there was not expected to be any material on site that was acceptable to use for fill under the roadway. While doing the excavation on the project, enough suitable gravel material was found on site, eliminating the need to purchase and import the material. This reduction in the unit price accounts for the contractor not having to import material from another source to construct the fill areas on the project. There is no change to contract time. The final recommended change in cost and time for these items is reasonable and commensurate with the work involved. UNRESOLVED ISSUES: None ALTERNATIVES: As suggested by the City Commission. FISCAL EFFECTS: This change order decreases the contract amount by $90,000.00 from $5,238,349.50 to $5,148,349.50. Attachments: Resolution No 5105, Change Order No 2 Report compiled on: 9/26/19 143 1 of 2 RESOLUTION NO. 5105 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, APPROVING ALTERATION/MODIFICATION OF CONTRACT WITH KNIFE RIVER - BELGRADE, BELGRADE, MONTANA. WHEREAS, the City Commission did, on the 3rd day of June 2019, authorize award of the bid for the City of Bozeman Cottonwood Road from Babcock St. to Durston Rd. project, to Knife River - Belgrade, Belgrade, Montana; and WHEREAS, Section 7-5-4308, Montana Code Annotated, provides that any such alterations or modifications of the specifications and/or plans of the contract be made by resolution; and WHEREAS, it has become necessary in the prosecution of the work to make alterations or modifications to the specifications and/or plans of the contract. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, that the proposed modifications and/or alterations to the contract between the City of Bozeman, a municipal corporation, and Knife River - Belgrade, as contained in Change Order No. 2, attached hereto, be and the same are hereby approved; and the City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract change order for and on behalf of the City; and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to attest such signature. 144 Resolution No. 5105, Change Order 2 for Cottonwood Road from Babcock Street to Durston Road Project 2 of 2 PASSED, ADOPTED, and APPROVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, at a regular session thereof held on the 7th day of October, 2019. ______________________________________ CHRIS MEHL Deputy Mayor ATTEST: ________________________________________ ROBIN CROUGH City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ______________________________________ GREG SULLIVAN City Attorney 145 CHANGE ORDERNo. 2_DATE OF ISSUANCEEFFECTIVE DATEOWNER: City ofBozemanCONTRACTOR Knife River - BelgradeContract: Cottonwood Road from Babcock to Durston dated June 3. 2019Project: Cottonwood Road from Babcock to Durston OWNER'S Contract No.ENGINEER: RPA _ ENGINEER'S Contract No. 14510.002You are directed to make the following changes in the Contract Documents:•Use on-site native suitable material for embankment, instead of using imported borrow material. Thecontractor was able to excavate, salvage, and stockpile the buried layer of suitable gravels for re-use inother areas of the project. Revise bid item #41 Imported Borrow from $65 per cubic yard to $20 per cubicyard. The project requires 2,000 cubic yards. The overall cost is revised from $130,000 to $40,000.Reason for Change Order: Cost savings of $90,000.Attachments: (List documents supporting change)CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE:Original Contract Price$ 5.207.849.50Net Increase (Decrease) from previous ChangeOrders No. _[ __ to _:$ 30.500.00Contract Price prior to this Change Order:$5.238.349.50Net increase (decrease) of this Change Order:$ f90.000.00'lContract Price with all approved Change Orders:$5.148.349.50CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIMES:Original Contract Times:Substantial Completion: 211 calendar days_Ready for final payment:(days or dates)Net change from previous Change Orders No. _ toNo._:Substantial Completion: n/aReady for final payment:(days)Contract Times prior to this Change Order:Substantial Completion: 211 calendar daysReady for final payment:(days or dates)Net increase (decrease) this Change Order:Substantial Completion: 0 calendar daysReady for final payment:(days)Contract Times with all approved Change Orders:Substantial Completion: 211 calendar daysReady for final payment:(days or dates)CHANGE ORDER FORMPage 1 of 3146 Contractor certifies and agrees that there are no additional costs or claims for extra work, additional time, delays oromitted items, of any nature whatsoever, associated with the subject change order items, except as identified andset forth herein and unless expressly stated otherwise in the Change Order. And further, that the price agreed-uponherein represents the full cost and value for the subject work performed and the materials supplied under the termsof the contract and that the work quantities and value were properly determined and are correct.M^ /i &^^ at-ywcfCONTRACTOR (Authorized Signature) DateRECOMMENDED BY:APPROVED BY:U'J/XA^- 1/5/n(ENGINEER - Signature) Date OWNER (Authorized Signature) DateCHANGE ORDER FORMPage 2 of 3147 CHANGE ORDERINSTRUCTIONSA.GENERAL INFORMATIONThis document was developed to provide a uniform format for handling contract changes that affect ContractPrice or Conta-act Times. Changes that have been initiated by a Work Change Directive must be incorporated intoa subsequent Change Order if they affect Price or Times.Changes that affect Contract Price or Contract Times should be promptly covered by a Change Order. Thepractice of accumulating Change Orders to reduce the administrative burden may lead to unnecessary disputes.If Milestones have been listed in the Agreement, any effect of a Change Order thereon should be addressed.For supplemental instructions and minor changes not involving a change in the Contract Price or Contract Times,a Field Order should be used.B.COMPLETING THE CHANGE ORDER FORMEngineer normally initiates the form, including a description of the changes involved and attachments based upondocuments and proposals submitted by Contractor, or requests from Owner, or both.Once Engineer has completed and signed the form, all copies should be sent to Owner or Contractor for approval,depending on whether the Change Order is a tme order to the Contractor or the formalization of a negotiatedagreement for a previously performed change. After approval by one contracting party, all copies should be sentto the other party for approval. Engineer should make distribution of executed copies after approval by bothparties.If a change only applies to price or to times, cross out the part of the tabulation that does not apply.CHANGE ORDER FORMPage 3 of 3148 ?-<KNIFE RIVERAN MDU RESOURCES COMPANYwww.kniferiver.comIntermountain Region-Belgrade DivisionPO Box 9Belgrade, MT 59714(406) 388-6832(406) 388-8347 FaxAugust 28,2019Staci VennerRobert Peccia & Associates3810 Valley Commons Dr. Suite 4Bozemaii,MT59718Serial Letter-05RE: Cottonwood Road from Babcock St. to Durston Rd.Imported BorrowStad,On May 20th, 2019 we provided revised pricing for the Imported Borrow item based onobtaining the borrow material from the high school project site that adjoins theCottonwood project.We have been able to use on site material from our excavation work for the borrowmaterial. Since we can use this on-site material, we propose the following:Since suitable borrow material is available on-site on the Cottonwood project for our use,we can adjust our umt price for item 41 Imported Borrow to $20.00 per cubic yard.If you have any questions, please call me at 924-5602.Respectfully,/LfSteven R. BaethProject Manager / EstimatorKnife River - BelgradeEQUAL OPPORTUNin EMPLOYER149